Road Trip

By hannahelizabeth19XX

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All it takes in a road trip; to find yourself, make the best memories of your life, or simply get away and tr... More



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By hannahelizabeth19XX

 The next morning, I woke to Jensen already in the process of packing up what we had in the hotel room. There was a wide assortment of various fruits covering the small table currently situated between Jensen in the kitchen area and me in bed still. 

 He hadn't noticed I'd woken up just yet which gave me the opportunity to watch him move around swiftly as he placed things in bags and organized everything else. I couldn't help but admire the structure of his slightly toned back while he was turned away, humming to himself. 

 Soon enough, I'd stirred around which caused Jensen to hear the rustling of the covers. He turned to face me, a small smile on his lips, the humming coming to a stop. A smile danced across my own lips as I tried to block out the blinding sunlight coming through the curtains.

 "All you can eat fruit this morning. Anything left we can take with us for the drive home," Jensen stated before resuming the consistent hum and packing. 

 I thanked him and pushed the layers of cover off my body which I instantly regretted. I pulled the large comforter off the top of the bed and wrapped myself in it as I moved quickly to the colourful display of fruits. I don't typically eat much in the morning but there was no turning down all of that deliciousness. 

 Just after Jensen packed the last bit of our belongings, he snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug from behind as his free hand reached for a strawberry in front of us. He popped it into his mouth and released me. I took one last piece of pineapple before pulling out a  light royal blue hoodie and pair of my favourite black Lululemon leggings and heading to the bathroom to freshen up before going home. 


 I met Jensen out at the car when I was done getting ready. He checked us out and we left to the first Tim Hortons we could find for large coffees. 

 Jensen went in to get our coffees while I decided to stay in the car. On his way back, I could see the large box as well which was a dead give away that he couldn't resist the donuts, muffins, and croissants, not that I minded. 

 I reached across the middle console of the car to open his door so he didn't drop anything. "Here ya go," he stated handing my coffee over to me first, "and these," followed by the box of baked goods. "Oh, and that's my hoodie you're wearing." He said matter-of-factly, pointing at my mid-body.  

 "Okay, here, you can have it back." I giggled a little. He was in the middle of sipping his coffee as he glanced over to take hold of the hoodie. He'd nearly spat the hot liquid but choked it down, coughing before he spoke. "Shit, put it back on! I'm not driving you home in a sports bra." 

 I laughed way more than I should've as I slipped the giant hoodie back over my head and stuck my arms through. After having it back on I shrugged. "Don't say I didn't offer it back," I continued laughing a little more. He shook his head at me a laughed. 

 We got back on the highway in no time and began our hours long drive home from our first of many trips to come. 


 The drive was fairly quiet for the first hour or so. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence by any means it was just a lack of noise. That had been our first road trip together and I couldn't help myself when the thought of doing this more often came to mind. I loved it. 

 "We should do this again soon." 

 Jensen pulled his eyes off the road and glanced at me with a wide smile across his whole face. "That sounds like a great idea. The next time we can get a larger span of time off work, we gotta take another adventure." 

 I nodded my head in agreement, I definitely thought that we had to take off, away from the world again. The rest of the drive back was filled with little conversations here and there as well as some much appreciated mini naps along the way. Though we'd stopped part way through the drive there, we didn't on the way back, we decided to do the entire drive in one go. 

 Just because we'd made the decision not to stop at a hotel and spend the night this time, that doesn't mean we didn't make plenty of stops. Within the first two hours of the car ride, we'd polished off all the fruit packed up from that morning. 

 At almost every small convenience store, one of us would get out for another snack run. This time it was my turn to run in quickly. "Any specifics this time?" I questioned before leaving the car. 

 "Jerky this time, I think I need something that isn't sweet. Any that are spicy, original if there aren't spicy ones." He pulled out his wallet to hand me his card. I declined again, "I'm not taking your card, no matter how many times you try!" I said before quickly hopping out of the vehicle. I made it about two steps away from the car before the window rolled down and he kept trying to persuade me. It didn't work. 

 I pulled a large bag of chips from the shelf, followed by a bag of Jensens jerky. I slipped my wallet out of my purse up at the counter as the cashier began ringing up the snacks. I couldn't resist the chocolate up at the front counter so I tossed two of those up as well. 

 "Do you need a bag today?" The boy behind the counter asked. 

 I smiled at him and shook my head, "No thanks, I'm okay today." 

He smiled back and slid everything a little closer to me. I slid the two chocolate bars into my purse and took the chips and jerky out to the car. Now that we had snacks for a little while longer, we were back on the road again for the last three hours of the drive. 

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