By King_Kado131

110K 2.6K 3.7K

To becoming a great hero! That's the goal of me! Y/n L/n Fangire! It's a tough and long one, but I'm gonna do... More

My Kamen Academia!
A Very Metal Episode
The First Day... More or less...
The First Test... More or Less
Representing 1-A
Season 1 Finale
The Next Beginning
Sports Festival
Headbands Full of Points
Final Round
Keep on Fighting
Round 2 & Semi Finals
Katsuki and Kenji's Bashfull Blast
The Meaning of Kamen Rider
The Yeti the Devil and the Mother
Setting Things Straight
That Villanous Night
Race to Be a Pro
Inducing Stress
Final Form Time!
Season 2 Finale
"Endurance Training"
A Neo Foe?
Creator God in Action
Training Pussycats
Growing Powers
Brewing Darkness
Fighting Back
Neverending Night
[A/N] I Am Damn Sure Special
Ending Night
Atrashi L/n Fangire
Arcturus & Reydan Shay Lagendorga
LaLa L/n Fangire
Y/n L/n Fangire
Afterwords Part: 1
Afterwards Part 2
Keep On Kicking!
Provisional Start!
[A/N] Where in The World is King_Kado131
Show Your Skills!
[A/n] More and More Disappointment
The Spirit of Class A
Rush To Finish The First Round
Second Round! The True Provisional License Exam!?
{A Very Boring Filler Chapter}
[The Seven Keys Of Creation]

Heroic Friendshipping!

1.7K 59 80
By King_Kado131

[Aka, A Filler Episode that I think is kinda bad, but I'm probobly wrong about that. Anyway]

The episode continues where the last left off, Y/n and Kenji were walking home after the UA Sprts Festival had ended. Kenji had apologized for his actions and Y/n forgave him on the conditions that he helped reunite the Fangire family and save them from King's rule. The two Half Brothers made it to their home and walked inside.

Kenji & Y/n: "We're back!"

The house was silent for a moment, until the sound of panicked running sounded throughout the house. Then the boys father, Kenzan appeared flying at the two of them with tears streaming out of his eyes.

Kenzan: "KKKEEENNN!!!"



Kenzannflew through the air and tackled his Blonde haired son to the ground. The father rubbed his face against his son's as tears streamed down his face.

Kenzan: "ARE YOU ALRIGHT!? You not hurt or burned anywhere are you!? Is anything broken!?"

Kenzan yelled in a slight panic as he checked over Kenji's body.

Kenji: "I'm fine father. Recovery girl healed all my burns after my fight with Bakugou."

Kenzan: "S-So you did get burns!?"

Kenzan said with tears still falling from his eyes. Y/n then noticed the huge mess infront of the TV in their living room.

Y/n: "Dad, did you go to work today?"

Kenzan: "No! *Sniff* How could I when my babies are being encouraged to fight their friends at School!"

Kenji: "Father... we go to a hero school, were being taught to fight people daily."

Kenzan: "I KNOW THAT! ITS JUST HARD TO DEAL WITH SUCH A HARSH REALITY! At least I didn't have to watch my two babies fighting eachother! I wouldn't be able to take it!"

Kenji thoughts: "Not to self, never talk about combat training..."

Y/n chuckled as he gave his emotional father a hug.

Y/n: "Don't worry dad, I can promise that when we're heroes, were gonna do a lot more saving than getting hurt!"

Kenzan then nodded as he whipped his tears.

《Break the Chains》
《Villainous Fangs》
Episode 8
Jiro & Fangire's

《First Day of Break After The UA Sports Festival》

Kenji was sitting in his living room alone in some casual clothes, the TV was on in the background, but all Kenji did was stare into space while thinking some important thoughts to himself.

Kenji: "..... If I punch myself in the arm and it hurts... am I too strong or too weak?"

Kenji continued sitting there having a small Existential crisis, until an odd sound rang throughout the house, causing Kenji to raise one eyebrow in complete confusion.


Kenji: "What the hell? Did someone just ring the doorbell? Who's at our door? And when the hell did we start getting Visitors?"

Kenji muted the TV before walking over to the front door. The blonde L/n then opened the door only to reveal his classmate, Kyoka Jiro standing there with a happy look on her face.

Kenji: "Jiro? The heck are you doing here? Wait forget that, how do you know where here is?"

Jiro: "Oh, yesterday Fangire asked if he wanted to hang out during our break. So he give me his address and now I'm here. So is he around?"

Kenji: "Ugh. That damn idiot, he went out training earlier. He must have forgot, he's been really off his game lately..."

Jiro: "Yeah, after the whole Cheerleader thing with Kaminari and Mineta, he didn't really do any other pervy things."

Kenji nodded before changing the subject.

Kenji: "Yeah... Anyway, if you want I can't take you to his "Secret" training spot."

Jiro: "Awesome! I'd really appreciate that... also I've gotta ask, why are you still wearing your Sports Festival Medal?"

Kenji then looked down, only to see his Silver 2nd Place Medal he obtained from the UA Sports Festival around his neck.

Kenji: ".... If I wear it long enough, then I'll start feeling proud of it."

Jiro: ".... Are you alright Lang?"

Kenji: "Probably, let's get moving already."

Jiro: "R-Right."

After that odd interaction, Kenji and Jiro left the L/n household and began their journey towards the all to familar abandoned building that was the training ground of Y/n L/n Fangire.


Kenji: "And here we are, the abandoned  building Y/n calls training grounds."

The two arrived a their destination. Once they did, Jiro looked around, examining the abandoned area. Kenji cupped his hands around his mouth before yelling.


After a few seconds a mass of smoke began flowing out of the building, before it transformed into Y/n who was wearing some Training/Casual clothes, and had an annoyed/confused look on his face.

Y/n: "1: I'm smarter than you. 2: I don't forget things. And 3: Why is Jiro here?"

Jiro was about to say something, but...

Kenji: "She's here because you forgot about the little Date you scheduled."

Jiro: "What!? D-Date!? What are you talking about!?"

Jiro blushed as she began to panic a bit at Kenji's words, meanwhile Y/n just looked confused, until.

Y/n: "Date?.... what are you talking about? I'd never date another guy!"

Jiro: "GAH!"

Jiro's head hung low as a depressing aura surrounded her. Kenji let out a heavy Sigh, before responding.

Kenji: "Let me phrase it better then. You and Jiro planned to hang out yestarday, right?"




Kenji & Jiro: ".... Huh?"

Suddenly, Y/n bowed towards the two of them, confusing the two.

Jiro: "Fangire? Is ev-"


Kenji: "It's fine. Just don't do it again."

Right before Jiro was going to say something, Kenji put his hand on her head, stopping her before answering. Kenji then turned to leave, but before he did, he whispered something to Jiro.

Kenji: "Y/n's been going through some tough things lately. Give him some slack to take his mind off of it. At least until things get crazy again."

Kenji then began walking away from the two of them.

Kenji: "You two have fun. Just don't get killed, or kill anyone, we're training to be heroes, remember?"

With that Kenji left them at the abandoned building. As Kenji walked away, he thought to himself.

Kenji thoughts: ".... Y/n's Family... Our Family... it's a mess."


KivaLa: "Well hello there boys! I heard one of you say something about Y/n."

Ojiro: "And what if we did?"

KivaLa: "On nothing, I just wanted to know where my adorable Little Brother was."


Y/n: "You help me fix my side of the Family. Help me get my mom back, save my Half Brother Kiba, and Half Sister KivaLa from their villain father... you with me, Kenji?"

《Flashback Over》

Kenji then looked down at the 2nd Place Medal that hung around his neck. Before ripping it off and holding it in his hand, staring at it.

Kenji thoughts: "Y/n has got way more problems than my Mommy issues... I need to forget about moth-... about Savor, and focus all my attention on the Fangire Bloodline, on my brother... and the only way I can do that, is if I focus on my L/n blood, not my Lang."

Kenji then shoved his medal into his pocket before smiling.

Kenji: "Heh, it feels good to finally let that damn weight off my back."


Jiro: "So, what do you wanna do first? We've got the whole of today and tomarrow off, so let's have some fun."

Jiro and Y/n were walking through the city trying to find something to do together on their day off.

Y/n: "Ugh. My mind's still stuck on training, plus with how the Sports Festival went, the only thing I can think about right now is how to improve my skills..."

Jiro: "You really need to stop thinking about School, we've got 2 days off. Plus we've got internships when we get back, so we can learn from real pros!"

Y/n thought for a moment, before growing a large smile.

Y/n: "Yeah! You're right! I've gotta forget about school and male these 2 days off count! I can train later!"

Jiro: "Yeah!"

Y/n: "And with that said! Let's head to the arcade!"

Jiro: "The arcade? Seriously?"

Y/n: "Yeah seriously! Ever since middle school ended, I've been so hyper focused on hero stuff, that I haven't went to one in forever."

Jiro: "Alright, but I get to pick what we do next."

Y/n: "Gotcha! But we better speed up, we've got no time to waste! Gabu!"

Y/n bit his left hand before grabbing Jiro's with his right. Y/n then transformed and began dashing away with extreme speed, causing Jiro to wave in the wind at the speed he was going.

Blue Y/n: "IKUZE!"




Y/n: "Ah! We're finally here!"

Y/n and Jiro stood infront of a large arcade with a large bunny as their mascot.

Jiro: "Woah, I've never seen this place before."

Y/n: "Yeah, it isn't all that popular, but it's got a butt ton of games!"

Jiro: "Well, what are we waiting for then?"

Y/n: "I love the way you think!"

The two of them then walked inside and quickly get some tokens before they began going around and playing the multitude of Games. Sometimes they played as a team, other times they played competitively, and other times they shared the despair that were the Claw Machines.

Y/n: "Dammit. I really hate these thing. And now I'm out of Tokens because of this freakin skam!"

Jiro: "I mean, you have been playing this one Claw Machine non stop."

Y/n then pressed his face against the Machine's glass with small lines of tears streaming down his face.

Y/n: "All I want is that single plushie! The one of my favorite Warriors of Lives. 1 of 20, the 7th Kamen Rider, the light speed change beetle, Kamen Rider Kabuto!"

Y/n said as he pointed towards the plushie he wanted, causing Jiro to look at said plushie.

Y/n: "I would just use my smoke to fly in there and cheat the game just like it's cheated me... but I'm too nice of a person."

Jiro thought for a moment before reaching into her pocket pulling out 2 tokens, just enough for a single game. She examined the claw machine before gaining a determined look on her face.

Jiro: "You really want that plush Fangire?"

Y/n: "More than anything..."

Jiro: "Then move out of the way.



Y/n: "Ow! What the heck Jiro!?"

*Klaching Klaching*

*Video Game Starting Fanfare*

Y/n: "W-Wait a second! Are you wasting your last two coins on me!?"

Jiro: "Yep."

Y/n: "What? But why!?"

Jiro: "Will you shut up, I need to focus..."

Jiro trailed off as she began putting all of her mental prowess into this claw machine, until...

Y/n: "Huh?"

Jiro: "Did it."

Jiro had won the plushie with relative ease, she reached down and took the plushie out of the machine before handing it to Y/n who had extremely wide eyes.

Y/n: "Wait, wha- but how?"

Jiro: "I've always had a knack for these kinda things, they've always been easy. Just be thankful that I was here when you saw that plush."

Jiro said with a proud smile, hiding the fact that she had an earphone jack plugged into the machine, controlling the claw with her soundwaves. Y/n grew a giant smile as he hugged the large Kamen Rider plush to his chest.

Y/n: "Kyoka Jiro, if you were a woman I would so kiss you right now!"

Jiro: "Y-Yeah, about that whole me being a guy thing! I'm actually a gi-"

Jiro was about to say something, but she was suddenly interrupted by a loud and familar sound.

The sudden sound captured Y/n's attention, taking it completely away from Jiro completely deafening him to what she was saying. His eyes widened in amazment as stars appeared in them.

Y/n: "Jiro-Kun... do you hear that heavenly sound?"

Jiro: "You didn't hear what I said at all did you?"

Y/n: "Shhh Sh Ssshhh! Listen and please tell me you hear that sound from the heavens!"

Jiro looked at Y/n in annoyance, before listen closely, only to hear the sound of guitar that Y/n was talking about, causing her eyes to gain stars aswell.

Jiro: "No way. Don't tell me, is that..."


Y/n and Jiro turned with star full eyes of amazement and wonder when they saw a large arcade cabinet with it's poster boy hero, DeathMetal, on top holding his signature guitar cannon. The two heroes in training looked with wide eyes and mouths of pure joy when they saw the cabinet and heard the rock music coming from it.

Y/n: "H-Holy crap! How did they get such a legendary cabinet!?"

Jiro: "Solo Strings 3 isn't even supposed to come out for 3 more months! I've been saving up all my money for it! B-But its here!?"

Y/n: "At F3 they said that it had every single one of DeathMetal's Attack Songs! Even his Double Action crossover songs with Kamen Rider Den-O and his Ultimate Finisher Song, Next New Wφrld!"

Jiro: "And there's a new system where you can plug in and play with a Real Electric Guitar!"

The two of then took a few more moments to nerd out, before turning towards eachother with excited smiles.


Right after that, the two of them dashed to the arcade game and stared at it like they were looking into the lights of heaven.

Y/n: "I-It doesn't take tokens... so we can just play this baby!"

Y/n took one of the Guitar shaped controllers and threw it over his shoulder with a cocky grin.

Y/n: "Heh! I was the master at Solo Strongs 1 & 2, so don't fell bad if I get more points than you.l!"

Jiro laughed definently as she equipped her own Guitar Controller.

Jiro: "Ha! Yeah right! My Mom's a Musicain and my Dad's Composer, this stuff's in my blood! Plus, I've been Ranked Number 1 in the whole world on Solo Strongs 2's online mode since the game came out!"

Once Jiro said that, a sudden jolt went Y/n's body as he glared a Jiro.

Y/n: "If that's true... then I've finally gotten to meet my Solo Stringed Rival, Isn't that right! FullMetalEarphoneJack!?"

Jiro then got hit by the same jolt as her eyes widened with shock.

Jiro: "You know that name? Wait a minute, then you're-"

Y/n: "That's right! I'm MetalliKiva! Rank Number 2 in Solo Strings 2's Global Online Mode!"

The two of them then began to glare at eachother with an newfound rivalry that had been kept inside eachother for a long time.

Y/n: "Heh, who would have guess that the person warming my Solo Strong Throne was my UA friend and classmate this whole time."

Jiro: "Your throne? I'm sorry, but the Solo Strong throne has, does, and will always belong to Queen Kyoka!"

Y/n: "Tch! How about we settle this little feud. A duel on the hardest settings, Winner. Takes. All."

While Y/n said that, he used the controls to enter himself into the game.

Arcade Cabinet: "PLAYER 2! METALLIKIVA!"

Jiro: "You're on. And if you win, I'll let you have First Place in Solo Strings 2."

Jiro did the same, logging herself into the game.


Y/n: "Deal!"


Jiro: "Oh, the attack song he played on his Debut?"

Y/n: "It's one of hardest ranked on here, plus it's one of my favorites!"

The two of them then gripped their controllers and got ready to play as the song began to start, but once it started playing for real, the two of them pressed their buttons like crazy, getting Perfects on Every Mark.

[If you can't tell, Solo Strings, is Guitar Hero]

The two of them were both so skill, that they both matched in perfect points and combos, it was insane how they mastered this game. As the two of them kept on playing and getting the highest scores possible, people around them began to notice the insane and awesome noise of the game being played, and began flocking over, watching in amazement at Y/n and Jiro's skills.

Random Watchers: "Woah, look at those two go! Their getting perfects ever single time!"
"These guys are masters at this game, how are they even hitting the buttons in time? the notes are going by so quickly."
"Hey, aren't those two of the kid from the Sports Festival?"
"Wait, yeah! They're from 1-A's Hero Course!"
"Wait a second! Look at their usernames! No wonder they're so good at this game! They're the Number 1 and 2 players around the world in Solo Strings!"
"No wonder they got into UA, they're so talented!"

When the two heard this commotion, it caused Y/n to snicker.

Y/n: "Heh, looks like people have figured out who we are, huh Jiro?"

Jiro: "Like I care, all that matters right now Is making sure you don't beat me."

Y/n: "Ha! I like your determination!"

The two kept on playing with the crowd slowly forming around the two of them, the game was neck in neck, until something unimaginable happened.


Y/n: "GAH!?"


Jiro: "Heh, Guess that means I win Fangire."

Right when the two of them hit the chorus again, Y/n's finger suddenly slipped, causing him to miss a single note, putting him exactly 1 point behind Jiro in score, but even though his loss was assured, Y/n kept on playing, trying to win a impossible battle.

《Short Timeskip》


Arcade Cabinet: "PLAYER 1! WINS!"

The crowd who were watching the two heroes in training cheered for Jiro's victory, said girl stood there in a proud stance, meanwhile...

Depressed Y/n: "... This must be how Endeavour feels..."

Y/n sat in a corner with a depressed aura surrounding him as he hugged his Kabuto Plushie close to himself. Jiro walked over and began patting Y/n on the back.

Jiro: "Aw come on, it's not that bad. You only lost by 1 point."

Y/n: "I hate everything... and now I have the sudden urge to be the worst Husband and Father in this Universe..."

Jiro: "*Sigh* come on, let's go cheer you up."

Jiro said as she began dragging Y/n out of the arcade by his Hell's Gate.


Y/n: "Huh? We're back at my Training Spot? Why?"

Jiro: "Lang said that training cheers you up, right?"

Y/n: "Well it more cheers him up, but I have been thinking about training a lot more lately, especially so I can extend my DoGaBa and DoGaBaKi time limits."

Jiro: "Then let's train! It'll be a good way to end the day!"

Y/n: "Ok first, isn't your Quirk only good in combat when you have your hero costume boots and stuff?"

Jiro: "Y-Yeah, but I need to work on my skills other than my Quirk too of I'm gonna be a great hero."

Y/n: "Hmmm, alright. But if you're gonna wanna use your Quirk more effectively, then it be better if you used these."

Y/n said as ha reached into his backpack, (that he left at the training spot) and pulled out two gloves, he the tossed the gloves over to Jiro, confusing her.

Y/n: "They're special Gloves that have Subwoofer in the palm. You can plug you Earphone Jacks into them and use your Heartbeat to vibrate rapidly, giving your punches some Extra Kick to em! Plus, you can also sent out super powerful soundwaves from the palms, dealing some heavy ranged damage!"

Jiro: "Woah. You made these for me... Why?"

Y/n: "Well... Remember at the USJ when that electric Villain took dumb Kaminari hostage? You tried to distract him and attack with your boots, but he stopped you. I thought that if the distance between you Jacks and your Speakers were shorter, you'd get a lot more done, plus, the input plugs are facing your arms, so you can hid you cords in you jacket, that way, people can't attack your cords directly. I was gonna give it to you right before we went to our Internships, but now would be a great time for their final tests!"

Jiro examined the Gloves as she put them on, she then smiled at Y/n as she felt them on her hand.

Jiro: "These are awesome! Thanks Fangire!"

Y/n: "No problem! Now, let's get training. A little spare wouldn't hurt... well it kinda will, but you know what I mean!"

The two of them got into fighting stances as they got ready to charge at eachother, when something unexpected happened.

Y/n: "On 3... 1..."

Jiro: "2..."

Y/n & Jiro: "3!"

Y/n and Jiro then charged at eachother ready to attack, but something fmailar stopped them.


Y/n & Jiro: "Huh?"

Suddenly an odd purple sphere appeared around the two of our Heroes in Training, confusion one, and worrying the other.

Jiro: "W-Whats going on?"

Y/n: "A Hidden Field? But why now?"

Jiro: "Hidden Field? What's that?"

Y/n: "I-it's kinda hard to explain without context... Oh! Remember that big dome thing I was trapped inside at the end of the USJ attack?"

Jiro: "Yeah, don't tell me we're inside one of those things."

Y/n: "Ok I won't.... stay on your guard Jiro."

Jiro: "We're seriously inside one of those things!?"

Y/n: "I know you told me not to tell you, but yes, yes we are."

Y/n and Jiro looked around with their guard up in confusion, until a French voice was heard all around them.

???: "Well Well Well, if it isn't the Fangire Half Breed, you're very popular in the hidden underworld. The prince who will give King Immortality!"

Jiro was extremely confused while Y/n glared, but when he heard the voice, something inside of Y/n began to awaken.

???: "And isn't this adorable! He's on a little date."

The voice chuckled as Y/n began to glare even more.

Y/n: "Show yourself, Coward!"

???: "Oh don't worry, I was planning to."

After a few seconds, a Chameleon Fangire appears infront of the two.

Jiro: "One of those weird looking Villains from the USJ?"

Chameleon Fangire: "Ohho! I am a lot more than that sweetheart. You see, your friend and I are very diffrent from normal Humans. We are 1 of the 13 Demon Races known as Fangire. Y/n is Half Fangire and Half Human, but I am a pure Fangire."

Jiro: "Wha? Demon? Wait, I thought Fangire was your name?"

Y/n: "It is, and that makes some things very confusing. Long Story short... I'm not fully human..."

Chameleon Fangire: "Yes! But that isn't all! Your friend also royalty!"

Jiro: "Royalty?"

Chameleon Fangire: "He is the son of our beloved Queen! Making him the next Hybrid in line to be Fangire King!"

Y/n: "Stop with you cryptic word play! I know that when you say, "To Be King" you mean that literally! King plans to take my body and make himself immortal with my powers!"

Chameleon Fangire: "Interesting... some one must have spilled the beans, things are going to get a bit harder... no matter, King will be an immortal! And all races will bow before him!"

The Fangire said before he disappeared.

Y/n: "Jiro, he's gonna attack, be careful. His body's fragile like mine, so one of your punches with my gloves should deal a decent amount of damage."

Jiro quickly nodded as she got into a fighting stance. Meanwhile, Y/n prepared to fight for real.

Y/n: "KIVAT!"

Kivat: "YOSHA! Y/n! It's Kiva Time! IKUZE! GABU!"

Kivat bite Y/n's hand, causing him to start his transformation.

Y/n: "Henshin!"

Y/n transformed into his Kiva form and got into a fighting stance, but something in his mind caused him to hesitate.

Y/n: "Alright, Let's do this Dogga!"

Y/n took the Dogga Whistle and put it in his Kivat's mouth, changing forms.


Y/n then transformed into his Dogga Form with his hammer ready.

Purple Y/n: "... Jiro, I'll get rid of his Invisibility... you stun him with your Soundwaves... then I can smash him with a finishing move..."

Jiro: "Wait! Were fighting this guy!? But it's illegal to attack people with a Quirk without a Hero License!"

Purple Y/n: "... Either we fight, or this guy kills you and kidnaps me... one we take him down, the Hidden Field will shatter, and we can get away..."

Jiro: "Don't we have to turn him into the police though, then they'll know we attacked him."

Purple Y/n: "... Don't worry Jiro, please... I can seal away a Fangire's powers with my own... once we're done, he won't be doing any more evil..."

Jiro: "Right... lets let's beat this guy."

Y/n got into a battle stance with his hammer, while Jiro connected her Earphone Jacks into her new gloves. They stood, waiting for the chameleon to show himself, until.



Jiro: "GAH!"

Purple Y/n: "JIRO!"

Suddenly, a green tongue flew through the air and hit Jiro like a whip, sending her to the ground. Y/n quickly ran over to her, but...


Purple Y/n: "GAAHH! HAAA!"

Y/n stood over Jiro, as his back got assaulted with a mass of whip like tongue attacks.

Purple Y/n: "J-Jiro! Are you ok?"

Jiro: "Fan... Y-Y/n, stop! You don't have to take all those hits for me!"

Purple Y/n: "Sorry! But I refuse let you get hurt because of my problems! I-I don't know why! But my body, it keep on telling me to protect you!"

Jiro blushed a bit before shaking her head, and getting an idea.

Jiro: "Y/n, on my mark, move out of the way, alright?"

Purple Y/n: "Gotcha!"


Jiro: "NOW!"


Chameleon Fangire: "GGGGGGAAAAAAHHHHH!"

When Jiro said so, Y/n moved out of the way and used her Gloves to send a sonic blast, destroying the Chameleon Fangire's Eardrums.

Chameleon Fangire: "AH! MY DAMN EARS! YOU BITCH!"


Y/n dashed over with his hammer raised, but the Chameleon jumped back and disappeared.

Purple Y/n: "On no you don't! DOGGA! REVEAL YOUR EYE OF TRUTH!"

The hand of Y/n's Dogga Hammer then opened, revealing it's True Eye.

A light then shined from the eye, causing the Chameleon's Camouflage to deactivate.

Purple Y/n: "NOW JIRO!"

Jiro: "Right!"


Chameleon Fangire: "GGGGAAAAHHHH!!!"

Jiro then ran over and attacked the Chameleon with her soundwaves. While she did that, Y/n took his hammer and places it in his Kivat's Mouth.

Kivat: "DOGGA! BITE!"

Y/n then lifted his Hammer High into the air, causing the head of the hammer to grow 3 times it normal size.

Purple Y/n: "TAKE THIS!"

Jiro & Purple Y/n: "COMBO SPECIAL MOVE!"

Jiro: "ROCKIN!"

Purple Y/n: "SLAM!"


Chameleon Fangire: "GGGGGAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

Y/n spun his hammer around, before slamming it ontop of the Fangire. Hitting him with such a strong force that it implanted the Kiva Symbol into the ground. The Chameleon was replaced with a french man with very fancy clothing. Y/n transformed back to normal a did a small victory dance with Jiro before they high fived. Everything was happy, until a familar sound was heard.


The Dragon headed portal the appeared and ate the Former Fangire, teleporting him away.

Y/n: "Damn, guess they wanted him back for some reason... and it looks like I've got a lot of explaining to do..."

《Timeskip After A Long Explanation》

Y/n and Jiro sat on a curb next to eachother. Jiro sat there trying to comprehend everything that Y/n had just told her, about his Mother, Saga, KivaLa, his Fangire Blood, King, Mr. Heisei, and so much more. Jiro asked a ton of questions during the explanation, which caused it to go longer than it should have.

Jiro: "That... was a lot to take in, the fact that Magic exists and they you're basically Half Demon!"

Y/n: "Yeah, I know... but I'm gonna have to face King one day, and I need to be strong enough to Finish him before he hurts my family anymore than he already has..."

Jiro: "Right... and you've got my help."

Y/n: "Huh?"

Jiro: "I said that you've got my help. I'm gonna help you fix this problem that literally effects half of the world's population."

Y/n: "... You'd help me save Saga so he can become the next Fangire king and let people and Fangire live in harmony?"

Jiro: "Well, I was more thinking that I helped you become the Next Fangire King."

Y/n: "What?"

Jiro: "Just think about it, Saga's asking for your help to over throw King and become the next ruler, if he should be king, shouldn't he be strong enough to overthrow King?"

Y/n: "I mean, maybe... but I have no idea how to lead a whole kingdom or whatever!"

Jiro: "... I think you'd be able to handle it. They wanted Hybrids before King, right? So there must be a reason, plus I'd think you'd make a good King."

Y/n sat there and though for a moment, before looking at Jiro, only to see a smile on her face that made him blush... and made him very confused but he shook it off. He then chuckled before responding.

Y/n: "Heheh... I wouldn't make a good King... but I'd make an Amazing Emperor."

Jiro: "That's the spirit!"

The two of them laughed for a moment before they noticed that the sun had started to set.

Jiro: "Welp, it's getting late, we better head home."

Y/n: "Yeah, my dad will freak out if I come home super late again... w-wanna walk home together?..."

Jiro: "Y-Yeah, sure."

The two of them then began walking together talking and laughing at their own growing Heroic Friendship.

《MEANWHILE Inside of Y/n's Head》

Blue: "Purple... I have we have something extremely important to ask you guys."

Purple: ".... You're not screaming for once..."

Green: "I-I th-think I know what this is a-ab-about."

Blue: "I know you don't really pay attention to what happens outside... but... are... are we Gay?"

Purple: "What?"

Green: "Y-Yeah. y-you know about our body the m-most, so are we g-gay?

Purple: "... What brought this on?..."

Blue: "It's Jiro! Every time we hang out with him our heart gets all weird! And we feel warm and stuff!"

Green: "W-We asked S-Silver earlier, a-and he s-said that w-we were in l-love."

Blue: "But we didn't believe him cause he called Jiro-Kun a girl, but the more Green and I think about it! We really think we are in love with him!"

Green: "W-What do we d-do P-Purple?"

Purple looked at the two with an exhausted expression before turning, only to see Silver standing there with an equally exhausted expression.

Silver: "I tried to tell them. But they're completely convinced that Jiro's a guy."

Purple let out a heavy Sigh before closing his eyes and beginning to meditate again.

Purple: "... Figure it out yourselves..."


Purple: "........"

Yeah, that's the filler chapter. Hope you like it!

And yes I'm gonna keep this Gender Confusion Gag going for a while! I THINK IT'S FUNNY!



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