A Metal Rose

由 Lil_Jackie

122K 3.7K 539

"What is it like having a sister? Well...She is your mirror shining back at you with a world of possibilities... 更多

🌹 The Playlist
🌹 The Prologue 🗸
🌹 The Mission 🗸
🌹 The Cleaning Up 🗸
🌹 The Foolish Attack 🗸
🌹 The Mini Fights 🗸
🌹 The Dragons Battle
🌹 The Aftermath
🌹 The Offerings
🌹 The News Reporter
🌹 The Secrets
🌹 The Not-So-Bad Twins
🌹 The Mentoring Job (Pt 1.)
🌹 The Mentoring Job (Pt. 2)
🌹 The Mentoring Job (Pt. 3)
🌹 The Ride Home
🌹 The Battle Royale
🌹 The Continuous Battles
🌹 The Other Dragon Slayer?
🌹 The Fairy Law
🌹 The Fantasia Parade
🌹 The Off Day
🌹 The New Dragonslayer
🌹 The Rainbow Tree
🌹 The Not-So Amazing Race
🌹 The Faces of the Old
🌹 The New Adventure
🌹 The Coddiwomple
🌹 The Prison Break
🌹 The Dragon Sense
🌹 The Dorma Anim
🌹 The Goodbye for Edolas
🌹 The New Exceeds
🌹 The Day Of Remembrance
🌹 The Spa Favor
🌹 The "Friendly" Visitors
🌹 The Protective Unit
🌹 The Story of How I Met Your Sister-In-Law
🌹 The Story of How They Fell
🌹 The Story of How She Failed
🌹 The Good of the Guild
🌹 The Solo Attack
🌹 The Hurtful Truth
🌹 The Final Countdown
🌹 The Final Battle
🌹 The End
Behind the Works
A/N I guess?

🌹 The Rise Of Exceeds

1.2K 50 1
由 Lil_Jackie

   "The Dragon Chain Cannon has connected," Panther Lily smirked at his opponent as the two of them regained their balance. 

   "Shit! We didn't make it!" Gajeel cursed, eyes wide. The island under them started to shake as the chain tried to dig itself deeper into the small island. It wasn't long before the island itself started to fly by. "What the. . .Are we moving?"

   "This is our army's plan," Panther Lily started. "We will ram this lacrima into Exralia and they will annihilate each other."

   "That's nuts." Gajeel muttered. "This is messed up."

   "How?" Happy cried. "How can you do something so horrible?"

Panther Lily didn't reply, simply smiled cruelly at the thought of the plan succeeding. 



The two of them turned towards the sound of their names, seeing the two people they loved the most flying towards them.



Daella gently placed Gabbey down, who quickly ran over to Gajeel and checked up on him. "Are you okay? You look injured! Here, I got some iron for ya, we picked it up on the way here."

   "Gabbey," Gajeel started, taking a quick bite of the iron piece. "The island is about to crash into Extalia. How do we stop it?"

   "I. . .I don't know. . ."

A couple feet away, Daella was talking to Panther Lily. "Lily! Oh, you're covered in dirt and injuries! We need to get-"

   "What are you doing here Daella?!" Lily exclaimed. "You're suppose to be at the castle!"

   "Well I wasn't going to stay there when I knew my best friend was on a suicide mission!!" Daella cried. "Oh, Lily, why are you trying to destroy Extalia?! It's our home!"

   "That place is not our home!" Lily retorted. "That place threw us out, over the life of a child!"

   "And we're going to fix that by taking out our kind?" Daella sniffled. "Lily, that isn't going to fix anything. Please, think this through."

   "I never said it was going to fix anything," Lily growled. 

   "And whoever told you that this will redeem everything they've done wrong, is lying. If anything, Lily, this makes you worse than them."

Gabbriel looked down in surprise, seeing Happy clutching at her foot. "Happy?! Why aren't you with Natsu?!"

   "Gajeel! Gabbriel!!" Happy cried. "Hurry and destroy the lacrima and turn everyone back to normal!"

   "We won't make it," Gajeel grunted. 

   "It's getting faster!" Gabbey exclaimed, hissing curses to herself. She turned to face the direction they were going, watching hopelessly as the lacrima flew closer to the island of Extalia. She let out a startled shriek as a huge beast flew by and rammed into the middle part of the island, trying to push the island away from the Exceeds. 

   "Hang in there, Legy-pyon!" A young girl shouted. 

   "Coco!" Daella gasped in shock. "What are you doing?!"

   "Saving my family!" Coco replied strongly. 

   "It's no use! We're not coming even close to stopping it!" Gray shouted - making Gabbriel realize that all of Team Natsu was on the beast. Everyone but. . .

   "Where the hell is Wendy?!" Gabbriel demanded. 

   "She's in the Exceed town!"


  "Everyone, release your magic power!" Erza ordered. 

   "Please, stop!" Lucy shrieked. 

   "Natsu!" Happy cried out, flying towards his partner as the Fire Dragon Slayer pushed against the rock. 

   "Hey," Gabbey lightly hit Gajeel's arm with a smirk. "Five jewls says something unexpected is going to happen."

   "Hell no. That's a waste of five perfectly good jewls," Gajeel snorted. "Besides, with this group? Unexpected shit happens all the time."

Gabbriel laughed, grinning widely at Gajeel before running over to the side of the lacrama island. With a flip, she went over the edge and landed on the beast that the rest of the Fairy tail members were at. 

Using as much strength as she could, Gabbey pushed against the island. She even started to use her magic. They were getting close, way to close. 

Up on the island, the Earthland wizard Daella remembered as Gajeel started to jog to the edge of the island as well, following his sister. 

   "We'll finish this later, cat!" He declared. 

   "Running for it?" Panther Lily sneered. Daella shook her head in disappointment. 

   "I ain't runnin' or hidin'! I'm gonna stop this thing and finish this!" Gajeel replied.  

   "Stop it? You're going to stop it? The entire floating island connected to the Dragon Chain? That's a fool's errand!" Lily laughed bitterly.  "There is no tomorrow for us. We have nothing left!"

   "Hey!" Gajeel stopped and turned towards the two Exceeds. "After this, I'm taking you back to my guild one way or the other! And then I'm gonna make you my cat." With that, he jumped over the edge of the island.   

   "Fools, all of them!" Panther Lily ranted. "They must have a death wish, all those Earthland wizards. . ."

   "Then count me as one of them!" Daella declared suddenly, starting to fly to where the twins disappeared.

   "Dae," Panther Lily snapped, catching her arm. "Let them get themselves killed, don't join in on this madness!"

   "The Panther Lily I know would never take this many lives - even with a vendetta like yours!" Daella suddenly shouted, tears running down her furry face as she ripped her arm free of Lily's grasp. 


   "We're going to die up here anyways!" Daella sobbed, eyes narrowed in anger. "But I'm not going to go down as a coward - not like you!"

With nothing else to say, Daella flapped her charred wings and swoop down to help the Earthland wizards stop the island from ramming into her old home.

   "It's no use, they're going to hit!" Gray shouted to the others. 

   "A handful of wizards ain't going to do shit!" Gabbey snapped, but pushed harder against the rocky surface.

   "Brace for it!"

   "Damn it all!!"

Gabbey coughed as the islands were barely a meter apart, dust flying up between everyone. 

   "Not yet!" Natsu yelled. "Don't give up, Happy!"

   "Aye, sir!" 

Gajeel had taken a spot on the other side of Erza - and Gabbriel didn't even realize she was next to the red head until she spoke. "Gajeel? Gabbriel? Why haven't you two returned everyone else to normal like us? You have to hurry!"

   "The black cat got in my way!" Gajeel griped, glaring at Erza in annoyance. 

   "We wouldn't have enough time anyways!" Gabbriel added.

   "We have no choice but to stop it!" Lucy said from her spot, not that far away. Gabbey whipped her head around, surprised that the blonde was even agreeing with her in the slightest. But Lucy's eyes were scrunched up in concentration. "We're totally gonna stop it, damn it!"

   "We're gonna stop it! Even if this body crumbles to bits, I'll stop it with just my soul!!" Natsu roared. 

   "Aye, sir!" 

   "Not like this!" Gabbey felt wetness fall onto her head, and looked up to see Daella the Exceed trying to push the island back with all her tiny might. She must be crying. "I won't let the world end like this!" 

   "This isn't how it's going to end," Gabbey snapped, much to the Exceeds surprise. "We're going to stop this island, and we're going to live to fight another day!"

   "I think I'm gonna be crushed!" Lucy cried, making Gabbey sweatdrop. 

   "Hold on!" Gray called out. 

   "We have to stop this. . .We have to!" Erza declared. 

With a deep breath, Gabbey let go of the island, jumped as high as she could, and stuck her arms and feet out. She was meters higher than where she was before, and she let out a groan as she tried to shove the island away. 

Gabbey let out a shriek of surprise as Exceeds started to appear all around the, wings glowing brightly and pushing themselves into the  island to keep their home safe. 

   "We'll protect our country ourselves!"

   "We came through dangerous times and protected our country and its people! For our Queen!" 

   "Wendy-san, Carla-san. . .We're sorry about before!" 

   "Everyone, we've got to do something about this now!" Wendy declared over the cries of the exceeds. Gabbey instantly let out a sigh of relief. 

   "Wendy. . ." She murmured. 

   "Everyone, go for it!" 

   "We can do it!"

   "We shall ne'er give up!"

A pang hit Gabbeys' heart as she looked around at all the Exceeds that were crying in fear and determination. They wanted to save their country, their home. 

 Maybe one day, I'll have a place to fight for. . .But for now-

   "Push, dammit!" Gabbey snarled. "This thing isn't going to stop anytime soon!"

Words of encouragement and support flew through the air as the Earthland wizards and flying cats tried to stop the inevitable. Green lights flew from the impact zone and the ground everyone was touching. Much to everyone's surprise, the lacrima was suddenly pushed back. 

Gabbey felt her heart drop slightly as the island disappeared from her grasp, and she was left to fall thousands of meters high into the air. She watched as a bright blue light enveloped everything and something furry grasp the clothing on her back to keep her in midair. 

When the lights faded, her red eyes went wide in shock a the empty, giant crater that had taken place of where the lacrima once was. 

   "Holy. . ." Daella whispered in shock from behind Gabbey. The island and even the Dragon Chain that was connected to it glowed pure white before it seemed to flack off like dust, disappearing into the night sky. 

   "The lacrima has disappeared. . ."

   "The Dragon Chain Cannon's chain as well. . ."

   "W-What's going on?!"

   "It has been returned to Earthland," A familiar voice said from behind the Fairy tail group, making everyone snap their heads back. 

Mystogan stood on a smaller version of the beasts that Coco was riding earlier, cloak and all. 


   "I searched for the remaining tear from the giant Anima to return everything to the way it was." The blue-haired man continued on. "I apologize for my lateness. Without everyone's help, I wouldn't have made it. I give you my thanks." 

   "The way it was?" Happy repeated. 

   "That's right. The lacrima has passed once again through the Anima and returned to how it was in Earthland. Everything is over." 

    "Finally," Gajeel muttered, but couldn't help but give an agreeing tug to Gabbey's uncertainty. Something else was going to happen. 

   "Can we go home now?" Gabbey grumbled, letting out a gasp of surprise as Daella rushed towards Mystogen. 

   "Oh! You're here! You're alive!" Daella cried, bypassing all the celebrating exceeds to hover by Mystogen's face. Which was highly awkward while she was holding Gabbey. "I missed you so much, I thought I lost you forever!"

   "Can I at least be put down?" Gabbey muttered. Complying to her commands, Daella dropped Gabbey carefully before hovering in front of Mystogen. 

   "You didn't even say good-bye," Daella sniffed, crying once again. 

   "I'm sorry about that," Mystogen apologized again, putting a hand on top of Daella's head. "But, I'm not leaving anytime soon, okaa-san."

   "I haven't been called that in so long!" Daella bawled, burying herself into Mystogen's shoulder. Mystogen easily wrapped an arm around her in a hug. 

   "Lily, you saved my life." Mystogen stated, turning to look at the other exceed that took care of him. He easily took off his hat and mask with one free hand. "Daella as well. I am glad I was able to protect your homeland. . ."

   "Thank you very much," Lily said, a hand over his heart and tears running down his face as well. "Prince." 

   "The Prince is back!" Coco cheered. 

   "Prince, huh?" Gabbey snorted from Mystogen's side. "I thought you made the title up all those years ago to make me feel special." 

   "But here we are, years later, and who was in the right?" Mystogen grinned back, not taking his eyes off Lily. 

   "Do we need to call you Prince Jellal now, eh?"


   "They called you Mystogen," Daella breathed out deeply, taking her head out the crook of his neck. "Why?"

   "It's a long-"

Lily let out a roar of pain suddenly as a purple beam tore through his torso. Daella was quick to snap her head towards her friend, eyes wide in horror. 



   "Black cat!!"

Panther Lily fell to through the air, and Daella was quick to throw herself out of Mystogen's grasp and dive for Lily. Gabbey's head snapped up in shock, watching as a swarm of the Edolas army guard fly up to meet them. 

   "This isn't over!" Edolas Erza roared. "This isn't over yet!"


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