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||A/N: Okay and here's the ending...sorry it's a sad one I promise things will indeed get better for the reader and Leon in the final book. Like most relationships fights end in breakups and sometimes it evolves another woman or another man. I didn't want the readers and Leon's relationship to be this pitch-perfect one you see on tv or whatever...I wanted it to feel a bit realistic I guess but forgive me on how it was written...I'm a single fool who hasn't been in a relationship in years so I'm not sure how these things go too much anymore...either way enjoy! Next month I'll get the Prologue of the final book written up and posted! Until then...enjoy!!||

Note: Picture above is the BSAA uniform you wear and will wear throughout the final book.

Days, weeks soon months passed and still people questioned your loyalty to the DSO some even decided to take it up a notch and act like teenagers sending threats in letters without names, but you knew who they were from. Honestly, if people around here were mature like how you remembered them being then this shouldn't be happening...but sadly it was.

This leads you to request some time of leave as you spent most of those days in the apartment you still shared with Leon despite having things not so good...and well Leon wasn't so happy when he was told of something that you didn't bother to tell him.

So when he entered the home in an annoyed yet pissed off manner there wasn't gonna be a calm conversation like he used to have it was gonna be once again another argument. Then again the relationship now was hanging by a thread anyway.

"Why are you transferring!?" Leon shouts.
"I can't handle all the things my so-called co-workers say or send my way much longer! So sorry for deciding to get out of a hostile work environment!" You shout back.
"Why not come to me!?" Leon shouts again.
"Nothing tells me I have to! Besides, why are you suddenly more worried about me?! Didn't you move on to Ada those past four years!" You said.
"Ada...why do you keep bringing her up in our arguments!" Leon replied.
"Oh please we both know you've talked more about her than me, Sherry and Claire both told me while I was still missing I barely came into the conversation." You spat.
"Excuse me for it being too painful to talk about my girlfriend who at the time I didn't know if she was dead or alive!" Leon replies.
"No excuse to suddenly NOT deny quickly if you had feelings for that woman or not. So tell me...am I just a second thought? Some second-best!? Well news flash Leon, you were my first and only choice. But those four years proved I wasn't...I was just picked because at the time you knew I was alive and not supposedly dead." You explained.

This argument went on much longer as you both ignored Kuga's whines as he ran to your rooms. More shouts and hurt feelings escaped you as you poured your hurt heart out to the man you loved oh so dearly but you just couldn't take all this pain.

"You look at her like you've looked at me, there can't be two Leon...there just can't." You said sobbing now.
"(Y/N), please, there's nothing between her and I." Leon says attempting to wrap his arms around you.
"Don't...it's clear when even Simmons mentioned how it looked and what is." You whispered.
"What are you saying then?" Leon asked, fearing what would be said next.
"I've had enough, this whole time I knew there must've been something there between you two...even when we met up with her in Spain. Guess it's easy to replace me right?" You explain.
"No babe, it's not. And you weren't replaced! I'd never!" Leon says.

Leon began to cry knowing you were in the ropes of leaving him, he tried and tried to change your mind but you began packing whatever you could in bags and a few boxes, even as you brought them to your car and put them away he continued to follow you like a puppy begging you not to leave, however the hurt in your chest was too much.

The only time you grabbed his hand was when you gave your key to the apartment, kissing his cheek one last time you opened the passenger door as Kuga got in and you in the driver's seat. You were leaving him and this broke his heart just as much as it broke yours...thankfully this was all happening during the night so no one around the buildings saw it all happen.

Memories Of A Dead City - [Leon Kennedy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now