A Vampire As A Mate. (Complet...

By Madanimal15

3.1K 132 1

The world was taken over by vampires long ago. Wolf shifters and humans were in slaved. What happens when an... More

Ch. 1 Sold.
Ch. 2 A new home.
Ch. 3 I can shift.
Ch. 4 A new day.
Ch. 5 A fake girl friend.
Ch. 6 A room mate.
Ch. 7 My life is on the line.
Ch. 8 My boy friend really does care for me.
Ch. 9 A dress.
Ch. 10 A ball.
Ch. 11 Another day.
Ch. 12 A threat.
Ch. 13 A week to live.
Ch. 14 A few more days.
Ch. 15 Last day.
Ch. 16 My first day of school.
Ch. 17 Some one wants me dead.
Ch. 18 The red moon.
Ch. 20 An old friend and a new enemy.
Ch. 21 A note.
Ch. 22 A little while with Chase and Felipe.
Ch. 23 School is back.
Ch. 24 I saved Chloe.
Ch. 25 An afternoon with Chase.
Ch. 26 Kidnapped.
Ch. 27 I betray Asher.
Ch. 28 Hated by the world.
Ch. 29 What have I done?
Ch. 30 Back to normal almost.
Ch. 31 Back to school.
Ch. 32 Kiss or death.
Ch. 33 A visit.
Ch. 34 I have competition.
Ch. 35 Another red moon.
Ch. 36 A blood drive.
Ch. 37 A pack.
Ch. 38 A big surprise.
Ch. 39 I don't believe it.
Ch. 40 The trappers.
Ch. 41 Back at the pet shop.
Ch. 42 I shift back.
Ch. 43 My ankle is broke.
Ch. 44 I can barely move.
Ch. 45 School with a broken foot.
Ch. 46 Seeing Luke.
Ch. 47 Dating Felipe.
Ch. 48 School with Felipe.
Ch. 49 Telling my parents.

Ch. 19 A blood drive vampire style.

56 2 0
By Madanimal15

(Echo pov)
The sun is warm on my skin when I wake up. I open my eyes and see Asher a sleep on me. I smile and run my hand through his hair. He cuddles with me and I chuckle. I play with his hair and after a while he wakes up but doesn't do any thing. I sigh. "Guess I better get up." I told my self and try to get up. But Asher holds me down. I chuckle when I see his smirk. I kiss his hair and mess with it. "Asher we have to get up some time." I whisper. He groans. "Five more minutes. Pwease." He begged. "No now let me go." I said. "Come on Echo. I don't want to." Asher whined. "Neither do I but we have to get up sooner or later." I said. "I choose later." He said. I chuckle. "Come on. Why don't we cuddle in bed?" I ask. "Fine." He said. I giggle a little. We got up and went to his room. Asher rapped his arm around my waist and I lean on him. "So did I miss any thing while I was sleep?" I ask. "Just me and Chase talking." Asher said. I nod against him as we get to his room. We went in and Asher crashed on the bed as I close the door. I sit beside him and he pulled me down. I yelp in surprise and Asher kissed my forehead. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Kissing you duh." Asher said. "I know that but why?" I ask. "To show you I love you." Asher said and kissed my head as he hugs me. I cuddle with him. "I love you too." I whisper but he heard it and he holds my hand. We spent the rest of the day watching TV and ordering our meals. After a while Duke joined us. Now he is resting his upper half in my lap and his lower half is on the bed. Asher is leaning on the head board and I'm leaning on Asher. We are watching a foot ball game and eating popcorn. After the game ended we lay down and go to bed. Asher turns the tv off and cuddled with me. His arms slid around me and held me close to him. After a few minutes I fell a sleep.
"Echo." I hear Asher say as he rubs my cheek. I moan a little and he chuckles. "Echo we have to get ready for the blood drive." Asher whispered softly. I open my eyes. "Ok." I said. I sit up with Asher and he kissed self forehead. We got up and he went to the closet. But I went to the bathroom. We got dressed and did what we need to do. When I came out, I was met by Asher. I lean on him and he hugs me. "Now all you have to do is stay close to me. You don't have to give blood." Asher said as he rubs my arm. "Ok. How long does this usually take?" I ask. "All day." Asher groaned and I giggle a little. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. "It is really boring so I may talk to you a lot." Asher said. "Um ok." I said. "But won't people get suspicious if you do?" I ask. "Yes. But every one has to find out some time that you're my girl friend." Asher said as he kissed my forehead. "What about the people at the ball?" I ask. "Well that was only vampires and only vampire kings and a few select peasants. So non of the humans know or most of the vampires here." Asher said. "So they need to find out eventually." He added. "Ok. But people will hate me." I said. "And I will protect you baby. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love you and I won't let any thing happen to you baby. Trust me." Asher said. "It's not that I don't trust you. Because I trust you with my life. Just back when I lived in the city before I was captured the only people that liked me were my family. Every one else hated me but I never knew why. Except one person. His name was Luke and he stood up for me in school." I said. "Echo." Asher said softly. "I love you and that's all that matters. I will protect you baby. No harm will come your way." Asher said and I rap my arms around his neck. I lean on him and close my eyes. "Thanks Asher. I needed that." I said. He kissed my head and hugs me. Then some one bangs on the door. "Asher we have to go now." I hear Chase say. "And I was about to come." Asher said. We let go of each other and Asher took my hand. I smile at him and we walk through the castle. On our way out Asher grabbed two apples. Then we got in a black limo. Asher held me in his lap. Then Chase got in. "Did you grab some thing too eat?" Chase asked. "Yeah and for Echo." Asher said. Chase sat down beside Asher. "I hate this job." Chase said as the car started to move. "Echo where exactly did you live in the city?" Asher asked. "I don't know." I said. They nod and we got to the city. We got out and the cold wind hit me. I follow Asher to a bench and they sat down. I sit beside Asher and I hold my arms to try to keep me warm but no success. "Are you cold?" Asher asked. I nod a little. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he pulls off his sweat shirt and handed it to me. "I'm not that demanding." I said as I put it on. Asher made me lean on him with his arm rapped around me. "Pf. You're not demanding st all. Actually I don't think you've ever asked me for some thing. Except the time you asked if you can go out side once you settle in." Asher said. "Well I'm not really important. My needs don't matter. I'm not worth any thing. I'm just here." I said. "You are worth some thing. You're priceless and I couldn't have asked for a better girl friend." Asher said. I smile a little. "Thanks." I said. "So what do you usually do?" I ask. "Well usually we sit here and make sure no one tries to escape and when they do, we catch them and uh." He stopped him self. "Suck them dry?" I ask. "Yeah. How did you know?" Chase asked. "Uh back in the pet shop the pet master would listen to the radio and he would turn it up so loud that we could hear it. But they would always put it on the news when some one was sucked dry at the blood drive." I said. "Did he do that to scare you?" Asher asked. "I think and it would often work." I said. "Ok." Asher said. He moves his hand up and down on my arm. I look around and take a deep breath. I sense werewolf. I become a little worried as I scan the crowed. We sit there for a about two hours. Then my stomach growls and Asher chuckles. "I thought you might get hungry." He said as he holds out an apple for me. I hesitate but I take the apple and take a bite. "Are you not hungry?" I ask Asher. "No. I ate this morning." Asher said. "When?" I ask as I sit up and look at him. "Before you woke up." Asher said. "Why didn't you wake me?" I ask. "Because I knew you didn't sleep much during the red moon and you needed your sleep." Asher said and he pulls me into his lap. "Ok." I said. "But please don't keep doing that to me." I said. I finished the apple and Asher made me lean back on him. I relax against him and close my eyes. After a few minutes of listening to Asher and Chase talk I fell a sleep in Asher's protective hold.
(Asher pov)
Echo fell a sleep in my lap. I move my thumb back and forth on her side and she smiles a little in her sleep. I take a deep breath and let my head fall back on the bench. But I smelt some thing odd. Human. This human is done giving blood but he is hanging around. I wonder why. "I sense human and it's not one of the ones on front of us." I said to Chase. "Is it her?" He asks and points to Echo. I sniff her a little and she cuddles with me but pulls down a little to as she moans a little and her expression hardened. "No it's not her she smells like the forest." I said as I move my thumb back and forth on Echo's side. She calms down and her expression softened. I take a long breath and the scent feels like it's from behind us. "Is it a human done giving blood?" Chase asked. "Yeah which is weird. Usually they bolt as soon as their done. But not this one." I said. "Oh well. I'll check it out after this us over with." I said. "Just help me keep an eye out for danger." I said. "Yes of course. Dude I care about Echo. Not as girl friend but she's like a sister to me. I will protect her to the bitter end." Chase said. "BTW Felipe and Abigail feel the same way. I think mom and dad care for her like a daughter too." Chase added. "At least I know my family likes my girl friend." I said. "How could you not? She's the jackpot." Chase said and we laugh a little. But Echo really is a jackpot. "Wait what do you mean at least you family likes your girl friend?" Chase asked. I sigh and rub Echo's side with my thumb. She cuddles with me. "Chloe is spreading rumors about Echo. I haven't told Echo any of them because they would really hurt her. But I think the other kids in school think they're true." I said. "Well me, Felipe and Abigail are changing that. We are going to start spreading good true things about her and try to get people to like her." Chase said. "Thanks for the offer. But every one would think I'm putting you guys up to it." I said. "And I would tell them I choose to do this." Chase said. "Ok. Go for it and have fun." I said. He chuckled and Echo cuddles with me in her sleep. "So remember the threat on her? Is thst still going on?" Chase asked. "Yes. I have been finding knifes all over our room. But don't say any thing when Echo wakes up. She doesn't know and I want to keep it that way." I said. "How does she not know?" Chase asked. "I have been waking up before her and moving the knife so she doesn't find it. The I go back to sleep." I said. "Ok. Why don't you want her knowing?" Chase asked. I give him a really look. "She would freak out and I wouldn't be able to control her." I said. "Fair point. But if you ever need any help just ask." Chase said. "Thanks bro." I said. Then we wait for this thing to he over with or for Echo to wake up.

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