Mini Reids

By buttercupreids

44.6K 583 150

(Completed but in editing) After the death of their mother Spencer is left with his two twin daughters. Will... More

Mini Reids
Take My Hand
Line Without A Hook
Before You Go
If I Could Fly
Thank you.
merry christmas!


1.9K 26 14
By buttercupreids


Amazed~Lone Star

High~5 Seconds of Summer

"Even though we never said it to each other. We knew."


~Em's POV~

As the dull, monotone bell rang from the hallway, it seemed as if everyone sprinted out of the classroom. Having spent most of the day in the company of my thoughts, I walked slowly behind the group who appeared to be having a semi-interesting conversation.

"Is that okay?" Henry asked me, getting my attention by poking me with his elbow. I nodded, not really caring about whatever was okay at this point. School was just so stressful right now. I felt like I had to be perfect or it would all fall apart, and it would.

We got outside and everyone piled into Jack's car, leaving me in Henry's. I looked at him slightly confused as we started to pull out.

"Why did they all squeeze in there when some could come with you?" He started laughing but then looked at me seriously.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine why?"

"I asked you if it was okay if they all went together and you came with me when we were leaving math," I looked at him, his eyes focused on the road as we made our way towards Quantico.

"Oh, sorry I've just been a little stressed out," I answered him honestly, I was literally in a situation where if I made one wrong move it was game over.

"I know what you need," he grinned.

"What?" I asked. Suddenly he made a sharp turn and pulled into a random parking lot.

"We're going to make you a TikTok account!" He said.

"I'm sorry... a what?" I asked confused.

"A TikTok account. You can post these short little videos or you can watch other people's. It's a ton of fun! Please?" He asked, dragging out the please. I shrugged.

"Why not?" I said questionably, still not sure exactly what I was getting myself into.

"Okay let me see your phone!" I pulled my phone out and handed it to him. He downloaded the app and handed it back to me to have me set up a password and things.

"Okay what picture do you want to use?" He asked. I shrugged again.

"I don't know, just pick one I guess," I told him. He smiled and scrolled through my pictures, finally picking one after about 2 minutes. He actually picked a pretty nice one of my laying in the grass at one of our summer barbeques. My dad insisted on taking it because I "looked cute" and it "made him smile". So, I let him take the picture even though it was the last thing I wanted to do in the moment.

"Okay username?" He asked me.

"Ummmmmmmmm... Emily Reid?" I asked.

"BORINGGG! But fine," he said typing it in. I laughed, what is with everyone calling me boring?

"Okay you're all set! Now when you get home make a few videos." He said as he put his own phone away and started driving again. I messed around on the app for a few minutes. I couldn't help but think about what would happen if my dad found out about this account, I mean he didn't even let me have a public Instagram. He literally made Garcia do a background check before I could approve any followers, it's a little bit overkill not going to lie.

"Wait, I already have a follower?" I asked, confused as to how that would even be possible.

"Just me kid don't get too excited," he laughed as we pulled into the parking lot. We walked inside to find the rest of the group waiting for us at the elevator.

"Where were you guys?" Jack asked.

"We just made a quick stop," Henry said and pressed the button for the elevator, somehow ending the conversation.


The next day I spent pretty much the entire day on my phone watching TikToks. I really hope that my dad doesn't find out because my math teacher and my history teacher both ended up taking my phone away from me. Apparently I'm supposed to pay attention in class or something, it's stupid.

I really love TikTok and I couldn't wait to get home because I was going to order some things that hopefully would make more people follow my account. I really wanted to order some more scrunchies but other than that I was just going to get the essentials.

Suddenly the bell rang cutting off my thoughts. The team got off early today so we all went straight home. The ride home was quiet, my dad had picked us up. It was Friday and we were all tired. I watched the trees fly by and the rain fall on the window as we drove. Before too long, I slowly felt my eyes close.


I woke up to my dad gently rubbing circles on my back while whispering my name. I slowly opened my eyes.

"Hey princess, it's time to go inside," I nodded and took my usual leap out of the car. It was very tall and I am very not. As I stumbled to my feet I started the small walk into the house. As I opened the door I remembered all of the things I had to order.

I ran up the stairs and to my room I quickly closed the door behind me just to realize that Reese was already laying on the bed. I jumped onto mine and pulled my laptop off of my night stand, giving her a sup nod that she returned with a laugh.

After turning on the power I went straight to Amazon. I spent about 10 minutes ordering things to help me be popular on TikTok. Eventually, after checking off everything that was on my list, I finished my purchase. Now all I have to do is hope Dad doesn't notice...

I decided to lay back on the bed and just close my eyes. My thoughts played through my head like a movie. Anything from waking up or sitting in class, but mostly I was left replaying my time with Henry. We had a really great friendship, if I was in pain he's my first shoulder to cry on, he always has been. Recently though, I just can't help but have other feelings.

I went back to the car earlier today.

"Hey are you okay?" I watched him ask me, his big blue eyes pierced into mine, there was no way out of the question. Still, I found myself trying to cover my feelings, trying to lie to him.

"I'm fine why?"

"I asked you if it was okay if they all went together and you came with me when we were leaving math," I looked at him, he was still focused but I could see something I hadn't seen before he was worried, more than likely about me.

"Oh, sorry I've just been a little stressed out," Slowly the truth of the situation was coming out. I still hesitated though.

"I know what you need," he grinned, even hearing that for the second time was still nerve racking.

"What?" I asked trying to prepare for the sharp turn into the parking lot I knew was coming, but I couldn't control what had already happened. So I felt my head fall back into the seat again, despite my efforts.

"We're going to make you a TikTok account!"

"I'm sorry... a what?" I remembered myself asking. Then I thought about it. If he showed me this app maybe he has videos that he's posted also. I knew what I was going to do later.

"A TikTok account. You can post these videos or you can watch other people's. It's a ton of fun! Please?" He asked. I felt my body shrug.

"Why not?" I said, even now not seeing what harm it could do.

"Okay let me see your phone!" I pulled my phone out and handed it to him. His hand brushed against mine as he took and in that moment I felt it. I finally understood how strong my feelings for him really were.

I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone. When I got to Henry's page I saw that he had posted a video a few minutes ago. I eagerly clicked it.

"Hey guys so there's this girl I really really like but I'm afraid to ask her out. I was wondering if you guys see this if you could give me some advice? I guess if this video goes viral I'll do it."

My heart dropped. I guess he just didn't feel the same way.  I still liked the video and left a comment just saying good luck. I went back to his page and saw that he had over 5000 followers then all of a sudden the number shot up to 6000.

Quickly, I went back to his last video and saw it had just passed 10,000 views. He had 3000 likes and more comments then I could even begin to read. I started to read a few.

'Just ask her dude, a guys like you shouldn't have any problem'

'Find a cute way and try to get close to her before you do'

I felt tears welling in my eyes as I realized by the next time I saw him he would have a girlfriend. He probably would hang out with the group as much anymore and he definitely wouldn't hang out much with me, but I need to get over it. It's wrong to like him anyways.

"Thinking of you is a poison I drink often."


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