Another World. - Harry Styles.

By deludedfreak

12.1K 105 23

Alexis, a girl who gets yelled at in school. Harry Styles seemed to be the only one who can save her. She als... More

I'll Take You To Another World. - Harry Styles.
Chapter 1 : The Dreams..
Chapter 2 : The party.
Chapter 3 : The concert.
Chapter 4 : This is unbelievable.
Chapter 5 : I finally found her, the girl of my dreams. Haha
Chapter 6 : No, not Stiles. But Harry.. Harry Styles.
Chapter 7 : You wanna hangout today?
Chapter 8 : 'Doesn't matter baby.. Relax.'
Chapter 9 : Fuck Fuck Fuckery Fuck
Chapter 10 : How about we go on a date tomorrow?
Chapter 11 : Just, shut up.
Chapter 12 : She did it.. She..
Chapter 13 : A Birthday Party. ( 1 )
Chapter 14 : Just the two of us. Very cozy..
Chapter 15 : The 'kiss in the rain' thingy.
Chapter 16 : I'm kinda done.
Chapter 17 : Magical
Chapter 18 : Irrelevant cunt.
Authors note.
Chapter 19 .
Chapter 20 : 'Harry and Alexis an item?!'

Chapter 13 : A Birthday Party. ( 2 )

365 3 1
By deludedfreak

Harry's POV

"Harry bro! You havn a good time?" Niall asked while i took another shot. I nodded my head fast as i looked around looking for Alexis. I wanted that girl. To be mine. Okay eheheheh, i'm waisted. Maybe i should wait and ask her when i'm sober. "Are you?" I patted his back and he nodded too. "You found a girl yet?" He shook his head. "No man. I'm just gon' chill and wait till someone comes up to me." He took a sip of his beer. I saw a girl walking up to us in the corner of my eye. "Well, there you go Nialler." I chuckled as the girl started talking to him. I winked and walked away. Leggo find Alex. I walked around and almost lost my balance a few times. I walked upstairs., Bahaha i was drunk as fuck. Some blonde smoking girl bumped into me. I looked at her face. Oh, Perrie. Hahaha. Well, she looked stunning though. "Pez, why aren't you with Zayn?" She smiled. "I was, but i had to use the bathroom Haz." I chuckled. I call her Pez, she calls me Haz. Well, everyone does. I smiled and she walked away. I was so dizzy and it was fucking hot upstairs. I walked into a room. Oh, there she was. FINALLY. I stumbled into the room ready to fall to the ground. "Hi curly!" She yelled. Lol, she was definitely drunk. "Waisted much?" I asked and she nodded. I sat down on the chair which was standing next to her. I looked at her. He hair lying beautifully on her shoulders. Her cheeks bright pink from the alcohol and her lips.. ASDLHASDKH. She looked stunning and i wanted to kiss her so bad. She slowly looked up as i noticed i leaned in closer and closer. But my hand suddenly slipped off the edge of the chair causing me to fall. On top of her. Great. She cried of laughter, which made me laugh. Her laugh was so gorgeous. And i still wanted to kiss her so so bad. I just decided to do it. I stared into her eyes and leaned in. She did the same. Her lips were only inches away from mine untill we heard a cough. She looked up. Yeay, our little moment is now officially ruined by some dickhead. I looked up. Oh. It was Zayn. "Ugh. Lovebirds. Why don't you use your own bedroom instead of mine. Gross." He said and walked into his bathroom. I slowly stood up and reached my hand. She grabbed it and stood up too. "Thanks." She whispered and looked down. But when you smile at the ground it ain't haaaaaard to tell, you don't know. Oh oh. You don't know you're beautiful. That's what makes you beautiful. Yes, my own song just popped into my head. She walked into the bathroom as Zayn walked out. "Thanks bro. You ruined my moment." I said and patted his back. "Sorry mate. I had to fix my hair." I burst out of laughter. "Sex happens." He said and walked out. Yes, sex happens. Well, not for me lately. Lol, okay. Inappropiate information. I sat down on the bed with my head in my hands. I suddenly felt a hand on my back. "You okay?" Alex asked. I didn't even notice he walking out of the bathroom. I looked up and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah of course. Just a bit.. nauseous." She suddenlt sat down on my lap and looked into my eyes. I smiled. "That's eh.. That's nice." She chuckled and kissed my cheek. My heart was pounding. But i didn't want to do this now. I mean, she's drunk. What if she doesn't even want to when she's sober? "Let's go back downstairs yeah?" I asked and she nodded. 

Alexis' POV

I woke up. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORNING BRIGHT LIGHT OUTSIDE OF MY HOUSE BURNING INTO MY EYES WHICH FUCKING HURTSSSSS. I sqeezed my eyes together and opened them again. I lifted my head up and looked around. What the ? How the hell did i get home? And what the hell happened yesterday? Omfg, i'm scared. I climbed out of my bed. WOOOOOOOW, heavy head. I felt my heart beat in my head. Not cool. At all. I wanted to scream as loud as i could but my voice was gone. Great. I blinked my eyes. 

"That's eh.. That's nice." He said as i sat down on his lap. I wanted to kiss this guy so bad. But i was drunk. Instead of kissing his lips i kissed his cheek. He looked at me. "Let's go back downstairs yeah?" He asked and i nodded. That's probably a better idea. 

Oh great, how i love hangovers. And flashbacks. FUUUCK. Head, why you not show me everything intead of showing me short flashbacks of what happened last night. I WANNA FUCKING KNOW. Maybe i should ask somebody. But, atleast this is something. 

I walked downstairs after i took a long shower. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Courtney. Maybe she'll know something. "Hello..?" I heard a whisper. Wait, this isn't Courtney. Omfg, that is Josh Devine. She slept with him. Omfg. Hahahah. "Oh, hi Josh! Is Courtney still sleeping?" I asked probably too happy. "Uh.. Yes she is." He groaned. "Oh. Sorry for waking you. Bye." I hung up not waiting for a respons. I looked at the clock. Oh. It was only 10 o'clock. I have to wait then. Great. 

" Have you seen Courtney?" I asked as we walked into the crowd. He shook his head. Well, it was a stupid question. Of course he didn't see her. He was with me. Eheh. "Let's go look for her yeah?" He asked as we continued walking. But the crowd was to big, we couldn't get through. So we just started dancing. I put my arm around his neck and he pulled me closer to him. 

Dancing..with Harry Styles.. intresting. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some milk. I decided to not grab a glass so i just drank out of the can. 

"Another shot?" He asked. "What did you say?" i screamed. I couldnt hear shit, everybody was talking. He grabbed my neck and pulled me closer. "You want another shot?" He said in my ear which gave me shivers. "Yeah, why not?" i asked and he chuckled. He grabbed two shots. But instead of throwing it inside my mouth, i threw it on my clothes. Nice. "Let me help you." Haz said and whiped it off. 

I realized i was still drinking milk and that made me spit it out. Great. I put back the milk in the fridge and walked upstairs again. What am i gonna do now? Everybody's still sleeping.. wait.. maybe Louis is awake. I grabbed my phone and called him. "Hello." I heard somebody saying. "Louis?" i asked. "Yeah." He answered. "Did i wake you?" I asked and he sighed. "Yes." He said. "Sorry, go back to sleep." I said and hung up. DEAR LORD WHY IS EVERYBODY SLEEPING WHEN I NEED THEM. I collapsed on my bed. I'm sure Harry doesn't know anything about yesterday. He was also waisted. "Goodmorning." I heard and looked up. It was my mom. "Morning mom." I said and sat up. "Had a great time yesterday?" She asked sitting down next to me. "Yes, i guess. I can't remember anything."

"Courtney, where are you going?!" I yelled. We were jumping and dancing and she suddenly walked away. "Going to the bathroorooroooom." She said and burst out of laughter. "Me too. I'm going with you." I said and walked up to her. "Shall we run?" She asked and we started running. Yes we were both waisted as fuck and we're running. Great. We couldnt run anymore cause there was no space. "You, just wait here."  She said pointing at me. I walked away and bumped into someone. "Hey, blondie. How are you doing?" I asked and Niall fell to the floor. Waisted much? haha. I sat down next to him. "You alright mate?" I asked and he nodded. I couldn't stop laughing.

I told my mom about yesterday. Well, what i remembered. She told me to go to the lads house. And that's what i did. She brought me there, and immediately left again. I knocked on the door. No answer. Knocked again. A sleepy Zayn opened the door. Shirtless. Why? Why ? Whyyyyyyyyyy? "Morning Zayn. You look eh.. You look awful. Hangover?" He chuckled and yawned. "Yes, i feel like shit and thanks for the compliment. Come in." I walked inside and looked around. "Wait, why are you here? I mean, why aren't you in your own house, with Perrie?" I asked and he sat down on the couch. "I got in a little fight with her yesterday, so she threw me out of my own house, which was my own fault too. But, i already talked to her so we made it up." He smiled and snuggled up into a pillow. "Okay. Well. Do you know where Harry is?" I said down next to him. He shook his head. "How can you NOT know where your roommate is?" I asked and he chuckled. "I just woke up missy, i haven't seen him yet. Maybe he's asleep i don't know." I stood up and walked upstairs. Okay, there's something i need to explain. The lads have a house for all of them and Zayn has his own house too, with Perrie. So they actually have two houses lol. So i walked upstairs and knocked on Harry's door. No answer. I decided to just walk in even though he might be naked in there. I don't even care. I slowly opened the door but there was nobody in the room. Sigh. I closed the door again and walked downstairs. 

"Harry get off me!" I cried of laughter. Harry was carrying me to the car, since i couldn't walk myself. "Sorry, but i can't let you walk alone. You're like a little baby now." He said while carrying me in bride state. I burst out of laughter again. We finally arrived at the car and i climbed in the passengers seat. He climbed into the car himself and we drove away. "Thanks for bringing me home Haz." I said and looked at him. He looked so flawless. Okay, he always looks flawless. 

"FUCK ME!" I yelled and hit my face. I forgot there were people in this house so yeah. "Challenge accepted babe." Niall said and hugged me. "Niall get off. You know where Harry is?" He shrugged. "Haven't seen him yet. But you yelled something a second ago." He chuckled. "Niall stop. I didn't mean it, like that kay? Now get off." I yelled and burst out of laughter. "I'll go upstairs by myself then." He looked sad. "Oh Niall too much information!" He cried of laughter. "I was just kidding bro. Relaaax!" He yelled and walked into the kitchen. I sat down on the couch again with my head in my hands. "You alright?" A sleepy Liam walked into the room. "How come everyone gets out of bed so late?! And where the fuck is Harry?" I yelled and he shrugged. I groaned. "What is fucking happening? Nobody can tell me where Haz is and i NEED to talk to him." I was about to burst out of tears when suddenly the front door opened. I jumped up. "Harry?! Where the fuck have you been?" I asked and he chuckled. "I went for a walk, bumped into a friend of mine, hung out with him, went home, got attacked by you." I blushed. "Sorry, but i need to talk to you about yesterday." He nodded and walked upstairs. "OOOOOOOOOH WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY? I SAW YOU TWO LOVEBIRDS!" Zayn yelled. I walked up to him and smacked the back of his head. "Don't" Was all i said and followed Harry upstairs. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the bed. "I need you to tell me what happened yesterday." He sighed. "Why?" "Because i need to know what happened Harry!" I got a little annoyed cause he didn't wanna tell me. "Nothing happened.." He looked away. "Harry.. Tell me." "Okay. I brought you home. Then i left. Kay? That's all that happened!" What was wrong with him?

"Harry, stay with me?" I asked as he brought me upstairs. "No. I can't. You don't want this." I groaned. "I want this. Come with me. I want you." I kissed his neck. He lied me down on my bed and removed my shoes. "I can dot that, myself. You fuck off kay? Nobody wants me. Everyone hates me. Even you hate me." He grabbed my arm. "You're drunk. Stop." I shook my head. "Fuck off! I don't even like you." He sighed and left. I buried my head into my pillow and was fast asleep.

I covered my mouth with my hand. "Oh my god Haz, i'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm such a stupid cunt." I said and he looked at me. "I know you didn't mean it." He sighed and sat down next to me. "Can i have a hug?" He nodded and pulled me into a hug. His breath in my neck made me shiver. "Don't ever think nobody wants you Alex. I want you. But you were drunk. I can't do that." I pulled back from the hug and looked into his eyes. "Are you serious?" He nodded. I bit my lip. "I'm sorry Haz. About yesterday. I did-" He cut me off by kissing me. Of course, i kissed back. After a couple seconds he pulled back. "Sorry. Needed that." He smiled. His cheeks bright pink. I grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek. "Thanks." I bit my lips again and stood up. "Let's go downstairs." He said and i followed him downstairs. Glad nothing happened yesterday..... Even though i wanted him so bad. I'll just have to wait i guess...

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