RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) E...

By HyperKabuto264

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This is inspired by Nehpetssanders. He owns Wattpad and especially DeviantART. After seeing his inserts, I fe... More

Shadow Wrath's Abilities, Weapons and Accessories
Red Trailer
White Trailer
Black Trailer
Yellow Trailer
Volume 1 Opening
Volume 1: Ruby Rose
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon (Part 2)
Volume 1: The First Step
Volume 1: The First Step (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest (Part 2)
Volume 1: Players and Pieces
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden (Part 2)
Volume 1: Jaunedice
Volume 1: Jaunedice (Part 2)
Volume 1: Forever Fall
Volume 1: Forever Fall (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Nightmare Grimm Strikes
Volume 1: The Stray
Volume 1: Black and White
Volume 1: The Nightmare has Weiss?!?!
Volume 1: The Nightmare Hunters Arrive
Volume 1: Atlas's Most Crucial & Important Relic..... The Beta Spark
Volume 1: A New Day Begins
Special Episode: Got away with it by a Pardon
Special Episode: One Down, Three to go
BONUS Volume 1 Episode: A Gift from an Unknown Ally
Volume 2 Opening
Volume 2: Best Day Ever
Volume 2: Welcome to Beacon
Volume 2: A Minor Hiccup
Volume 2: Painting the Town...
Volume 2: Extracurricular
Volume 2: Burning the Candle
Volume 2: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2: Field Trip
Volume 2: Search and Destroy
Volume 2: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2: No Brakes
Volume 2: Breach
Volume 2: Build Tenma Tribe -vs- Team CRDL (PART 1)
Beacon's Secret
Special Episode: "Lovely Ca"-Tastrophe
Special Episode: Visiting an Old Friend
Special Episode: Build Tenma Tribe and Team STRM meet up
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 1)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 2)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 3, FINAL)
Special Episode: Two Down, Two to go
Volume 3 Opening
Volume 3: Round One
Volume 3: New Challengers...
Volume 3: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3: Lessons Learned
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 1)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 2)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 3)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 4)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 5)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 6)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 7)
Volume 3: Never Miss a Beat
Volume 3: Fall (Part 2)
Volume 3: Fall (Part 3)
Volume 3: Destiny
Volume 3: PvP
Volume 3: Battle of Beacon
Volume 3: Heroes and Monsters
Volume 3: End of the Beginning
Plans for Vol. 4, 5 and Upcoming Seasons, Crossovers & Franchise
Special Episode: Lupinranger vs Patranger & Evol's surprise Deal
Special Episode: Gladiator Tyrant's leader (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Shadow's Request (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The History behind the Relic (New Gen. Beta Spark)
Special Episode: Three down, One to go
Volumes 4 and 5 Trailers
Volume 4: Character Short
Volume 4 Opening
Volume 4: The Next Step
Volume 4: Remembrance
Volume 4: Runaways and Stoaways
Volume 4: Family
Volume 4: Menagerie
Volume 4: Tipping Point
Volume 4: Punished
Volume 4: Returning what's from the Past (Special SHORT Episode)
Volume 4: A much Needed Talk
Volume 4: Two Steps Foward, Two Steps Back
Volume 4: Kuroyuri
Volume 4: Taking Control
Volume 4: No Safe Haven
Volume 4: Momma's Boy
Special Episode: The Letter (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Orochi's Identity and Meet up with Qrow
Special Episode: Orochi Tenma's latest creation (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Visitation of the Six Ancient
Special Episode: Drazen's Super Weapon (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Secret & The Novice He/She Seeks
Volume 5: Tenka Kaito Character Short
Volume 5: Rachel Claws Character Short
Volume 5: Mitchell Striker Character Short
Volume 5 Opening
Volume 5: Welcome to Haven
Volume 5: Dread in the Air
Volume 5: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5: Lighting the Fire
Volume 5: Necessary Sacrifice
Volume 5: Known by its Song
Volume 5: Rest and Resolutions
Volume 5: Alone Together
Volume 5: A Perfect Storm
OC sneak peaks PART 1
Volume 5: True Colours
OC Sneak peaks PART 2
OC Sneak peaks PART 3
Volume 5: The More The Merrier
Volume 5: A Silver-Eye Comfrontation
Volume 5: The Vault of the Spring Maiden
Volume 5: Wizard of Oz, Fire & Ice vs Brute Force
Volume 5: Downfall
Volume 5: The Battle rages on
Volume 5: Haven's Fate
Volume 5: A much Needed Talk, again...
Volume 5: The Chosen wielding the Power of Fire and Ice
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 6 - Epilogue)
Volume 5: A Huntress or Grimm???
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 6)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 7 - Epilogue)
Special Episode: 'Hiro -vs- Adam' & 'A Gift Beyond Death'
Special Episode: The MUTEKI Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet (PART 2)
SPECIAL Episode: Genm's Ultimate Weapon to surpass Salem (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Special Training
Special Episode: The SECRET Behind STRM Combination
Special Episode: The Secret's Out
Special Episode: The Swan Song
Special Episode: The God of Remnant's UNKNOWN Golden Semblance
Special Episode: Four down, ALL are Gathered
Special Episode: The Remnant Beyond Duo & The "Mercury"-ium Servant
Epilogue: Saving Remnant... is my Desire Grand Prix

Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 4)

92 11 8
By HyperKabuto264

To be resumed here.

3rd Person's POV:

Ultraman Dyna and Pedanium Zeppandon were protecting themselves from being blasted at by Gemdeus Cheinian's Snake Darkness - Mark II's Tragedy Shout Hell beam by using their shields to block it. As they tried to block its attack, Dyna's shield began to shatter as the beam is about to over power him, to Orochi taking notice of it.

Snake Darkness - Mark II then put in more energy to its beam as it struck the two titans more, causing Dyna's shield yo break more. Just before the shield that Dyna conjoured broke in mere seconds, Pedanium Zeppandon took it head on and took the hit for him, to Dyna's shock.

Dyna: OROCHI!!

Gemdeus Cheinian: Heheh. Looks like our former strongest character has been brought down....


When Dyna and the Cheinian heard this, they looked at the fog made by the debris and the impact of the attack as they watched Pedanium Zeppandon still standing with no damage at all, to their shock.

Gemdeus Cheinian: WHAT?!?! HOW?!?!

Orochi: FARBAS INFINITY EX is a defemse move and mechanism that heals any critical hit damages. It also nullifies your attack, meaning you have to wait for your Power Gauge to hit full once again before you can use Tragedy Shout Hell.

Gemdeus Cheinian: IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!

Orochi: Nothing is impossible, when you have been playing this game for a very long time, in secret.

Pedanium Zeppandon roared as it advanced towards Snake Darkness - Mark II with incredible speed, with Ultraman Dyna following behind it. Meanwhile, Team CRDL has been spawning in and dispatching Atlesian Soldiers, Atlesian Knight-200s and 130s, Atlesian Paladins, Spider Droids (Super Unit), Dropships, Mantas and several Colossus (Super Unit) from the base they have stationed and defending.

Turrets kept firing away at the oncoming monsters and Advents that are flying and advancing towards them.


Cardin: WE ARE, RUSSEL!!

Cardin replied while smashed an Imagin away from him and his teammates.



My Ice Sword was thrown to aside as the Player-like titan, @RoseWinter broke the clash while breaking it by punching it with it's left macho arm, to my shock.

Me: Okay.... this is bad.... she's got @KieronTennyson's powers. That means everytime I beat one character, he respawns them and fuse them to Weiss and Ruby's fused character.... Well,... no turning back now, as I'm gonna free those players that fused with Weiss and Rubes.

I said as I conjour the same Ice Sword and a Flame Sword, pointing them right at the @RoseWinter, with her holding her scythe in hand as she points her weapon at me, readying to fight once again. Then, we advanced and clashed weapons with each other as we commence our fight.

With scar after scar, slash after slash, and shot after shot, we inflicted ourselves as I fought as fast and hard as I could to free the victims and my girlfriend from Gemdeus Cheinian's grasp. Then, we clashed our weapons again, causing sparks to emit from our clash.

Meanwhile, Dyna launched Solgent Beam and Pedanium Zeppandon launched its fireballs at Snake Darkness, only for them to be deflected away so easily as it turned around to face its back at them to whip them by using its tail, but instead it launched it towards Dyna, with its tail opening up like a mouth and slithered towards Dyna and took a bite on his throat, to Orochi's surprise.

Orochi: Okay!! That's one reason why the beast is called Snake Darkness!!

Pedanium Zeppandon roared as it grabbed onto its tail and bit on it, for Snake Darkness - Mark II to shriek in pain. Then, it shot two projectiles from its back, disorientating the fusion beast, but it didn't make a single move and fought hard to keep its position as it tried to free Dyna from Snake Darkness's grasp.

While Pedanium Zeppandon tried to free the ultra from Snake Darkness's tail which is half snake and half tail, a projectile made of dark energy came out of nowhere, causing Pedanium Zeppandon to release its jaws from the monster's tail and for Snake Darkness to release Dyna from its hold, to their's confusion.

Then, they looked up to see a portal above them as something was emerging from it with incredible speed.

Dyna: One of yours?

Orochi: Not sure. But be ready for anything!

Orochi implied as Pedanium Zeppandon and Ultraman Dyna don their defensive posture, preparing for what's about to appear out from the portal. Then, a flame cross-like slash and a cross-shot emerged from the portal as they struck Snake Darkness - Mark II, causing it to tremble and fall to the ground.

After the attacks were inflicted on the enemy, the two mechs land in front of Ultraman Dyna and Pedanium Zeppandon as their pilots introduced themselves in their mechs.

??? 1: KishRyuOh, DimeVolcano!

??? 2: KishRyuNeptune, CosmoRaptor!

(A/N: KishRyuOh - DimeVolcano & KishRyuNeptune.)

Once after they introduced themselves, they turned to them.

KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh): Are you okay?

KishRyuNeptune (Pilot - Canalo): Are you two hurt?

Dyna: No. We're fine, thanks.

Orochi: We are okay, thanks to your assistance.

KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh): Oh, that's no problem at all. Name's Koh

KishRyuNeptune (Pilot - Canalo): Canalo.

Dyna: Asuka Shin, also known as Ultraman Dyna.

Orochi: Orochi Tenma.

KishRyuNeptune (Pilot - Canalo): Good to meet you. So, this Minosaur bothering you?

Orochi: Well, the whole world actually.

KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh): Then let's take it down.



I crashed into one of the buildings, weakened by the brute strength of @RoseWinter's combined strength of all players that were defeated in battle as she walked towards me, wielding its sword made by all of the defeated characters' melee weapons.

I looked in shock as I quickly got up to stand against it once again, only to be taken aback by its strikes once again, only for me to block abd deflect them, some however struck me, causing me to lose some health, to my worry.

Me (Inner Thoughts): This is bad..... if my gauge goes to zero.... I can't save anybody... not unless I-- wait a minute!! This is a game world.... so, If a Nexus works on the game world and the real world... yyeeeaaaaahhh. Let's use them!!!

I said as I deflected the player's slash and kicked it away from me while equipping myself with my Game-Driver, while activating my two Nexus Glittering-like Gashats

-NEXUS MAXIMUM MUTEKI DOULE X!- (NEXUS MAXIMUM MUTEKI XX) (Upbeat with remix dramatic techno-rock and choral music)

-NEXUS MUTEKI DOUBLE X- (NEXUS MUTEKI XX) (Remix Upbeat techno-rock guitar riff with techno-angelic tune)

I smirked after hearing the tune of my gashats as I insert them onto the Driver


-NEXUSZA DOCKING- (NEXUS DOCKING) (Remix Nexus Looping upbeat techno-angelic tune with rock guitar riff)

Me: LEVEL SHIFT!!! LEVEL NEXUS INFINITY DOUBLE X!!!!! NEXUS DAI-HENSHIN!!! (I flipped the Game Lever and pressed the buttons of the Maximum Gashat and Mureki-like Gashat downwards to activate my super form.)



-NE~EXU~S! HYPER MUTEKI EX-AI~D!- (Remix Nexus-like Angelic chorus mixed with upbeat techno-rock guitar riff)

After transforming, my transformation caused a huge shockwave of Nexus Energy to spread around the globe like before as I acquired Nexus Muteki Gamer Level Nexus Infinity.

After donning my powerful form yet, @RoseWinter struck me again with her combined sword, but to no avail as there isn't a scratch on me. I smirked as I punched its sword and the player, causing her to fly backwards, hitting the walls of the destroyed Beacon Tower and for her bladeto break into small pieces of every individual weapon.

I clenched both my fist as I made my way towards @RoseWinter. As such, the combined character got itself back up on its feet and cleared its vision from its daze. After clearing its vision from its daze, it then quickly equipped itself with its combined gun like its sword, it's made of players' individual weapons as it quickly charged its weapon and shot several shots at me.

As I saw several shots heading towards me with incredible speed, I smirked behind the mask as I activated my Winter Maiden abilities and the powers of Nexus Energy, to see what else the two Gashats are capable of.

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow then watched as he began to sped up with the powers of ice and nexus energy flowing from behind him, dodging every single projectile that were being shot right at him while he ran, zig-zagging past every single one of them.

When Shadow got near to @RoseWinter, he stopped in front of it while coiling his Nexus Muteki Energy-Powered hair around its hand wielding the combined cannon and swung the combined player in mid-air and forcefully slamming it onto the ground a few times.

Just as Shadow was about to finish the player off, he noticed something was totally off about the combined player as it began to glitch out, revealing its original form with an unknown device on its head, to his shock.

Shadow: Wait.... that's no Player who's made out of Players....

Shadow implied as he motioned his hair to make the glitched-out player to face him, revealing that he is just a Collabos Bugster, NOT a Player at all. And because he found out that the player turned out to be a Collabos Bugster, he now feels dumb about it. (A/N: XD XD.)

(A/N: Collabos Bugster. Include a Gashat on it.)


Shadow looked up at the Gashat that is called 'Grimm Colossium' on its head. Then, he looked down at Team CRDL aka, Four Knights Platoon and asked;

Shadow: Yo!!! Cardin!!!! How many units do you have currently in battle?!

Cardin: More than enough! Why?!

Shadow: I want you to shoot that Gashat down from its head!! I have a hunch that when i remove it, something will happen!! Bad guy tricks in the games!!!!


Cardin smirked as he selected his units that were currently deployed which are a dozen of Spider Droids, loads of Bullheads and Atlas Airships, Six Atlesian Paladins and a lot of Infantry Units and Infantry Drone Units and marked the target out and pressed the 'Strike' Button.

Cardin: You know your orders, ATTACK!!! (Presses the button)

With that said, all Atlesian CPUs began to fire at the Collabos's head as Shadow forced it downwards so that they have a better angle on hitting the target, with Cardin's teammates helping out by using the remaining RPGs that are available on ground.

After a few minutes of shooting and holding the Bugster down later, the Gashat finally came off to Cardin's relief, causing @RoseWinter to reveal itself as a Giant Collabos Bugster.



I nod at him as I threw the Bugster off to aside and grabbed it, activating the Gashat as it let out a similar theme like Dragon Knight Hunter Z.

-GRIMM COLOSSIUM!- (Upbeat funk rock music)

I press the button on the Gashat once again and place it onto the Sub Gashat holder, only to witness a holographic Character Customizer to appear before me, to my shock.

Me: Okay... this is.... new...

I kept on looking for a brief moment to focus nd absorb on what it wants me to do until, "lightbulb", an idea came in that turns out, if you want to beat the most powerful foe in this game, you have to be a customized player yourself.

Me: I think I know what to do!! Cardin, get your Team and your units to fire at Snake Darkness! I will prep my upgrades for my Titan-like team!!

Cardin: You got it!!


Orochi "Dragon Tail"-ed Snake Darkness away from her as she answered my question in a brief moment.

Orochi: Yes! Why?!

Me: It's time for another upgrade! 

When Orochi heard this, this caused her to smirk inside the beast as she chuckled.

Orochi: Oh, brother! You never cease to amaze me when you become Genius Gamer Shadow!!


Dyna: Just give me the word!!

Me: And you two!!

When I called out the mechs, they soon looked at me.

Me: If you have combining capabilities, use it now! We need that once I finish equipping everyone my upgrades.

KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh): You got it!!

KishRyuNeptune (Pilot - Canalo): Sure!!

I soon deactivated my Super Form and donned Action Gamer Level 2 as fished out Grimm Colossium Gashat and inserted it into the Game-Driver and activated my newest form 





After acquiring Action Grimm Gladiator Gamer, the holographic Character Customizer is still seen in front of me, only for me to nod as if already expecting that this will happen already.

Me: Okay.... Dyna is a Warrior of Light so... least I can do is.... (snaps fingers) I got it. DYNA!!!! USE THIS!!!!

I selected a few things from the customizer as I flicked them to Dyna's direction, equipping the Armour that Dyna requires, to his shock.

Dyna's POV:

While fighting off Snake Darkness with Orochi and the two mechs that just arrived to aid us, I felt a surge and some equipment equipping itself onto me as I looked at myself.

Me: (looks at armour) This Armour is off Demagorg's parts? (Looks at Shadow) Wise selection of armour, Shadow!

Shadow: Thanks! Keep him busy while I pick mine!

Me: Alright!!

Orochi's POV:

I looked at my inventory to see many parts of Galactron Invader CPUs in it. As she looked at all the module pieces and all the parts of Galactron, she realized that customizing a mech with her current creation is not going to be simple.

Me: Hmmm... this isn't going to be simple... if I have Zetton, Pandon, King Joe and the severed tail of Maga Orochi... hmmmmm.... Zetton and Pandon, King Joe and Zetton, King Joe and Galactron... I got it!!!

I said as I went to my spare parts inventory and to my greatest shock and my relief, I still have some Pedanium Metal left from King Joe's Boss Fight at the Central of Downtown Vale.

Me: Oh, thank Oum and Thank Genius I still have tonnes of these metals to go.

I said as I used the exact amount of parts that I require from my inventory and began to enter everything in. However, before the customization began, a notification came in to ask am I sure of this. So, I pressed the 'yes' button, to commence customization.

3rd Person's POV:

As Orochi commenced the cusromization, Snake Darkness took notice of this and decided to take this personally by interrupting it by launching projectiles from its back, but to no avail as Dyna used his armoured arms to block and deflect the projectiles with the aid of his huge hands from Demagorg that he's equipped with.



Then, Pedanium Zeppandon's left arm began to change as parts and the eft arm of Galactron MK II went to the lower part of Pedanium Zeppandon's left arm, followed by pedanium Zeppandon's lower part of its legs being replaced by Galactron's legs.

Some segments of Pedanium Zetton's head will be crowned with Galactron Mk II's Golden Crown piece, covering its eyes. However, Pedanium Zeppandon's eyes will reveal itself to glow blue in between the holes at the eye sockets of the Golden crown piece which was used to cover Galactron Mk II's eyes.

Pedanium Zeppandon's back part of its neck will be replaced to Galactron Mk II's parts and its metal to prop up Galactron Mk II's weapon in place to not only be the primary weapon for the customized kaiju, but to also be the dorsal fin for the kaiju like King Gesura but different.

The end and tip of Pedanium Zeppandon's tail will be replaced by Galactron's tail and claw aka, Galactron Shaft which was used to be connected behind Galactron's neck. To finalize the customization, the upper torso of Pedanium Zeppandon will be equipped with Galactron's ultimate weapon aka, Galactron Spark Cannon (A/N: If I named the part wrong, let me know and correct me, please.) below of its Purple Colour Timer and some parts of metallic parts from Galacteon will be embedded onto the upper and lower torso to indicate that the cannon is connected together with the kaiju.

(A/N: Mechs and fusion form parts used for the customization sequence. King Galactron, Galacteon and Galactron Mk II.)





Once the customization is complete, Orochi looked at herself in her customized kaiju form as she is pleased at the result that she has.

Orochi: Hmmmm, nice. Energy efficient has increased by 30%. And my movement capabilities, speed and agility are.... optimal? Interesting. Perhaps there is more to this game, than meets the eye...!!


Koh & Canalo: RYUSOUL GATTAI!!!!

Meanwhile, Canalo and Koh in their own zords commenced their own super combination as KishRyuOh - Dimevolcano mode and KishRyuNeptune came apart.

KishRyuOh - Dimevolcano mode, the Dimevolcano parts came apart with only the full body of KishRyuOh to be on display with KishRyuOh's head to come back in place with the makn body, followed by KishRyuNeptune coming apart as well to form parts for the upcoming form, followed by Dimevolcano as well to be some of the parts, too for KishRyuOh.

Then, parts of KishRyuNeptune and Dimevolcano merged with the main body of KishRyuOh as the head of MosaRex and the turret from KishRyuOh merged onto KishRyuOh's right arm, followed by the turret and Drills from KishRyuOh, and the head of Tyramigo from KishRyuOh merged onto KishRyuOh's left arm.

The transformation continued when parts of MosaRex's tail becMe the feet and the fin parts of MosaRex became the knees/leggings of KishRyuOh's super form. Then, DimeVolcano's cannons for the lower torso and legs of DimeVolcano are connected onto KishRyuOh's shoulders.

The transformation soon was concluded when the spin and tail of DimeVolcano merged together and split open simutenously to form a chestplate and helmet piece for KishRyuOh's super form. Soon, the chest and helmet pieces connected together onto KishRyuOh's body and its head to finalize its super form.

Canalo & Koh: GIGANT KISHRYUOH!!!!

(A/N: Gigant KishRyuOh.)

The Gigant KishRyu lands beside of Orochi's monster player as it readied itself to fight.

Orochi: So, you two formed a powerful mech? Interesting.

Canalo: Thank you, beautiful~

Orochi: (blush)

Koh: Canalo, flirt later, we need to defeat that minasaur!!!!

Shadow: GET DOWN!!!!!

(A/N: Music starts here.)

When the pilots of Gigant KishRyuOh and Orochi in her monster player form looked back, they immediately went out of the way quickly as Shadow charged towards Snake Darkness - Mark II. He soon jumped in the air as he gave Snake Darkness a good hit in the head with his own bulky ass arm which somehow, Shadow is equipped with it, to Cheinian's shock.

Gemdeus Cheinian: WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!


When Orochi, Ultraman Dyna and the pilots of Gigant KishRyuOh turned to look at me on how I manage to hit Gemdeus Cheinian's creation, with their eyes widened to see me in my Action Colossium Gamer level X form with several parts of three monsters.

In my Action Colossium Gamer Level X form, I donned Galactron's head with a Geist mask on top of Galactron's head for a helmet piece, followed by a Galactron's torso and its Spark Cannon will be placed as its Chestplate for armour with some cracks at the left side of the armour itself.

Then, his left arm will be of Dragon Knight Hunter Z based but it will be replaced by Galactron's weapon as a claw and sword. Its colour will be usual Galactron colour. It's right arm for its armour form will be made of rocks with its lower part of the armoured arm will be equippsd with Snake Darkness's huge mace-like claw arm which will be semi-covered by rocks at the upper end of the armour.

For the Armour's legs, its left leg will be equipped with Galactron's leg and for its right leg, it will be equipped with rocks in a form of Galactron's leg. Lastly, for the back armour, it will be equipped by Snake Darkness's wings, its dual cannons located in front of its wings and above the shoulders, and its long tail with a mouth-like pincer at the tip of its tail (A/N: Yep, its armour form, its tail will have a mouth-like pincer at the tip like the original Snake Darkness.) .

(A/N: My Level X armour will be of Dragon Knight Hunter Z, but it will be based on parts of these individual beings.)

I looked at myself as I looked cool, and looked at the others and I had to admit, they look as cool as I am.

Gigant KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh): Whoa! Awesome.

Me: Thanks. Shadow, Shadow Wrath.

Gigant KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh): Name's Koh!

Gigant KishRyuOh (Pilot - Canalo): Canalo.

Me: Nice. Now, let's TAG TEAM THIS SICKO!!!

Gigant KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh & Canalo): YEAH!

Orochi: Affirmative!

Dyna: Count me in!

Gemdeus Cheinian: Then, I will obliterate ALL OF YOU INCLUDING YOUR CHEAT CODE FOR A BASE!!!!

(A/N: Music interrupts here.)




Gemdeus Cheinian: HMM?!?!

???: BUDDY... GO!!!!

(A/N: Music starts here.)

As we're still confused onto who was transforming, an aurora appeared above us right out of nowhere, for us to get even more confused.

Gemdeus Cheinian: What is this?!

Me: Orochi???

Orochi: That wasn't me.

Gigant KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh): That's not us either.

Dyna: .... (Realized something) Could it be??

Me: Hmm???


As we heard the transformation sequence and within a split second, a new Ultra donning in Gold Armour lands right in front of us, to Dyna and Gemdeus Cheinian's shock as he went to his defensive pose.

(A/N: Ultraman Taiga - Photon Earth.)

Gemdeus Cheinian: IMPOSSIBLE!!!! YOU'RE THE---

Dyna: You!!

Me: You know this Ultra?!

Dyna: Yes. He was supposed to be deceased in battle! No one knew he was alive, as Ginga, Victory, X, Orb, Geed, Rosso, Blu and myself.... including Taro watched him and his Tri-Squad fall during the battle against an Evil ultra, worse than Belial known as Ultraman Tregear back at my planet. He's the son of one of the Six Ultra Brothers, Ultraman Taro. He's Ultraman Taiga.

When I heard this small trivia, my eyes widened at the sight of the son of Taro.

Me: He's the son of Taro?!

Dyna: Yes.

Me: Whoa....

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone watched as Ultraman Taiga in his Photon Earth form still posing and also posing a threat to Gemdeus Cheinian and his creation as the alien is now currently in rage.

Gemdeus Cheinian: Tregear said that you are gone when he destroyed you.... but he didn't tell me that you were clming back..... and now that you have returned..... YOU ARE GOING TO DIE BY MY HANDS AND CLAAAAAAWWWWSSSS!!!!!!!!

Snake Darkness - Mark II roared loudly as he launched its Great Execution from its shoulder cannons while blasting its beam called Tragedy Shout Hell from its mouth to overpower Taiga, but to no avail as Taiga deflected the projectiles, causing some of the projectiles to land hits on Snake Darkness, and soon after he used his bare hand to deflect its beam, to Gemdeus Cheinian's shock.


Taiga: That's what happens when you have the powers of Sun and Earth! Let's do this! Hiroyuki!!

Taiga (Hiroyuki's voice): YEAH!!

And with that, Taiga and Snake Darkness - Mark II began their brawl as the beast charged in and used its huge arm to ram Taiga to one building, but to no avail as Taiga back kicked its arm to hit its leg, to the kaiju to roar in pain. Then, it used its huge left arm to swipe him, but Taiga blocked its swipe, swiftly.

The kaiju then tried to land punches and rams at Taiga, but the new Ultra seemed to be too quick for it to manevour as he kept giving the kaiju Hammerfists, Sidekicks, Back kicks and Roundhouse kicks. He even gave it a flurry of punches which are super effective, to everyone's shock.

Shadow: Asuka... how powerful is he?

Dyna: No one knows. But after witnessing what we are witnessing now, he's oughta be strong.

Shadow: Heheh. Like father like son.

Dyna: You can say that....

Orochi: Like you, me, mother and father?

Shadow: That's right, sis.

After giving Snake Darkness - Mark II a very good roundhouse kick in the face, it caused the kaiju the go into a daze.


Taiga: Not if we inflict ours first! Hiroyuki, let's give it our all.

Taiga (Hiroyuki's voice): Okay!

Soon, everyone watched as Taiga summoned a golden aurora above them and himself as he began charging up his finisher, with him shining brightly with his gold aura to indicate that his finisher is fully charged. Then, he soon blast his beam by using his arm and his bracelet as he yelled while launching a huge beam at Snake Darkness.

Taiga (Taiga & Hiroyuki's voice): Aurum.... STORIUUUUMMM!!!!!!!

(A/N: Aurum Storium.)


(A/N: Tragedy Shout Hell.)

Then, everyone saw Snake Darkness - Mark II launching its beam at Taiga's beam, causing a clash to occur. The clash soon turned to Taiga's advantage when his Aurum Storium Beam began to overpower Snake Darkness's beam, causing the kaiju to be dragged backwards slightly due to Taiga's beam.

When the beam struck Snake Darkness - Mark II, the kaiju roared in pain as it fell onto its back in a daze and badly hurt due to Taiga's omnipotent power of his beam combined with the powers of Earth and Sun, to everyone's shock.

Shadow: That is gotta be some powerful shit we are witnessing.

Orochi: Yeah...

Taiga: Guys!

Everyone looked up to see Taiga looking at Shadow and his group.

Taiga: Let's tag-team this freak.


I smirked when I heard him taking the words out of my mouth.

Me: You took the words right out of my mouth. So, guys... let's give him a hand.


And with that, The Four Knights Platoon had their units, turrets and their main weapon ready and aiming at Snake Darkness - Mark II, Orochi in her Pedanium Zeppandon Galaxy kaiju form, Gigant KishRyuOh, Ultraman Dyna wielding Demagorg Armour and for me to wield my Action Colossium Gamer Level X form, gathered together in front of Snake Darkness - Mark II as they readied to fight.

Gemdeus Cheinian: You think you can stop me? Well, you have another thing coming when I give you a game over!!! And when I tell Tregear about you, Taiga,... you will be HISTORY, ALONG WITH YOUR FATHER!!!!!


I yelped as I advanced towards Snake Darkness - Mark II while launching my own Great Execution projectiles at it and it launched his own similar attacks at me. Majority of my projectiles hit Snake Darkness - Mark II, and I however, its projectiles were deflected away from me or simply blew up in front of me as I have components from Galactron. And due to that, tonnes of barriers were formed to prevent any projectiles from hitting me.

Then, my left arm switched position from claw mode, to sword mode as I land in front of my enemy and slashed him, inflicting a lot of damage on him. The onslaught continues when Gigant KishRyuOh launched its chest beam followed by his Fiery and aquatic punches at it, making the kaiju feel the powers of fire and water altogether at once, damaging the creature.

Snake Darkness - Mark II roared in rage as it used its tail to claw the mech at its throat, but, Gigant KishRyuOh used MosaRex arm to clamp Snake Darkness's tail ending up having both of them to be in a clash between two claws clamping at each other. As the Tug-O-War-like clash rages on, Orochi in her Kaiju player wielding her Galactron Mark II Axe and I wielding my Galactron sword-like arm jumped in between the clash and we both slashed Snake Darkness - Mark II's tail off, to the kaiju roaring in pain.

Gemdeus Cheinian: NOOOOO!!!!!!! (Looks at me and Orochi) YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!!!

He said as the kaiju roared and launched Great Execution projectiles at Orochi and me, but to no avail as Dyna, who's donning Demagorg in its armour form used his hand and enlarge them, forming them as shields to deflect them. After deflecting all of the projectiles, Dyna deactivated his shield-like hands and advanced towards Snake Darkness.

Just as he was close to the unstoppable kaiju, it then slammed Dyna to the ground by using its two huge mace-like claw-like arms. Then, it stomped on him by using its feet many times until Dyna used his hands and turned them into shield modes, digging downwards, to escape from the torture, causing the kaiju's leg to get trapped by the hole Dyna has made.

The onslaught continued as the Four Knights Platoon commanded all their units they trained, their base and their Mac Rounds to fire at will at Snake Darkness - Mark II, giving it significant amount of damage on its head, torso, leg and arms. However, the kaiju paid no mind about it due to its strong durability and decided to get back up from the hole by using brute force and began levitating in the air after destroying parts of the ground. As we watched it levitate, we felt a tremor coming from under ground, to Gemdeus Cheinian's confusion.

Me: Well, something tells me, you might wanna fly backwards a bit.

As I said that, the tremor grew louder and louder and everything began to shake more violently as Dyna in his armour emerged from the ground, flying while spinning while launching his Solgent Beam to create a drilling effect to burrow underground more easily as he struck Snake Darkness at its lower jaws, delivering a critical hit on it, to our foe's shock. Then, Orochi in her kaiju player form followed suit by grabbing Snake Darkness and started chopping him, giving it critical damage to the torso, but to no avail although axe marks were formed on it.

Then, Snake Darkness whacked its axe away and gave it punches. However, due to the kaiju that Orochi is using now has five kaijus fused together, her durability was still climbing and Pedanium Zeppandon Galaxy managed to grab its huge left arm. Soon, P.Z.G. (A/N: P.Z.G. = Pedanium Zeppandon Galaxy.) then used its other hand to grab the joint part of Snake Darkness's left arm and ripped it, causing sparks to emit from the severed arm of the kaiju.

Gemdeus Cheinian: It took me..... FOUR YEARS to get that CUSTOMIZATION!!!!!!!!

Snake Darkness - Mark II roared when he said that as it launched a powerful beam at P.Z.G. , but to no avail when Orochi used one of her defensive abilities on her monster to summon a Shield more powerful than Zeppandon, Pedanium Zetton, Galactron and Galactron Mk II to deflect her enemy's beam at ease. Then, she used her attack moves on her kaiju for it to launch a P.Z.G. combined assault (A/N: Its combined assault consist of Head beams from the Pandon heads, Lightning beams and Pedanium Zeppandon Galaxy Attack Fire Bullet from its mouth, Pedanium Flare, Pedanium Meteor, Pedanium Spark, Dest Ray Buster, Zetton Striker, Galactron Spark and Galactron Geweer.) at Snake Darkness, weakening it in a faster rate. Despite the damages that Snake Darkness - Mark II were inflicted, it still kept pressing on due to its durability as it advanced towards P.Z.G. .

Taiga stood in front of P.Z.G. as he used a ring--


(A/N: Hellberos Ring.)

-- and threw fully charged Hell Slashes whichare gold instead of red at Snake Darkness - Mark II, but the kaiju still kept pressing on as if there is no stopping it despite having cuts inflicted on its sides and chest.

Then, Gigant KishRyuOh stood in the way by giving it a flurry of punches, and what made Orochi feel amazed most was, illusions of Tyrannosaurus and Mosasaur's heads appeared in front of the heads of Tyramigo and MosaRex at the mechs arms as its illusions gave Snake Darkness a flurry of bites and chomps to decrease its durability.


(A/N: Music ends here.)

As such, Gigant KishRyuOh and P.Z.G. stood out of firing range as an elongated arrow appeared on the ground, only to hear Gemdeus Cheinian chuckling to think that this arrow would do nothing.

Gemdeus Cheinian: You think this arrow will harm me?! (Scoffs) You all are real Ameteurs!!!!!

Cardin: Oh, it's not just an arrow. FIRE!!!!!

As he yelled, tonnes of missiles from an Atlesian Fleet began to rain down upon Snake Darkness - Mark II, to the alien's shock. After the rain of missiles, Ultraman Dyna and I soon follow suit as we tried striking the kaiju down with our attacks and our armours, but to no avail as it emit out a powerful shockwave that struck us all, causing us to fly backwards. Fortunately, we manage to get back on our feet in time before we even fall onto the ground. As we managed to get our footing, we noticed Snake Darkness - Mark II opening up its wings as it began to take flight up in the sky, to our shock.

Me: Okay.... he can fly.

Taiga: According to a few of my Senpais who fought Snake Darkness, it was said that it can fly.... (Hiroyuki's Voice) fly like a hawk.

Me: Thanks, Hiroyuki. Taiga.

Gigant KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh): So, how do we get up there? Our mech can fly but we have to separate our Gigant form and use CosmicRaptor.

Orochi: Maybeeeeee we don't.

Gigant KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh & Canalo): (looks at Orochi) Eh???

Orochi: Brother?

Me: (nods) (looks at Gigant KishRyuOh as in the pilots inside the mech) Guys, to tell you in brief, I have something that will help you conquer these challenges like this one.

Gigant KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh): Is it a new Ryusoul?!

Me: Not really but, it will help you.

I said while I motioned my hand in front of Gigant KishRyuOh, causing a flurry of snow to emit, and to be absorbed into Gigant KishRyuOh's chest, for Koh and Canalo to recieve three Ryusouls. To their surprise, these three Ryusouls are the KurayamiSoul, KagayakiSoul and CosmoSoul but these Ryusouls however, are different as they are glittering and they are glowing blue aura, to their confusion.

(A/N: KagayakiSoul, KurayamiSoul & CosmoSoul.)

Gigant KishRyuOh (Pilot - Koh): These,... Ryusouls look similar to the Ryusouls we have.

Me: Well, try it.

3rd Person's POV:

(A/N: Music starts at 0:01.)

Inside the cockpit of Gigant KishRyuOh,

And with that, Koh then used the CosmoSoul as he equipped it onto his blade and commenced a special combination.

Koh & Canalo: RYUSOUL GATTAI!!!

(Viewing the battlefield of course,)

Then, the Tyramigo and MosaRex heads on Gigant KishRyuOh dettached to acquire a new mode as CosmoRaptor soon went apart into four parts and combined with the mech, with its leg parts connected with each other to form armour as it goes onto Gigant KishRyuOh's arms.

(A/N: Parts for arms for armour.)

The heads of CosmoRaptor separate itself into two separate heads as they connected themselves onto the sides of the mech's legs together with MosaRex's armour pieces that are located in front of the legs to give a light and dark effect which it will when the form is finalized.

(A/N: Parts for legs for armour.)

To finalize the combination sequence, the right hand wields a sword of ShineRaptor and the left hand wields a sniper-like gun of ShadowRaptor to indicate that the right half of Gigant KishRyuOh to wield the power of Water and Light, along with the left half of Gigant KishRyuOh to wield the power of Fire and Shadow.

(A/N: Weapons equipped. I know it's not much but to tell you first hand, the left pic is a rifle-like gun and the right pic is a sword from CosmoRaptor. I did what I can to edit these pics.)

Gigant KishRyuOh CosmoRaptor (Pilot - Koh & Canalo): GIGANT KISHRYUOH COSMORAPTOR!!!!

(A/N: When you combine these two, you will get Gigant KishRyuOh CosmoRaptor.)

After completing their special form, KishRyuOh looked at me.

Gigant KishRyuOh CosmoRaptor (Pilot - Koh): This is amazing, Shadow.

Shadow: I know, I know. Now, let's take this guy down!!


And with that, we all shoot off to the skies with the Four Knights Platoon to follow behind with their air units. As we all flew high up in the sky, everyone one of us began to launch their own attacks at each other to strike our enemy down.

Dyna and Orochi blasted their beams at it, but to no avail when Snake Darkness deflected them and swipe them right back at them, causing them to fall from greater heights. Luckily, I flew down with incredible speed as I caught them with my hands just in time.

Me: I got you...

Orochi: Thanks.

Dyna: I'm not sure if we can take this guy. He's tough.

Orochi: Furthermore, his durability is still climbing but, slowly.

Me: Then, we must do something to ware it down....

Dyna: hmmmm.... Wait! I know.

Me: Hmm???

Dyna: I heard Ultraman Zero mentioning to me about a ckmbined beam you and him, including a few others launch to defeat your friend's captive. Can we use it here?

Orochi looked at me as I thought about it. Until, I have an idea.

Me: Yeah.... now that you brought it up, I have an idea. But, it's gonna take one shot and once that's already launched, that thing there... (points at the thing that Gemdeus Cheinian was building) will be destroyed!

Dyna: Okay, and how are we gonna charge it up when this kingdom is in ruins???

Cardin (by via comms): Sorry guys but I happened to have listened in. But I know. Shadow, come down here. You can take one of these.

I looked at Orochi and Dyna as they both shrugged their shoulder in their own way. I shrugged my shoulders and flew down towards Cardin, his team and his base as he present to me several different sets of wings, including King Ghidorah Wings, to my shock.

(A/N: Music stops here.)

(A/N: King Ghidorah's wings.)

Me: WAIT!!!! Are those King Ghidorah Wings?! As in the wings and King Ghidorah from Godzilla: King of the Monster?!

C.D.L: Yup.

Russel: Yes.

Me: How in Poppy's music box did you manage that???

When I asked, this caused Team CRDL to look at each other as they smirked.... suspiciously.


Hours before Shadow arrived,

Team CRDL yelling as they whacked, slashed and chopped the daylights out of Cyborg King Ghidorah IV aka, NeptuneRadar333 endlessly and forcefully while screaming for just almost for eternity. A few minutes later, they got the loots and bro fist as a team.

(A/N: This is Cyborg King Ghidorah IV, created and played by NeptuneRadar333. If you guessed it correctly.... yes. Neptune plays this beast. Replace the mechanical wings to the wings that are shown in second picture.)


I see Team CRDL giggle until they stop and looked at me with a seriously look on my face.

Me: (0_0) -_- ..... rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggghht........ you guys defeated Neptune, right???

Russel: (looks at Cardin) WELL,.... HE WAS GOING TO KILL ME!!!!


As they began arguing, Sky spoke as to why they defeated one character who is a friend of mine.

Sky: Yeah.... you see, Neptune aka, NeptuneRadar333 defeated an opponent who is a close friend to Russel. Long Story short, close friend from school.

Me: .... I see.... well, good thing we're in a game otherwise I will kill you, all,of you.... literally. But still, I'mma let this slide just this once.... (looks at them) because of what you saidand the situation now....

Sky: Thanks.


Everyone stopped arguing. 

Me: FINE!!! I will let this slide for once as AFTER ALL, we are trapped inside the game for a hellhole and it can't be helped.

Cardin: Okay...

Me: .... What wings do you have?

Dove: Oh! I'm glad you asked!! We have the wings you questioned. We got these wings from that player, too. Dragon Wings, Mecha Wings, Jet Wings, Double-edged wings, and many more.

Cardin: So, dude. Any preference interests you?

I look at the loots as I already decided which to pick.

Me: My dips are on the Ghidorah Wings. I have an idea. And you guys are in it, too.

Cardin: Then, state the plan, bro.

To be Continued at PART 5.

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