Who Remembers?

By anrilabuschagne24

1.6K 138 55

|Complete| After a holiday of many hook ups, many drunken nights and very bad decisions, Olivia has successfu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 9

31 5 1
By anrilabuschagne24

"Hey Liv we're downstairs."

"Coming." I put down the phone and I get my bags. Long weekend couldn't come any sooner, so excited to just tan, relax and enjoy the beach. As I walk downstairs I see Brad leaning on the Jeep door looking all smug with his aviators, his leather jacket and his beard is perfectly trimmed. I usually don't like guys with beards but he makes it work for some reason.

"Ready to fly home?" He smirks.

"Yes I am." I greet everyone as I get in the car and Jane looks super nervous sitting next to me.

"You okay Jane?" I sat and she looks down.

"I'm so nervous." She whispers.

"You got this." We head to the airport and all we talk about is how fun this long weekend is going to be. Brad hasn't been to Miami so it really is exciting for him. We get our tickets, head through airport security and we all get Starbucks breakfast and coffee.

"What's your seat number Olivia?" Brad asks and I look at my ticket.

"12A yours?" I say and I look at Aiden and Jane smiling.

"12B." He smirks. Of course he's sitting next to me, Aiden and Jane are really trying to set us up here. We board the plane and Brad takes his seat next to me.

"You excited for this?" I ask and he just nods.

"Yes. I love traveling." He says and our eyes don't even break from each other.

"You have really nice eyes." He says and I feel my stomach churning a bit. I have butterflies.

"Th-Thank you." I say and I look down.

"Why do you keep blushing around me." He says and I can feel my face becoming red even more.

"Um.." is all I manage to say.

"I think it's cute." He says and I just look out the window and I don't say anything.

"Can I ask you something?" He nudges me.

"What's up?" I smile.

"How are the dynamics working with your family and Aidens family? Like how do you guys know each other?" He smiles.

"Okay so, last summer my friend Elaina and I went to our lake house and we actually met Collin who is Aidens brother first and then I met Aiden, and then it turned out that they were moving to Miami and we all went to the same high school together at the end. And now his dad and my mom are dating but before that Aiden and I dated, but it didn't last very long." He nods and he looks like he's just trying to process everything.

"So you and him dated?" He says. Of course it's all he got from that.

"Yes we did but things happened." I say and he just nods.

"I get it. Isn't it awkward being friends with him and him being engaged now?" He clearly isn't subtle.

"No I'm past that now." I shrug and he just nods.

"Okay good." He smirks.

"So are you ready to meet all of my friends?"

"Yeah it sounds like a big group."

"I'm sure you'll manage." We continue making small talk and get to know each other, we have quite a lot in common actually like he also has a Great Dane, he loves series and also loves the beach and traveling. As we land in Miami we get to bag collection and Jane becomes more and more nervous.

"You'll be fine." Aiden says kissing her on the forehead as we walk towards the exit. As we walk through the sliding doors, I see Collin and Jess waiting there holding hands.

"Hey guys." I say hugging Jess and Collin.

"This is Brad." I say pointing to him and then they shake his hand.

"And this is Jane." Aiden says pointing to Jane, she looks down and then she hugs them. She looks a bit relieved. We grab the trolleys as we head to the car.

"How you doing Jess?" I say walking next to her and she just smiles.

"Great. The baby is healthy and I'm just craving seafood the whole time though." She laughs and I just smile at her. She looks genuinely happy and Collin looks so proud and he's so cautious around her.

"So Brad are you staying with us?" Collin asks as we all get into the car. He nods and there's a moment of silence.

"Plans for this long weekend?" Jess asks.

"Tan? Beach? Work? Shopping?" I start naming a lot of things and she just looks down. Crap, I forgot she's pregnant there for a minute.

"Sorry Jess." I look down and she just smiles.

"No stress." She says. Brad looks at me.

"Jess is pregnant." I say and his eyes widen a bit.

"Congratulations Jess." He smiles and then looks out the window.

"Yeah and we kind of have to move this weekend." Collin says.

"Move?" Aiden asks.

"Yeah we got a small apartment looking out at the beach, it has so many windows." Jess looks excited just talking about it and I'm honestly so happy for them.

"Yeah and I'm studying part time and Collin is working for a software company." She says and Collin just nods.

"Congratulations Bro. You never told me about this?" Aiden interrupts.

"Yeah well we wanted to tell you in person." Collin shrugs and Jess just smiles.

"Can I help with the nursery Jess?" I ask and she has a huge smile on her face.

"Yes well you, Elaina and I are going shopping tomorrow." She says and the boys including Brad rolls their eyes.

"Jane you're more then welcome to join us." Elaina says and Jane nods and smiles.

"Well maybe we should have a bonfire at our place tonight and then have a barbecue as the housewarming?" I say and they all nod.

"Sounds great." Everyone says. We make our way to my house and Moms car isn't there but Dylan's is. We make our way inside and Stormi immediately runs down the stairs and jumps on Brad.

"Oh hectic." He says and he pets her and plays around with her. I feel so betrayed.

"My dog likes you more then she likes me. Great." I roll my eyes we all make our way into the kitchen. Aiden drops my bags by the stairs and he joins us in the kitchen. Our small talk gets interrupted when the door opens.

"Hey guys." Dylan and Elaina walk in hand in hand.

"Hey guys. This is Brad and Jane." I say while giving Elaina a hug. They all shake hands and Brad looks really relaxed.

"And Jane is?" Mr Patterson's voice enters into the kitchen followed by my mom too. They are also holding hands and the house is completely silent for a minute. I look at Aiden and Jane and Jane looks completely flustered.

"Um hi dad." Aiden walks forward to shake his dads hand. His dad looks so stern and he doesn't look happy, maybe a rough day at work?

"Hi." My mom gracefully walks in and hugs Jane, Brad and myself. There is still awkwardness in the air.

"Aiden?" His dad says again and Aiden looks flustered.

"This, this is Jane... My Fiancé." He grabs her hand at the fiancé part and Mr Patternsons eyes move directly down to her engagement ring. Everyone's eyes went down to her engagement ring right after that. No one says anything.

"Dad?" Aiden breaks the silence and all eyes are on the three of them.

"Congratulations Son." He simple says and he hugs them both. He still doesn't look as pleased as what he did when Jess and Collin announced the pregnancy. Everyone congratulated them and Brad and I just stand there next to each other watching everyone.

"Sorry this wasn't suppose to happen like this." I whisper and he just smiles.

"No stress."

"Well since this is good news, we should celebrate it tonight." My mom says.

"We can have a bonfire on the beach. This news should be celebrated." She smiles and everyone talks amongst themselves. Aidens dad summons him outside and Aiden follows him. I hope they aren't going to fight. As I make my way to the bathroom I can hear them speaking.

"I didn't expect this from you? Engagement? How long? Collin has always been making bad choices but you've just started College. Are you sure this is what you want?" I peep around the corner and Aiden just looks down at the floor.

"I haven't been sure about anything since I dated Olivia. I love her dad, and we won't get married until we're both graduated, give her the benefit of the doubt and get to know her." He says and his dad just nods.

"Okay I will." He shakes his hand and Aiden looks a lot more relieved. I walk upstairs to my room with my bags and I can hear footsteps following me. As I turn around I see Elaina behind me.

"We need to talk." She says and she walks in my room and shuts the door behind her.

"Please tell me you're not pregnant or engaged to?" I roll my eyes and she doesn't say anything.

"Liv." She bursts into tears and I immediately wrap my arms around her.

"Elaina what's wrong?" She weeps and weeps and I wait for her to calm herself.

"Dylan and I are going to break up." She manages to say and my eyes widen.

"Wh-What?" Is all I manage to form and I'm so shocked.

"It's just not working for me. I love him Olivia, I really do but we're just not seeing eye to eye and I just need some space. It's like his suffocating me." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Have you spoken to him?"

"I've tried, I've honestly tried but I just can't get through to him. I need some space." She weeps again and I just hold her.

"I don't want you guys to break up though."

"For now I'm gonna go travel and just take some me time when summer starts. I need some space." She smiles as her tears roll down her face and I just look at her.

"If that is what you want to do then you should do it Elaina. Dylan will support you." I hug her once more and she sits at the foot of the bed.

"You guys just have to talk Elaina. I don't want to see you like this." I hug her and head downstairs to everyone sitting outside on the balcony. I look at Dylan and he's talking to the boys, not knowing what could happen. My heart is breaking for both of them because they're suppose to be together, I hope they are going to work things out.

"Guys, I'm going to go take a walk on the beach." I smile and head down the stairs onto the beach. As I walk along the shore, I take a deep breath in, so much has changed and so much will change but I'm excited for the changes. My train of thought gets interrupted when I hear someone calling my name, when I turn around I see Dylan behind me.

"Liv." he manages to say out of breath.

''Yes?" I look him up and down as he pants, trying to catch his breath.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, why?" I frown at him, why wouldn't I be okay?

"Just Aiden getting engaged and all of that?"

"Oh yeah, no I'm actually really good and happy for him you know. Jane is a good person." I give him a warm smile and we both take a seat on the sand.

"Just making sure."

"Hey Dyl, can I ask you something?"

"Of course?" he says with a smile. I wanted to bring up the Elaina thing but to be honest, I don't feel like its my place, he's my brother and she's my best friend and it works when I don't meddle.

"Have you heard from Nick?" I say and he looks down.

"No, nothing. I'm sorry Liv." he says as he puts his hand on my arm.

"You'd tell me right?"

"Of course I will." he smiles and we just sit there for a few moments.

"Come let's go back, we are being rude." he stands up, pulls me up and we make our way back to the house. Everyone is sitting on the deck, speaking to my mom. Brad looks at me and then motions me to come sit next to him and I do.

"So I was thinking, the boys can help me with the bonfire and the girls can go and get snacks or something for tonight?" Dr. Patternson interrupts our conversation and we all nod. It's weird having him in our house the whole time. As we all get up, my moms beeper goes off.

"I have to go to the hospital but I'll be back in time for tonight." she says as she kisses Dr. Patternson on the cheek and heads inside.

"Guess its just us girls then." Elaina smiles and we all head inside.

"What are you guys in the mood for? Pizza?" I ask and the boys nod.

"Pizza it is then." Elaina grabs her keys and we all follow her out and get in the car.

"I know we all said pizza, but this baby is really craving seafood, so can we make a stop?" Jess says and well laugh.

"So Jane, are you a lot more relaxed now?" Jess asks.

"Yes, his dad is a bit scary, I'm not going to lie." she takes a deep breath in and we all just laugh. We eventually get the pizza's and Jess's seafood and head back home. I am actually so exhausted. We head down to the beach and we see the boys and my mom sitting around the bonfire already. Brad actually fits in nicely with our group. Collin, Aiden, Dylan and Brad all grab a few beers and us girls have some wine. In the middle of me telling my story about how Jane and Aiden have convinced me to stay at Princeton my phone rings and when I look at the caller ID it says South Africa, my heart pumps faster as I answer it.

"Hello?" I manage to say and there's just silence on the other side.

"Hi, Olivia. This is Nicks Mom, Miranda." I freeze and no words manage to leave my mouth.

"Ye- Yes?" is all I get out and everyone around the fire speaks in hushed tones.

"Have you been in contact with Nick? He came down a few weeks ago and then just left without a word?" I feel flustered listening to her speak, and I can't help but worry about him. I have so many questions.

"Olivia?" her voice interrupts my train of thought.

"Hi, no sorry I haven't spoken to Nick at all." I say and everyone immediately remained quiet when I mention Nicks name.

"Okay, If you do please tell me. I am worried." She puts the phone down and I stare blankly at everyone. She's worried? Where the hell has she been when Nick needed her the most? I honestly do not understand this woman! I sit down again and everyone is still silent.

"Nick's mom phoned, she doesn't know where he is." I manage to say and everyone remains quiet. I look up and I smile.

"Oh well, not my problem. This night is about Aiden and Jane." I try to lift everyone's spirit and they all just awkwardly smile and continue with their conversations. I look at my mom and she looks at me, I smile and continue talking about the Princeton story. I have a lot on my mind at the moment and I have so many questions but I don't even know where to begin. The night goes on and eventually Jess and Collin left first then Dylan and Jess and then Aiden, Jane and Brad went.

"I'm going to give you guys some alone time." Dr. Patternson gets up, kisses my moms forehead and heads back home. I smile and my mom sits down next to me. I lean my head on her shoulder and I don't say anything.

"He's okay right?" I manage to say and I try so hard to fight back the tears.

"He's okay." she says and we just sit there in silence. I love my mom so much. Eventually after about half an hour we head back home, I take a shower and when I get into bed I just lie there and I find it impossible to fall asleep, I have so much going on in my head but Nick isn't my problem anymore.

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