I'm alive |A/N|

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Hey people of wattpad!! Its been a crazy long time.
After two and a half years I randomly decided to log into wattpad.
1. I cannot believe I still have loyal readers, oh my gosh you guys are amazing
2. I feel really bad about all the stories I just left in the air
Focusing on number 2 a little. After logging back on and seeing so many recent comments and messages asking me to continue my stories really makes me want to write for you guys. But here's the thing, Its been almost three years since I started a lot of my stories, I can't remember what my original thinking was. And I am nowhere near the same person I was.
If I continued the stories now, the writing would probably be very different.
And seeing as ive been focusing on my art as of late (on Yeah I'm an artist too btw) I haven't written in a while.
I have no idea what the quality of my writing would be.
And I would have to come up with new plots for the stories to be directed in because, as stated before, I can't remember what the original plots were.
So I'm leaving it up to you, should I update these stories even though it might change everything you like about them?
Or should I leave them as is, as a nice memory, and start a new batch of stories?
(Also I've started going by my middle name -Paige- since I was last on here, it's not Sally any more, sorry!)

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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