Girls Gotta Spy

By IReadBooksLikeCrazy

66.2K 1.5K 631

The gallaghers go to blackthorn the coc doesn't exsist. The chameleon name is famous.... What could go wrong... More

Girls Gotta Spy
Say hello boys
Proper Introductions Gone South
What we've got
Invasion of privacy
Authors Note Please Read
Hard to get
Around Town
Confusing thoughts
Dark hallways
Dreams and Changes of heart
Feelings spilled, but nothing's said.
why are we here?
I'm alive |A/N|

Found You

3.3K 91 7
By IReadBooksLikeCrazy


I wake up with a start, I get a shower and then dress in a black Tanktop with the Gallagher crest on the left side of my chest and some dark blue denim skinny jeans with some combat boots.

I birds my hair out and pull it into a half-up kinda thing and walk out of the bathroom.

I am about to go explore the compound when something catches my eye. I see a small glint coming from the clock out of the corner of my eye.

I causally walked back in the direction of the bathroom but I stopped underneath the clock and looked up to examine it.

A Camera.

And I bet I can guess who put it there. Those perverts are going to get it.

I take the clock down and get the camera and smash it without a second thought.

I'm almost glad this happened,I don't have time to like boys. I need to focus on my training so when I graduate I can figure out what happened to my father. I need to know, even if people think finding out would be bad for my family.

I'm not even sure I liked Zach though, he is way to, oh what's the word.

Oh right, down right annoying.

I throw the clock on my bed and walk out of the room, and I head to the boys room to give them a piece of my mind.

When I am almost there I see a brick in the wall and it seems to pop out but is hidden at the same time, the mortar around it is almost non-existent so being the curious young chameleon I am, I pressed it.

The wall turned and reveled a narrow passage. And I went in.

After a couple of turns I come into a large room and I fumble to find a light, to my delight I find one.

I see a long line of windows.

What is this a prison or something?

I go up to one and I see a boy, a boy I have seem before in my P and E class. He is fixing his hair looking directly at me, but not noticing me.

One way glass.

I smirk, if I could find Zachs room.......

After passing many windows I stop at one that is filled with four all to familiar looking boys.

I smirk (again, I am a very smirky person today I guess)

I look to the side and see some head phones hanging on the wall with a button under them that says


So I put the headphones on and press the button

"I cannot believe Bex likes me" Grant says in utter disbelief

"She could not, they are smart girls, could've found the cameras and stuff and played a trick on us" Zach points out.

Thanks for the idea Goode........

"They DID destroy the camera this morning" Jonas says "but we still have sound, they probably haven't found ALL of the bugs yet"

"Well now that I know they are there" I mumble under my breath

"You all are a bunch of downers" Grant says

"Everything is a possibility" Nick joins in as he sits next to Zach

"I think we should focus on the fact that they are better than us, we just let our gaurs down because they were hot girls and we were stupid. We underestimated them and in the feild that could get us killed" Zach says

"Yeah man, I'm scared to see how good they are with strategy" Jonas remarks

"Although I bet they can't even hold a gun" Nick laughs.

"Oh you wait an see buster" I mumble.

I have to get back to the girls so we can form a plan of revenge. So I take the headphones off and head back to my room, memorizing the rout to that new room.

Now how can we get them back for this.......

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