Chapter 3

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||A/N: Well here's a new chapter, things have been hard for my mom and I lately so chapter 4 may or may not come around tomorrow...sure I'll maybe write some of it today but honestly my mom and I are stressed out and we need time to just relax and get our minds off the stressful situation were in (I won't speak about it so please I ask you not to ask what it is we're handling it on our own.) But either way, enjoy!||

The fight began and those who had guns shot at anything that crawled through the windows, one dude in there was horrible to his girlfriend which angered you to the point where you had her remain behind you and Kuga for the rest of this fight.

But when this started to seemingly die down it, of course, couldn't help but go from back to worse as the man who treated his girlfriend horribly ran off and shot a zombie, only for it to mutate into some other monster with pure white skin and jaws that tore into him.

'Well that's new...then again with these virus's new BOW's are endless that's for sure.' You thought.

"Hey, take Kuga and hide in the area of the stairs! Quick!" You shout.
"A-Are you sure?" She asked.
"Just go, Kuga takes her there now!" You ordered.

She soon followed after your dog who brought her up the steps a bit as she hid, Kuga taking guard while everyone in the building downstairs took care of these things as well as a few of those Jumpers...fuck sakes they were scarier than the Lickers! These things walk like a normal person and once they sight on their prey they pounce on them.

Finding more ammo after running out and the guy FINALLY activated the shutters which made you question why the fuck he didn't do all this before you all arrived but either way he finally leads you all upstairs where you actually had been able to get a breather and restock on bullets.

"Nice work down there. Good news is, I've got some folks coming for me on a bus. Any minute now. If we can make it, it's a straight shot to the Cathedral. People are evacuating there. Heard it on the radio. That's a big 'if'. It's a shit storm out there. We aren't waiting for stragglers." The man explained.

However soon after he finished explaining all that zombies seemed to have arrived somehow, how with that in mind you and everyone else with a gun started to shoot away while the man got the 'Japanese guy' to get the shutters for the second floor...took a while too as even those damn Jumpers were around but with everyone working together the shutters soon finally came down and all was silent for a moment.

Getting into the next room proved to be slightly better but when the room shook violently a few times soon the door was broken down as a fat ass large zombie guy walked in, good god...together along with your dog you moved around while shooting at the damn thing...this bastard wouldn't let you continue on without you killing it, in the end, to pass on forwards.

After finally killing it everyone had headed up to the roof of the building where they were to meet up with whoever was gonna be there but trouble always arrived as lots of zombies and some Jumpers arrived as well as another fat ass big zombie you and the others just finished killing off...great...this was gonna be one hell of a fight to get through.

When the bus finally arrived the man got busy with the lock on the door where they could all escape from, it took a moment but when he got it, every one, one by one ran off while some shot a few zombies and quickly got on the bus, Kuga sat by a window but before the driver could drive off the large ass zombie was in the way holding the front of the bus back.

This forced everyone to defend the sides of the bus while a few others did their best to shoot away at the one before them as they needed a way out. Once it was the bus briefly ran over and the bus took off and out of town finally giving those who survived a sigh of relief to be out of that horror and on the way to safety.

Memories Of A Dead City - [Leon Kennedy x Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant