Memories Of A Dead City - [Le...

Galing kay Yuuki241

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(Continuation of 'Walk Among Wolves') [Book 4] With the known fact you were physically adjusting to your new... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

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Galing kay Yuuki241

||A/N: And it looks like this will be a short book as well, I've seemed to have written these chapters rather long...anyway again please forgive me for the reader's relationship with Leon...I'll be promising you though this will be 'fixed' in a way in the last book.||

The battle began as you needed to get this thing to die before it did anything to the people inside the plane or even all of you. At times you would shoot at it but you also used some of the remote bombs that you had found and had set off when it got close, not long later though it seemed to escape from you three which worried you as it could soon infect the others.

"We need to find it! Before it infects the people on board!" You told them.
"Yeah, let's find this thing quickly." Helena agrees.

But before you could move out Hunnigan informed you all that there was something wrong with the pressure bulkhead which Hunnigan told you three to check on it. Of course, this meant quickly moving around with the other passengers and as you walked around you three told them to get back in their seats that you three would handle this, as well as to try to remain calm.

Once at the tail of the plane you were worried that soon something might happen so you had Kuga, as you were worried Leon and Helena turned the round lever to somehow fix whatever was wrong with the plane though not long after the Smoker arrived through the vents.

Soon as it started to send out some infected fog you quickly forced open a vent and ordered Kuga to go through, as Kuga crawled through the vents back to the piolet you placed something to cover it up so no fog or well in this case smoke went through as Kuga made his way back as you, Leon and Helena would either fight this bastard but believed opening the hatch behind you would be better.

So as Leon was busy doing that you and Helena were busy distracting it. That plan seemed to work since the doors opened but not long later the Smoker and you three began to tumble out of there, gripping the doors you three despite having trouble crawling back up and dodging a few of the crates that came out afterwards everything was good as the door was closed up after Leon used the lever again. thing was to get back to the front of the plane...only sadly that damn Smoker got the passengers off the plane which meant you failed to keep them safe and even had to take a few out..not only that but whenever the plane moved around you three would stumble over or even fall to the side slamming into one of the small windows which made you hit your head a bit.

Groaning you shook your head quickly and continued on, though when you got back and noticed Kuga waiting for you there you smiled and ruffled his fur a bit kissing his head after he licked your face a few times.

"Good boy. You got here safely." You smiled.
"Jesus Christ, how much worse can this get?" Leon asked after seeing the condition the plane was in from a screen.
"When you opened the hatch, you destabilized the plane by letting the pressure out. Leon, you're gonna have to take the controls!" Hunnigan says.
"I was afraid you were gonna say that," Leon replies.

As Leon took the controls of the plane you and Helena shot down any more of the upcoming of the now infected passengers, Kuga sat at your side growling whenever he felt or well smelled the infected nearby letting you and Helena enough time to be ready. Meanwhile, Leon did his best to fly the plane and save it from crashing and actually killing you all.

When you took the moment to look behind you, you saw what seemed to be like Ada on top of a train, looking towards Leon you noticed he saw her too and had some sort of look in his eyes but then he quickly focused on the plane again which you had just brushed it off for now until he shouted for you all to brace for impact.

You got on your knees and held onto Kuga as the plane crashed jerking around a lot as you used yourself once again to protect Kuga from any harm, of course, giving yourself more bruises and a few small cuts here and there especially one on your collar bone which was slightly larger than the others.

Painfully walking out you seemed to have crash-landed in some sort area. Slowly walking around you looked all over the place as you held your side with your left hand while your gun was in your right hand.

(Note: If you left-handed then just think of it switched over okay? :) )

Kuga walked at your side at times brushing his body up on your leg to which you smiled a few times giving him a few gentle scratches to the head when you heard a familiar voice call out your names.

Looking in the direction of the voice you saw Sherry, all grown up beautiful Sherry. Kuga quickly recognized her and ran up to her jumping on her a bit as she laughed for the moment and petted him a bit before she got serious once more.

"What are you doing here?" Leon asked her.
"I'm on a protective detail," Sherry replies.
"Yeah, I heard you became an agent," Leon replies.
"Why are you two here?" Sherry asked.
"We're tracking the man behind all this. Chief Security Advisor Simmons." Leon explains.

However, Sherry had a disbelief expression from hearing that...wait what?

"What!? There must be some sort of mistake. I report to Simmons!" Sherry asked.
"You do?" You asked.
"He's your supervisor?" Leon asked.
"We're on our way to meet with him right now," Sherry says.
"Where is he!" Leon asked.
"Sherry please, we need to know." You said.

But she didn't answer quickly since she couldn't believe all this...the man she reported to did all this?? Leon though wasn't too keen on waiting since he began to approach her when the guy Sherry was with pushed him away who was later to be revealed named Jake.

Jake though pulled her aside whispering to her about whatever, Sherry though defended you and Leon to which not long later Kuga started to growl which caught your attention, but before you could look whatever was chasing after Jake and Sherry arrived and threw something at them nearly hitting everyone if they didn't get out of the way quickly.

"The hell is that!?" You asked, gun pointed.
"Leon!, (Y/N)! The plane!" Helena pointed out.
"Him again!?" Jake asked.
"Friend of yours?" Leon asked.
"More like an ex-girlfriend. The guy doesn't know when to quit." Jake replied.
"Welcome to the club. You get used to it." Leon replied after the thing jumped down.

Whatever this thing was Sherry warned you all about its arms, taking that into notion you all avoided his arms as you attacked, you knew however it would take a while before you were able to get out...or not at all since these days the bigger the BOW the fucking harder it is to kill it...that or you knock it out long enough to escape and get FAR AWAY from it.

Since the area limited your range of where to go it seems like you'd have to carefully pick your places to fight as well as make sure Kuga was safe and didn't over-heat. Using the flammable canisters as extra 'ammo' in a way and it worked a few times as later while he was 'busy' you and Helena helped Leon over the ledge as Jake helped Sherry however when that big Buffon arrived again he grabbed her and jumped over.

As those two got some bus slowly to start up again you, Helena and Jake, as well as Kuga, distracted this big fool while those two went to work, you leaped over the containers as this thing was hot on your tail on some point as you soon were caught in its grasp.


"So what's going on between you and (Y/N)?" Sherry asked.
"What do you mean?" Leon replied.
"Well...when we met up you two seemed more apart than together." Sherry points out.
"...It's complicated." Leon sighs.

He then explained a little bit of what had happened, which Sherry kind of felt a bit bad for you since it was a bit clear that Leon was getting rather closer with Ada even when you were missing for four years since she remembers him talking about how he'd sometimes run into her on his missions and little less about you.

" do speak of her more than (Y/N)..." Sherry frowns.

Leon frowned as well as he heard those words and soon finished with the back of the bus, but without answering to that he told her to punch it pretty much stating to get the bus up and running.

**With You & Others**

As those two were chatting away you were unaware actually since you were busy elsewhere battling this thing with two others. Suddenly your ears picked up on a bus turning on to life and you quickly ran to the side using a ladder to get up on one of the containers as it soon was driven out and passed by creating a way to the other side of the place as the two rushed out to re-join the fight.

Thankfully by that time Jake and Helena had helped you out of its grasp and you were able to join the fight as well. Only when it jumped away and replaced its arm to a new one did you realize the fight would be turned up a notch a bit...great...

Having to run around more often as it would attack anyone who shot at it quickly was kind of worrisome but in the end it wasn't long (which sure as hell felt long) he stumbled back only for some metal stuff to snap and fall making you all jump away on different directions being separated from Sherry and Jake.

"Sherry!" Leon and you shouted together.
"Leon! (Y/N)! We're gonna head to the Kwun Lung Building over at Koocheng! That's where I'm meeting with Simmons!" Sherry tells you two.
"Sherry, listen! Until we get there, I need you to-" Leon was replying before an explosion rang out.
"Shit..." You sighed.
"Are they gonna be alright?" Helena asked.
"Let's just hope that Jake kid is as good as he thinks he is," Leon replied.
"He better be, I don't want to see Sherry hurt. Yes, she can take care of herself but still." You commented.

It had been like this for you since you first met her you've been very protective of her acting as if you were her big sister which you both saw each other as such, pretty much-telling others that the other was either the 'big sister' or 'little sister'. It was just how your relationship with Sherry was since the start.

"Leon, (Y/N), do you read me?" Hunnigan's voice rang on the earpiece.
"(Y/N) here, something wrong?" You asked.
"Hunnigan?" Leon asked.
"You went dark after the plane went down. I linked in a minute ago, but you weren't picking me up. Listen, the building Agent Birkin mentioned isn't far off. Just stick to your current route, OK?" Hunnigan explains.
"Got it. Thanks." Leon replied.
"Copy that." You replied as well.

And well as she was telling you all this you three along with Kuga were walking on ahead trying to get rid of the aftermath in your mind as you tried not to have it make you remember all that transpired four years ago. With Kuga's help though you were in between being calm and having an episode, usually you'd go up to Leon and hold his hand as well but you've decided to not do so right now considering how things are between you two.

Coming up to the double doors you all entered it and saw up ahead what seemed to be some sort of outdoor market. Honestly, you haven't been to one really (if you have then well...okay) however Hunnigan's voice again was heard.

"Sherry said she was meeting up with Simmons in the Kwun Lung Building. The first thing your gonna have to do is cut through the outdoor market up ahead." Hunnigan says.

Honestly though the place was completely rid of its people, no one was in sight and honestly, the place seemed to have been trashed in some sort of panic, unknown to what was around Kuga soon growled followed by someone yelled out making you three rush to the corner and saw someone stumble to the side.

Running off to check it out it also seemed to be that the doors needed three key locks to open it, however before you were able to retrieve them a new form of BOW showed itself forming out of the damn meat that was around...disgusting slug-like that could walk or well stumble around like some drunk human.

"What the hell!" You and Helena shout.
"Guess that's why the whole street is on lockdown. The residents were trying to keep it out." Leon tells you two.
"Ahh great so we got more shit to deal with." You commented.

Shooting it down proved to be impossible, cause no matter how many times you did it would repair itself...great so you had to be careful and avoid them like the damn plague! Sighing you three decided to just roam around finding key by key.

However, working together along with Kuga who'd bark once in a while once again helping you three get alerted by the BOW's nearby. And soon it wasn't long until all the keys were in your grasp, using them quickly just as a sluggish BOW was nearing you all ran through and closed the doors behind you quickly.

Only when you nearly got out of there did an BOW attack you, forcing you to lean back nearly into the blades of the shredders of this meat place, hearing your name being called out and Kuga barking/whining the two-shot at the BOW which it stumbled back and you turned the tables on it forcing it inside the device you nearly was forced in.

Backing away you took deep breaths from that near-death experience and crouched down just as Kuga rushed up to you, hugging him you hid your face in his fur closing your eyes giving yourself a moment to calm yourself down. Which it helped since not long later you were able to get back up and follow the other two out.

"Are you okay?" Helena asked.
"Yeah...I-I'm fine." You nodded your head.
"Are you sure?" Leon asked.
"Yeah." You quickly said.

Walking through the next set of double doors walking around as you all looked around the place scoping it out you three then saw the woman in that was currently the subject of your arguments with Leon.

"Ada!?" Leon muttered.
"Let's follow her," Helena says.
"Yeah sure...what the hell else is new." You whispered to yourself.

Heading up the stairs to where Ada had left in you three carefully roamed around searching for Ada who later revealed herself as she walked up to another door, Leon had called out to her but later she was soon shot at, someone was chasing after her...which meant she must've pissed someone else off. Of course, she avoided the bullets but soon she made her escape.

Which meant you three would be chasing after her as well...great...that's JUST what you needed.

'We're always chasing after matter what mission we're on.' You thought.

Since the door she went through was now locked you three had to take another way to get to her, much to your annoyance you followed along with them as you went downstairs to a different room which seemed to be some sort of mini lab, apparently the people who shot at Ada were here and one voice seemed familiar but you weren't sure who it was yet since you were too busy running for the entrance.

And of course there had to be lasers from the opening forcing you guys to dodge them the best you could as you were trying to get to the elevator quickly only for you to be forced to destroy the stuff on the side of the walls in order to pass which was easy since all you had to do was shoot them off and quickly you guys got on the elevator before the other people who were here.

When out of the elevator it seemed like the next room you were in was some sort of...testing room? Well whatever it was the door was locked up not long later Ada started up some sort of testing crap which you honestly weren't understanding why she did such things but then again this woman was not that good to trust at all...she switches sides so many times that it's hard to understand her loyalty.

Being forced to keep the stupid round robots at bay as you did the job of helping Hunnigan hack into the system to get everything to power down, it seemed like mostly you could just run by them and they stop, turn red then blow up so that's how Kuga helped out whenever he saw a few of them, it took a while but later you and Hunnigan were able to hack into it and turn everything off which let the doors to be open easy.

Course during half of that Ada made her escape only for you and two others to chase after her, Leon shouting for her making you go silent as Helena noticed a bit of this...she had a feeling there was some sort of feelings between you and Leon but now it looked like it was put to the test due to Ada showing up or being the source of conversation.

It was actually sad really, what looked like on the outside that was once a strong and wonderful relationship was now torn and held by the thread, and it seemed like it would get worse as they chased after this woman.

When Ada was cut off someone was about to shoot her when Leon decided he wasn't gonna let it happens and fought with whoever it was only to be revealed that it was Chris who had his gun pointed at Leon, who mind you was in front of Ada...another BSAA member was behind Ada his gun aimed at her while you and Helena had yours either at the other guy or Chris.

"Chris!" Leon says.
"Leon! What are you doing here?" Chris asked.
"Put your gun down, Chris. She's a key witness, we need her." Leon tells.
"A witness!? She's the one who did all this!" Chris shouts.
"No! It wasn't her - it was Simmons the National Security Advisor." Leon tells him.
"I lost all my men because of her!" Chris shouts.
"And I lost over 70,000 people, including the President, because of Simmons!" Leon shouts back.
"She's working for Neo-Umbrella. You know what that means?" Chris tells.
"Yeah, I do." Leon agrees.
"And you're still going to protect this woman?" Chris asked.
"I am," Leon replies.

You flinched at this and sent a hurtful expression towards Leon, lowering your gun you looked down and closed your eyes, Chris saw this in the corner of his eye and grew even more pissed off by Leon.

"And what about (Y/N)? What happens when she attacks her huh!? You keep chasing another woman it's bound to hurt her!" Chris shouts.

Leon didn't reply and your heart broke, even more, making you turn around, during all this Ada sneaked a flashbang, Chris's partner saw this and called out for him but it was too late it went off and blinded everyone for a moment before your eyesight was back, gunshots were heard and you saw Leon stop Chris from running after.

"We both want the same here," Leon says.
"All right. The BSAA will handle Ada. You take care of Simmons. Oh, and don't you dare think of hurting (Y/N) you need to talk things out since you've seem more concerned with Ada." Chris said before leaving.

It was only then when he turned around to you to see your state, realizing what he had said in front of you. Going up to you to apologize he froze off when you glared at him coldly, this proved you had closed yourself off from him. But he still wanted to try.

"(Y/N) listen I didn't-" Leon tried.
"Enough, we have different matters to focus on. We'll talk about this later." You said monotone voice.

Leon could only watch as you walked off along with Kuga who rubbed his body on your leg a few times, Leon sighed as Helena placed a hand on his shoulder offering him a somewhat comforting smile as if silently saying 'it will be okay' oh how wrong that would be.

'I've dealt with this since the start of our relationship...this topic was always at the back of my head but it seems like the two for sure got closer while I was away...minutes ago proved it.' You thought.

This relationship...sadly seemed to be falling apart which hurt you deeply considering how much you loved Leon...but you weren't sure how much longer your heart could take from all this.

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