My Major | Jasper Whitlock

By kiraalicex

415K 10.5K 1.8K

Jasper finds his true mate... Emily's little sister. When Nala moves to the res in order to start a new life... More

1- Moving
2 - Sunny Day
3 - Yes Ma'am
4 - Play Date
5 - Truth Revealed
6 - Swanning Around
7 - A Little Bit Of Lilo Love
8 - Sisters Don't Do That
9 - Permanent Vacation
10 - Alaska
11 - Madness
12 - Here He Comes
13 - Set The Record Straight
14 - Legalities And Formalities
15 - Stepping Forward
16 - Big Changes Coming
17 - A Change Of Plans
18 - Home Life
19 - New Life
20 - Old Life
21 - Take A Breath
22 - Make Me Leave
23 - Family Avenue
25 - Bells Are Ringing
26 - Obstacles Arise
27 - (not) To Be
28 - A Whole New Disaster
29 - Hello, it's me
30 - Happy Happy Birthday
31 - Come Back To Me

24 - Face Off

5.9K 163 25
By kiraalicex

Jasper stands and kicks dirt over the fire, looking over at Alice who nods. He turns to his family, and Maria. "It's time. Dacre is headed our way, we're going to meet him halfway. He's probably expecting us."

They all nod and begin to run north, towards the mountains. Nomads tend to stay in places away from humans, but close enough to a civilisation which they can kill inconspicuously. He and whoever he's in contact with are probably hidden in the lower forests of the mountains.

It's not long before they're greeted with their own kind, blocking the path, all with red eyes. "Who are you." One of them demands.

"Jasper Whitlock. A friend of Dacre." Jasper says in a calm voice. "I believe he's probably expecting us."

The man smirks. "Come on then." He says, nodding behind them.

Cautiously, the Cullens and their friends head in that direction, surprised at the amount of vampires seemingly here. Usually they hide in no more than pairs, threes at most; the vegetarians and volturi are an exception. In the centre of them all is Dacre, his young face mischievous as it always was; Jasper remembers the boy instantly, how he used to be so shy and nervous. Clearly that boy has gone, adapting to the life he was cruelly thrust into.

He sits in a tattered denim jacket, probably from the 1960s, and some worn jeans, stained with dirt and blood. He wears no shoes, and no shirt under the denim jacket. He smirks as Jasper and claps his hands. "Jasper Whitlock, hero to all!"

Jasper rolls his eyes. "Dacre. Immature as always, I see."

He smirks. "Maybe... I am technically 15, I mean I'm bound to act immature sometimes. My life is frozen in time."

"So was mine. My father's, brothers, sisters." Jasper shrugs. "Do you see any of us acting in such a manner? This vendetta you have, why now?"

Dacre shrugs as he looks at Maria, hiding behind the Cullens and Leon. "Because she's still alive. She's still creating."

"I haven't created a life in decades." Maria interjects. "I have changed, I am not the same person."

"But it doesn't excuse what you did!" Dacre snaps. "You took hundreds of lives and ended them as you pleased, you acted like God! You're not worthy of that! You took me from my mother and I killed her from thirst! You destroyed so many lives. So fucking many!" He yells.

Maria shies away in silence, no response she could give would have the ability to defend her actions. Her existence has drifted so far from what it used to be, but there's a constant looming cloud of her past hanging over her. She destroyed hundreds, if not thousands, of lives for what? Her own selfish needs.

"It wasn't just her. What about Nettie and Lucy?" She finally says.

Dacre smirks and laughs. "You dealt with them for me, remember? You're the last thing left of that coven that I loathe... Except Jasper, I suppose. And his favourite pets." His eyes flick to Peter and Charlotte.

Carlisle steps forward. "Dacre, we have no quarrel with you... But we can't let you destroy Maria and her family because of a vendetta you have, because you can't let go of the past. This life is a curse but it can be a gift, too; you change your mindset, you change your future."

"Saint Carlisle." Dacre muses as he sucks his teeth. "I've heard so much about you. You're sort of a martyr in our world, aren't you. The preacher of a whole new life - by denying what you are. Hmm. Double standards, if you ask me."

Carlisle chuckles. "Yes, I suppose it is." He shrugs, unphased by the taunts. "But I have found a place on this planet despite being dealt a terrible hand - I don't deny what I am, I choose to be the opposite."

"Good for you. Now, as much as I love this chit chat and becoming best friends with you all, you aren't going to change my mind. There was no quarrel between us, no, but there will be if you continue to defend Maria. Her death is the only way I stop."

"No deal." Jasper says.

"Oh you defend her? She tore you from your life, Jasper. You were a legend in your human life, you were a hero to many, but now you're what? A lap dog all over again." Dacre chuckles as he turns away. "Goodbye, Jasper Whitlock. I half hope I don't have to battle with you... But that would be fun, wouldn't it?" He chuckles and walks away. In seconds his followers are gone too, many of whom Jasper and Maria recognise from many years ago.

Jasper sighs and turns to his family. "Well that didn't go to plan."

"You knew it wouldn't." Edward says.

"I don't know else to say, Maria." Jasper says. "I won't drag my family into another fight, we've had too much of that in recent years. I'm sorry."

Maria smiles sadly and cups his cheek, stroking it. "Mi hijo... Its okay. You tried, even when you didn't have to, and I'm thankful. Go be with your family and hold them close. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Jasper smiles sadly. "Many years ago I would've been the one hunting you but now... I want to thank you for this life. Without it I wouldn't have my beautiful mate, or my angels. I wouldn't have the family I have now. I have all of that because of your selfishness... Take care, okay?"

They embrace in silence as the Cullens go ahead, moving in the direction of home. Eventually Jasper pulls away and looks at Maria, Leon and Michael in silence before he too runs off, heading home to his own mate and children. To his safety and comfort.


"And this piggy went weeeeee all the way home!" Lilo shouts as she tickles Effies little foot, the infant screaming and laughing.

Nala smiles as she watches her girls play on the floor. "Dad's gonna be jealous you got her to giggle before he could." She muses.

"Coz I'm funnier than he is." Lilo says, shaking a toy.

Nala laughs gently and goes to the kitchen to grab a drink. She tenses when she feels someone behind her, slowly turning. "You motherf-"

"Now now." Jasper laughs as he slips his arms around her and she does the same, her racing heart slowing when she realises there's no danger. "I missed you."

"I missed you too... I don't know if its good you're back so soon, or bad." She says softly as she clings to him still.

He's silent for a moment as he plays with her hair. "He didn't listen. We knew he wouldn't, I certainly wouldn't have if I were him. Our kind hold onto a grudge as long as we want to, our entire existence if we have to, but we had to try right?"

Nala nods gently and looks up at him. "Yeah.. Im sorry."

"Don't be- hang on. Lilo." He calls. "Are you stealing all my giggles from your sister?"

Lilo laughs. "Daddys home!!"

He smiles and he and Nala head to the living room. Jasper catches Li in a hug and sits by Effie with Lilo still in his arms. Nala sits back in the couch and smiles as her girls and guy easily communicate as if he'd not been away for a few days.

"Do you want to show dad your pictures?" Nala asks. Lilo nods and runs upstairs. "I saw Emily." Nala says quietly to Jasper when she's gone.

"Oh?" Jasper says, a little surprised. "How did that go?"

Nala plays with the cushion in her lap. "I don't know... She apologised, so much, but it doesn't excuse the pain she caused. But shes my sister. Yet a sister wouldn't do that..." She trails off and sighs.

"I can't make a decision on whether you let her into our lives again, love, but all I'll say is be careful. Emily is a very jealous, bitter person - she hurt you once and to me, that means she can again. And I don't want to see you hurt like that again." He says softly.

Nala smiles sadly but doesn't respond. She just things, focusing on Jasper ; the way his hair falls into his eyes as he looks down at Effie sat in his lap, the way she looks up at him in return. How he smiles, his lips twitching as they always do. The way he sings to her in such a gentle voice.

If she didn't have Jasper, who knows where she'd be? Likely some place dark, likely without Lilo... She wouldn't have Effie, or Esme. She wouldn't have the career she always dreamed of. She wouldn't sleep soundly at night without him beside her; she slept with the windows open the last few nights so it resembled his body temperature in the room, but it wasn't the same as having him beside her. She's a whole new person - a better person - because she has him. And she believes he is better with her.

"Jazz?" She whispers softly.

He looks up from Effie, smirking his smirk at her, as he shakes his hair from his face. "Yes ma'am?"

She smiles as she cuddles her pillow. "I love you." She muses.

"And I you, my love." He winks.

Nala can't help but smile giddily at her mate as their eldest daughter charges in with the pictures from her class project. Nala goes and sits with them on the floor and smiles as she leans on Jazz, listening to Lilo and playing with Esther's hand.

A perfect family picture.

For now....

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