Hurt The Same || The Game X A...

By br33zywif3_

319K 12.6K 814

A Jayceon Taylor & Amber Riley Fanfiction More

Chapter 1
A Natural Woman
A night out
Your son
The truth
Letting Go.
Together Again
Baby You
Fatherless Child
Husband and Wife
Time apart
Authors Note
Hard Decisions
Family Game Night
Girls night
Pole Dancing Class
Up to Something
2 weeks
The Plan Part 1
Back Home
Trusting You Again
Run Ins
The secrets must come out
The secrets must come out part 2
The Case of the Ex
Getting used to it
A new attitude
Short note from me
Say Your Prayers
Mrs. Game
Authors Note

This time Im done

3.1K 178 11
By br33zywif3_

Amber -

I was in the living room pacing the floor, just waiting on Jayceon's ass to walk through the door, I had been watching Life time movies every since I got in from hanging with Mark and Tina.

My mind was all over the place, I needed answers and he damn sure was going to give them to me. My bags were already packed, like Mark said, I was going to make him tell me the truth even if it hurt.I needed him to be honest with me. I was done playing in the background.

I was a damn good woman and I didn't deserve to be treated the way he had been treating me. Like he could just walk all over me and I'd be okay with it. I loved Jayceon with all my heart and soul but I didn't love him that much. I didn't love him enough to be disrespected in my own home. If I didn't demand respect now, he'd never respect me.

Once I heard his car pull into the drive way I turned the TV off. Within a few minutes I heard the jiggling of keys and the front door opened. He instantly stopped when he saw my bags. "We need to talk," I said angrily. He sighed shaking his head before slamming the door.

"What is it now a Amber, I got enough bullshit going on," He said as he threw his keys on the coffee table. He kicked his shoes off and took off his shirt and hoodie. Damn he looked so good. Get your mind right bitch fuck that other shit I thought to myself. He looked sad and I almost said forget it, like he's had a rough day, but Bitch fuck him and his rough day. He didn't give a fuck about my feelings so I wasn't going to give a fuck about his.

"Jayceon what the hell is going on with you, lately you been treating me like dirt, and you've been so secretive, are you selling again?" I asked.

"Yes, I started selling again and now shit might have back fired on me," he said which shocked me. I wasn't expecting him to be this honest. Don't be stupid Amber, it's something else going on, when has Jayceon ever been this honest?

"What do you mean back fired? How deep in trouble are you?" I asked him.

"A sixteen year old girl overdosed on some pills I been selling out the club," he said with his head down

"Jayceon what the fuck! How stupid can you be. Are you thinking at all?" I asked him.

"Yeah I was thinking, at first shit was going good but I think I got a snitch but it ain't nothing to worry about I got this shit under control like I always do!" He yelled.

"Apparently you don't Jayceon why would you be getting raided if you did, you promised me you fucking promised me that you would stop that shit and get a real job, do you want our sons only way of communication with you to be through a phone and a glass window!" I yelled as I began pacing back and forth. I don't know why my dumb ass believed that he would quit selling. That's all his ass ever done in his life why would he do anything different?

"Man Amber I ain't got time for this shit right now I'm having a bad day yell at me later!" He shouted leaving but I followed him.

"No! You gonna stand your black ass right there and listen to me bastard!" I yelled furious.

"Have you lost your mind! Who the fuck you think you talking too!" He yelled coming closer to me but I didn't back down instead I slapped the shit out of him. He held his face looking at me with piercing red eyes.

"Man you lucky you pregnant because I would-" .

"Do What huh? You better not put your hands on me I'll call a bunch of niggas and have them beat your stupid ass! You are so fucking dumb
So that's why they were following us today!" I said angrily thinking about that squad car that I seen tailing us.

"What you mean following you?" He asked with a dumb ass look on his face.

"Well Pill Cosby, There was a police car following Mark when left out of Olive Garden, we lost them when we went to the nail shop, but I swear that same car was down the block when Mark dropped me off, it's like they were looking for something," I said as I placed my hand on my forehead. I don't know why but all of a sudden I started getting hot, I was sweating like crazy.

"It was probably one of Krista's people," He said lowly.

"Who the fuck is Krista?" I asked.

"This Police officer bitch who is investigating the case against me," he hesitated. It was almost like he wanted to say something else but he was holding back. I squinted my eyes as I tried to look at him but my vision was cloudy.

"Amber I gotta tell you something but you ain't gone like it ," he sighed.

"What is it? You might as well tell me now before I find out from somebody else later!" I yelled honestly.

"Amber when you went off to school, I ain't gonna lie, I cheated on you, I cheated with several women, Krista and Erica weren't the only women I fooled around with, but I promise you since we been married I ain't touch no other bitch," he said and I felt like I could faint. I tried to grab something and almost fell during the process.

I started looking for something. I don't know what but I started looking while he kept talking. I went into the kitchen and grabbed my favorite skillet. "Baby I swear When we got married I was faithful I never

I raised my arms and hit him as hard as I could. "Baby wait! Come on Bae!" He pleases but I hit him over and over and over.

"Every nigga that came my way I turned them down! But you you was out here fucking anything that had a damn skirt!" I yelled as I hit his shoulder with the skillet he yelled in pain but I didn't give a fuck I hit him again i was hitting him like I couldn't stop hitting him. It was like some new energy came over me. I felt like Angela Bassett when she lit that match and threw it on the car.

"I've been faithful to you I give you everything and you do this to me! You do this shit to me!" I yelled. Harlem came running down the stairs with Erica in tow.

"Stop! Mommy don't hit daddy! Please don't hit daddy!" Harlem yelled with tears coming down his eyes. I looked down at Jayce and saw a few blood spats on the floor. He had tears coming down his eyes, he was begging and pleading but he was talking to death ears. I was done fore real this time.

"I'm done Jayce! This marriage is over!" I yelled as I threw my ring at him. I tried to walk off but I felt myself getting sick, the room was suddenly spinning, My knees and hands began to shake and I started getting chills. It was like something was taking over my body. I felt myself falling, I tried to stand back up but the room felt like everything was going in circles. I looked over at Jayceon and it was like two of him was laying before me before I hit the floor.

"Amber! Amber! Amb!" Erica yelled but It seemed like her voice had faded off into the distance.


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