I Want To Come First

De RoseAstridMikaelson

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Rose left the Moroi & Dhampir World because Dimitri broke her heart & got together with Tasha, & Lissa destro... Mai multe



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De RoseAstridMikaelson

Rose's Outfit


In come cases, people believe that change can be a good thing. For Rose Hathaway, it was. It had been her fresh start, a second change at a new life. But the only way to make that new life was to put the past behind you, not fight it, not believe that it would come back to bite you in the ass. Making a fresh start is proving that you can get better after you've fallen. Rose did fall but at least she picked herself up and had the courage to make a new start.

Rose walked towards the entrance of the Abattoir, cringing and wincing at the sounds of loud clanging, which told Rose that there was construction work going on inside the Abattoir, that could even be heard from outside. 

Pursing her lips in confusion, Rose hurried towards the Abattoir as quickly as she could while pregnant. The brunette wrinkled her nose at the smell of sweat and sawdust upon entering the Abattoir and froze, looking at the construction workers milling around the courtyard. 

Some of them nodded to her in greeting, while others just ignored her, as they walked pass, however none of them actually paused in their assigned tasks as she walked passed and Rose realised that they might have either been compelled or they're just to focused on getting the task done. Rose really hoped that it was the former and not the latter.

"What the actual fuck?"Rose muttered as she narrowly avoided the workers.

"You know, I'm actually beginning to think that you do need a spanking to the backside if you continue swearing as much as you do."Elijah, standing right behind Rose, whispered in her ear and Rose gasped and whirled around and she raised an eyebrow at what he was wearing before remembering that Elijah had scared her.

"Bloody hell, Elijah!"Rose exclaimed, glaring."Are you either A, trying to give me a heart attack, or B, trying to make me lose the baby."Rose growled out. 

Elijah looked at her, smiling apologetically at her and she huffed. Before either of them could say anything, Klaus came to stand on the second floor balcony with Genevieve behind him. A small snarl of displeasure escaped Rose's mouth as she caught sight of the redhead.

"Enough with all the racket!"

"Is there a problem, Brother?"Elijah asked, turning to look up at Klaus along with Rose."Gentlemen, please."

"I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody three-ring circus."Klaus said as he walked down the stairs with Genevieve right on his heels.

"Marcel and his minions abused our Home for the better part of a Century."Elijah glanced around, hiding his disgust behind his unreadable mask."Now, you might be content to live in squalor. I'm not."Elijah stated and glanced down at Rose."And I will not have my child living in one either."

"I thought you two would go and live in Rose's apartment and raise the child there, considering the fact that you're never around."Klaus retorted.

"The only reason we're not around here as much as you'd like us to be, Klaus, is because you have that Witch-Bitch of a whore staying here."Rose said, sneering at Genevieve, who in turn smiled tightly."I don't feel safe with her around and Elijah doesn't want hear you two go at it.... like dogs in heat."

"I agree with your Brother."Genevieve piped up, deciding to change it back to the construction work going on before she actually said something that would cause her intent death by Elijah's hands for insulting Rose."It's a new era in the French Quarter. This place could use a makeover."

"Careful, Elijah."Klaus said cheekily as he placed a hand on Elijah's shoulder."When this one agrees with you, it's a sure sign she wants something."Klaus then walked off and Genevieve, who was following him, paused and turned to the couple.

"Actually I do have a request."Genevieve said, looking directly at Elijah, who raised an eyebrow at her and Rose looked at her suspiciously."I'm told our Coven hasn't been able to celebrate Feast Days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of Magic."A look of interest appeared in Rose's eyes. Yeva had told her stories about the different Feast Days."Now with the new peace, I'd like that to change.

"Am I to assume that you have a certain feast day in mind?"Elijah stated rather then asked the redhead.

"The Fête des Bénédictions."Genevieve stated and Rose's eyes lit up in recognition.

"Feast of the Blessings."Rose translated with ease.

"You've heard of it?"Genevieve exclaimed in surprise.

Rose rolled her eyes."Of course I have. My Babushka was like me. A Hybrid. Half Moroi Vampire, Half Witch. However, she gave up her Magic a long time ago."Rose said cryptically and turned to Elijah."In the past, members of the community offered Witches gifts in exchange for blessings."Rose said, noticing the confused look on Elijah's face.

"We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young Harvest Girls to society."Genevieve stated.

Elijah crossed his arms over his chest."So your Coven attempted to destroy my Family, put my Mate and unborn child in harms way, and you yourself held my Siblings in unspeakable torment."Elijah stated as Rose looked between them."And you would like a party for the Witches."Rose and Elijah glanced at Klaus, who chuckled, causing Genevieve to glance at him.

"I made my amends with your Brother."Genevieve said as she looked at Klaus."Why don't you think it over?"She then left the Abattoir.

"Oh, don't be such a stiff, Elijah."Klaus said, coming over to the couple."The tourists love a good Festival.Besides, what better way to cement the solidarity than a show of faith toward a onetime enemy?"Klaus asked as they looked in the direction that Genevieve left in.

"A onetime enemy with whom you've grown rather nauseatingly intimate."Elijah retorted.

"Who said maintaining alliances can't be fun?"Klaus hummed.

"One would think you'd be a little more interested in attending to the needs of the Mother of your child."Elijah stated.

"So it's not only Rose and your child being the reason behind this oh-so-thoughtful renovation."Klaus gestured around them."Elijah, the truth is the Mother of my child is Werewolf Royalty. She's far safer in the Bayou with her Pack than she would ever be here with us."Klaus said more seriously."Don't worry. I'll bring her home before the birth."Klaus patted Elijah on the arm and smiled at Rose before walking away."No child of mine will be born in a swamp."Klaus added, not looking back at the couple.

Elijah and Rose looked at each other."About Fête des Bénédictions...."Rose trailed off after a few minutes and bit her lip."Please?"Rose said when Elijah scowled."Elijah, everyone signed that treaty for a reason or more. You want peace between the factions, Hayley just wants her people to have the same, or similar rights that Vampires and Witches have had ever since they were banished to the Bayou. The Witches can practice Magic again freely. And as always, the Vampires can feed freely on the tourists and the locals are safe from being blood bags."Rose said, stating her argument."The Vampires, while and after you and your Siblings were there and fled, have been the Overlords of New Orleans. While your Family was here, the Werewolves had homes inside the Quarter and Witches could have their Feasts, Festivals, and could practice their Magic freely..... need I go on?"Rose asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"And what about your people?"Elijah asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"My people?"Rose echoed."They needed to be aware of what was going on. Marcel ignored them, acting as if they didn't exist and in turn, the Moroi's and Dhampirs knew nothing of the dangers in this City. Nothing at all. Do you know how dangerous it is to be kept in the dark? Because I do. It's a lot more dangerous then knowing, Elijah."The Original blinked, not quite understanding what Rose was saying and she noticed that."My Father is, for lack of better terms, a business man who does side deals in Russia. I knew nothing about that and I went to Russia. If anyone who knew my Father could see a resemblance, a strong one at that, between me and him, I might not have been here today because I knew nothing about who my Father was, what he did, what he even looked like."Rose exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air."That is why it is much more dangerous being kept in the dark rather then knowing what's going on."Rose stated before sighing."Please, Elijah, I've been meaning to give Davina a present and this is the perfect opportunity to give it to her...."

"Alright."Elijah agreed with a defeated sigh, wondering how Rose could bring up an argument and win without him getting a say in it, and Rose beamed up at him.


The Bayou

Meanwhile, out in the Bayou, many other Werewolf Packs had come all the way to see Hayley and her Miracle Baby. Hayley wasn't pleased with all the attention she was gaining from this and wondered if Rose was dealing with something similar but it wasn't likely because no one from her community knew who the Father of Rose's unborn child was.  

Hayley had heard from Rose that some of the Moroi's and Dhampirs were spreading rumours, to other Moroi's and Dhampirs in the City, saying that Elijah had decided to take the roll of the Father since Rose's partner ran out on her the moment he found out.



With Klaus & Cami

Klaus, after calling Oliver and telling who to look for from Klaus' Werewolf bloodline, went to Rousseau's to see Cami and tell her that Genevieve was going to help Cami's Uncle. However, Cami was suspicious as to why the resurrected redheaded Witch wanted to help Kieran, who had been Hexed by one of the resurrected Witches. 


Lafayette Cemetery 

With Genevieve & Co.

"Who put you in charge?"Genevieve snapped at Monique, who had told her that it was Genevieve's time to return to the Ancestors.

"I communicated with the Ancestors."Monique stated calmly."They said it's time for you to sacrifice yourself."

Genevieve glanced down at the ground and scoffed when she glanced back up at the girls."Of course. It will be an honour to fulfill my duty to our Coven. But it's not quite my time yet."

"The Ancestors were very clear."Monique retorted."We need for you to die so our community can have the full power of the Harvest."

"Careful, Monique."Genevieve stated in a threatening voice."Not so long ago, I was one of those Ancestors. A spirit forced to watch as little by little"Genevieve stalked towards Monique."Witches surrendered everything to Vampires." Monique pursed her lips."We may no longer live under Marcel's thumb but I for one don't particularly enjoy answering to Elijah either."Genevieve said strongly."Before I take my leave, I'd like to insure that you have the power to control your own fate. The Mikaelsons Mother, Esther, was a powerful Witch."A look of interest appeared in Monique's eyes."Her Spell Book contains enchantments that we can use to our own ends. I can steal it"Davina stared at Genevieve in bewilderment, wondering if she had lost her mind."for our Coven and we'll never be held in subjugation again."Genevieve glanced around before looking directly at Monique."You'll have your sacrifice."The redhead promised the young Witch."But I have things to do before I die."


The Bayou

With Rose & Co.

While Elijah had gone to talk to the Vampires, and the leader of the Human Faction, to tell them about Fête des Bénédictions, Rose went to the Bayou, by getting dropped off by Elijah, to tell Hayley and the Crescents about Fête des Bénédictions as well. 

"Another party?"Hayley asked, lips pursed into a thin line.

"It's not a party. Fête des Bénédictions is a Feast, it literary translates to Feast of the Blessings."Rose corrected Hayley."Your name's on that treaty, Hayley. You have to do this as a sign of good will. There can not be peace between the Factions if we don't try to go to social events. It'll look bad."

"Bad how?"Oliver asked.

"Well, for example, if the Vampires go and the Werewolves don't, the Vampires will think that you're planning an attack on their territory and vice versa would happen if you went and the Vampires didn't."Rose snapped at Oliver and pursed her lips. He's way to calm about all of this. Rose thought and narrowed her eyes on the blonde suspiciously."Look, Hayley, you're still at odds with Davina."Hayley looked sheepish and guilty at the mention of Davina."If you go, not only can you give her a present, you can tell her how sorry you are and that you were only trying to help your people."Hayley still looked unsure as she crossed her arms over her chest."Ok, you what? Only one Witch Cursed the Crescents, Hayley and that Witch is dead. As for the other Witches, yes, they have been crap towards you ever since you came to town but this isn't about them or you. This is about the Harvest Girls. The other Witches aren't involved. You don't need to nor do you have to give a present to them, only one of the Harvest Girls."Rose said with her hands on her hips."You signed the treaty, you want equality, you'll get it, but only if you be fair to the other Factions."

"Rose is right, Hayley."Jackson spoke up."If we're going to be fair to them, we're going to have to play ball."Jackson turned to look at Rose."We'll send a representative to give a gift."Jackson said, taking control of the conversation like a true Alpha would. 

Rose stared at him for a moment before looking at Hayley, who scowled back at her before turning on her heels and walking away. Eyes narrowed, Rose curled her hand, that was limp by her side, slightly and Hayley suddenly found herself unable to move.

"Dammit, Rose! Let me go."Hayley snapped softly as to not alarm Oliver and Jackson as Rose walked over to her.

"That was too easy. Oliver was too calm about this."Rose said and Hayley looked at her, eyebrows furrowed."Something doesn't seem right.... For my sake, please don't trust them too much."

Rose let go of her hold that kept Hayley frozen on the spot, knowing that if she continued to use her Magic, she'd faint and might harm the baby, and walked away, heading back to the path that will take her to the road. Hayley stared after Rose, knowing that when Rose felt as if something was wrong, she was normally right. Turning slightly to look at Oliver and Jackson, the pregnant Wolf narrowed her gaze them.


Time Skip

The Cabin

With Hayley & Co.

"What is this? High School?"Hayley asked sarcastically in a sweet voice as she came outside the Cabin and looked between Oliver and Jackson, who had gone quiet the moment she stepped outside.

"Why don't you take the hint and mind your own business?"Oliver retorted and when he turned his back on Hayley, she grabbed him and forced him up against the wall.

"This is my Pack,"Hayley growled out and Jackson stared at her, eyes wide."that makes it my business."Oliver winced and grounded his teeth so that he couldn't cry out when Hayley's grip tightened.

"No need to get all riled up. It's not good for you, Hayley."Jackson spoke up, concerned. 

"I have tried to play nice. Last month of pregnancy is all hormones and moodswings."Oliver grunted in pain."So unless you want me to snap your arm like a twig, I suggest that you tell me what is going on."

"You can go to hell."Oliver spat. 

"Knock it off. There's no reason to keep it from her."Jackson stated cryptically.

"I can think of a reason."Oliver retorted as he leaned back and looked Hayley in the eyes."Small, pregnant Hybrid brunette and her Immortal lover who wears a pocket-scarf!"Hayley, enraged, slammed him back against the wall.

"Hayley's one of us. She deserves to know."Jackson retorted, defending Hayley."Now c'mon."Hayley glanced over at Jackson, who gave her a pointed look. Putting up her mask, which she had learned from Rose, Hayley let Oliver go and he turned to face them."We made an alliance. It's going to change everything for the Wolves."

Hayley's eyes narrowed. Rose was right. Something was up."An alliance with who?"Hayley asked in a dangerously calm voice but the two male Wolves could hear the edge in her voice.

"Klaus."Hayley looked between them as if they had gone mad.

"Tell me everything."Hayley gritted out angrily.


Time Skip

The French Quarter

That night Elijah stood in the French Quarter, watching along with Rose, who stood in his arms with his hands resting over her stomach, as the three of the four Harvest Girls were led through the crowded Quarter, on carrying thrones that were decorated, as the parade went on. 

Rose smiled brightly when she caught Davina's eyes and waved at her. Davina, who had caught sight of Rose and Elijah, couldn't help but give Rose a smile just as bright as Rose's own smile and wave back happily, unlike before when she was a bit timid with waving at all the strangers.

Elijah allowed a small smile to appear on his lips as he saw how well Davina and Rose interacted with one another. If anyone could see the connection between the two of them that they shared, it was Elijah. Although he wasn't sure what type of connection it was, he was sure that it was either a Sisterly Bond or Mother and Daughter Bond. Either way, he was happy with their bond if they were happy.

In the middle of the street was a makeshift stage that had been made for the festival. The thrones were lowered to the ground once they reached the stage and the escorts helped the three Harvest Girls step down before the young Witches stepped up onto the stage.

"Now, in accordance with the Fête des Bénédictions, the Witches of New Orleans bless you all!"Genevieve, who stood with the younger Witches, exclaimed happily as the crowd erupted into a deafening cheer. 

Genevieve smiled proudly at her achievement, before stepping of the stage, as the crowd calmed down when Monique stepped forward with smile on her lips and she raised her hands into the air, palms up. Rose gasped slightly within Elijah's arms, and his grip tightened on her protectively as the ground began to stake due to the mild earthquake that Monique created with her Magic. 

When she stepped back, Abigail, the third Harvest Girl, didn't step forward but stayed where she was, and like Monique, she raised her hands up, only they went above her head, creating a strong gust of wind that blew around area. Rose laughed joyfully as she felt the wind whip around her and Elijah. 

The Noble Original chuckled softly before he kissed Rose on the top of her head as Abigail stepped back, before looking back up at Davina, who took a deep breath to get rid of her nervousness, and turned her back to the crowd. Unlike Abigail and Monique, Davina raised one hand, palm out, towards the sign behind the stage. Everyone watched in awe as it immediately ignited into flames, quickly spreading into the pattern of a Fleur-de-lis. 

Rose and Elijah clapped, and in Rose's case, cheered with the crowd as dozens of fireworks were lit. Rose suddenly gasped as she felt a sharp kick to her ribs and instantly knew that the baby could feel the Magic in the air. Elijah, who had rested his hands against Rose's stomach again, also felt the kick, and while he felt sorry for the fact that their child had just kicked Rose in the ribs, he was very happy at the fact that their child was active at the moment.

"I can't wait for our child to be born."Rose gritted out and Elijah chuckled."Keep chuckling at my misery and you can forget about sleeping in the same room as me tonight."

Elijah immediately stopped, knowing that Rose would hold well to that threat. Elijah released his grip on Rose and stepped to the side of her, holding out his arm and Rose rolled her eyes playfully but slipped her arm through his before they walked through the crowd carefully, heading towards the Abattoir. When they got there, the party was in full swing. Rose smiled happily as she listened to the Jazz music playing throughout the Abattoir. 

However, only elite members of the Community, meaning only those of the Human Factions, who knew of the Supernatural, were allowed in, a few Vampires, and Witches, and hopefully, the Werewolves had come along like Rose had asked of Hayley. Elijah and Rose decided to stay at the front entrance, waiting for more people to arrive. Elijah nodded respectfully while Rose would smile politely as more people would come through. 

Neither Supernatural beings wanted to speak with them because to Elijah, none of them were worth a personal greeting and Rose didn't really know any of them, nor did she want to know them even if they had sighed the Treaty or not, there was nothing in said treaty that said that Rose had to talk to anyone.

As the Harvest Girls entered, Abigail nodded to Elijah and Rose while Monique glanced at them and Davina didn't look at them as she followed Abigail and Monique into the Abattoir. She would have continued on-wards hadn't Elijah spoken up.

"Davina."Elijah said softly.

"Elijah."Davina stated."Rose."Davina said in a more gentle and happy voice as she looked at Rose, who smiled back at her.

"It's lovely to see you."Elijah glanced over at the other Witches."And under far better circumstances."

"Is it?"Davina asked sharply."My friend Tim is still dead and your Brother's still breathing."

"Davina,"Genevieve said, walking through the entrance."that's enough."Davina glanced at Genevieve as the redhead came to stand next to Elijah and Rose."Elijah has been a patron to us this evening."Rose and Elijah looked at Genevieve with raised eyebrows as she gestured towards Elijah."We will show him respect."

Rose scoffed causing everyone to look at her."Look at you, playing peacekeeper in something you know nothing about."Rose said sassy as she pulled herself away from Elijah's arms and turned to look at Genevieve, who had pursed her lips into a thin line."If I can make a suggestion, Genevieve?"Rose continued talking before Genevieve could say anything."You may be the Witch Elder of the Witch Community here, but that doesn't mean that you have to know everything that's going on, especially when it comes to my Mate trying to peace with a girl who grieving over something your bedmate did. I know you're not defending Elijah from Davina's sharp mouth because he's more powerful then you. You're doing it so you can stay in Klaus' bed."Rose spat and Davina's eyes eyes widened while Elijah smirked slightly as Genevieve blushed in embarrassment and anger."So, maybe you should keep your nose out of things, mainly things concerning my Mate and Davina, that are none of your business."Rose leaned up and kissed Elijah on the cheek before turning to Davina."Want me to walk you inside?"Rose asked, holding out her arm and Davina giggled softly as she slipped her arm through Rose's before they walked off. 

"Your Mate doesn't seem to like me."Genevieve said as they watched the two girls walk away before Genevieve turned to look at Elijah."But, thank you for all of this."

"This isn't for you. You know as well as I that your people would never accept a truce unless we showed them some respect. So be it"Elijah retorted quickly."And, yes, Rose doesn't like you due to you being the reason why we can't married in Human terms since you drove a wedge between my Siblings."Elijah stated calmly."Enjoy your party."Elijah said with an edge in his voice as he looked at her directly in the eyes before making a gesture for her go inside.

"That was putting mildly."Hayley said as she stepped out of the shadows and Elijah looked at her with a raised eyebrow."Rose doesn't like her, she hates her. You and I both know that."

"Strange."Elijah stated."I thought you'd be in the company of your colourful friends."Elijah changed the subject.

"Oh."Hayley said with a blank face."You had Rose ask for a representative for the werewolves, so take me or leave me."Elijah chuckled slightly and nodded in acknowledgement before he and Hayley to walk into the place and they found Rose easily.

Rose smiled brightly at Hayley, who returned the smile, as Elijah pulled her into his arms and kissed her neck. All the meanwhile, they watched as Monique went up on stage and Genevieve stood on the floor next to her and clinged her glass, gathering everyone's attention.

"Welcome."Genevieve said when she had everyone's attention."As is our time-honoured tradition, you are all welcome to deliver your offerings."She gestured to the Harvest Girls."It is our custom that no one should be turned away, no blessing be denied."

Hayley was the first to go up and went to give her gift to Davina, only for a Witch to interfere. Rose's eyes narrowed and she quickly removed herself from Elijah's arms and grabbed the Witch by the arm, causing her to freeze.

"If I remember correctly, blessing are to be given to whoever the the person wants to give the gift too. Am I wrong?"Rose asked, acting as if she was trying to remember, her grip tightening slightly on the woman's arm and she hissed under her breath before shaking her head."That's what I thought."

Rose nodded to Hayley, who smiled slightly and put the box down at Davina's feet and smiled at her, causing the young Witch to smile back. As Hayley walked off, Elijah came to Rose's side and took the box from her as they came to stand in front of Davina, and like Hayley, Elijah put the box down in front of her. 

They also gave Davina a smile, which she returned brightly towards Rose, but it became more polite as she looked at Elijah. As the couple walked away, Rose's eyes met Monique's hard gaze and she glared, slightly flaring her Magic to life and hid her smirk when she saw Monique shiver at the feel of Rose's Magic.

"My Darling Girl...."Elijah trailed off in a warning tone, he also felt the flare of Rose's Magic. 

Rose looked up at Elijah innocently."Yes, My Viking?"Rose asked, batting her eyelashes and Elijah's gaze darkened as he looked down at Rose. 

"You little tease."Elijah finally said and Rose giggled. 


Time Skip

As time went on, Rose noticed that barely anyone was giving Davina any gifts. She also noticed the smug look Monique shot Davina, in return, the dark haired brunette got up, grabbing only Rose's and Hayley's presents and walked off with her head held high, not letting Monique get to her. Rose went to go after her, only to freeze when she saw Klaus walk in the same direction Davina walked off in.

"When did Klaus get here?"Rose asked softly, looking up at Elijah, causing the Noble Original to look down at her sharply. 

Before he could say anything, he and Rose saw Klaus coming back into the main room, holding Josh with Davina hot on their heels. Klaus let go of Josh and walked up a few steps and turned to look at everyone else.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please."Klaus said, effectively gaining everyone's attention.

"What is he doing?"Rose whispered and went to walk towards the trio but Elijah grabbed her, drawing her back to his side while eyeing his Brother with narrowed eyes.

"We are gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved Witches,"Klaus exclaimed."but one very special Witch has been utterly ignored."Genevieve stepped forward from her spot in the crowd, eyes narrowed."That seems a little unfair to me."Klaus revealed a small present from behind his back and held it out to Davina.

"No."Davina said, slightly shaking her head and looked up at Klaus."I don't want your gift."Rose tensed and Elijah was quick to rub smoothing circles on her hip with his thumb.

"I understand why you would reject me, given our past."Klaus pocketed his gift."In truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my Brother's treaty ended."Klaus said, glancing at everyone."Your friend, Josh,"Davina looked at Josh when Klaus called him out and pointed at him."was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him here and now."Klaus took one step down as Josh glanced away fearfully and Davina's eyes widened."But. In the spirit of solidarity, and for your favour, Davina, I hereby pardon him."Diego's eyes narrowed slightly as he, along with everyone else wondered what Klaus was doing."Josh"Klaus put his hand on Josh's shoulder."from this day forward, you have nothing to fear from me."He let go of Josh's shoulder and turned back to Davina, holding out his small gift."Please."Davina too it with a hard look on her face and looked down at it while Klaus glanced around and his eyes landed on Genevieve, who stared back at him coldly.


Time Skip

"Well, that went well?"Rose questioned more then stated and glanced around."How I wish I could drink to settle my nerves."Elijah smiled slightly at Rose and lifted her hand, which was in his, and kissed her knuckles as they came to stand next to Hayley.

The sudden sound of drumming echoed around the room, over the sound of the music and people chatting. Rose frowned in confusion as she and Elijah looked at one another, wondering what was going on now. Neither of them had no performances planned as they had planned where the gathering would be held. 

Eight men wearing pristine white suits, carrying handheld drums were marching down the stairs into the party with blank expressions on their faces. Compulsion. Rose thought, her eyes narrowed as she, Hayley, and Elijah traded uneasy looks.

"Happy Fête des Bénédictions."The lead drummer said as they stopped playing."We have a message for all of you from Marcel Gerard."

Klaus lost his smile, the Vampires looked at the drummers sharply as said drummers pulled out small knives and everyone started mumbling in fear as they cut their wrists, drawing blood. Many of the Vampires within the room started to Vamp-Out and growled and snarled. 

Elijah walked forward and turned to look at the Vampires in the room, standing in front of the Compelled Humans and noticed that Hayley had a hand on Rose's shoulder as Rose had a hand over her mouth and nose, covering her sense of smell and had a look of pain on her face as if she, like the other Vampires, was affected by it.

"Control yourselves."Elijah said in a soft yet firm voice."This is a vulgar trick. We do not violate our agreement."Elijah exclaimed in a loud voice near the end of second sentence. Just then, the lights went out and everyone started screaming. The people that ran became the Vampires prey."Rose!"Elijah exclaimed, looking for his Mate as chaos erupted in the room. 

When the lights came back on, Rose and Hayley, who each had a tickle of blood on the sides of their heads, and a small line of blood went down their faces, and they had no idea how they ended up on the floor, sat up slightly, trembling as they did, and looked around, noticing that they were surrounded by dead bodies.

"Elijah?"Rose cried as tears formed in her eyes and Elijah came to her side.

"Klaus."Hayley said and Klaus appeared by her side, helping her up.

"Rose. It's ok, I've got you."Elijah mumbled as he brought Rose into his arms, not wanting her to see the bodies as Hayley clinged to Klaus. 

Roe glanced around as much as she could from her position within Elijah's arms before noticing something on the wall and her eyes widened as she gasped, causing Hayley, Klaus, and Elijah to look at her and notice where she was looking. Elijah's grip on Rose tightened as they stared at the words 'THERE WILL BE NO PEACE' written on the wall in blood.


Outer Area Of The City

With Marcel 

Thierry was telling Marcel of their achievements and that they had gotten Davina out of there safely before Elijah called out Marcel's name and Thierry went flying back and then to the ground near Marcel's feet. Elijah appeared in front of Marcel, his eyes dark with rage that Marcel had never seen before in the Noble Original's eyes.

"I warn you."Elijah stated before he grabbed Marcel by the shoulder and forced him against some boxes."And yet still you return to the French Quarter."

"You gonna kill me, Elijah?"Marcel gritted out."Go ahead."Marcel dared him and for a moment, Elijah actually thought about doing so but Marcel continued talking before Elijah could do anything."But then you won't know what Klaus has got going with that Witch in his pocket."Marcel stated, referring to Genevieve.

"Oh, whatever shall I do?"Elijah said, using the script lines of someone who would normally be afraid in a horror film but he didn't look afraid or worried."I suppose I could just ask him."Elijah snapped calmly.

"Yeah."Marcel said, smirking as if he was agreeing with Elijah."Make sure he tells you all about the secret meetings with the Werewolves."Elijah's eyes narrowed."That is, if he's still speaking to you once he knows that you killed me."

"Do you not know me?"Elijah gritted out and shoved his hand into Marcel's chest, causing the Vampire to cry out. Thierry, believing he could distract Elijah, darted towards him, only for Elijah's hand to end up in his chest, gripping his heart."For your violation."Elijah declared and ripped out Thierry's heart.

"No."Marcel choked out."No, no."Marcel cried softly as he looked down at Thierry's body.

Elijah looked down at the heart in his hand."You live"He held it up to Marcel's face."or you die according to my will."Elijah dropped the heart."Try to remember that."Elijah let him go and left, wanting to just go back to Rose's apartment and lie with her, but first, he needed to find out what Klaus was planning and checking in on Hayley.


Rose's Apartment

Elijah, after checking in on Hayley and finding out what Klaus was planning, slipped into the bed after getting out of his clothes, so that he was only wearing his boxers, and spooned Rose, wrapping his arm over her stomach and gently caressed it.

"You wanna talk about it?"Rose asked, her eyes still closed, in soft and drowsy voice.

"No."Elijah mumbled as he reached over her, looming over her and kissed her on the cheek."I just want to lie here with you and listen to the sound of our child's heartbeat."Elijah said in a soft voice filled with love and adoring towards Rose and their child.

"Hmm."Rose hummed and allowed Elijah to pull her closer and nuzzled his face into her neck.

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