Between the Storms

By 2many2count

55.5K 2K 43

Magdelena is back and this time things are just not going for her. With Morgause still trying to get her to j... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Five

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By 2many2count

35. Magdelena Gets Out

Uther sat at the head of the table, his council members staring at Magdelena and Leon who had been summoned before the council. Among the old council members sat Gaius and the Prince who was not looking too pleased. Leon looked like a knight, with his shoulders squared and posture perfect, "Your Highness you summoned me," he says bowing slightly at Uther and Arthur who sat to right Uther looking peeved. 

"Yes, there has been reports of some odd goings-on in a nearby town," Uther explains, "I want you to go check it out and report back but do nothing."

"I shall assemble some knights to take."

Uther motions to Magdelena, "You will be taking my servant and no one else," he says Gaius looks at her as she sends a smug look at Uther who glares at her, they seemed to be having a silent discussion, "I want you to be discreet."

"Very well," Magdelena says, "We shall leave as soon as we are packed." 

She turns grabbing Leon's arm and drags him backward out of the chambers heading to her chambers, "How can we be discreet when I look like a knight?"

"I plan on dressing up like travelers, perhaps gypsies," she says looking at him carefully, "We may have better luck as gypsies, they may be inclined to answer if we aren't just passing through but staying and maybe doing some acts."

"What makes you think I have any special talents?" Leon asks staring at her with raises an eyebrow at him as if challenging him to tell her he didn't, "Alright. What do I need to dress like? I have some casual clothes in my chambers."

"None of it will do Sir Leon," she says going under her bed and pulling out a large trunk he wasn't sure was there before, "I think I have something you can wear."

"Why do you have male clothes?" he asks but she doesn't answer as she rummages through the trunk pulling different things putting them into to two different piles. Handing him one of the piles of clothes then placing some worn boots on the top she pushed him toward Merlin's chambers to get changed. While she did the same.

Leon came out dressed the black baggy pants, with patches of red and orange, the tight bottom part of the pants were hidden by the worn brown boots which were already dirty. He wore a patterned gray shirt with a red vest unbuttoned. She smiled at him as he watched her as he placed some metal chains around his neck which fell low to his stomach, she wrapped a orange-red scarf around his neck pushing it off to the left side to hang off his shoulder. The final addition of a pale orange wrap going under his hair over his forehead.

She had put on a white shirt with a very low neckline which was an inch away from her dark brown corset with a green ribbon going through the holes pulling it closed but not tight. Her skirt was made of multiple colors of fabric red, purple, green, blue, with a green sash around her waist with chains holding a small leather pouch filled with coins and jewels. She placed a red scarf around her hair with golden pieced falling down her forehead, with some metal pieces clipped into her hair which fell down a light contrast to her dark hair.

"Leon I almost didn't recognize you," Gaius says Merlin was smiling at the two trying to hold in his laughter at their strange garbs, "I take it this is for the assignment that Uther has put you two on."

"Yes, I thought being a gypsy might help get the townspeople to talk then a servant and knight," she explains sending a glare at Merlin, "You better not make fun of us Merlin or I am forcing you into clothes just like these to walk around in."

"bEtEr yEt kIll hIm. tOrtUrE hIm. shOw hIm thE mEAnIng Of pAIn," the voice inside her head hisses making her clamp her eyes shut to try and block him out of her thoughts. 

"Come, Leander," she says confusing everyone in the room as she turns to Leon, "Leon is not a very gypsy name. You are now Leander and I will be Mahoney."

"Right of course," Leon says his eyes watching her feet to see she wore no shoes, "Where are your shoes?"

"I won't be wearing shoes," she says before hugging her brother and guardian before linking arms with Leon and heads out to the hallway. Some people greeted Leon with snickers making him look away from them with a pink dusting on his cheeks. 

"What are you wearing Leon!?" cried out one loud group she stepped forwards moving her body drawing their attention and shutting them up until she pulled a dagger from her corset and held it again the knight's throat.

"You tell everyone we are on a mission which requires these outfits. If someone even thinks of commenting of Leon's garbs again I will cut their tongue from their mouth and serve to the King," Leon remembered her voice from that one time, but this time he was shocked that it wasn't against him but defending him.

"Come one Maggie we must get going, the sooner we start the sooner we can get back," Leon says grabbing her this time and dragging her to the stables, "Are we taking our horses?"

"Yes," she says, "No saddles." She says smirking at him as she goes to Gilthunder jumping onto the wooden gate that helped section off parts of the stables to make stalls as she jumped over on to her black horse who seemed happy to see her, "Baxton want to come on an adventure?" Leon heard a barking from her dog he had seen a few times, as he leads his won horse from the stall watching as Gilthunder was able to jump over the gate with no help making her laugh as a tan and black dog followed soon after.

Leon got onto the horse settling in rather uncomfortably as it was his first time riding with no saddle, "Do you know which town we are heading to?"

"Yes I do," she says Gilthunder going to stand next to his horse, "Follow me. And keep up with me if you can Sir Leon." The challenge issued Gilthunder took off running his horse seemed to understand and accept as it took off at a fast speed to keep up with the black horse.

Below is what Leon wears:

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