Our Family: Him and I Sequel

By supergirlfan124

10.7K 379 91

So this is the Sequel to Him and I! Nova and Elara are now thirteen years old. Their lil bro Hudson is ten, a... More

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Update on Melwood!
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s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n

t w e n t y

458 14 17
By supergirlfan124

A Three Year Timeskip: Twins are juniors(16 years old), Hudson is in his freshman year, Avery is now in sixth grade.

Kara's alarm always went off at precisely 6:03 am. She gave herself seven minutes to cuddle with her husband, and try to wake herself and him up, before both of them got out of bed by 6:10. She'd change out of her pajamas and into her work clothes, today it was soft navy slacks and a patterned blouse, and do her makeup and hair.

Mon El would shower, he always did in the mornings and she did at night. Today Mon El was wearing jeans and gray button up. They both had all their stuff wrapped up and were downstairs at 6:40.

Age and the stress of balancing it all had caught up to Kara, even though she didn't look a day over 30, and so Supergirl was only needed for big things the police couldn't handle on their own, so Kara was definitely less stressed out now, especially because the twins were driving now. They shared a car, and Hudson rode with them to school, making it a lot easier for her. She just had to drop of Avery at her middle school, which was a charter school emphasizing STEM. Avery loved science and math, she wanted to research genetics when she was older, or work in chemical engineering.

Elara and Nova were star students. Nova was still excelling at gymnastics, and is varsity cheer's junior capital, and involved in musical theatre. She was taking multiple AP's and was junior class president. Elara was junior captain of varsity cross country and track, after joining a few weeks into sophomore year. Both of them had their powers dampened to level the playing field for sports. She was in musical theatre, theatre tech, taking college courses, and taking multiple AP's. She also wrote the sports section for the school newspaper. Even though they were identical twins, they still enjoyed different things, though they shared a love for musical theatre.

Elara was still dating Casey, who also ran cross country and track. Nova was very happy with her girlfriend Maia, they were an adorable couple.

Hudson was playing soccer, and enjoying his freshman year. He had straight A's, was even taking AP World History, and honors precalculus, and was a bright, happy child. He played the drums for the school marching band, and had a crush on a very cute color guard girl named Tia.

Kara and Mon El had raised four extremely smart children, which they did not attribute to themselves.

Elara and Nova left around six forty five, saying goodbye and dragging their brother with them. They had zero periods, for journalism and leadership respectively, so Hudson just hung out at the school library and did homework or went to grab a smoothie at the plaza next to the high school.

Mon El dropped Avery off to school and left for work, while Kara drove to LCorp to meet Lena for coffee.

"Hey Kara!" Lena greeted, as she entered the office. "Excuse the mess, the kids are here because their nanny has the flu, James watched them yesterday so it's my turn, we can have our coffee on the balcony."

"Hi kids," Kara said smiling, as she looked at Lena's three year old triplets, two girls and a boy. The girls were identical, tanned, with pin straight dark hair and round hazel eyes. Amara Lyric, and Caroline Echo were their names. Sage Galway was a little fairer, with curly dark hair and the cutest brown eyes.

They all looked up from whatever they were playing with and gave Kara a smile. Caroline got up and gave Kara a hug, she was the least shy and introverted. Amara, followed her sister and shyly hugged Kara, while Sage simply gave her a little wave.

Kara mixed some creamer into her coffee, Lena drank it black as always, a caffeine deprived mother of three. Kara loved this new, slightly less uptight and polished Lena. Her blouse had a small paint splotch on it, and her jeans were much less formal than her slacks. She had slapped on some concealer and a red lip to try and look more awake, because Sage had Aspergers, and it was a little bit challenging for Lee to manage everything on top of her company. Her hair was in a messy bun, something unheard of just three years ago.

"How are the kids Lee?" Kara asked, sipping her coffee. 

"It's going well, we're starting them in preschool pretty soon. They are showing promising signs of being extremely smart."

"Obviously," Kara said with an eye roll. "You have an IQ of 235. It's genetic for them"

"Lillian was pissed when I had a higher one than Lex's 225. She was fuming."

"I can imagine that. Speaking of, how is prison life treating her? Does she know about her grandkids?"

"Well, and she knows. She's talked to them on the phone, her psych made me let her do that. She's barking mad. How are the girls? Hudson?"

"The twins drive themselves to school now, which is frankly, frightening. Hudson is doing well, he made the varsity soccer team and is very excited about it. Aves is loving her STEM classes, she wants to work on some labs with you."

"Tell her she is welcome, and before I forget, Sam wanted me to give you this!" Lena said, handing Kara a fancy embossed envelope.

It was an invitation to Ruby's baby shower. "How far along is she?"

"Seven months," Lena said, smiling. "She started dating the father her junior year of college, they got married last summer at the city court, even Sam wasn't there. Name's Asher Morgan."

"The Asher Morgan. As in heir to Plutronics, the biggest manufacturer of scientific goods in the United States."

"Yes, that Asher Morgan. They went to Stanford together," Lena said, showing her a picture. He had curly dark hair, a deep tan, and sweet brown eyes. He was very handsome, and definitely matched Ruby just from the look of him. 

"I can't believe she's twenty six now, she's a little older than I was when I had the twins. I haven't talked to her in a while, since she moved to Seattle."

"Well, Sam told me it was a girl, they were planning to name her Flora Arias Morgan."

"I need to call Ruby, I have not been very much in touch."

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