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Amber -

It was like Ariel knew I couldn't sleep she instantly knocked on my door. "Amber can I come in, I can't sleep either," she said.

"Come in," I said turning on my lamp and sitting up in bed. She came in the room and instantly kicked her shoes off climbing in my bed.

Every since she was little Ariel would have bad nightmares about the silliest little things, daddy would be the one to comfort her because momma would always say shove her off, but when daddy died the nightmares got worse, she told me she would have dreams about how daddy died, out there stranded in the cold nobody around to help him, she had nightmares of him suffering.

Since mama and Ashley were dealing with daddy's death on their own I decided to be the shoulder that she needed to lean on, while Jayceon was mine. I just didn't know how she would take it once I told her that I was planning to move out.

"Can we watch something on Netflix?" She asked.

"Yeah you find something," I said putting my phone back on the charger.

"What's wrong," she asked.

"Just got a lot on my mind," I said as we both went to lay down at the end of the bed. She turned on American Horror Story and put the remote down.

"Talk to me about it.. please," she said poking out her lips. Rolling my eyes and chuckling I sat up.

"Promise me you wont get upset," I said looking at her dead serious.

"I promise," she said back.

"I'm planning on moving in with Jayceon, I'm tired Ariel, I'm tired of being treated like a child, I mean I'm 23, I'm a grown ass woman but I feel like a little kid asking for permission to leave the house I can't even go on a date with my man without mama questioning me where I'm going, who I'm going with and when I'm coming back that shit blows me," I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm not mad Amber honestly in one year I'll be going off to college and I can't wait to leave, I mean I love mama but I can't do it anymore either I encourage you to go and don't come back," she said seriously.

"I mean I love momma I don't wanna hurt her I'm scared to tell her I'm leaving but I wanna be with Jayceon, I feel so at peace when I'm with him, and I feel like a queen in that big King sized bed he got," I said as we both laughed.

"I can tell you really love him," she smiled.

"I do with all my heart and soul, that's my baby," I said blushing as I thought about him.

"he better not hurt you not even a scratch," she glared.

"He won't he knows better," I said as we giggled.
My phone vibrated from a picture message from Jace. I eagerly opened it and was shocked at what I seen.

"Oh my god!" I said.

"What what!" Ariel said.

"Girl he is going to kill me," I said still looking at the picture. I showed Ariel and she started fake throwing up making me laugh.

"Girl I'm a virgin he's a going to hurt me," I said a little scared.

"You've never had sex before," Ariel asked.

"No, you?" I asked raising my brow.

"Uh no, I'm scared," she said honestly.

"Ugh same, but I don't want to make him wait on me forever, it's like I feel like he's going to get tired of waiting on me eventually, like if he doesn't get it from me he's going to get it from somebody else, ," I said sadly.

"Amber if he loves you like he says he does he won't have no problem waiting on you, you're worth the wait don't loose yourself in him sis besides you have a bright future ahead and if he's the man that God has planned for you, you will know," she smiled.

"When did you get to be so smart?" I smiled. She laughed and I turned out the light. I looked at the picture Jayceon sent once more I heard everything Ariel said, my mind was telling me one thing and my heart was saying the other Jayceon could have any woman he wanted why would he wait on me? Just as I was about to start feeling sad my phone vibrated.

Boyfriend 💑 : I love you baby we gonna always be 2gether you mean so much to me, have a good night sleep tight Queen.
Any negative thought that I had went out the window. This was the man that I loved, I knew he loved me and we were gonna be together forever

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