The Beautiful World (Hetalia...

By Worldclass_Fuckup

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Hetalia Oneshots * aph hetalia * 2p! hetalia * nyotalia Requests always open! **J... More

Author's Note
One Number Away/America
May I/England
Just Tell Her I Love Her/Italy
Shut Up and Kiss Me/Romano
Author Note
Fuck Away the Pain/2P! America
Guilty/2P America
Author's Note
I Wish You Liked Girls/Nyo! America
More Than Books/Prussia
See Ya In The Mornin'?/Denmark
Dollhouse/2p FACE
Something Just Like This/Canada
Safe and Sound/Italy
Author's Note
Romeo and Juliet/Russia
Waiting For Superman/America
Escape/2p Italy
Childhood Promises/Iceland
Happy Birthday, Hero/America
Author's Note
Mistletoe/ Finland
Sleepy Cuddles/Greece
Welcome to Wonderland
Author's Note
Wake Up Call/2p Italy
Forever With You/Italy&Romano
Love Letters/Sweden
This is my idea/2p Romano
Coming Home/Italy&Romano
Bye Bye, Loves
Howdy babes

Couple quirks

370 6 5
By Worldclass_Fuckup

This is kinda like a headcanon thing.

I thought these things sounded cute, but I am too lazy to write individual parts for them.

Various characters, it doesn't just pertain to one group.

Lets get started!

**Denmark (Mathais Køhler)**
-major dork.

-Expect lots of weirdly cute little gestures of affection.

-surprise raspberry kisses, and tickle fights.

-Dorky pet names that make no sense, but are some how very cute.

-he'll pull you into doing stupid little things like sliding down the hall way in fuzzy socks, or pulling you into a weird dance at a party.

-he'll collect little trinkets that look useless but they hold some kind of symbolism.
(A leaf he pulled out of your hair when you two had a picnic at the park, and you laid on the grass, or a receipt from a dinner date etc)

-tries to impress you, but normally makes a fool of himself.

-if you fight, don't worry, give him a few hours to loosen up at a bar, and he'll come how acting like an affection deprived puppy.

**Greece (Heracules Kurpusi)**
-will randomly bite you.
Not hard, though. Just small, playful bites.

-cuddles ALL freakin day.
Morning, noon, night.
At dinner, watching TV, grocery shopping.
All day, everyday.

-cute nicknames like 'kitten' or 'kitty'

-he doesn't get jealous, except around Turkey. If Turkey is around, expect that you'll have arms around you at all times.

-beware the cock blocking cats
If there's a cat involved chances are he'll choose the cat.

**Japan (Kiku Honda)**
-you haven't seen an anime he likes?
You just earned yourself a trip anime bootcamp!
Forget about your plans for the next few day, you'll be reading manga, and watching anime.

-if there's an anime convention he's interested in, you better have a cosplay ready, because he's going to drag with with him to get there as soon as he finds a hotel.

-if you get him started on anything involving anime, sushi, or Hatsune Miku you will never get him to be quiet.

-he doesn't care to much about being lovey dovey, so he won't show a lot of affection.
But he does care.

-he isn't the type to cuddle, or have his arm around you when you sleep, but he will hold your hand,

-once ever blue moon he'll give you a goodnight kiss on the head while you sleep.

-He'll use you as a reference for his manga/anime character he draws.
Though he won't tell you.

-for anniversaries or special days he'll make sure to slip little letters into your purse, or somewhere he knows you'll find it.

**Norway (Lukas Bondevik)**
-Not too lovey dovey, but will still show affection.
Hugs from behind, or small kisses on your cheek or shoulder.

-he tells amazing stories about Norse mythology. Whether they are true or not you'll never know.

-he's all for cuddling on the couch, and watching movies when you two are alone.

-he'll look to you as back up when he's in his 'call me big brother' moods with Iceland

-if you back him up he'll be extra cuddly at home,

-once you break pass his walls he'll tell you some of his secrets, and talk about how he feels.

-if he thinks your upset he'll do little magic tricks to make you feel better.

**China (Yao Wang)**
-He'll cook dinner for you every night, infact he's probably the only one who cooks.
Just tell him what you want, and its on the table at dinner time.

-he loves to cuddle, he's almost as bad as Greece.

-be expecting gifts.
Everything from key chains, to flowers, to expensive jewelry.
(Since its a Chinese tradition for a guy to flaunt his self through gifts)

-don't be surprised if his family (mainly Korea) third wheels you guys a lot.

-if he gets in a western nations topic, he'll go on for HOURS about how they're 'immature' and 'uncultured'. Just listen to him, or nod along, answering
when necessary.

-you'll spend lots of time just sitting with eachother, and drinking tea while looking out at the landscape, or town.
Most the time it'll just be silence. But there is times with small talk.

-you got sick? You're stressed? You're in pain? Can't sleep?
This boy's got you bro.

-He has every kind of remedy, you'll be all better in no time.

**Russia (Ivan Braginski)**
-You will never hear him say your name again. He will only call you by a pet name.
More than likely 'sunflower'

-Cuddles. Lots and lots of cuddle.
He rivals Greece.

-lots of head pats, and sweet smiles

-if you want something: a dress you saw in a shop window, a cute bracelet, a new book to read, basically anything he sees you look at for more than five seconds.
Expect it to be on your bed by morning.

-walking is a thing of the past.
If Russia is around, your being carried.
And he's around almost every second of the day.

-no one ever flirts with you, in fact they seem to keep their distance.

-if its cold outside he'll wrap his scarf around both of you, or put you inside his jacket to cuddle.

-lots of sweet kisses on the forehead, and on your head.

-Ukraine is your bestfriend, she and you could spend hours talking
But Russia gets jealous very easy and (literally) snatches you away.

-Belarus is your worst enemy.
Though you don't have a problem with her, she has one with you.

**Romania (Vladimir Popescu)**
-very romantic at times.
Kissing your hand, dancing, suave comments.
He'll treat you like a queen

-he'll tell you stories about Romanian folklore.

-he likes to playfully reenact vampire scenes from old movies were he'll "suck your blood"

-you'll both be very over dramatic and it normally ends in the two of you being giggling messes.

-he'll melt your heart with how good he is with his little brother.

-he performs magic tricks for you, not as brilliant as Norway's since he does black magic

-he offers to let you join onto his rituals, and summonings.
You never do though.

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