The Fix Up

By unicornloverb

25.4K 779 71

In an Alternate Universe both Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) and Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch) aren't wrestlers. In... More



655 24 0
By unicornloverb

Rebecca's POV

Jessica,Cassie, Ashley, Brianna, Bianca and Melody Quin are all sitting on my bed as I prepare for my first date with Colby three days later.
"How about this?" I ask holding up a maroon colored dress.
" If you want the date to be over before it begins, " said Ashley "Then go for it."
" That bad? " I ask.
"That bad," they all said.
I throw the dress into the rejected pile.I pick up a black jumper with a scoop neck and a low cut back.
"Oooooh  Mommy try that on!!!!" said Melody Quin.
"Ok,-" I said as I enter my private bathroom .
A few minutes later I reenter the room and  everyone's jaws drop.
" -What that bad? "I ask horrified.
" No, "said Cassie shaking her head "That good."
Brianna gets off the bed and goes to the jewelry box on my lingerie chest. She pulls out a diamond necklace that Ashley gave to me and tiny diamond stud earrings that matches the necklace.
She helps me with the necklace as I put on the earrings. Ashley had gotten up and grabs the heels I wore that day Colby asked me out. She puts them in front of the full length mirror.

Colby's POV

"I'm nervous," I said pacing the floors as Joe and Harmony watch me walk back and forth as Joe's daughter and wife are trying to get the twins down for bed. BTW I am at Joe's house as he and Gianna were going to babysit Harmony over night.
"Dude you're seriously going to wear a hole into my floor. Will you stop pacing?"
" I can't, " I said as I turn on my heel and head into the other direction "Did I rush this. Should I have taken this slower?"
" Daddy! "said Harmony as I stop dead in my tracks as to not plow over my daughter who had gotten up and into my path.
" What Harm? "I  ask looking down at her.
" Relax, "she began with her hands on her hips "I like Miss. Rebecca she is nice, funny, pretty and well most importantly she makes you smile like I have never seen before."
I look over at Joe knowing he put those words into my daughter's head.
Joe shook his head no.
"Please Dude she didn't come up with that on her own," I said.
"Don't blame Joe," said Gianna coming downstairs "I told Harmony that."
" Why?! "
"Because it's true!! In the seven years I have known you I have only seen you this happy once and that was with Daisy."
Harmony looks up at Gianna "Aunt Gigi said that Mommy puts a smile on your face just like Miss. Rebecca does.I like that."
" You do? "I ask.
Harmony nods "Of course and it being Melody Quin's Mommy is just an awesome bonus."
Gianna and I both shot Joe a look this time.
"Okay," laughs Joe "I will admit that one was me."
"Leati Joseph Anoa'i," said Gianna .
"What," asks Joe slightly shaken getting his full name.
"What are you doing to your niece?" she asks.
"Nothing I just told her that with Colby going out with Melody Quin 's Mom it was a nice bonus for the girls."
" Why would you tell them that huh? "asks Gianna.
"Don't know," shrugged Joe "Harmony was nervous about Daddy going on a date but I told her it was bonus because she knows and likes Daddy's date."
"Oh well then.That is kind of sweet," said Gianna giving a quick kiss to Joe's cheek as she sat down next to him" You look nice Colby. "

Narrator's POV

Colby is dressed in all black (his signature color) black dress pants, a black button down shirt, a black tie and sport coat. He wore his long hair back in a ponytail.
Colby gives Harmony a hug and kiss good night and good bye.
He tells her to be good for Joe and Gianna.

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