Road Trip

By hannahelizabeth19XX

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All it takes in a road trip; to find yourself, make the best memories of your life, or simply get away and tr... More



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By hannahelizabeth19XX

Day 3 since

 The stunned look of disbelief on Jensens face was priceless. It felt as if minutes had passed as Jensen stared almost blankly back and forth between what was now his car and the key Tristan threw to him. 

 "Damn Jensen, you gonna start her up or you just going to stare?" I asked with a laugh as Kym got a couple good pictures of, still astonished, Jensen. 

 My words seem to have snapped him out of his trance. As soon as Jensen was Jensen again, he flew to the drivers side of the car before settling into the ivory interior. He stuck the key in the ignition and the car roared to life, "Listen to her purr," he said as I'd leaned in on the passenger side window. 

 "She is beautiful isn't she?" I questioned opening the passenger side, "It took a hell of a lot of work and planning to get this beauty here," I marvelled, tapping on the dash of the car. 

 He turns to me with almost a lost puppy look, "You bought the car?" 

 I nodded before saying a quick yes as I got pulled into a tight grasping hug. As he released me I mentioned that it wasn't just me, Tristan put in a bit of work into the car to make it look as perfect as it does and Kym was the bridge between us all keeping things in order and running on time. 

 The four of us, after Jensen had come to terms with the car, began switching everything out of Jensens original vehicle and into the new one. Once everything was switched over, Jensen and I took the new one as Tristan and Kym took the Acura. 


 Airplane food sucks, that's just common knowledge so the first place Jensen drove his new baby to was a Wendy's. Kym and Tristan were right behind us in the drive-thru. Neither Jensen and I or Kym wanted to be sitting in a fast food place so majority wins, we'd pick up food and meet down at the beach a fifteen minute drive away. 

 My all time favourite at Wendy's will forever be the bacon jalapeño fries so I got that with a large iced tea, Jensen got some weirdly long burger order with a large Coke. I had a decent guess what Kym ordered but there was a higher chance that she'd end up picking off my order as well. 

 The drive to the beach went by fairly quickly. Mind you, Jensen loved the sound of the roaring of the cars engine as he hit the gas so we may have gone a little faster than we should've. 

 It wasn't long until Kym and Tristan showed up after us. For no particular reason other that enjoyment, we decided to sit in the car to wait rather than walk ahead and find a spot for the four of us to occupy for a bit. 

 "Did you even take your foot off the gas?" Kym questioned as she walked closer. 

 Jensen shrugged with a bit of a smirk, "What can I say? The harder I hit the gas, the more she purrs," he states, patting the hood of the vehicle. 

 Kym huffed out a little laugh as she shook her head, Tristan then came walking over carrying their bag of food which caught her attention. 

Due to the fact the far end of the beach is always really populated with tourists and locals alike, we usually stick to the opposing side, plus there are dogs on this side! I was extremely eager to get to my fries so I picked the first good spot to sit and pulled Jensen along with me, Kym in tow.

 As we were eating the majority of our conversation was on our 'Survival Trip' or whatever they called it. 

 "So the one so against killing anything ate a fucking lizard?" Tristan exclaimed.

 I shyly shrugged my shoulders and smiled before answering, "Well yeah, I mean, I could've died if I didn't start to eat more protein. I will say though, it was awful!" 

 Kym cringed a bit at the thought of eating something like that. 

 "Oh, but you can't forget about my crustless pies!" Jensen blurted out, for threatening to spill out of his mouth. 

 "Of course, I would never forget about the crustless pies." I laughed. 

 As I suspected, Kym had finished her whole meal and began picking at mine absentmindedly, not that I minded, I was pretty much done. It had always amazed me how she could eat so much and never show but if I dared eat as much as her, it would look like I just consumed a whole restaurant. 

 "I gotta get home soon guys, Caden is picking me up later." Kym mentioned as we were beginning to pack up. 

 "Right. Okay we'll drop you off at home now. I've got to take Kait home too," Jensen stated. 

 Tristan was going to see how much he could get Jensens old vehicle for and he'd come by with the money when it sold. I made sure to stress that in the planning of the new car, I wanted to make sure Jensen got as much out of his car as he could. It was by no means a gorgeous car but he put work into it and made sure it was always as good as it could be. He always treated that car well so it was only fair he get as much as he could back for it. 

 Kym caught a ride home with Jensen and I. Just as we pulled into the driveway, Caden pulled up in front of the house. He got out and stared at the car a minute before walking up to Kym and embracing her in what appeared to be a crushing hug. I think he was more so in disbelief that Jensen had such a car upgrade. 

 "Damn, don't see you for five weeks and you come back with this," he says motioning to the car. 

 "In all technicality, it's hers," Jensen said, pointing over at me as I walked around the front of the car. 

 "Ah, see, you owe me ten bucks now!" Caleb stated full of excitement. Kym dropped her head and laughed before explaining to us they had a bet going on. Kym said we'd get a dog together first, Caled called a car; guess he won. 

 Fifteen minutes of conversation later and we all started to split back up. Jensen still had to drop me off at my house so I walked back around the front of the car. 

 "Stop there!" Jensen called abruptly. I froze in place, startled by his sudden words. "Sit up on the hood! It'll be the best picture in existence!" 

 I laughed at him but did it anyways. My arms on either side of me as I sat on the edge of the hood, feet propped up on the front bumper. His camera went off maybe half a dozen times before he stopped. 

 "Alright, if I had to pose with this beauty then you have to, too." 

 He stood just behind the mirror on the drivers side and leaned on the roof of the car. I captured a couple photos then we were on our way to my awaiting parents. 


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