By dolansworld1

66.8K 1.1K 584

"Let me make love to you Val..." "You have the key." More



1.1K 21 3
By dolansworld1

Val's POV
Before I walk out the door I stop short and look at my mother who sat at the table with a cup of coffee, staring out the window.

When I got home all of Kyle's belongings were gone, I could feel the hurt my mother was going through. She's been like this more than once. I walk over to her and place a kiss on her cheek.

"I'll see you after school, okay?" She nods her head and gives me a small smile. I feel my eyes sting and I quickly walk out. I get into my car and sigh, my hands gripped onto the steering wheel.

"Shit!" I cover my face and tears begin to fall down. I feel both me and my mom going back to a dark place in our life's and I'm not ready. I'm not physically or emotionally ready. Everything is suddenly falling apart at the same time. I just want everything to go back to the way it used to be.

Like when me and Ethan were actually friends, and it wasn't difficult to look at each other. I'm not gonna lie I miss him, us not being on good terms is killing me. I miss his laugh, his touch, his smile, him being able to make me feel better. I'm not saying I miss us being together as a couple, I miss him being there. Being my best friend.

I know I have Ava and Grayson, but Ethan's different. I need him, and he needs me.
I turn down the hall as I look in my bag for my history notebook until I bump into someone, I look up and see Ethan standing in front of me. He looks worse than before. It's bothering me that I don't know what's stressing him, we usually tell each other everything.

He gives me a warm smile and I return one. "Sorry." He apologizes.

"No, it was my fault. I don't pay attention." He laughs and a smile appears on my face. "Ethan are-are you okay?" He immediately tenses up looking at me with annoyance with a clenched jaw.

"I gotta go, jack is waiting for me." He starts to walk away but I grab his arm. "Val-"

"Ethan you won't even look at me. What's wrong with you? You can talk to me." His eyes trail down to my lips then back to my eyes. "Talk to me Ethan." I whisper. He looks behind me and pulls his arm away from my hand.

"I think your boyfriend doesn't want you worrying about me." I turn my head and see Ryan standing by my locker with a confused face. "I'll see you later." He walks away leaving me with no answer.

I walk to my locker and open it throwing my bag in there. "Everything okay?" Ryan asks, I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. "Woah, woah baby you okay?" He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and I push his hand away.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling too good today." He pulls me into his chest and I wrap my arms around his back, as he rubs my back. I look ahead of me and see Ava kissing Grayson.

"Since when are Ava and Grayson dating?" I ask removing myself from his arms. He sighs in response. "I'll see you later." I peck his lips and walk towards Ava.

"Green!" Grayson yells my name, I give him a fake smile and then roll my eyes.

"Since when?" I ask pointing at the both of them. Ava giggles and wraps her arm around Grayson.

"Since yesterday." She excitingly says. I raise my eyebrows and look over at Grayson. He looks at me and winks.

"What the fuck-is up with Ethan?" I spit out, they both break eye contact with me and I laugh. "What are you guys hiding?" I look at Ava and her face is bright red. "Ava come on."

I look at Grayson and he shrugs his shoulders. "You know what. I'm in a real shitty mood today and you guys aren't helping. You know I would tell you guys anything." They still remain quiet and I nod my head accepting their choice. "Thanks a lot."

I open my locker and grab my bag and slam it closed making sure everyone heard. I cant even handle school right now. The only thing that was on my mind was my mom and Ethan.

I open the door and look in the kitchen for my mom. "Mom!" I run up the stairs and open her door. I sigh as I see her tucked in her blanket with a cup and bottle of liquor on her nightstand. I grab them and quietly close her door.

As I'm about to pour the liquor out I stare at my reflection through the kitchen window. My throat burns as the liquid quickly ran through my body. I look at the bottle and pour myself another cup.

Ethan's POV
I look inside her house and see her there staring at nothing. I turn the doorknob finding it unlocked.

She knew something was on my mind but I know something is stressing her out too. I can't know that she's hurting without wanting to pull her into my arms and telling her 'everything is going to be okay'. That's not my job no more and it kills me.

"Valarie." I close the door behind me and she gets up from the table and walks over to the sink. "Are you okay?" She scoffs and nods her head.

"I'm not drunk Ethan." She answers.

"But are you okay?" I stand besides her and she looks up at me. Her eyes were glossy making her mascara smudged a little, and her lips were swollen.

"Why are you here Ethan?" I look at the bottle of liquor in her hand and try to grab it but she quickly moved her arm back. "Why are you here?!" Her voice echoes through the house. I look at her and sigh in response, every time I look at her I feel my heart beginning to beat faster. "Why?!" Her free hand hits my chest.

"Because I care Valarie! I care about you! All-I care about-is you." A tear falls from her eye as she rests the bottle on the counter.

"Can you please-just hold me." Suddenly she breaks down, and I immediately pull her into my arms.

"I know-about your mom. I'm sorry." Her breathing slowed down as she stood there silently. "You two are always welcome to come over, you know that right?" She pulls away from me and nods her head. I wipe the tear off of her cheek and she cracks a smile.

"Ethan-you should go." I step closer to her and embrace her face. "Ethan don't-" my forehead meets hers and she shuts her eyes, her lips inches away from mine.

"I love him." She whispers, her eyes open and this time they're glued to my lips. I step back and take in what she just said.

This is what I was afraid of. Her falling out of love with me while I still love her. She's trying to push me away and it's frustrating. I only want her, no one else. She was always the one for me, and I'm slowly starting to fade away from her choices.

"But do you love me?" I ask, her eyes begin to water again and she nods her head 'yes' in response. "Then give me another chance Valarie. Please."

"Ethan I-I can't do that to Ryan. I have feelings for him." Her arms fold across her chest.

"And what about me?!"

"What about me Ethan! You cheated! You hurt me! Ryan is good to me Ethan, he doesn't use me just for sex. He shows that he cares."

"Val I'm trying, I'm trying to change."

"Are you? Then let's start first with the lies, yeah?" I stand there silently already knowing what she's about to ask, and I can't answer. "What are you hiding Ethan? You've been down, and you don't even look at me anymore. What's going on?" I stroke my hair back and sigh in response. "You're not gonna tell me are you?" She laughs.

"Val I'm sorry, I just need time-"

"Take all the time you need Ethan, just remember-we've been close since babies, and I think we both don't wanna lose that relationship either."

Updates might be slow, I have school and this year I actually have to pay attention and stay focused!! But I will definitely be updating!


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