
By Reed-ink

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Anjola Adeite is an extremely logical person in all her dealings, even in matters notorious for emotional ent... More

Praise for Revolt
1. Guardian Angel
2. Love Bay
3. Grief Stash
4. Stale Mate
5. The Undertaking
6. Pale Fire
7. Art Of Criteria
9. Quest Of Rogues
10. Soul Astronomy
11. Myopia
12. Survivor's Will
13. Code Red
14. Blind Spot
15. Two Ghosts
16. Brotherhood
17. Through The Periscope
18. Strings Attached
19. Broken Glass
20. Elastic Heart
21. Rate Of Reaction
22. The Opportunist
23. Sand Castle
24. Eye Of The Needle
25. The Inadequacy Quotient
Author's Note
The Gentleman's Guide To Wooing A Lady
A Galaxy Of Two Stars
Black Rose
Tinted Scars
Update Your Library
musings of a jaded poet
Singing Tendrils

8. Prejudice

593 113 4
By Reed-ink

The air is the only place free from prejudice.” – Bessie Coleman.


Anjola returned to consciousness, the moment the vehicle skidded over a pothole and hopped back into steady motion. It all came back to her, as her eyes took in the atmosphere and scenery. She was riding shotgun in her car, with Adaure driving and Ehize seated behind in the passenger’s seat. They were heading to a park resort, exclusive for picnics and other outdoor events and soirees for Sigma’s HQ annual workers retreat picnic. They were following and also, trailed by a train of vehicles occupied and driven by scores of Sigma’s staffers.

Currently, they were driving through a garden-like terrain, with huge, towering trees that soared high into the clouds, forming canopies and umbrella-like shades, with branches that overlapped to cast backdrop shadows of abstract figures on the moving vehicles. Fresh, invigorating air diffused from the trees that were alive, as indicated by their mildly, quivering branches caressed by the air.

Fallen leaves and shrubs littered the rocky, gilded path that wasn’t tarred and so, put the vehicles in a constant, galloping motion. The sight was illuminated simply by the sheer light of the sun, and it didn’t bring with it its prickling heat, because of the multiple layers of canopies that sheathed the grounds from direct contact with the clouds. It was all enchanting and magical.

“Did you even hear a word, of what I’ve been saying all day?” Adaure’s infuriated sigh, brought her focus back into the car. She couldn’t quite read her friend’s facial expression, since it was mostly concealed by several strands of curly black hair, but her monotone indicated she was indeed pissed, upon finding out that her words had gone on deaf ears, since her supposed addressee had zoned out into slumber, sometime during the ride. Anjola stole a look at Ehize, at the back in a desperate plea for help, but he seemed engrossed in his phone and looked so aloof, she knew he was practically in another dimension. He definitely hadn’t heard a word, Adaure had uttered all day.

“Um, yeah. Of course I did. I just sorta, you know…information was too much to process at once, I had to hit pause in my head and like, take a breather or something. If you could recap, I’d definitely get it all once again, since I grasped most of it.” She began to blabber, unsure of her destination and her inevitable punishment, but when Adaure spared her a glance, she realized her friend had nothing but an amused look on. It would seem the topic was of an inconsequential nature then, since Adaure didn’t look irritated by the fact that she’d have to repeat her speech.

Jesus, Anjola. You’re the worst liar, I know in this world.” Adaure tittered, her attention on the road ahead not waning. Anjola could infer from an estimate length of distance travelled, that the garden was near. ‘The garden’ was used to refer to the main space used for the camping or picnic activity, whatever the situation called for and it was of course, where they were pitching their tents for the day.

“And that coming from a person, who moves with a large crowd—means a heck lot. For the past few minutes, I’ve basically said nothing since you zoned out. I’m straight and all, but it’s still a very beautiful, rewarding sight to watch you sleep.” Adaure added.

“Hey, if that’s the case, I could sleep for you all you want.” Anjola replied, just as the car surged, again after climbing another bump. “You could resign from Sigma, and employ me to come over and sleep for you, in your house. Surely, you wouldn’t need their salary again since watching me sleep is very rewarding for you. I wouldn’t mind if you’re a ruthless boss, and you make me work round the clock for every hour of the day. Anything for your service, my dear.”

“You’re a clown,” Adaure said in a playful snort, before reaching for a pen in the cluster of stationeries, below her dashboard and shoving it behind, in a weak aim at Ehize. Somehow, fortuitously it collided with his forehead, and startled him into looking up. He seemed so dazed, Anjola couldn’t help but wonder how captivating whatever thing, he was watching was.

She’d have assumed it was porn, if she didn’t know the lad had no reason to since he had more than his own fair share, of sexual appeal—throwing themselves shamelessly at his feet—at his disposal.

“Hey, Bootstrap Bill. Heads up, we’re almost at the site. You might want to take note of the surroundings, and the roads I take from here because you’d be the one driving us here next year.” Adaure called out to him.

Adaure’s nickname for Ehize, was of coursed coined from the Pirates Of The Caribbean, movie franchise where a pirate, mastermind was awarded the reputation with the iconic name by his crewmates. The name worked on the ideology, that Ehize usually wore nothing other than ‘boots’ all the time and had a wide variety of them.

Ankle length boots, buckle laced up boots, utility workmen boots, brogue boots, Chelsea boots, just to mention a few.  Currently, he was wearing a brown leather handmade Chukka wingtip boot with an olive green, solid pullover sweater and faded blue jeans. Ehize as a doll-esque pretty boy, didn’t lean excessively on his looks and invested heavily into his outfits also. All packing a deadly punch, that most women couldn’t resist.

Adaure on the other hand, was looking hippie-corporate as usual in a black laced up blouse, Tencel wide leg patterned sailor pants and platform heels. The outfit didn’t fall short of her usual mash up of corporate and casual. While she on the other hand, was wearing a Bohemian bell sleeve floral red midi dress on strapped, brown heeled ankle boots. It was the perfect outdoor outfit, as it gave her a hipster, cowgirl look that she didn’t know she loved.

Unfortunately for her, a lot of people did love it more as connoted by the copious amount of intense glares from men and women alike, she had received since morning. Even Ehize that had never complimented her appearance in his life, and mostly said slurs to maim her had commented, that she looked like a smoking hot aunt, he wanted to follow to the park so that he would enjoyed the best of rides, as a result of the numerous men that’d be lining up to do her bidding.

“If I’d still be here next year,” Ehize snickered, from the backseat. He wasn’t as old as her and Adaure in the company, and had only joined the previous year but Anjola knew him long enough, to know he wasn’t the type that loved being held down by service to a single entity. He was an explorer, that liked to experiment with a galaxy of options and horizons. It wasn’t blasphemy, when he said that there was a probability that he would have left before the next year came around. Adaure on the other hand, didn’t look assuaged by this point.

“By the way, Anjola. What sort of sucky Achilles heel do you have with driving anyway? You should learn how to drive your own goddamn car. Sure, you’ve said it multiple times that it’s more convenient for you to take public transport because of traffic and all, but now that I consider that point, I’m realizing it’s not exactly a convenient thing, really.

“So you don’t want to get stuck in traffic, last I checked buses couldn’t fly either and at least, you have a good measure of privacy when you’re driving in your car. And less chances of some conductor being nasty to you, or a thief easily getting in and out because of the numerous people on board. So um, I don’t exactly see your point.” Ehize added.

Anjola’s gaze locked on the sidewalk, and the beautiful web of forage, the branches formed at the sides. “Yeah, that’s true but cars are stress. You have to take it out, buy fuel, service it and hence pay a mechanic. Also, you have to clean it. I don’t have such time on my schedule, and there is no car wash that’s even close to where I live. Plus, I’m way too paranoid to be leaving my cars at places for people to wash. I’d want to be there with it, and I really don’t have that time—”

“Oh, for Christ sake, just say you are scared of driving.” Adaure snorted, shaking her head and turning into the road on the left. In the distance, Anjola could see immobile, parked cars on both sides of the road. They had arrived at the garden, finally.

“Your excuses are just pathetic. Ehize, the actual truth is Anjola has driving phobia, like Sheldon Cooper in the Big Bang theory and it doesn’t help that Lagos is a warzone. Rough commercial drivers, reckless tankers, angry and impatient road users, and so on and so forth. This shouldn’t be a big deal or a problem, if she was a millionaire because she’d just hire a driver but for now, she’s stuck with only using the car for special events.”

“Sucks to be broke huh,” Was all she could manage to say in response, when the car halted to a stop. Adaure had of course, hit the nail on the head with her analysis and the mortification, she thought would follow, didn’t exactly materialize. Perhaps, it was all a big fuss coming up with tons of excuses as to why she didn’t drive her own car. Next time, she’d lead with the truth.

By the time she alighted, and reassessed her stunning reflection in the opera windows—Ehize and Adaure were already offloading the supplies from the boots. She joined them, and grabbed the last cane basket, before slamming the boot close.

Flasks of lemonade and hot cocoa, with a mountain of sandwiches—marinated with butter and spliced tuna fish—were draped with several towels in the baskets. Sigma made provision for the space and accommodation, but none for feeding so every team and group had to bring their own set of refreshments along.

Some groups opted for actual food, like rice and some even went to great lengths of preparing heavyweight native meals. Most groups chose confectioneries—sausages, doughnuts, pies and the likes—paired with soda, while a select few went for a more junk, based cuisine like pizza, shawarma and cake. Diversity was encouraged, so that workers could share amongst themselves and enjoy a wide range of meals, and while that was a great idea, Anjola didn’t think her taste buds could handle so much in one day. She planned to stick to just their sandwich, alone.

The garden was the length of a football pitch, and so it could take the full populace of the Sigma staff that showed up for the event, with reasonable amount of space dispersed between the tables. There were no chairs, only rollout mats with foam cushions by the tables for the occupants to sit on. The tables were of course, low end, contemporary coffee tables that encouraged ground seating. There was a podium of some sort in the center, with a public address system consisting of two speakers and a pulpit, with the logo of the park plastered on it.

Majority of the workers were still settling in of course, as a number of people hauled tables from one side to the other, repositioned seating positions and even huddled together for group photos. Lively chattered filled the air, as people went about their business. Ehize and Adaure had passed a number of tables, as they were apparently scouting for the ideal seats until they stopped at one, perfectly veiled under several masses of glued grass, from the nearest tree.

It was in the center of one half of the garden, and it gave them a clear view to see most of what was transpiring, to a good extent. Ehize began to roll out the mats, while Adaure set the tables—placing their disposable cups, mugs and ceramic saucers on the table while she simply watched. One of the perks of being the oldest of the trio, was being left out of partaking in menial tasks. Although, that wasn’t the actual reason they usually left her out in most cases.

It was more about respect, than any other thing.

“Be careful with those saucers, abeg.” Ehize cautioned Adaure’s rather hasty arrangement of the wares on the table. When she gave him a daring look, he went on to clarify. “I borrowed them from my sister-in-law and I don’t want troubles. Woman is a delight, but she pretty much never smiles until she’s about to correct you on something you did wrong.

“One time, I was over for Christmas holiday and after eating, I forgot to pack the bread crumbs off the table. The smile she gave me when she reminded me, scared the shit out of me. You just know it’s not an actual smile, but a defense mechanism to keep some sort of demon on lock. And have I mentioned she’s half Japanese? Those people have pretty, shady mystical ancestry. A tailed beast might have been passed down to her by her parents. Who knows.”

“Does every relative of yours, have something shady about them?” Adaure rolled her eyes, but adjusted her pace to a more careful one, as if empathetic of Ehize’s plight. “Today is the aunt with the Japanese heritage, tomorrow is the uncle with the likelihood to be a violent gangster, because he was once a notorious street racer. Tomorrow, it’s going to be the cousin with the tendency to become an assassin, because he or she takes pleasure in killing every single last, mosquito or house fly around. Right? That’s how you just take small flaws of people, and exaggerate it into something ridiculously dangerous. God will help you.”

Anjola sank onto the rolled out mat, and sighed happily into a fully, relaxed position. While she adjusted the helms of her dress, so that they didn’t reveal her arsenal of curvy contours, Adaure arose from her kneeling position and cleared her throat, whilst setting her curls into order.

“I’d be back, need to go check out the engineers. They’re on the other side of the pitch.” She said in a haughty, scheming voice and Anjola couldn’t help but laugh. “I’d never get another opportunity to see them all together in one place, in a relaxed habitat for that matter. What better way to catch them off guard?” She giggled deliriously, before strutting off in a sensual gait.

Anjola’s gaze focused on Ehize instantly, in a ploy to watch Adaure’s effect on him. Unlike her and Delano, the sexual tension between Ehize and Adaure was real, intense and heightening that it threatened to implode any moment. It was most likely, going to be catastrophic if they continued to neglect the acknowledgment of their feelings for one another. Anjola had never felt more motivated to do something about it, but still the moment didn’t feel right. She wondered if said moment would ever come into fruition.

“Still trying to figure out why, the company insists we do this picnic thing, though.” Anjola said, in an effort to distract the jealousy consumed man, seating across her. His head snapped abruptly in response, in a way that a blind man would have been able to deduce that he was indeed taken by Adaure’s presence. He shifted closer to the table, and reached out for a bottle of water. “Some rumors have it that the executives, intentionally lure we workers out of the compound, just so they can conduct some sort of search and sweep of the compound. Hardly makes sense though, since they can just do said sweep while we’re not around in the evening for instance, if it’s so significant.”

Ehize didn’t reply, until he had gulped half the content of the bottled water. “Well, I guess if it’s some sort of technical, professional investigation thingy then they’d want to bring in professionals, and I don’t think such experts would enjoy working in the night. But still, it’s still ridiculous like you said. There is CCTV in almost every corner and cranny in the company, even in the bathroom stalls. It’s like fucking god’s eye from Furious Seven. The only private place, you’re out of surveillance is the toilet itself. So what work place protocol could you possibly violate, that they’re not seeing already?

“Unless, the camera guys are a bunch of pot bellied middle aged men, that spend the entire day eating doughnuts and arguing about what football team, won the previous big fixture instead of actually doing their jobs, which isn’t the case because we all see those guys. They look so serious and grim faced, that you just know they’re doing their jobs well, because trust me there is nothing as boring, as watching people go about their respective works daily in a corporate company.”

A grin broke over her face, as she set about to stacking the saucers with sandwiches. Ehize spoke nothing but the truth. Before, she could reply however Adaure was back and in even better spirits, beaming over with a smile, so bright it could blind one if it was luminous. Her friend hadn’t noticed the seismic shift in Ehize’s body language, as it descended into a rather somber one, if not she’d have toned down the enthusiasm, in her voice in which she used to speak next.

“So, I went there I scoped them out and just…they’re just beautiful, and aloof. And they look so manly and rugged, with their brawny hands that undergoes manual labor and stuff and it’s just so masculine and sexy. And they know it’s sexy of course, if not why else would they wear long sleeves, just to roll it up for the whole world to see?” Adaure chuckled sheepishly, and delved into her bread—after Anjola slid over a saucer for her.

Ehize on the other hand, was now fiddling with a mug of lemonade, as he tried to appear indifferent by the whole thing. “How lovely. Anyone of them asked you out, yet?”

Adaure gave him a defying look. “Really? I just went there to check them out. It doesn’t work like that, smart ass. You wouldn’t happen to know that because you’ve not had to chase any woman around before. They all fall at your feet, and you just have fun with anyone you wish.”

“Is that a compliment or a jab?” Ehize laughed dryly, and sipped from his mug before setting it down. “Sounds like you wish to be in those women shoes.”

Adaure simply sized Ehize up with a demeaning glare, before hissing and returning her attention back to Anjola.  “My dear, as I was saying. I went there, I saw and I conquered. I also planted a seed, and made sure a couple of them got the chance to see me. So, start getting ready to cover for me at work, because many dates are in my future.”

Ehize rose to his feet, brushed off miniscule shrubs stuck to his jeans and announced he wanted to go greet a friend before leaving. Adaure didn’t flinch throughout all these, and kept eating her sandwich. When he was well out of sight, Anjola decided to broach the topic.

“So, what exactly is the deal between you and Ehize?” She asked, matter-of-factly without beating around the bush. It was a delicate topic, and so if it was going to be addressed—its execution had to be precise. “You guys have enough tension between each other, to cause a nuclear war if you were world leaders, with nukes at your disposal.”

“What? Ehize?” Adaure frowned, as if Anjola had asked her to grow a third breast. “Whatever put such silly notion into your head?”

“Oh, please don’t bullshit me.” Anjola rolled her eyes, and banged on the table gently. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you, when you’re off guard and vice versa. You guys clearly have feelings for each other, unless you just enjoy giving each other lingering glances because…telekinesis, and you want to make the other person levitate.”

Adaure’s exaggerated, horrified look finally fell. “Anjola, there is nothing going on between us, really. Ehize is a small boy.”

Small boy?” Her brows furrowed. “Okay, yeah he is like two years younger than you are but since when did you care about stuff like that. You’re a free spirit, who hardly gives two shizels about society’s toxic stereotypes and all, so biko don’t bring up the age factor as if it’s an actual shortcoming, and it could stop you from pursuing a romance with him if you really want.”


“So? What else, could you mean by small boy? Surely, you don’t mean money, like he isn’t swimming in cash. You don’t strike me as a superficial person, that would prioritize material things over companionship and even if you did, Ehize comes from a loaded family, sef. So that’s not even the point even if it’s mugu you’re looking for. You guys should just sit down and talk stuff out. Don’t let work place familiarity, spoil things for you guys and not make you see the gem of a potential relationship you could have. Don’t look at him with one small boy eye, because you guys are close.”

Adaure bit her lower lip, and looked away for a brief spell before smiling. “That’s not it, trust me. Ehize is just…Ehize. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Of course, he is Ehize, do you want to discover he’s a vigilante by night and has an alter ego, in which he uses to fight crime? Like Spiderman? Is that what you want? While that might be intriguing and all, it is also very dangerous. Think about what would happen when some of the city’s villains, discover that you’re his love interest? They’re going to kidnap you, and not waste time in causing you severe pain, like they do in movies.”

“Anjola, please be serious.” Adaure’s shoulders buckled in laughter.

“I’m only being as serious as you are here, because you are yet to provide a legit point as to why both of you are still going around in circles.” Anjola was helping herself out with a sandwich also, and sipping intermittently from her cup of steaming hot cocoa. “Anyhoo, I’ve sha said my own. It would be in your own best interest, if you take me seriously.”

“I hear you, sister.” Adaure raised her cup, as if to toast to something. “What about you, though? I just realized, we haven’t exactly talked about what went down in the C.E.O’s house with Delano. It’s curious how that skipped my mind.”

“Maybe because our spirits are linked, and you unconsciously know that it was mostly uneventful and bland.” Anjola chuckled and took another bite from her sandwich. “I’m no more on that path, Ada. If anything is meant to spark between Delano and I, it would have a long time ago. It’s a dead end. I’m moving on.”

“That sucks. There goes my dream of a grand Sigma wedding and couple goals in the office.” Adaure said, and she couldn’t help but laugh also. “You guys just looked like you should fit, but then I guess some things aren’t meant to be. The way you sound optimistic about moving on though, it’s like you have someone else in the picture already. Do you?”

The memory of her confession on Saturday morning, two days ago—reared its head once again. A part of her was yet to come to grips with the fact that she had admitted to being attracted to Lekan, to him and hadn’t even discouraged an advance from him. But, since the past few days—she hadn’t heard from him, and he hadn’t even the decency to contact her back, despite the gravity of their last conversation. She had made up her mind, not to contact him again no matter what. Perhaps, this was fate not sanctioning her mission of getting closer to him.

“To be honest, I don’t know.” Anjola sighed, dissolving the hardness in her throat with finely, brewed tea in another gulp. “I really do not know.”


Lekan trailed Kunle, basking in the shield of the man’s shadow after they stepped through the duo doors of the conference room. The man was striding towards the pioneer seat in the room, walking past the numerous esteemed dignitaries, who rose to their feet in a non verbal gesture of respect. Never in his life had he thought, he could be emasculated or intimidated by the sheer presence of a powerful person but now, he felt like coiling into a shell and hiding out of plain sight. Unfortunately, such wasn’t possible as it was vital that everyone in the room knew of his identity.

He didn’t know if the annual board of directors meeting was orchestrated by his dad, or simply coincided with his resumption, but if it was the latter, it spelt doomed for him as it foreshadowed the fact that luck wasn’t on his side. He had tried to wriggle his way out of the meeting, but Kunle had iterated the significance of the meeting, and the consequence it posed if he dodged it, as it would mostly, start him off on the wrong foot as a lackadaisical potential heir. To prove he could rise to the occasion, he had to do so on the very first day. He wondered why the man hadn’t given him a warning, so he could prepare himself for the mentally, daunting task. He felt he did it on purpose, just to see how capable he could be, when caught off guard.

The room was like every other conference room. Fluorescent lights, a ginormous central table with a seating capacity of about twenty people, and the company’s logo emblazoned in its centre and several microphones, protruding from each seat apportioned space. Black faux leather swivel, high seats tucked under the table, also sported the company’s logo at the back—as well, as the black oak wall, behind the pioneer seat that fully displayed the logo—an overlapped image of the letter K and C, such that the lower branch of K is replaced with the C. It was a quite simple, formulaic design but it carried a lot of weight as it broadcasted the magnitude of the company’s power and relevance with just an image.

When Kunle finally arrived at his seat, he motioned with a wave of hand that everyone should settle back into their seats. Then the meeting kicked off, and the highlights and minutes of the previous one was recapped by the secretary—a forty something, bespectacled man dressed in a black safari, and oddly matching blue plaid pants.

New technicalities were also discussed, as the success of projects in progress where evaluated in a bid to determine whether to forfeit or conclude them. Finally, the final lap of the meeting commenced, and the heart rate that Lekan had been struggling to keep steady all day, began to escalate. He willed his subconscious into submission, and summoned his best curt smile.

“And lastly, before we all depart and go our respective ways…” Kunle paused, before closing the portfolio of agenda before him and taking off his silver rimmed spectacles, also. “I want you all here to meet my son, Lekan.” He reached out to clutch Lekan’s right shoulder, which was of closest proximity to him and his hand lingered on it for a while, causing Lekan distress. His dad had never been an overtly affectionate person, when expressing his emotions and so a hand contact that lasted for up to five seconds, was something monumental.

“Most of you here know him, in one way or the order since he’s been to the office here a couple of times in the past to visit. But that’s not why he is here today. Starting from this very moment, I’ve begun my grooming for him to take over the company, as chief executive officer when I retire. I felt courtesy demanded that you know of this development.” Kunle concluded, and although a roar of protests didn’t explode the moment he went quiet, curious whispers and murmurs punctured the collective silence in a defying manner. Of course, everyone in the room was astounded by the news.

It was the fair skinned elderly woman with grey stained jet-black hair, in a grey silk shift dress that voiced her opposition first. “I don’t mean any disrespect to you, Kunle. You’re a great man, whose prowess and greatness in business has been emphasized over the past few years, as you’ve led this company into unprecedented success with your great vision. But this decision, is quite sudden and might I say, risky. Several yours ago, we this board did ask you for an heir and you said, in due time you’d find one and also mentioned, that it might not be your children since you want them to forge their own path in the future.

“While plans can change for good reason, this one seems too sudden. I don’t think I’m wrong to guess your son is in his late twenties, and yet for some reason is just showing up to be the heir. We both know heirs are groomed from a very young adult age, to understand the core principles of business and also sent to special, business institutions to get the best of education, that’d prepare them for their future. Your son enrolled in a regular college, and I’m pretty sure studied a course that had nothing to do with business and he’s also too old, to commence his grooming now. Unless you’ve been grooming him for years, behind our back and you’re just revealing him to us now.”

Kunle nodded curtly, and flashed the woman a polite smile before tilting his head back to the middle ground. “Thank you, Katherine. You pose very good points and I understand your worries. If I were in your shoes, I’d probably do the same. After all, everyone in this room cares for this company and want nothing but the best for it.

“You’re quite right that the decision is sudden, and Lekan should have indeed started his grooming several years ago. You’re also very right to say he didn’t go to some special, advanced business institution to inculcate knowledge on the field. All your points are valid, and can’t be tossed out of the window.

“I’d admit that I wasn’t exactly sure of Lekan’s path, in the beginning. Which is the primary cause of this impromptu declaration, but I think everyone in this room should trust me when I say he’s the perfect man for the job. You’d think I’d want someone, inexperienced and subpar to lead the company? This same company built out of my sweat and toiling over the past few years? Yes sure, a lot of you can raise the point that I want to keep the business in the family, but I assure you is much more than that. In due time, you’d realize my son is indeed the best candidate. Matter of fact, why not let him address all of you and speak for himself.”

Before Lekan could calibrate and program his mind, for the grandiose task—Kunle was already tapping him on the back, and motioning for him to rise to his feet. Fuck, he swore under his breath. He had no idea the man could pull off two stunts of such guileful nature in one day. First, it was not keeping him abreast of the information, that there was a meeting to hold and now it was urging him to address the board and share holders, knowing fully well that he wasn’t mentally or psychologically ready for it. What was the man’s fail safe if he failed?

“Well, I um…” Lekan staggered to his feet, ramming the shin of his right leg into the table in panic—and wheezing internally, to repress the pain. Every single eye in the room was on him now, and he felt like a target and the light were lasers beaming from sniper rifles, bound to pop him into a corpse any moment. He had to be careful.

With his hands flattened against the table for support, he began. “Yes, a lot of you here might say I don’t know a lot about business and so that disqualifies me for the job. That fact might be true, but I’m willing to believe it’s something almost everyone here in the room has had to contend with at some point in their lives.”

The collective ambience in the atmosphere was that of a mystified, perplexed one as every room occupant awaited the climax of his speech, in which he didn’t intend to disappoint.

“Yes, many of you here started your respective business empire from scratch like my dad.” Lekan continued, his confidence soaring as the drive surged through his veins. “And at some point or the other, you had to meet one magnate of the other for help of some sort. And I’m willing to bet that you were laughed at, discouraged and called a business virgin or a fool for knowing nothing about business, and attempting to venture into it. But yet, you’re here. Excelling and wealthy, perhaps even more than your past foes and people who doubted you.

“Because, although they couldn’t see it—you had that conviction deep down, inside you that you could succeed. You had that zeal, that passion, that love for business and you pursued it. They say, no one cares for hard-work until it has produced fine results. Now you can proudly boast, about where you came from and your little beginnings even.

“Can you then realize, that you’re doing the same thing those men did? Now, it’s not exactly your fault since you aren’t in possession of super powers that would make you know my motive or know, if I’m indeed passionate for this job, but the one thing is that you got your chance to prove yourself. I should also get mine.”

Before Lekan could settle back into his seat, another opposition came from the distant other end of the table on the right column, and he couldn’t quite make out the person speaking, except that they were male, as indicated by the deep lilt of the voice.

“While you have spoken nothing but sensible words, Lekan. I’d like to remind you that you are not one of us, or like the people in your analogy. Said people have had to build from scratch, with little or nothing from their foundation to help them. Their dads weren’t magnates, calling them to take over the conglomerate. They had to build it themselves out of dust and sand. You cannot possibly have the hunger and resilience of someone, coming from nothing and whose livelihood and survival depends on the success of the venture. For you, it’s not that.”

“And you also have a good point, sir.” Lekan maintained his polite mannerisms, by nodding respectfully in the voice’s direction, even though he was unsure about the origin of the query. “But you’re also not seeing a side of the picture. Yes, you can argue that I’m not building Sigma from the scratch, like the people in my example did and so I won’t have their hunger. While that is true, you should also understand that I’d have a different type of hunger.

“The type of hunger that would come from anxiety and high expectations, to deliver as the heir of a massive establishment like this and not be the reason for its downfall. A lot of people think building from scratch is way more difficult, that maintaining the status quo but my dear friends it’s equally difficult, in their respective ways. You could liken it to the struggles of a musician before they blow up to their struggles to remain consistent in the industry, amongst cut throat competition.

“Yes, I admit that I do not have the hunger of my father but what I do have is a fresh, different, hungry one that seeks to achieve, maintain the status quo and even improve on it. There is too much at stake, Keye Conglomerate is way too successful for me not to work incredibly hard, so as not mess it up. And even if you don’t trust in my skills so much, I guess you can trust my dad’s word—a man that has proven his worth, a million times over—and be rest assured, that he’d be doing his best to prepare me for the role. Thank you very much.”

A thunderous applause and standing ovation didn’t ensue, but owing by the awestruck gazes on the faces of the members, Lekan inferred that he had indeed won today. In no time, Kunle said the final word and the entire room began filed out in various, conversation budding groups. When it had cleared out completely, leaving him and Kunle alone—the man rose to his feet and gesticulated towards the door, that they walk out also.

“I did that on purpose. Put you in the heat of the moment without warning you.” Kunle said, as his security entourage escorted them to the express elevator. “Why? Because that’s what business does to you. You never see it coming and, suddenly there is a problem to tackle which is almost nothing like you’ve experienced before, and you have to make a smart decision or suffer the consequence.”

All Lekan could do was nod, and entwine his hands in a meek posture. He had his reservations for Kunle, but he knew that the man was phenomenal and a legend at what he did. It was best to listen.

“There would be good days, there would be tough days, there would be really tough days.” The man resumed, after they boarded the elevator. “And there is nothing else you can do, other than be ready for whatever attack or missile, this life is going to blast your way. There is nothing like knowing too much about business or knowing too little either.

“You trust your wits and your conviction grounded in concrete reasons, and not just mere intuition. Remain sharp, look sharp, exude sharp and always be in control even when you’re not. Your followers don’t need to know things aren’t in control, or else they could scheme and capitalize to backstab you and use your vulnerability in a dangerous way against you.

“Don’t trust too much, but at the same time don’t unlearn the art of trusting. Many business men in the act of keeping things confidential, so their enemies don’t have anything to use against them—end up pushing everyone away eventually, and usually have a sad ending.

“Trust the people, you know you can trust  and always be on alert around your foes and partners alike. I know this is quite the pep talk, but it’s needed. This is one heck of a dangerous life, and you have to be informed after signing up for it. I trust you won’t disappoint me, right? Even if you don’t like me and we’re not the best of friends, you don’t want this company to crash, like you said back there. Also, you want a financially secured, comfortable life that being successful in this venture is going to bring you.”

“Of course, Dad.” Lekan smiled, and it was a genuine smile. “I’m not going to let you down.”


…please come outside and re-park, you are blocking other vehicles from driving out of the premises. The blue Hyundai Sonata with the plate number F-K-J-5-4-8-C-W, should please go outside and re-park. You are preventing other drivers from leaving the premises, thank you.

“Fuck, that’s my car.” Anjola sat up straight abruptly, and tugged at the seams of the blanket that she had wrapped herself with on the mat cushion, before tossing it aside and rising to her feet.

Adaure and Ehize were still across the table—the former, laying down on the grass like she had been doing, but deep in slumber while the latter was reading a book and sipping a mug of tea. It was well into the evening now, and people had began to leave but she couldn’t help but wrap her head around the fact that her car was blocking the exit of another. Adaure had parked in an ideal spot, that was quite secluded and even isolated from the other cars. How it still ended up blocking someone else’s vehicle eluded her. She told Ehize she’d be back, before leaving with the car keys and heading out to the driveway.

She could drive of course, but didn’t like doing it because of her phobia for it, just as Adaure had put it. But she wasn’t exactly emasculated by the prospect of driving the car, just to re-park it. Wearing an apologetic look, she stumbled out into the stone studded path and swiftly made her way to her car in haste. When she arrived there however, it further confirmed her earlier conviction that the vehicle wasn’t blocking anyone from moving.

There were several meters between it and the nearest car, both in the front and behind. Was someone playing a prank on her then or had she heard wrongly? Before she could retrace her steps back into the garden, a familiar figure appeared from behind her in so swift a speed, that it made her breath clog in her chest.

“My God, Delano.” Anjola placed both hands over her chest, and inhaled hard to bring balance to her heart running amok with furious pounding. Delano on the other hand, was smirking as he folded his arms and studied her. He was wearing a blue polo t-shirt on black khakis and loafers. His style simple and mundane, as always. She continued talking, when she realized he was responsible for the plate number announcement.

“What’s this about? You lured me outside, on purpose right? What are you going to do next? Reveal that you’re a mentally deranged person, before knocking me out with a blow to my face and latching me up in ropes, to take me to some place to hold me hostage?”

Delano’s smirk cracked into a grin. “Of course, not. Sorry, I had to be dishonest to drag you out here but I saw no way else to meet you in private, because I realized you’ve been avoiding me all day, and I know you’re an artful dodger. So I of course, have to play your game. I just need a minute or two, to talk that’s all. And you’re free to go and return to your old life, as you left it. Just make sure to make good on your promise and don’t involve the police for any reason whatsoever. If they place a bounty on my head, I’m coming back for you.”

Anjola chuckled also, as the weight in her chest finally dissipated. “So, what did you trick me out here for?”

Delano’s expression morphed into a dead, serious one and Anjola regretted her question instantly and wished she could just teleport out of the driveway. “I’m going to ask you this question one time, and I need a very, honest and blunt answer. I don’t need you to sugar coat your words, because you don’t want to be mean or anything. Just tell me the truth, I can handle it. It’s what I need. So, Anjola remember I did tell you that I invited you to the C.E.O.’s birthday bash thingy in a bid to get to know you more, in a less formal way and that’s simply because I’m fascinated by you, and also because I’m very attracted to you.”

Anjola swallowed.

“I don’t think it should come much as a surprise to you, though.” Delano laughed, nervously. “It’s probably the reason why you’ve been avoiding me all day, because you know this is inevitable and that you can’t escape it. Well, it’s here. I need you to be honest with me here, like I said earlier. Are you attracted to me, like I am to you—and do you see any foreseeable future where we’re something more than friends?”

Anjola met his gaze, and realized it was firm and confident. She couldn’t help but draw the conclusion, that it was all a façade to appear strong and indomitable, in case of an unfavorable reaction from her. He wanted her to be encouraged to speak the truth, and not resort to lies in order not to hurt his expectations. She was never going to lie in the first place. Deception was never her strongest suit, and as much as she didn’t want to cause him an atom of pain—there was simply no way around it. She had to tell the truth.

“No and no, Delano.” She shook her head, and a remorseful expression washed up on the shores of her face. “I’m sorry, I just…it’s not that you aren’t cool. You are cool, good looking, fun even but—”

“But you just can’t place an handle on what exactly is off, right?” He gritted his teeth, as he nodded in comprehension with a fractured smile on his face. For someone, who was apparently breaking down within—he still maintained a stone cold, neutral expression that almost fooled her. “It’s okay, really. Thanks for being honest with me. Sorry, if you don’t mind but I’d go ahead and ask one more question.” He added, and then hesitated before proceeding. “Is there…someone else? In the picture for you?”

She couldn’t bear stabbing him with another blunt truth, so she shook her head.

“There is probably someone, though.” Delano said, with such conviction that it almost prompted her to ask how he knew. “Anyhoo, I’d advise you to search within your heart and go for whoever it is, that it yearns for. And if there is truly no one like you say, then explore your options and maybe, you know…give me a shot, if you want. I’d be here waiting.”

“We both know that’s a big lie, and some gorgeous, great woman is going to scoop you up soon.” Anjola rolled her eyes.

“Neh, my heart isn’t someplace else. It’s here.” She didn’t notice, he was already strolling off with backwards strides, until he had put a sizeable measure of distance between them. “See you around, Anjola.”

Anjola remained rooted on the spot, as she watched Delano head back into the building and vanish out of sight, back into the garden. For the umpteenth time, she cursed herself for not finding him delightful and enticing, and whereas wanted someone who she wasn’t sure had what she wanted. Before heading back into the garden, she muttered a silent prayer to God for Delano in the hopes that he’d find the happily-ever-after he deserved.


This chapter is one of my personal  favorites. Probably because I love the character dynamism between Anjola, Adaure and Ehize. I hope you loved it as much, as I do.

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