Twisted Love |Jason McCann Fa...

By MccannxTiana

89.1K 1K 49

Tell me every terrible thing you ever did, And let me love you anyways More

Twisted love
Twisted love |Cast|
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - Stella
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Twisted Love

Chapter 63

655 10 0
By MccannxTiana

(Slip points of views)

Vanessas P.O.V.

I flutterer my eyes open looking around seeing I was in an old shack room with nothing but a chair that I was sitting in. I tried moving my hands but couldn't once I realized they were restrained by the rope that was tied tightly around my hands. I cried out for help but came out as muffles from the ducktape

"Oh you finally awake" I heard someone say making me snap my head over sering Dawson making my eyebrows furrow

"Surprised to see me huh" He smirked walking over to me taking the ducktape off my face

"Why are you doing this" I asked only making him smirk

"I'm doing this for revenge and maybe for us once Jason MCcann is finally out of the picture I'll take over and maybe you can become my wife and this can be our child" He smirked trying to touch my face making me move away

"I'll never be anything to you" I said

"Sure you will you don't have a choice" He smirked taking out a gun aiming it at me "Now you either cooperate with me or this won't end really well for you" He said sliding the gun down to my stomach

"Please get that away from me" I cried

"Awe don't cry I'm not gon a hurt you unless you make me" He smirked before walking away

"Please why are you doing this just let me go I won't say anything to anyone" I cried

"I'm afraid I can't do that because as long as I have you Jason will have to come. So he approximately has now less then 24 hours before you and your precious child die" He said

"Please let me go" I cried and cried trying to get out the rope when the door opened revealing Stella

"You, you lied to me" I said

"Hey that's how the world works" She said "I said sorry" She smiled

"Fuck you and your sorry" I said making her smirk

"Hmm for someone who's tied up sure is talking to much" She said

"You're crazy" I said shaking my hear

"I know but I don't really care" She said putting the ducktape back on my mouth

"Now sick back and enjoy the show" She smiled before walking out. I looked around in tears wanting to get out and run far far from here. I didn't want them to hurt my child that's the only thing that mattered to me at this moment.

Jason's P.O.V.

I looked from building to building warehouse to warehouse not finding anything as my temper and anger rose each second. They took what's mine and I want what's mine and if they hurt her in any way possible i swear to god they'll pay. I drove back to the comapny getting out the car before walking inside into my office when the door opened revealing Twist and Ryan

"Someone here wants to talk to you" Ryan said when Twist pulled in a guy

"What the fuck do you want" I said

"I know where Vanessa is" He said

"The hell you mean you know where she is" I said walking over to him

"My brother he has her" He said making me squint my eyes before knocking him upside the head making gim fall to the floor aiming my gun at him

"You have five second to tell me where she is or I'll blow your fucking head off" I said

"I'm on your side I came her to help you" He said holding the side of his head

"Stand him up" I said twist and Ryan pulling him up

"Where is she" I said

"Dawson has her down at an old beat up warehouse down at the river" He said holding his hands up in surrender

"Ryan get the guys down there and you lets take a ride" I said before walking outside to my car getting in along with him before I sped off

"Why haven't you killed me yet" He asked making me laugh with no humor

"You're the least of my worries right now its your brother I've been waiting for" I said "Is this the turn" I asked as he nodded before I drove into the deserted area seeing an olf beat up shack infront of the lake

"Pretty secrete" I said getting out the car along with the guys

"You guys wait here imma go in first" I saod before walking away

Vanessas P.O.V.

It's been hours and it felt like years sense I've nust been sitting here in a not so bright room everything in here creeped me out and my body was killing me. I heard the sound of footsteps from outside seeing a flashlight being shined on the window making it my que to scream but it came out as muffles from the ducktape.

"I said shut up" Dawson yelled walking back in the room when Marcus walked in making me even more confused

"You finally came" Dawson spat before looking at me

"Put her on the table" He said before grabbing a metal stick making my eyes widen. Marcus walked over to me pushing mr back towards the table

"It's ok" He whispered in my ear before walking out. I watched as he left me in here with Dawson alone knowing god knows what he'll do next. He put the metal stick into fire seeing it get hotter and hotter by the second

"Please" I cried

"This won't hurt a bit" He smirked

"Please just let me go" I cried trying to get out of the chair

"Don't make me put the tape back on your mouth" He said when I heard gun shots making me jump

"You stay here and don't say a word" He said before walking out. I lookef around my area for something to use to get out this rope when the door opened revealing Ryan

"Shh don't say anything" He said untying me from the rope letting my arms be free when I heard thw sound of Dawson's voice

"Ryan hide" I said before he hid behind the door when it opened revealing Dawson

"Lets go your coming with me" He said lifting me up when Jason walked in

"Let her go" He said aiming his gun our way

"Put the gun down then we'll talk" Dawson said taking out a knife putting it to my neck making me jump whimpering

"Let her go then I'll put the gun down" Jason said. Dawson slowly took the knife away from me before letting me go.

"It's sad to see things end like like this for the both of you" Dawson said pulling out a gun aiming it at me when Jason moved infront of me and shots going off making me jump closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes seeing Marcus in the door way with a gun holding it down on Dawson's lifeless body. I looked over seeing Jason on the floor with a bullet to his chest making me look in disbelief

"No please no" I cried crawling over to him seeing he wasnt breathing "Jason please wake up" I cried trying to wake him but he wasn't budging "Please don't leave me" I cried hearing the sound of sirens outside when paramedics came inside.

Everything happened so fast but seemed so slow and the only thing my mind was on was if Jason was gonna life. I couldn't bare to loose him and I wasn't going to.


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