The road trip (buzz x Woody)

By catbug511

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This story is from Kimthedragon. unfortunately they didn't finish it. So I thought why not try to finish it... More

Where's woody
Love Problem
The two dummies
5 ways to get a date
the plan
The prisoner
The date (sorta:/)
The visit
The duet
Confession of love
love is love
Buzz in wonderland
the end


1.3K 56 12
By catbug511

(Woody pov)

I look at Buzz for a response to my confession. He look shock I can't tell whether that's good or bad. He open his mouth to say something. Until we heard screaming. We both get up.

"Um we should see what happened." I said.

"Yeah." I'm worried it sounded like Bo pee I hope I'm wrong. We heard it coming from Leo's room. We bust through the door and see Bo pee she looks unconscious and Leo over her. I also see Steve on the ground rubbing his chin. He then sees me.

"Woody and Buzz! Thank god you're here this stranger started attacking me and Bo pee. I tried to get him away from Bo pee but, I was too late!" Steve said.

"He is a liar! That is not what happen he did this to Bo pee!" Leo yell.

"Leo! I'm very disappointed in you. Steve I'll take care of this please." I said.

"Alright...I hope you know what you are doing." Steve says and he leaves and I hear the door close behind me.

"Leo I thought I could trust you but, maybe that was a mistake." I say.


"You hurt my friend how could I ever forgave you!" I yell at him.

"Fine!" Leo yell he got up and walk over to his cell and close it. "Treat me like a villain but, you will see your wrong." I ignored Leo as I went over to Bo pee. She looked fine. Until I saw something unsettling "Buzz get a doctor quickly! I'm going to take her to Molly's room." Buzz look concerned but run out of the room. I pick up Bo pee and while I was walking out. I saw from the corner of my eye Leo looked worried. I can't focus on that right now. You better be okay Bo pee.

Time skip~

(Bo pee pov)

I slowly open my eyes I feel so much pain in my left arm. I see Woody and Jess they both smile as they see me start to wake up. "...what...happen?..." I could barely talk from how I was feeling.

"Leo attack you and broke your arm." Woody says I turn to my arm and see that it's wrapped in bandages.

"Wait Leo? That's not what happen."

"What are you talking about? That's what Steve told us." I shiver at his name.

"Steve isn't who he seems to be..." I then tell them everything.

"So Leo tried to protect you?" Woody said.

"Yes he changed for the better. Woody...I know it's hard to believe but, what he did to you he seem to regret it. I know it's a lot to ask but, can you give him a chance to earn your trust."

"He doesn't need to..." I was shocked but, then he explained. "He tried to protect you. That's all you need to earn my trust and I'll help him become a better person because I know it won't happen overnight. I guess if you want to I can let him go out of the cell."

"Thank you!"

"Ohhh! Bo pee I think you have a crush on him." Jess says

"I don't know...maybe?" They both looked shocked. "Hey I'm not going lie about how I feel unlike others." I like at the two.

"Well....." Woody said.

"Wait what happened!?" I yell.

"I confessed to Buzz."

"What!!!" Me and Jess both say.

"Well what did he say?" I ask.

"He didn't get to say anything. After we heard you scream, we come rushing to help you."

"Oh...well you should go and find him."

"I will but,.. I think I own Leo an apology. If you're up for it do you want to be the one to release him?"

"Yeah!" I get up slowly. And we walk to Leo's room. Woody opens the door and I see Leo with a worried look. "Leo!" I walk over to him and grab on the bars of his cell. "I'm so glad your okay!" He look shock.

"You're okay too! but, your arm..." He reaches out from the bars and gently touches my arm.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. I have some good news. You're free!"

"Wait what!' He says he doesn't to sound happy. "Isn't that too fast....I feel like I still need to prove myself."

"What?....." I say.

"Leo you can and probably have to still prove yourself but, I think just you saying that alone proves that you're ready." Woody says behind me.

"You....really think so?" Leo ask.

"Yeah, I mean Buzz probably still don't trust you but, I know that you can prove he wrong." Woody said. Leo look happy at hearing those words. "Bo pee you want to do the honor?" He says handing me the key.

"Yes!" I grab the key out of his hand and unlock it. Once I open the door I was met with a hug.

"Thanks...for giving me a chance." Leo said.

"Of course! Now come on! I want to show you around."

"Are you sure you're up for it?"

"I'm fine!" I grab him and leave the room.

(Woody pov)

It's like I don't even exist...I'm really happy for them. I start to remember my confession. I blush. What am I going to do? I know the responsible thing to do is to find Buzz and ask for a response but I'm too sacred if he rejects me I don't know how we could become friends again. I think I'm going to hide here and avoid talking to him. Yeah that sounds like something I would actually do. I hide in the closet of the room.

Time skip~

(Buzz pov)

I've been trying to find woody for the longest but, to no avail. I head to Andy's room to see if he's there. I instead see Jess who seems to be out of it. "Hey Jess what are you doing?"

"Just thinking..."

"How was movie night with Charlotte?"

"It was actually really nice."

"Yeah I have noticed you guys getting closer these last couple of weeks."

"Yeah even before actually...."

"So what's wrong?"

"I just don't know how I feel right now. I've been so confused lately."

"How so?"

"I thought my feelings for Grace will never change but, over time of hanging out with charlotte I started to feel something...for her."

"And how is that bad?"

"I...shouldn't do that to Grace. I...can't do that to her."

"Look Jess it's okay falling in love again. If Grace was still alive she would want you to move on." I say.

"But....I don't deserve to get to fall in love with another. Not after...what I did."

"You didn't do anything wrong."

"I did!!...It's my fault....that Grace died...if I was the one who was grab everything would have been fine!"

"Don't blame yourself....Jess you shouldn't do that to yourself. You can't blame yourself for what happen alright?" I said. She only nodded. "Come on Jess. I know something that will cheer you up."

Time skip~

"This is awesome! Did you make it?"

"Yeah me and Woody did."

"Ohhh what were you guys doing?" She said.

"Well Woody confess his feelings for me."

"Well I knew that part. So what you gonna do?" Jess asked.

"Well obviously I'm going to say I love him too! But...I have no idea where he is." I say.

"Well I know. He went to go free Leo because now he is a good guy." Jess says.

"What!" I yell. "But how can the guy ever changed he tried to hurt my woody!"

"Relax! Look bo pee talk some sense into the guy and now he is fine and I really ship them together!" Jess says.

".....I still don't think you can change that fast."

"Love will do that to you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well if you have someone you care about fighting for you. You feel like you can do anything. That's my explanation for how quickly he turned to the good side."

"I guess but, I still don't trust him."

"Neither do I but, I trust Bo pee can you at least do that?"

"Fine...but I won't go easy on him."


"Anyway maybe Woody is still there I should go check."

"Alright see ya space ranger." Jess says and walk off.

"And where are you going?"

"I'm going to tell a girl I love her." She says with a smile on her face.

I've have been posting a lot cuz I'm sick so I don't have to go to school and have more free time so you probably be seeing more chapters tomorrow too. ( ╹▽╹ )

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