I have a child?! {z.m}

Bởi _beaniezayn

708K 15.1K 6.6K

It was all a mystery until they were reunited. He disappeared and she made up lies. She was pregnant and he h... Xem Thêm

I have a child?! -Zayn Malik
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 58

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Bởi _beaniezayn

Ariana's POV:

As we walked off the plane, my head began to pound. A migraine slithers into my brain and takes over, along with irritability. I am so jet-legged. It's unbelievable.

Delaney holds my hand tightly. I think she knows what's behind those doors that lead to the airport. The losers who have jobs just to get as many pictures as they can. I was told there was security waiting for us so that's good- especially for Lexi since she's been having frequent anxiety attacks. Lexi hobbles up beside me and we walk out.

Our luggage has been transported to the front of the airport where my car has been driven up by the doors by a car assister.

"Mommy, can you hold me?" Delaney asked and I look down at her. She pushes out her lips into a puppy dog face.

"Baby, I'm tired and I'm holding my purse and you're holding your bag." I reminded her. She pouted and pulled her hand away from mine, angrily. "Hey now, you need to hold my hand so I don't lose you."

She doesn't give me her hand so I grab it and pull her to the door. She doesn't make any effort to help assist herself which irritates me.

"Delaney, please cooperate." I said firmly. I gave her a stern look and she stares at me. I open the door and pull her out once Lexi had gotten out first.

I automatically see men scram to their feet with cameras in their hands. All within seconds, they're surrounding us. Now Delaney cooperates. She clings onto my leg tightly as the men swarm closer. Where the hell are the security guards?

"Oh my God, oh my God." Lexi said, her voice sounding very overwhelmed and frustrated. I look at her frantically and try to push the men away from her.

The sweaty men ignore us and continue to gather around us, leaving no empty space for us to run through to get away. I don't know what's worse, their BO or the low quality of air that we can barley breath because they've taken it away.

"She's pregnant!" I said, my tone very sharp and loud. No one seems to care, really. All the do is focus the cameras on her now, making it worse. "Back off, please!"

"Mommy!" Delaney sobbed, holding onto me as tight as possible. She gets bumped by a camera and nearly falls when a man nudges her to get closer to me. That pisses me off on a whole new level.

"Back off!" I screamed, not loud enough for my liking. I'm so angry, I can't even release it properly. "Back off! Now! My daughter is only 6! You're hurting her!"

"Ariana, how's the relationship with Zayn?"

"Over here! Is it true you're pregnant again?"

What the hell? I haven't had sex in six years!

"Is your friends baby daddy Zayn too?"

Delaney is knocked onto her knees and I lose my cool. "Get the fuck away from me! Do you hear me? I will file restraining orders to every one of you! Get away!"

I manage to bend down and lift my little girl in my arms. Her entire body shakes against mine and she screams and cries with all she has.

"My daughter is sick! You need to let us through! Lexi is pregnant! Do you want to be the reason for a miscarriage?!" I screamed, my heart rate increasing and little balls of sweat start at my forehead.

I'm bombarded with more and more questions. These people have no limit. They don't care. All they care about is their job and the money.

I hear screams from others too but they aren't the paparazzi. Between two cameras that flash in my face, I see men with badges.

Delaney still screams and cries in my arms. She lays her head on my shoulder and gives her throat all she has. Poor thing already had a sore throat.

One by one, the paparazzi back away from us as ordered by security guards. Within minutes, we are free'd from that disaster.

Lexi looks at me with widened eyes and takes a seat in a chair near her. She leans back in it and breathes hard and her eyes shut while she tries to relax.

"I want restraining orders!" I yelled, more angrily than I've ever been. Three men with security walk over to me.

Before I snap at them for being late, one of them spoke, "They gave us the wrong gate number. We are so sorry."

The paparazzi still stand around, flashing their cameras at me. I glare at them in anger. "I want restraining orders!" I repeated. "I want them banned from LAX! My daughter is sick, my best friend is pregnant, and I am sick and tired of this!"

"We can get the jobs done." Another security guy said. "We can have that all worked out for you."

A few other security guards go over to the paparazzi and attempt to escort them out. They still keep their ignorant ways and snap photos as they're backed out and out of our view.

Delaney's whole body shakes against mine. I do my best to talk sweet words into her ears and rub her back. As I do so, many people around waiting for their planes are staring at me.

The security guards that are going to escort us out stand beside me. No one speaks for a few minutes but I hear people saying my name and I see them staring at me. I just want to go home.

"Are you ready?" The first guard asked and I nodded but didn't speak. I'm too pissed off to speak. They surround us and walk us through the airport.

After about ten minutes of getting stared at and talked about, we make it to my car. Delaney's crying hasn't stopped but it has simmered down. Her little sniffles break my heart as I sit her in her car seat.

Her nose and eyes are red and her cheeks are wet with her tears. My shoulder feels a little damp from them but I don't mind.

"It's okay baby." I said softy as I buckle her up. "We are going to be home really soon, okay?" She nodded and wiped her nose. Before I shut the door, I put the back of my hand on her forehead.

"You're still warm." I said worriedly. She doesn't understand much but she nods. I smile sadly and shut the door. I walk around and get in the drivers side.

Before I take off, I open my purse and grab out some cash. I pass it to Lexi who gives it to each of the security guards.

"Thank you very much, ma'am." One had said. I smiled my best and waved before driving away, leaving this terrible adventure at the airport behind.

By the time we get home, Lexi's head is against the window and she's sound a sleep. Delaney is asleep too, her head resting on the back of her car seat. I drive through the gate of my home and make sure it shuts before I drive up my drive way. I sigh a little when I've parked in front of my house.

It's so good to be home.

Deciding that I should carry in the suitcases first, I don't bother to wake up either of them. I just get out and walk to the trunk of my car. I stand and look around my neighborhood and smile. There is nothing like home. Nothing.

I open my trunk and lift it so it sits above my head. The sounds of this wakes up Delaney and she calls my name.

"Just stay there for a little, okay? I'm going to carry in the luggages and then I'll come and carry you." I explained to her and she said okay.

I take out the three luggages (which weren't nearly as much as I brought. Most of them are being shipped to us from the bus) and shut the trunk.

With a deep sigh, I attempt to carry all three of the luggages and then realize that that's not working out too much for me. I pull out the handles and hold two in one hand and one in the other.

This seems to be better.

I roll them up the driveway and have trouble getting them up the stairs. Annoyed, I yank them but end up dropping one, letting it roll away from me.

"Really?" I asked, irritated. As I'm bending down to grab it, I see movement in front of me. My entire body freezes when I look up straight.

"Need any help, love?" Zayn asked and I screamed. Within seconds, I've dropped the luggages and ran over to him. He smiles at me and when I make it to him, he lets me wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

"What the hell? What are you doing here?" I asked, so much joy inside me. He chuckles and rubs my back and let's me back onto my feet.

I hug him, tightly. "Zayn, thank God you're here. I've missed you. Today was not a good day. I'm glad you're here. How are you even here? Is this a dream?"

He kisses my lips immediately, lifting me off my feet again and spinning me in a circle. "We have a few days of break before the last few shows. I was originally going to scare you inside the house but I realized that that's too cruel."

"You mean like when we arrived in Bradford and you made me think you were a rapist?" I asked, smirking at him. He chuckles and pecks my lips over and over again.

"Mommy! Where are you?!" Delaney shouted from the car. From the angle of where Zayn and I are and where the car is, is awkward and she hasn't been able to see us.

I pull away from Zayn and put a finger to my lips. "She's in the car. I told her to wait until I came back to get her. She would die if you unbuckled her."

"Good idea." He whispered, smirking at me. He starts to walk over there but I grab his arm and pull him back. "What?"

"She's sick, Zayn. So be careful with her. She has a fever and her throat hurts. She may have strep. Don't get too close to her." I said and he nodded.

He gets onto his knees and crawls over to the car. I get on mine too and follow him. We are freaking weird.

When we make it around the car and to the side where Delaney's sitting, Zayn looks at me and then reaches up to open the door.

It opens and he stands onto his feet. So do I. I watch Delaney's reaction when she sees Zayn and it was definitely one to see. She started crying again. "Daddy!"

He smiled and unbuckled her. She jumped into his arms and he backed away from the car with her in his hands. I shut the door for him and smiled at them.

"I missed you so much." Zayn said and kissed her cheek over and over. "You're getting so big! Look at you!" He hugs her tightly and repeatedly kisses her soft cheek.

I wonder what it was like going without Delaney. She's always come with me on tour. It kind of makes me feel selfish that she's stayed with me the whole time and didn't go with Zayn and the guys. Then again, the other guys aren't really as responsible as Zayn and I am and it probably wouldn't have been as easy for Zayn. Especially if the guys were going out and he couldn't take Delaney.

I look around and then at Lexi who is looking out the window at us. She smiled and then got out of the car. "I mean, it's cool you're here but where's Harry?"

I looked at Zayn for a reaction. He only smirked and looked at her cheekily. "What? I'm not good enough for you?"

"You're pretty cool but Harry is better." She replied, nonchalantly. She places her hair behind her ears and then rests her palms on her swollen four month old belly.

I decided to comment, feeling a little more colorful since Zayn got here. He makes me happier. "Not true. Zayn is much better. Sorry, Lex. His curls and deep dimples didn't catch me."

Zayn laughed and adjusted Delaney in his arms. She rests her head on his shoulder and he holds her bottom in his hands. I love when he holds her. It makes me really excited to know that Delaney and him have built a great relationship over this last year.

"I'm not sure what you've been smokin'," She replied and I widened my eyes and then laughed. "But Zayn is no where near Harry's good looks."

Zayn scoffed and playfully glared at her. "Hello? I'm still here, you know?"

"Yeah, why are you? Why aren't you getting Harry yet?" Lexi asked, giving him a look. I can't tell if she's joking or not.

"Shut up, you pregnant brat. I'll call your Harry." Zayn said, jokingly and I giggled. Lexi rolled her eyes.

"Why didn't he just come with you here now?" Lexi asked, resting her back on my car. I scolded her for it and she glared but stood up straight, no longer using my car for support.

"Because Harry is a bum and was sleeping when I left." Zayn said. Zayn cut Lexi off mid-sentence when she was asking where his car was. "It's in the garage. We mostly use Ari's car when we're together."

When Zayn looked at me, I smiled. He returned a wink to me, erupting butterflies in my stomach. I look away, feeling like some innocent school girl who got noticed by her crush.

"Well, I'm going inside." Lexi replied with a sigh. "Harry will be here soon even if that means that I call him on repeat for however long it takes." She turns to walk to the door.

"Couldn't you get arrested for that?" Zayn asked with a laugh. "Like that one girl who called her ex boyfriend like 200 times?"

Lexi gave Zayn a look. "I'll do anything it takes." She turned back and continued to walk to the door.

Zayn looks at me and gives me a goofy look. I smile and even laugh a little. "Why are you still standing feet away from me?"

I chuckled. "Because you're holding Delaney."

"So? Come here, babe." He replied, freeing one of his hands. "Careful though, she's sleeping I think."

I walk into his arms and rest my arm around him and Delaney. "Thank you for having a break."

I felt his chest vibrate against my cheek. "If I didn't have one, I'd make one just for you." I smiled.

"Ariana! Bring your damn key here so I can unlock the damn door!" I heard Lexi scream from the porch. I pulled away from Zayn and laughed.

"Let's go inside, yeah?" I asked and he nodded.

When we get inside, instead of putting Delaney in her bed, Zayn laid her on the couch. Lexi sat in the recliner and propped up her feet. She leaned back and yawned.

"Ari?" She called as I took off my shoes and threw them by the front door, not caring if it looks trashy. I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

"Can you make me food?" She asked, putting pouty lips out. I smiled at her and nodded. "Really? Thank you!"

I took my purse off my shoulder and sat it on the coffee table. Then I looked at her, curiously. "What would you like?"

I am thankful for my mom who volunteered to go shopping for food before I got home. She and my grandma did and now I think they're having a girls day. I should be seeing them tomorrow.

"Carrots and peanut butter." She said and I made a disgusted face. "And some Cheetos. Do you have that?"

"I'm sure I do. That's gross Lexi. Who eats peanut butter and carrots?" I asked.

"I do." She said simply. "Don't judge me. You're the one who had cheese crackers with mayonnaise when you were pregnant with Del."

I looked at Zayn who sat beside a sleeping Delaney. He gave me a sickened look and then chuckled.

"That was nasty. Thinking of that makes me nauseous." I admitted, cringing.

I don't know why I wanted that. I guess I wanted something salty and with a little dairy. I actually liked it too.

Lexi gave me an annoyed look which confused me. "What are you still doing here? Make me food."

I placed a hand on my hip and raised my eyebrows. "Last time I checked, this is my house. Don't be ordering me around."

She gave me puppy dog eyes. "Please."

"Fine." I said and then walked into the kitchen without another word. My kitchen is immaculate. My mom must have done some cleaning when she came here from Florida. I'm so thankful for that.

I look around and realized that I nearly forgot where my pantry was. With a little giggle, I find it and walk over to it. Almost immediately, I see the peanut butter and Cheetos on the shelf above it.

The main reason that I'm doing this for Lexi is because I know how she feels. I would've done it if she wasn't pregnant too but that's just because she's my best friend.

I grab a bowl and walk to the fridge. I see mini carrots on the bottom shelf and I grab the bag. I dump some in the bowl and then put the bag of them back in the fridge.

I walk back to the cabinet and grab another bowl. Then I go to the drawer and get a spoon. Before long, I have some scoops of peanut butter in a bowl, some carrots in a bowl, and a bag of Cheetos all ready for Lexi, my over-hungry, fat, pregnant best friend.

Just as I'm about to gather everything in my hands, the door to the kitchen opens and Zayn walks in.

"Need help?" He asked and then saw that everything was already prepared. "Damn, you're good." I smiled and started to lift the bowl of carrots. "Wait, I'll help you in a minute. First, I need another hug."

He winks at me and pulls me by my arm. I come in contact with his chest and we hug. I look up at him and he smiled with his teeth.

He leans down and I shut my eyes, feeling his lips on mine, sending electricity through my body. His hands tighten around me, securing me against him.

My hands unwrap from his waist and I place them on both of his cheeks. He fastens the pace and before long, we are having a make-out session. His tongue joins mine in a battle that he's probably going to win like he always does. He backs me into the counter and lifts me onto it.

I separate my legs and he stands in between them, still kissing me like we haven't in two months. I remove my hands from his cheeks and place them on the collar of his button up black shirt. I pull them gently, giving myself something to grasp on.

Zayn moves his hands from my back to my upper thighs. He's extremely close to that area, but I don't say anything because it feels right to have him touch me this way.

Zayn's lips move from mine and onto my neck. My body responds normally and my neck tilts so he can have better access. His teeth graze over my sensitive spot and then he sucks, intensifying my entire body. A disoriented moan leaves my lips and he moans too but I'm not sure why.

"You're so hot." He mumbled against my neck. Those three words boost my confidence.

I pull his head away from my neck and press my lips back onto his. His hands have found their way to where he's wanted them, right on my front waist line and extremely close to my area.

I pulled his lips away with my hands on his cheeks. I look at him, right in the eyes. "I think I'm ready for that again."

By the way his eyes widen and his pupils dilate, I know he understands what I'm implying. His hands remove from where they were and he places them on my knees.

"Seriously?" He asked, trying to cover his look of excitement. I nodded, biting down hard into my bottom lip. He uses his thumb to free my lip from my teeth. "It's been so long."

"I know," I agreed and let go of his cheeks. I looked away from his eyes. "That's why I'm nervous."

"Nervous? Why?" He asked, using two fingers to push my cheek so I'm looking at him again.

Guys don't understand. They don't understand that they get it really easy when it comes to sex. It's all pleasurable for them but for us girls when it's our first or we haven't in a while, it's really discomforting and painful.

"Because. Remember when I was crying because it hurt so bad?" I asked and realization takes over his face. "And we almost stopped?"

He leans in and pecks my lips quickly. "You know I tried my best not to hurt you..."

I nodded. "I know and that's why after a little while, it felt better. I'm just nervous for the first part. It's been a long time, Zayn."

"I know it has. It's been too long if you ask me." He said and smirked a little bit. "I promise, I'll be gentle. I will do my best to make it comfortable for you, okay?"

I nodded again, sighing a bit. "I trust you."

He smiled. "Good because you have nothing to worry about."







As you now probably know, there is gonna be some seeeeeex in the next chapter at some point. I'll let you know where at in the chapter in case you wanna skip it.

Ok you're gonna have to bare with me cause I feel awkward and potato-ish when I write sex in words ok. Don't judge me hahaha.

Omg did yall have a good Halloween? I did!

And have any of you got OTRA tickets? I do! But they're not floor so I might get floor seats later on depending on the circumstances :)

K I'm done talking!

Expect another chapter tonight/tomorrow or sometime this week!

Love y'all

-Mackenzie xoxo

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