Twisted Love |Jason McCann Fa...

By MccannxTiana

89K 1K 49

Tell me every terrible thing you ever did, And let me love you anyways More

Twisted love
Twisted love |Cast|
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - Stella
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Twisted Love

Chapter 58

757 13 1
By MccannxTiana

Vanessas P.O.V.

I finally made it home and i felt like complete shit. I tried to eat something but everytime i did i threw it up. All I wanted to do at this moment was lay down. I was home alone sense Jason had some interview at his job. I walked upstairs into the bedroom changing into something comfortable to lay in before getting into bed laying down closing my droopy eyes when my phone started to ring making me groan.

I picked my phone up seeing it was Chantel calling making me sigh answering

V: What

C: Geeze dis someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed

V: No i don't feel good

C: why what's wrong

V: I don't know I've been vomiting sense i woke up this morning

C: is it food poisoning

V: I don't know what it is but can you come by and get me some medicine

C: or a pregnancy test

V: I'm not pregnant

C: you don't know that when was the last time you used protection

She asked and I thought about it remembering I didn't take my pill making me groan

C: exactly

V: Chantel this is serious a kid can change my whole life

C: well if you are what are you gonna do

V: of course I'm gonna keep it I'll be happy its just what about Jason he has enough stuff to worry about

C: it'll work out fine

V: yeah well don't go ahead of yourself just bring me medicine

C: you got it dude

She said making me laugh hanging up with her. My stomach started to turn again making me groan running into the bathroom throwing up liquid. I groaned flushing the toilet walking towards the sink brushing my teeth for the 100th time this morning.

I walked out the bathroom when I heard the front door. I walked downstairs opening the door seeing the girls

"You had to tell everyone" I asked

"Wow I'm hurt" Kendall said faking to be hurt

"You look a mess" Gigi said feeling my forehead

"I feel a mess" I said walking into the living room sitting on the couch

"Well heres some medicine and a pregnancy test" Chantel smiled handing me the test making me sigh grabbing it before walking into the bathroom. I was scared and nervous for what the results to be. I mean i don't know what it feels like to be pregnant but if i am then that's gonna change my whole life around. I'll be so happy cause I've always wanted a child of my own but what about Jason is he ready.

After using the bathroom i washed my hands grabbing the test before walking into the living room setting it on the table

"Now we wait five minutes" I said

"What if you're pregnant we're gonna be aunties" Kendall smiled

"Guys stop your freaking me out right now" I sighed waiting

"Ok it's time" Victoria smiled making me taking in a deep breath picking up the test looking down seeing it was positive making my heart skip a beat

"Well what does it say" Kendall said

"I'm pregnant" I said

"Your pregnant" Gigi gleamed making me look up before smiling tearing up

"I'm pregnant" I cried

"You're pregnant" Chantel cheered as the girls hugged me making me laugh smiling. I was happy i was excited all of these emotions were running through my head but the only thing that worried me was if jason was gonna be happy would he wanna leave me alone with a child would he want nothing to do with me

"What's wrong" Gigi asked as i shook my head

"Nothing" I said shaking my head

"You sure" Kendall said as I nodded sitting down while the girls gushed over the pregnancy test. Time and time went by before Jason was to arrive home. It wasn't like i could keep it from him even if I wanted to he'd find out. The girls were gone and it was just me thinking of ways to tell Jason that I was pregnant.

I heard the front door open and close hearing the sound of Jason's voice

"Baby" He called

"In here" I said hearing the sound of his footsteps soon seeing him walk into the living room looking at me smiling

"I have some news" He said pecking my lips maming me smile

"So do I" I said

"What's your news" He asked

"You go first" I smiled

"Well the holidays are coming up and I'm taking time off and I was thinking you wanna go with me to Canada we can even bring your mom" Jason said caressing my thigh

"Really that's amazing" I smiled

"So you wanna go" He asked looking at me with hope in his eyes

"Of course I wanna go" I smiled caressing his cheek

"So what's your news" He asked

"Well" I started standing up trying to find the right way to put this "How do i put this" I sighed making him grab my hand pulling me infront of him

"Whats wrong" He asked. I sighed grabbing the test placing it in his hands "What is this" He asked

"A pregnancy test" I said

"I know what it is why do you have it" He asked

"I'm pregnant Jason" I said as he looked at me like he saw a ghost standing up looking down at the test before looking at me

"You're pregnant" He said as I nodded when the biggest smile grew on his face

"We're gonna have a baby" He said excitedly making me smile nodding "Oh my god this is amazing" He said hugging me making me smile laughing

"You're happy" I asked

"Of course I am why wouldn't i be" He said caressing my cheek

"I don't know I just thought you wasn't ready to have a kid yet" I said making him lift my head up

"Of course I'm ready whenever you are we're in this together" He said

"I'm just scared Jason what if-" I started when he cut me off

"Its gonna be ok I'm gonna be with yoy every step of the way I promise I won't let anything ever happen to you" He said making me smile soflty

"I love you Jason" I smiled

"I love you more baby" He smirked caressing my cheek placing his lips against mines.


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