By Rylcaphia

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●••●••●••●••●••●••●••●••●••●••●••● Synopsis: •Y/N L/N is a teenager from 2019, But what if a 'wrap in time'... More

▪Author Note▪
•Chapter 1: An Unexpected Start•
•Chapter 2: The Trashmouth and The Stutter
•Chapter 3: Georgie? And........•
•Chapter 4: "Welcome to Jail, Y/N"•
•Chapter 5: "Riddles and Rhymes"•
•Chapter 6: "Summer Violent"•
•Chapter 7:"Passing Around With Some Familiar Faces"•
•"Chapter 8:Thank You Eddie!"•
•Chapter 9:"The Battle of the Ship Wars"•
•Chapter 10:"Na Na Na? (Uhh..)"•
•Chapter 11:"Shut Up Y/N!"•
•Chapter 12:"Welcome To The Losers Club"•
•Chapter 13:"Diner Frustrations" •
•Chapter 14:"Sisters of the Fiction"•
•Chapter 15:"From Screen to Reality"•
•Chapter 16:"Well Well Well?"•
•Chapter 17:"Hello?"•
•Chapter 18:"Stanley's Bar Mitzavah"•
♧Christmas Special♧
•Chapter 20:"Fear..Fear..Fear..Bill..Fear..Fear..Fear.."•
•Chapter 21: " 'L-LIKE, KILL AND FIND' "•
•Chapter 22:"Fix Whatever's Broken"•
•Chapter 23:"Losers Stick Together"•
•Chapter 24:"Face Your Fears Pt. I: BOW to the losERS"•
•Chapter 25:"Face Your Fears Pt. 2: You /have/ No one to trust but me"•
•Chapter 26:"Face Your Fears Pt.3: be STrong ANd LEt Yourself go"•
•Chapter 27:"Face Your Fears Pt.4: the Beast Inside on aLL of us"•
•Chapter 28.1:"His Last Sight Is Her"•
•Chapter 28.2:"Her First Sight Of Him"•
•Chapter 29:"Welcome To The Losers Club... Asshole"•
•Chapter 30:"The Wise Decision Of Penny"•
•Chapter 31:"Goodbyes, Wishes and Kisses"•
•Chapter 32:"The Quarry with Stanley"•
•Token of Memoirs•
•Token of Memoirs No. 1•
•Token of Memoirs No. 2•
•Token Of Memoirs No. 3•
•Table of Contents•
•Richie's Draft•
•Eddie's Draft•
•Stanley's Draft•

•Chapter 19:"Youth"•

879 25 52
By Rylcaphia

August of 1989,

( Saturday. 3:00 pm.)

       It has been a week since Stanley's Bar Mitzvah. Since then I have nothing to do other than just hang out by myself, practice my powers and hope that IT doesn't come out of nowhere in a wrong timing.

I was on my bed, laying and staring at my floating pillow, yes I know pillow. I was just focusing and just keep it flaoting around my room as I listen to my earphones, 'Youth by Daughters' playing as I silently watch and make multiple objects float into my room. As I did this I fiddled with my fingers as the guitar intro came on.

'Shadows settle on the place, that you left
Our minds are troubled by the emptiness
Destroy the middle, it's a waste of time
From the perfect start to the finish line'

I close my eyes, just thinking as I kept asking myself, how did I end up in here? It has been almost half a year since I ended up in here. Wondering when am I going to go back.

But do I want too? I mean my life here is perfect, no rumors, with the Losers and I got to have this sick powers. Back on the reality, I felt.....empty.

Yet I thought, if i'm in a fantasy world, then none of this is real all of the good stuff that has been happening, these abilities of mine, this life. This is what I want, and sometimes, well most of time for me, fantasies and dreams don't come true. They are just on your imaginations.

But this felt real, is this real? Are the Losers real? Am I real?

'And if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones
'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs
Setting fire to our insides for fun
Collecting names of the lovers that went wrong
The lovers that went wrong'

'It's like, reality and my imaginary dreams just combined, in one blink. I have this amazing life myself.'

Then I take the objects down from where it belong and I lookout my window, I want to get some air. As I took my phone along with my earphones. Opening the window and as I jumped.

'We are the reckless
We are the wild youth
Chasing visions of our futures
One day we'll reveal the truth
That one will die before he gets there'

I made myself fly as I felt no gravity, making me float. I took myself up my roof and laid there as the sun glittered across my face and just let myself loosen.

'And if you're still bleeding, you're the lucky ones
'Cause most of our feelings, they are dead and they are gone
We're setting fire to our insides for fun
Collecting pictures from the flood that wrecked our home
It was a flood that wrecked this'

I saw the people who walks by and cars and bikes, looking at each and every detail in it.

'Well I've lost it all, I'm just a silouhette
A lifeless face that you'll soon forget
My eyes are damp from the words you left
Ringing in my head, when you broke my chest
Ringing in my head, when you broke my chest

I mumbled the song to myself as I tapped myfeet into the rythmn of it.

'And if you're in love, then you are the lucky one
'Cause most of us are bitter over someone
Setting fire to our insides for fun
To distract our hearts from ever missing them
But I'm forever missing him

And you caused it
And you caused it
And you caused it'

Then I saw Ben passed by, wearing his headphones and his walkman clipped on his shorts. He saw me, stopping infront of my house as he waved at me, I gave him a small wave back for sure as he went on his way.

'That's one for today.' I thought keeping track of who I encounter to everyday.

I took off my earphones as the song stopped.

I slided to the roof as I climbed back down my window and going inside on it. I went to have a shower. I stink the whole day because I was always at home, i'm used to this routine.

I pick a more comfortable outfit for today, and then taught, how about if I stroll the town around a little. So I take some random pants and a bit baggy-ish t-shirt and white shoes to top my simple outfit.

I look myself at the mirror as I brushed my hair very gently yet with an annoying face, as I tried to get the tangled hair.

Then as I tried to get one tangle, all of the sudden my comb flew from my hands and fell into my desk.


I went to grab the comb, yet a letter that is untouched nor open came into my sight, grabbing it and ripping it off from it's seal.

I unfold the piece of paper and the words are written with blood in it. That caught my attention and my sense smell as well.

'Losers Club: 7/8'

I read it and my eyes widen as I look behind and saw no one. Who is this? Is this...Penny? No, that's impossible. Wait.....could-......could it be?

I look behind my back and saw no one. My senses are all over the place thinking where did this letter came from. Then I heard a tapping sound just outside my room.


The sound got closer.






Then I felt myself shivered as I look behind my back one last time, and saw Henry Bowers with his face all bloody, and a bloody knife on his hands.

I froze. Yet I came into my senses and used my powers to stop the time like I did my first alone encounter to him, yet it didn't work.


I raised my hand to him as I kept focusing yet my mind isn't functioning well.


'Ugh! Not the best timing. Freak! Powers don't let me down, you we're workig just fine ugh! Oh welp i'm dead, my powers aren't working. BOWERS IS LITERALLY INFRONT TRYING TO KILL ME. Such a clichè way to die in a horror film. Sigh.'

He got closer to me as I kept walking backwards.



'Sh*t he's counting really? Pshhh whatever. This is my chance.'




'Seriously? A half? O well more time for me. STUPID POWERS COME ON!!'


He snickered at me and shouted, "THREE!"



Then I felt the time stopped. My body shaking as I stared at his knife, so close to my face, an inch away! My face sweating EVEN MY BODY!!

I move the wall slowly as I shivered and scared at the same time.

I grabbed my bag and my phone and earphones. I jumped into my window and grabbed my bike. Riding away from my house as I was the only one who is moving.

I stopped infront, I saw Belch's car, yet none of Henry's friends are there including Belch. I look at the car and went to it. Just across my house.

I took a peak on the opened window of the car as I gasped seeing Belch and Victor, dead and blood running down on their face as I see them on the seats of thr car.

'Oh F*ck, I got to warn the others. Bowers had gone insane.' I thought.

I went to my bike once more and when I got my distance away from my house, I made the time move again.
I saw every people and vehicles moved all at once.


I was on the town, more specifically the park. As I saw Bev and Bill on a bench, talking as they we're about to carry their bike to walk away, I went to them, my mind still cannot process what happened today.

"BEV! BILL!" I yelled at them.

"Y/N? Uhh...hey?" Bev said as I saw them letting go of their hands. Are they dating? Did I come at the wrong time? Oh sho-

"Did I? Um......ruin your moment?" I asked them, shoot not the good time to asked that since I almost got killed by a psychotic serial killer.

"Wuah-What are you... are you sayi- you... talking about?" Bill asked me, I can tell he's lying yet I didn't want to pressure them so I shrugged it off.

"Ugh! Nevermind. Um...Bill, I- this is going to sound insane...but, Bowers attacked me just now and almost killed me with a knife and..."

"Wait....what?!" Bev said in shocked.

"And t-thu-then?"

I took a deep breath. "IusedMYpowersTOstopTHEtimeANDranASfastASIcouldinHERE!" I said as I caught my breath.

"Woah! Slow down Y/N, just sit down for a while now." I did what Bev told me and i
I sat down between them.

I felt like third wheeling- Oh for f*cksake Y/N focus!

"Now, tell us everything."

I took a deep breath. Well sh*t here we go again.


"Y/N that's... t-that's terrible." Bill said as he rubbed my back, calming me down.

"But wait, what do you mean....you used your powers?" Bev asked, well I should really tell them.

Wait? So my effort on that junk house hasn't been noticed? Ugh!


"Y/N!!" Ben cutted me off, yelling at me at a distance as he ran with his bike.

"Ben? What are you?-" I was cutted and attacked by a hug.

"O....k? What's going on?" I asked him as I patted him on the back.

"I thought you just got hurt or something by Bowers, I saw Belch's car drove off infront of your house just now and I went inside to find an empty house." He said as he let go of the hug.

"So? How did you know i'm here?"

"Oh that! Oh I just got lucky, I strolled down every single houses and wherever the Losers  might be and asked, lucky for me I found you and-" Ben cutted himself as he saw Bill and Bev on my side, I saw a frowning face on him yet he shrugged.

Poor Ben.

"And?" Bev asked.

"Oh! And then I find you here." Ben said looking at Bev and tooking his sight away from him.

"Oh thanks Ben for the effort and- so....what about the other Los-"

"Y/N!" I look from behind Ben and saw Stan, Eddie, Richie and Mike on their bikes.

I stood up and asked...

"What the hell are you all doing here?"

"Well Ben said that your missing on your home and saw Bowers infront of your house, so we try to find you." Mike said.

"Um...thanks, but...i'm fi-"

"What happen? What did Bowers do to you? Are you safe? Are you hurt? Are you-" Eddie asked as I cutted him off.

"I'm fine! Ok. I'm fi-"

"NO! YOUR NOT! OK!" Stan yelled as we fell in silence.

"Hold up d*ckheads let Y/N speak first." Richie said as the silence continues.

"Thank you. For starters i'm fine and still alive, second Bowers just came into my house and almost stab me into my hea-"

"WHAT!" Ben and the others that just came  got the same kind of reactions. Except for Bev and Bill who is emotionless of this.

Then a lot of questions came flooding into my face.

"Are you ok?"

"Jeez Y/N, if I saw that mullet a**hole."

"Wait where is your injury? Wound?"

"Y/N, how did you escape?"

"Sh*t Bowers has gone insane!"

My head is spinning and ears bleeding and then I just snapped.


Then a force suddenly cracked the ground surrounding on us.


"Woah! Woah!"

"AHHH!! RUN!!"


We ran for no reason at all, maybe because of shock? But I guess we just ran, as Ben lead our way and we followed him, not knowing where are we going, no one breaking our silence as we went into a forest part of the town and Ben  cleared off some grass and there lies a trapdoor.

"Seriously Ben really? In here? I don't have time for this shit. Especially with someone who likes to punch people on the face for saying the f***ing truth." Richie said annoyed, reffering to Bill.

As I saw Bill rolling his eyes on him yet I can see his guilt on his face, since he already knew the truth from me.

"First of all, you all followed me here, and just jept in silent like a bunch of idiots. So! You got two choices in here, go in here and fix you, me and all of our sh*tty stuff up or you can already leave! I don't mind, nor control your life! Ok?!" He yelled as the group fell silent once more.

Jeez....Ben sure did snapped.

He open the trapdoor as no one spoke and followed him, that leads us to.....


After the rock war....

"Ben.....what is this?" I asked him.

"Oh! Uh....It's um........well I was about to tell you about this but..."

"Wait? You knew about this?" Bev asked.

"Well... yeah! I uh...build it..... by myself." He said.

"Woah Ben! Is this safe? Where are you taking us?" Richie asked.

"Yeah Ben what the heck is this? Do you have permit? Is this an underground trapdoor thingy majing safe? What stuff did you use in there and... and-"

"Shut up Eds!" Richie said. Making Eddie-

"Ok that is on your line mister, DON'T CALL ME EDS!" He said, yet I see the smirk in his lips as I look at Richie's awe to him.

I knew it.

"You'll see." Ben said.

Ben opened a trapdoor and he was about to went inside, yet Bev got into it first.

Bev and the others came inside Bill giving way to me as I gave him a nod and went inside.

"What the d*ck is this? How did you build it?" Richie asked.

"When....did you build it?" Bill questioned next.

"Here and there I guess, I was getting the stuffs from someone and asked if I can use it to reinforce the walls and to the umm........the doors." He said as he explained and pointed to us.

I looked at the details and so mesmerized at the structure, it woah-ed me. He did this all by himself?

Wait? Why is this not included in the movie though? I thought.

"And that's pretty much it, pretty good I guess from my first time huh?" He said.


We looked at where the sound came from and saw Ben suddenly stumbling into a post that stands for support on a roof, making the roof fall. Physics!!

"Well that's a cool feature." Richie then broke the silence.

"What happens when you put your hand on the other pillar professor?" Richie asked as I mentally rolled my eyes and smiled to myself.

"This is exactly why we need safety codes! Why we have permits!" Eddie ranted again by himself.

"This place is a deadtrap do you understand that?" He kept on with his ranting session as we just stared at him and Ben back and forth.

"Well, it's a working progress-"

"Just so you know I don't really do 'reliable'." Eddie said cutting off Ben.

"And also what is this? The switch of Iron Maiden?" He asked Ben as he pointed, oh wait scratch that flip the thing with his hands.

"That..that's a flashlight."

"And what is that a horseshoe?"

"When did you use this and l?" He still kept ranting as I look at the argue back and forth.

"It was like 3 dollars so we could....-"

"What?" I asked confused as Ben glanced at me and shrugged.

"I don't mind this....hey Stan can you do this?" Eddie asked Stan as he held a paddle ball that he found out of nowhere on his hands and starts to play with it.

I can feel the others felt the tension and awkwardness in the air, as we watched the two.

"Ok stop!!" Stan said as kept blinking and avoiding the ball to hit on his face poor Stan.


Then the ball on the paddle suddenly broke as it fell into the ground, the rest following the roll of the ball and looking up at Eddie and Stan.

"Woah! Good going Stan you broke this thing!" Eddie yelled.

"I broke it?" Stan said in disbelief. I don't blame him Eddie is high.....................

on sugar.

"Yeah you broke it with your face!" Eddie ranted once more.

"What?" Stan said confusingly as my face said a little while ago.

"I'm not putting my f*ck*ng hand down there!" Eddie yelled.

"Then don't! We didn't ask for your f*ck*ng opinion!" Richie yelled.

"Oh! Well i'm just 'SHARING' my 'OPINION' to all of you guys. Does that satisfy you Richie?" Eddie yelled back at Richie.

"Hmm.....maybe with a little bit more feelings while your at it." Richie said to him.

"Shut up Richie!" Eddie yelled.

"Ok...ok that's enough, so......what now?" I asked Ben.

"Well, how about let's just....fix the 'stuff' here and there, I got tools beside there." He said pointing at a toolbox.

"Then maybe some other time we will try and add some flare and vóila!" Ben said.

"Ok........... Hey Stan my Man! What are you doing?" Richie asked as we went to look what Stan's doing.

"Cleaning?" He sassed as we saw him cleaning up stuff on the side.

"Well let's get started." Bev said as she clap her hands together.

Flashback over......

We didn't really did anything since the day we saw it and just leave it be, and since the Losers got into a little 'fight' that just gotten worse.

Well until today, I hope.

Ben came down first as he grabs a hammer laying on one of the shelves.

I look in woah, as I saw the clubhouse all cleaned up, yet still empty.

"Ben...." Bev broke the silence.


"You made this?" She asked as he just nodded. I can tell his blushing.

Ben glanced at me as I gave him a smirk as he just rolled his eyes playfully.

"WOAH! There's a f*ck*ng hammock?! Oh I could get used to this place." Richie said as we just silently laugh at him, some just shaking their heads at his enthusiastic.

Richie jumped at the hammock and just laid himself there.

Then we just stand there, as we watched Ben do his own thing.

Then he looked at us as he noticed the silence.

"So? Are you just gonna stand there?" He asked as we went on our own thing.

I went on grabbing the untied swing on the ground and Bev helped me with tying the swing on one of the pillars.

I looked at what the others are doing silently.

Stan is cleaning again on the corner of the room, where some comics and posters and other stuff are in there.

Eddie is busy on making Richie stood up and help with the others.

Mike is helping Ben on one of the pillars.

Bill is just standing there, looking at him, he looks like he wants to say something.

I shrugged and helped on the swing as I tighten the knot.

... A voice spoke.

"Guh-Gah-Guys?" Bill spoke as we turn to him.

"I-I-I'm sorry." He said as I can see it in his caring eyes, his emotions and tears.

"A-And to Richie, f-for punching you on the face." He said as we all laugh silently.

We turned to Richie who is still on the hammock.

"Oh for  f*cksake Bill, your still not over that punch?" He said as he smiled at him.

Bill smiled back.

Then we silently started a group hug and we stayed like that for a while.


I was on my bike riding as fast as I can with a bunch of stuff on my back which is on my back like board games and stash of food that is on my refrigirator and some stationaries, I dunno for fun. Also I brought a lot........of cassettes and I made two personalized cassettes that I made just about an hour ago, that has some new and old stuff in it.

If your wondering why, then it's because  about after our 'getting our stuff fixed' moment, we are the same Losers practically that we all knew.

Ben decided to decorate our clubhouse with something to put in it, I decided to take some of the stuff from my house, then we have a time limit of an hour and whoever is the last, will decide to treat us on the diner.

Of course me, I don't want to since i'm saving up my money that my 'dad' gave  since I don't have any job.

I am now almost at the clubhouse when I found Bill, Bev and Ben on the end of the streets, Eddie and Richie on the other end, lastly is Stan and Mike just on my back.

We paused for a while and I grinned, since I know that I will be the first one to get there.

I saw them looking at each other, I took the opportunity to bike all the way on the clubhouse and about a half minute I guess, I heard bikes behind my bike.

I pedalled faster, then I saw Bill on my side.

"HI! HO! SILVER!! AWAY!!" Bill yelled.

"Oh no you don't!" I yelled.

"Hey Bill your old lady bike can't stop me!" Richie said coming from behind.

"Oh, me and S-Silver here are the fastest c-compare to the both of y-you!" He yelled.

"Stop bickering!" I said as I stop.

"Aww.....Y/N, such a shame you stopped we're almost at the-" Richie as stumbled on his bike and flew, as he fell at the clubhouse and Bill, got hit by a tree.

"Ooof....that hurts." I said to them.

"I win." Richie said as he gets up and I laughed and went inside.

"And my back hurts." He added as I shook my head.

"Tsk..Tsk.., that's for not shutting your mouth up." I said as I touched his forehead.

"Well at least I win." He said as we heard voices coming from above.

"Hey Bill!" A voice, which came from Bev.

"You ok?" She asked as they both went inside.


Then I saw them both went inside as Bev sat Bill on the swing and open her bag revealing a bandage and disinfectant and putting it on Bill.

"Hey, I don't have any-"

"HEY! I hear yelling what's going on-" Eddie asked as he came rushing to Richie and grabbing something on his fanny pack.

"Oh jeez, Richie you clumsy kid, what the heck did you do? Did you know you can get a disease in here or something? You could've been killed, ugh! Is that your wound? Oh jeez wait I see a scratch in yoir arm. Oh Tsk...Tsk... Tskk.... Come on let's get that stupid wound cleaned up." Eddie ranted as he put a bandage on Richie.

"Jesus, calm down Eds. I'm fine, you sounded like your mom, maybe Y/N's theory isn't stupid after all." He said as he laughed.


"Ok, for once Richie stop calling m-"

"I HEARD THAT!" I said as I pointed at them both and jump up and down.

"HAH! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" I said to them both. I look like an idiot but screw that. IT'S HAPPENING!!

Then I felt an object threw at me. It's a comic book.

I look up and saw Richie with widen eyes to me.

I grinned at him. Oh he gots a lot!!! Of explaining to do.


Then we decided to just go in a circle and talk about what we brought.

"Mine's just a couple of my comic books that I found at home and some casettes. Oh and posters as well." Richie said as he pulled out his stuff on his bag.

Then we looked at Eddie.

"Just some first aid kits." He said as he let out 'some' boxes, 'some' boxes full of bandages and stuff.

"Holy sh*t Eds, how did you even fit that on your bag?" Richie asked.

"Ok sh-"

"For starters, how did you even get out of your house?" I added the question as he gave me a glare.

"Ok first of all Richie, don't call me Eds and second Y/N, Ben called me when you said you we're missing and I just made up an excuse for my mom." He said.

"How about you Y/N?" Bev asked.


"Your stuff?" Mike asked.

"Oh um..... board games, foods and......foods and Oh! Did I mentioned food? Oh and also stationaries and a box of casettes and two personalized made by me." I said as I take out the stuff.

"Woah! Y/N that's too much food!" Stan said out of nowhere.

"Well I can get hungry, so I brought my stash." I said as I let out another stash of food on a tin box container.

"Woah! Ok."

"Just to clear this up, no one opens up my stash, I will know if somebody take a single crumb in here." I threaten them yet I see Richie not taking notice of it.


"What about you Stan?" I asked as I turned to Stan.

"Oh! Well I brought a jar of cookies I found at home and some books."

"Really Stan? Your lame." Richie said as Stan shouldered him.

"No i'm not!"

"Whatever, i'm putting my stuff in here." Richie said as he lays himself on the hammock.

"Hey! I'm dibs on that hammock!" Eddie yelled at Richie.

"Well? I don't see any sign?" Richie said making Eddie irritated.

"Fine whatever, how about 10 minutes each." Eddie compromised.

"Fine Whatever!" Richie said copying Eddie's irritated face which made me burst out on laughter.

"Y/N don't encourage this man!"

"I'm not!"

"Ugh! I'm out of here, just go away from me, pshhh......siblings.." Eddie murmured yet me and Richie both heard it.

"Hey!" We said in unison.

"Hah! Now you both are now annoyed now ten minutes starts now!"

I rolled my eyes as I put my stuff down and put on some music on the radio that Ben had.


10 minutes later....

"HAH! Finally it's done." I said as I wiped my sweat on my forehead.

Then Stan tapped my behind and I looked from him to his hand, as I saw a shower cap.


"For protection.......on your hair for spiders." He said.

I just shrugged.

"Sure." I said as I take a blue and pink patterned shower cap.

I put it on my head and I saw the others as well.

"The f*ck is this?!" Richie asked, laying on the hammock as he grabbed Stan's shower cap for him.

"So you don't get spiders stuck in your hair while your down here." Stan explained.

"Stanley, we're not afraid of f***ing spiders." He said.

Then Stan got out of his way as he saw us all wearing the showering cap.

As we all froze.

"I stand corrected." He said.

Then I saw Eddie taking the cap off, pshh...

"That's a first." Bev snickered.

"Touché." He said.

Then finally I heard a beeped on Eddie's watch. Which means 10 minutes was up.

"Hey Richie your 10 minutes is up." Eddie said to Richie as he came infront of him.

"What are you talking about?" Richie asked, like he doesn't know what he's talking about.

"The hammock, 10 minutes each was the rule!" Eddie yelled, getting frustrated.

"I don't see any sign." Richie said to Eddie, ugh!.

Then here we go again.

"Hey.....HEY!" I yelled. And then all of them turned around ok?

"Who the f*ck touched my food?" I asked in anger. One thing you need to know about me is that no one, I MEAN NO ONE TOUCHES MY FOOD. Without permission.

They just shrugged and I groaned and started going to all of them.

I first tapped Bill's shoulders as he turned to me.

I got closer to his face, I can see his face widen as I smell his lips and face. Nope not him

Yes I know this is weird but if no one tells me who did it I swear to the Gods of Food.

Then I smell Eddie's as I got closer and Richie spoke.

"Y/N what the d*ck are you doing?" He asked then I caught the scent. Oh no he didn't.

I approched to him as I grab him and got closer to his face.

"Uhh......Y/N? What the heck are you- Oww!" He yelled as he held his ear since I flick it with my fingers.

"Richie?" I asked him.

"W-What?" He asked nervously.



"You have FIVE seconds to get out of that hammock or else i'm going to smack you." I threaten him.

"What do you?"


"What the?"


"Are you serious right now? What did I do?" He asked so innocently. Oh he's in big trouble.


"What? You forgot thr-"

"FIVE!" I yelled to him as I tackled him in the hammock and started tickling hah!

"NO! Y/N! STOP!"

"Hmmph that's karma if you didn't know!" I heard Eddie yelled.


Ok, if your asking me the two had some serious issue. Literally, they look like an old married couple.

So i'm on my way now to my house with Richie, Bill and Bev.

Since Eddie, Stan, Mike and Ben had different streets.

Bill and Bev are talking while I was kept accompany by Richie.

I was thinking hard on what I was supposed to ask him, which is in the tip of my tongue uggh!

Then a finger snapped infront of my face.

"Y/N! Y/N L/N!" Richie yelled at me as I slapped his hands off.

"WHAT?!" I asked irritated. I forgot what to ask him.

"I asked you if you wanna go to the arcade with me and Eddie tommorow!" Richie said with a hint of obviousness on his voice.

Then the thought snapped to my mind! Yes! I know now.

"YOU!" I pointed at him.

"M-Me? Wuh? What did I do?" He stuttered looking suprised.

I look behind Bev and Bill who are busy talking to each other.

I kept my voice lowered.

"You! Got some explaining to do back there Richard Tozier. What theory?" I go straight to the point.

"What the f*ck are you talking about? What theo-" Then he went in silent and he looked direct forward.

"So?" I broke the tempting silence.

"So? What do you mean SO?! First of all I don't know what your talking about."

"Oh! For freak sake I know that you know what exactly what I know!" I said to him.

"OK! Fine." He said. Oh my gosh, are you hearing what i'm hearing.

I just kept in silence as I listened to him very carefully.


Shoot. Here it is

"I'm g-"


"I'm....g- huh!"

"Come on you don't have to say-..."

"I'M GOING HOME NOW! BYE Y/N! MEET US AT THE PARK AT 8!!" He shouted as he smirked at me and bike away.


~5346 words


First of all I just need to say i'm so freaking soooorrryyy for making you guys wait so damn long. Really sorry. I'm just busy with school. But..... maybe.... just maybe, since it's Christmas vacation....I can update little by little chapters.

I was actually thinking about making a.... Christmas Special since I didn't made a Halloween one since i'm stupid and lazy haha. Freak.

Now I just want to thank you guys for continuing to support, vote, read and commenting weird/funny/cool stuff in my stories and I absolutely i'm very honored.❤❤

Also shout out to..


Her spark an idea through my creations and creating her own story. I am very touched. (You should check it out)

Song credits: Daughters

And.... I will see you soon.



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