The Eve and The Sacrificial B...

By seokjinsthetic

261K 8.5K 2K

A single day had changed her entire life. A single girl had changed the plan. A sacrificial, and an eve? A... More

An Eventful Day
Cows & Nostalgia
Miyuki, The Try-Hard Explorer
Nightmares + Ten Vampires = Happy Miyuki (not)
It's Grunge, Not Emo
Reunited Idiots
Interrupted Dreams of a Fangirl
Speeches with Kido
Reminiscing the good and bad times.
Jealousy can change you.
Return to the Mukami Household.
Serpent's eye.
Awakening after dream.
Silver Dagger
Self Defense.
My home..?
Sakakibara Chitose.
A violent death.
Christmas with vampires!? < Christmas Special ! >
Another murder?
✩ Nightmare's note ✩
Scared to death
Saved by Azusa ?
Perverted sadist
Panic at the disco (literally)
Friendly ghosts and escape
Late nights like these
Bruises and catfights
'Fun' House
The 'date' and the deal
Call For Help! Miyuki And Yuma's At It Again!
Yikes Knives And Bites
The Aftermath of Being Bit
Comforting the Arrogant Vampire
»» announcement。


6.4K 197 34
By seokjinsthetic

{ unedited}

A k a z a w a , M i y u k i .

< 1 : 5 0 p.m. , Thursday ; Akazawa Residence. >

My eyes fluttered open as all I saw was the curtains brightened up a bit as it was indeed afternoon. I looked to my alarm clock, it overlooked: "1:50 pm." I was indeed correct. I decided to head downstairs for a snack, yet I was stopped as I had felt a pair of arms around my waist. I turned to see the man who saved me from those street thugs, plus the one who had sucked my blood, Sakamaki Shuu. Blood had rushed over to my cheeks at this. He's still here? Geez, he's really lazy! Luckily, his arms weren't very attached to my waist anymore so I had detached them away, grabbed my phone and walked to the door slowly and silently. I had left the room without making a sound and hurried away to the kitchen. Cheshire was currently on the couch, sleeping. As I passed by the window, a beam of sunlight had flashed to my eyes.
"Ugh, stupid sunlight." I hissed and hurried away to the kitchen. "Cheshire, C'mere!" I called out silently, yet enough for the cat to hear. The cat perked its head up and followed behind.
"You must be hungry right? Stupid Shiro.." I sighed silently, before grabbing the cat food he left and filling the bowl. After, I placed it in front of the cat. I had then walked to the fridge and opened it. Grabbing some chips, I sat down to those kind of chairs at bars and leaned against the table while opening my phone. Apparently I had received a text from Kido.

From: Kimura, Kido.

Hey! How are you feeling, Mi-chan? (=゚ω゚)ノ Sorry, I haven't called you yet, got busy and I had to take care of Hibiya, the idiotic brother of mine! GAH, HE IS SUCH A BRAT!! Anyways... [ THAT MOOD DROP THO!! ] Call or text Alrighty???"

I smiled at how Kido was worried about me, but the thought that Kido had told Shuu about my adress? Not cool. I realized that the text was a few hours ago.

"To: Kimura, Kido.


I pressed send. And now to eat my chips peacefully. I looked to see Cheshire finished eating the cat food, as I walked away to the couch. I opened the TV while Cheshire crawled up beside me. I looked back at the time. It read: "2:20 pm." Huh, too much time to relax. I wondered how Shuu was doing, but apparently thought that he was obviously sleeping. That's what he did always didn't he? Now, I wonder what the Mukami's are doing.
I grabbed my phone to see that Kido had replied. Oh, she's awake? It's practically the middle of the night- well, for us night students that is.

"From: Kimura, Kido

Grab your laptop and I'll explain in a video call!!"

My laptop? But that's where Shuu is, my room. I sighed, as I stood up and walked to the stairs. I opened my bedroom door silently and slowly. Luckily, Shuu was still asleep. I walked to my desk quietly and grabbed my laptop along with my charger. I immediately ran quietly to the door and closed it. With that, I hurried away to the couch and opened my laptop. I missed it a bunch. I turned my laptop on and waited for the screen to light up. I logged in and looked to see notifications on missed video calls. A video call request popped up on the screen as I pressed to accept the call. Kido popped up on the screen, I did too.
"Mi-chan, shush and let me explain!"
"Alright, you got my attention."
"An unknown caller called my cellphone and I didn't know if I should answer or not. But what if it was something important? I did, and so realized Shuu-san was calling. I firstly asked how he got my number, but he replied with him looking at your phone contacts-"
"He hacked in my phone!? That little-"
"Let me finish!"
"So then he asked me what your address was, and of course I asked why. He told me what happened to you and I eventually told him. Got it?"
I sighed. Guess I should actually apologize for freaking out on her like that once I texted her back.
"Oh... Makes sense. And uh... I'm sor-"
And suddenly, the call ended.
"What the-?"
Kido ended the call? Is she upset with me? Geez, I was about to apologize! Ugh. I sighed as closed my laptop shut. My phone beeped. I opened my phone to see Kido texted.

"From: Kimura, Kido.

Gah! Sorry, my parents walked in to see me still up. Annoying isn't it? They scolded me and now they've got my laptop. Luckily, they forgot about my phone! Heh, I'll see you in a few hours. I'm sleepy. G'night Mi-chan!"

Oh, I thought she was mad at me. I sighed and turned to Cheshire who seemed to be staring at my phone.
"Hey, Cheshire." I grinned at the cat and rubbed the head of the cat. It purred as if it was comfortable with me doing that. I then stretched and yawned. I was sleepy once more. I gave the cat one last pat in the head and laid down on the couch. My eyes slowly grew heavy, and everything went black.

< 5 : 1 5 a.m., Thursday ; Akazawa Residence. >

I felt something cold shake my shoulders.
"Ugh.." I grunted in annoyance. It wouldn't stop. "Stop it..." I groaned. Luckily, it had stopped. Then I had felt a cold hand on the back of my right leg. As it slowly slid up to the sides of my thighs and slowly into my shorts. My eyes shot open as I stood up, grabbing a pillow and smacking it across the person's face. Apparently, the person had fell to the ground. I was about to yell for help until I realized who it was.
"What the hell, Shuu!?" I yelled as I felt my cheeks burn from embarrassment.
"So you're up?" He asked, sitting up from the ground, emotionless as always. Seriously, how can he take the fact that I smacked him with a pillow!?
"You know, that kinda hurt." He glared at me, a frown visible on his lips.
"Not my fault you went full pervert on me! You perverted scu--" I was cut off as he had pinned me down the couch.
"Shut up. You'll get the humans worried about your non-sense yelling." He had said, stoic as ever.
I grit my teeth. "Get off me."
"This is merely punishment for hitting me." A smirk was now visible on his lips. You little bastard!
I tried breaking free, but it was no use. He was obviously stronger than me.
He had gotten awfully near my neck as I froze in fear. Geez, he's biting me again!?
Luckily, my phone had rang, interrupting him. Yes!
"Tch. Stupid device." He got off me and shut my phone off.
"Oi, go get dressed. We're heading to school." He sighed, scratching the back of his head. I scurried away to my room and locked the door. Goddamn pervert! What was he planning!? I sighed and brushed off the thought of what had happened moments ago.

L a t e r . . .

I opened my bedroom door and walked down the stairs, only to see Shuu on the table, laying his head down.
"Hey.." I called out once I was close to him. No response.
"Shuu-san..." I said, softly. I noticed that his earplugs were attached to his ears. I sighed as I took one out.
"Shuu-san, we'll be late to school." I said, softly once more. One of his eyes opened, revealing his cerulean eyes as it stared straight into my icy blue ones. Damn, I was lost in them.
My thoughts were interrupted as he slowly stood and grabbed my wrist. Next thing I knew was that we left the house.
The walk to the academy was extremely silent. None of us made a sound, the only thing heard was our footsteps. Well, we did pass by children playing around the playground. Apparently, one had bumped into me as I only backed away due to the impact while the kid had fell to the ground.
"Oh gods! I'm so sorry!" I had said, completely worried for the boy. I held my hand out for the boy. Surprisingly, the boy had pure white hair and pink eyes. He seemed... Too familiar.
"It's alright, big sister! It's all my fault!" He grinned as he took my hand and stood. He skipped back to the playground as if nothing had happened. Weird, he looks so familiar.
"Oi. Let's go." Shuu had called out before grabbing my wrist and continuing the walk to the academy. Silence fell over the both of us once again. Soon, the both of us arrived at the academy, and earned a few glances and stares from the students. I realized they were staring at both our hands together. I earned glares of envy from female students.
Oh shit, not this again.
"Hey, are you gonna keep staring into the void? C'mon, we better go. You don't want attention do you?" Shuu turned to me as he dragged me once again. That's when I caught sight of Yui surrounded by male students. Those bastards..! Yui had looked to me, shooting me a look of fear. She needed me.
My feet had worked its way to Yui's direction yet my right arm was still in Shuu's grip.
"Hey blondie! Let me go!" I hissed while trying to pull my arm away.
"I don't think so." He stared at me blankly.
"Ugh! Screw you..!" I groaned while using my strength to break free from his grip. Surprisingly, I did. I ran to Yui's direction to save her from those male students.
"Yui-!" I called out yet I felt as if the ground I was stepping on disappeared. I was lifted up to a shoulder. I looked to see blonde hair and the school's blazer along with a sweater. Who else could it be but the man who saved me from thugs, broke into my house and dragged me to the academy?
"Damn you, blondie!" I yelled loudly while banging on his back. He remained calm and quiet, completely unaffected by my banging.
"Shut up. You're getting attention, intoxicating woman." He sighed.
"How troublesome." He muttered.
"Ugh! Let me down!"

< 1 1 : 5 9 p.m., Thursday ; History class . >

My eyes grew heavy from the boring lecture the teacher was giving. Kido stayed behind me so I wasn't quite sure of how she was doing. It was history class along with Kido and Yui. Yui's seat was far though. Bad thing was that we were in class along with Kanato, Azusa and Ayato. It must be heaven for Kido though, she practically has a huge crush on both. Ayato on the other hand stayed beside me. It wasn't my day today was it? Sigh. As I blinked, my eyes would close longer and open. I was too sleepy. I blinked once more as my eyes closed. Next thing I knew, I dozed off. Nothing was going to ruin it now.

That was until something whacked my school desk. My eyes shot open as I jumped in surprise.
"Mother hubbard-!" I said, quietly.
"What was that, Akazawa?" The teacher said, his face completely serious.
"Uh..." I looked elsewhere to realize I was the center of attention. Fuck.
"Give me a country which our country colonized." He said, sternly.
"What?" I blinked.
"No repetition, Akazawa." He said.
".... The Philippines...?"
"Correct. How many years?"
"Uh..." Think, Miyuki! Think!
"3 years......?"
Oh shit- wait what!? I'm right? Oh shit, I'm right!
"You may sit down."
I sat down in my seat, sighing in relief as the teacher continued the lecture. Holy fuck, that was close! For a moment there, I thought I was screwed!
I looked to my side to see Ayato flashing me a grin. I tilted my head to the side, looking at him strangely. Weird.
The bell rang.
Ugh, finally! Lunch! I grinned to myself as the teacher left the room as the students stood and did the same.
"Miyuki!" Kido called out before practically tackling me as I almost fell to the ground.
"Geez, lady! Calm yourself!" I laughed.
"Says the woman who was nearly murdered by the teacher!" She teased.
"Ah, shut up, Kimura!" I chuckled as the two of us left the classroom. While doing that, we passed by Reiji, Laito and oh, what luck, Subaru.
Reiji seemed to notice my presence as I tried to avoid his gaze.
"Akazawa-san," he started. With that, my gaze turned to him. Woah, didn't actually think he'd talk to me. Subaru stayed behind him as I shot a glare to his direction before turning my gaze back to Reiji.
"You have explaining to do once we get back to the manor." He said, his expression serious. He looked scary because of this. I nodded in reply as I was about to walk away but I was interrupted by Laito.
"Tsun-chan? Have I ever told you that those eyes of yours are pretty?" He said, flirtatiously.
"..." I stayed silent, choosing to ignore him and walk away.
"Oh, and that silver necklace of yours is quite attractive as well." He added. My eyes widened. My hands traveled to my neck only to feel a necklace there. I didn't realize I've been wearing it all along. That dream flashed through my head.
"Miyuki?" Kido's voice brought me back to reality.
"Gods, I'm sorry! I keep spacing out." I sighed as both of us had finally made it to the roof.

< L a t e r . . .

1 : 3 6 a.m., Friday ; Rooftop. >

Where in the heavens is Yui? I haven't caught sight of her since this morning! Wait! Those boys... Those male students she was with earlier! It was practically the end of lunch, already and I was still looking for Yui. She has to be alright! Luckily, all teachers were in class, obviously teaching the students. The halls were completely empty as I was the only one in the halls.
"Please... Go away..." I heard a voice say.
Yui! I raced down the stairs to see her surrounded by 5 students. Male students. The ones this morning, to be exact.
"Hey scums! The heck do you think you're doing!?" I called out once I appeared behind them. Yui looked at me, as if she'd seen an angel coming to save her.
"If it isn't the Sakamaki and Mukami chick! Wanna play along?" One laughed.
"Walk away as if nothing happened or have your bones broken. Your choice, scums." I ignored him.
"None of those choices are gonna happen, shorty!" One had yelled.
"Fine then. We take this at the roof." I said calmly before walking to the roof.
"Miyuki!" Yui had called out.
"Don't worry, Yui. I'll break their bones!" I grinned as I ran to the roof.
Minutes later, they arrived.
What joy, I had to beat 5 men up. And they were serious about fighting with a girl like me? Rude! What trouble for me to actually do this though. Well, it was my decision and I have no intention on losing to these motherfuckers!
"What're you staring at? Aren't you gonna come at me? Or are you motherfuckers scared?" I cooed a smug grin on my lips.
"Fucking bitch! I'll show you scared!" One yelled and ran up to me. His arms spread out and acted as if it were to catch me, luckily he failed to do so as I ducked down as he had looked like he embraced air. With that, a punch met his stomach harshly. After this action, he fell to the ground, clutching his stomach as if his life depended on it. I walked over to him as he stared up at me in fear.
"G'night, scumbag." I smiled innocently before my shoes had met his hideous face. With that, he passed out.
"Next?" I grinned cheekily towards the remaining men. One down, four to go.
Two had nodded to each other and ran towards me. They both tried to catch me as I ran to the wall, kicked against it and flipped into the air as I landed behind them and kicked one strongly; Due to the impact, the male affected landed on his ally, as both fell to the ground. As both were down, they looked unconscious as I smirked victoriously. I was about to head to the remaining ones as my leg was pulled down to the ground.
"..!" My eyes widened as I met the floor.
"Fucking bitch doesn't mess with us!" One yelled as he grabbed my collar and practically threw me to the wall. The other had pulled my hair as the one who threw me to the wall slapped me. Hard. My eyes closed tightly due to the pain they both caused. I had thought of something quickly as my elbow had met the side of the man pulling my hair, his grip on my hair loosened. I immediately kicked him down as I went punch the other man. Both men fell to the ground, completely unconscious. 3 down, 2 to go. I glanced at the other two. One was short and the other was... Well.... Huge.
I decided to go beat the living shit out of the short one.
"Hey shorty! Bet you've got short temper too, Huh?" I smirked as said this. He looked at me and glared.
"You'll regret that you sadistic bitch!" He yelled and ran over to me.
Sadistic!? The fuck!? He ran over to me as I noticed he held a kitchen knife. My eyes widened. Oh fuck! He wanted to kill me just because I called him short! Talk about short tempered! I gasped as he practically tried to slash my face, but instead slashed a few strands of my hair as I ducked and kicked his legs, making him lose balance. Eventually, he had let go of his knife as it slid to the sides. That was easy. I immediately stomped at his stomach, making the air in his body leave through his mouth. With that, he passed out. 4 down, 1 to go.
"Useless piece of shit!" The tall one yelled in frustration. I guess he was the leader.
"You... I'll break you!" The leader yelled.
"Ha, I'll beat the living crap out of you before you even could!" I sounded proud as I was.
"C'mere you little shit!" He ran towards me. As he was near I immediately slid to the left. Did I mention that there was a wall behind me? Crash! He ran right straight to the wall!
As I watched him back away as his nose bled due to the impact, I couldn't take it. I laughed out loudly, clutching my stomach tightly as I did so. The sight, and the look on his face was priceless! Yui watched by the side, her arms tied around the gate.
I continued my loud guffawing as I completely forgot that I was in the middle of battle. As I was distracted, the leader immediately ran towards me and punched me right in the stomach.
"Gack-!" I wheezed loudly as I was punched.
"Who's laughing now, bitch!?" The leader laughed.
"Miyuki!" Yui yelled as she was tied up and was forced to watch, uselessly.
I stayed on the ground, clutching my stomach while blood trailed down my mouth. Damn, it hurt! It hurt with my laughing and that punch! Fuck you too, karma! No, I couldn't give up. Hell no! I stood up slowly as my stomach still hurt.
"Oh? Back for more pain? What are you a masochist?" The leader chuckled.
"Shut your mouth, scum." I said sternly as I wiped the blood on the sides of my mouth.
"Quit being badass, Akazawa. You're gonna lose."
"We'll see about that."
I ran towards him, my strength coming back to me. I immediately lifted my leg up to kick him but it was caught by his arm. I was shocked but what was behind him surprised me most.

Yui was out of the ropes as she hit the leader with a heavy and metal water jug in the head as the leader fell to the ground.
"Yui!" I said, in happiness as I embraced her.
"How did you-?" I asked.
"The knife." She smiled.
I nodded in reply as both our heads turned to the direction to where we heard a grunt. So far, the leader hasn't gave up yet. I sighed as I backed away from Yui and walked towards him. He was about to get up, but I had stepped on his back and pushed him down.
"Stay where you belong, scum." My voice stoic as ever. Oh great, now I sounded like Shuu!
"Come on, Miyuki. He isn't worth it." She came to my side and clung onto my arm. I sighed as both of us had ran away. We both leaned against a wall as we panted heavily. Silence fell over the both of us.
"Are... Are you okay... Miyuki..?" She asked through shortened breaths.
"M-Mm." I nodded.
"Real question... Is are.. You okay..?" I asked.
"Y-Yes.. I'm not hurt..." She smiled reassuringly.
"We should get you to a clinic! You're hurt!" Yui had said, worriedly.
"I'm fine, promise! Just a few bruises." I smiled reassuringly.
"Are you sure?" She asked, still worried.
"I'm fine, promise! I've been through worse, trust me." I kept that smile of mine as my eyes traveled to the clock. It was nearly time for the bell to ring.
"Let's get to the next class, alright?"
The bell rang. Just in time. Students and teachers made their way out the classrooms as we proceeded to our next class.
"Oh wait! Can we go to the bathroom first?" Yui stopped in her tracks.
"Sure." I said, softly as both of us made our way to the bathroom.
She entered first as no one was in the bathroom. I followed behind, but my eyes widened as my head turned to the mirror immediately. I swore I saw someone in the mirror! Someone else in the mirror! I shook my head. Probably just my imagination. Yui proceeded to a cubicle as I stayed by the mirror. My uniform was wrinkled due to the fight I had gotten into. Luckily not much wounds. I combed my hair using my fingers and simply fixed my hair. Yui had gotten out the cubicle as she was combing her hair.
"You look as if you never got in a fight!" Her eyes widened as she saw me. I chuckled.
"I don't know how.. My uniform is just wrinkled. That's it. The wounds I got aren't that visible either, that's why." I smiled reassuringly.
"Let's go?"
We hurried out the bathroom to see the halls were empty. Shit! I looked to Yui as she looked to me as well. We're gonna be late, shit! We immediately ran to our classroom hurriedly. Once we reached the door, I immediately opened it. All eyes were on us as we barged in, quite rudely. Yui went ahead of me as she quickly bowed, as I did the same.
"We're so sorry! I tripped on the staircase and Miyuki-san here had to help me up." Yui apologized as she lied too. My eyes looked to see Kido as she looked at me in relief. Apparently, some vampires were in the class.
"Ah, it's alright. Just in time, we have a new student!" The teacher smiled at us warmly. Ah, Ms. Shinozaki. The nicest and relatable teacher we had. But what stood in the front made my eyes widen and made my heart race.
No... No fucking way..!


Nightmare here! This is probably the longest chapter I've ever done in my lifetime! But it's quite a cliffhanger 'round there! Damn, this took me a loooong time.
There goes badass Miyuki!~
A little change btw! I'm changing Ayato's nickname for Miyuki will change because
1) I can't take saying that because it's offensive [ well he is offensive in a lot of way Uh.. ]
2) It's embarrassing!! ><

It'll change to 'Chisana.' meaning small, we're talking about her height here!! >///<

Anyways, that's it for now.
Jaa ne!~


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