Sweet chocolate (jimin x Afri...

By Small_Squeejie

5.7K 258 52

A new student in jimins class automatically gets his heart started racing. He didn't know what it was like to... More

6 (+ updating days)
12 pt.2
Would you guys like me to keep this story going?


944 35 9
By Small_Squeejie


Jimin sat his himself down in his normal seat he had in his class and sighed softly. He was bored and the class hadn't even started yet. He couldn't hear people around him chatting and then jungkook turned around and began speaking to him.

"Hey Hyung! You heard about the new kid right?" Jungkook said with a look of excitement in his eyes. "New student?" Jimin thought and shook his head to knock himself back into the conversation. "Well apparently his parents are super wealthy ! I hear he's really into art and music! But he might also be in a huge gang or something, a bad boy type!~" Jungkook said with a charmed look in his eyes. "He might not even like guys Jungkook. And remember, you have a boyfriend." Taehyung bitterly answers while pointing to himself.

Jimin heard the teacher clear her throat and the class quickly put their attention into her. "Class," she began, "we have a new student in our class. Xavier you may come in now!" She gave a small yell into the hall.

A tall male with chocolate brown skin and curly black-brown hair walked into the classroom. He had a light sprinkle of freckles of his face and was in the schools uniform which usually made everyone look dorky but he made it work, somehow. He was also quiet tall, 6'2" if you look properly, this was a bit smaller than most others in jimins class.

Jimin felt something in his chest go up to his cheeks quickly and he felt them begin to heat up like crazy. He covered his cheeks quickly with his hands but his ear tips were still red. "Hello everyone," Xavier began. "My name is Yang Xavier." He said softly but still loud enough for the class to hear and a bit of commotion went around among the students. He was speaking in Korean which didn't happen all the time when it came to people who weren't from Korea but also not exchange students.

"Settle down class. Would anyone like to ask Xavier any questions?" The teacher asked and a few people raised their hand. He pointed at a girl and she gave a smile "Are you currently single?" She asked and a few giggles came from the class. "Actually, Yes. I am." He calmly responded. An uproar came from the class.

He picked someone else to ask another question. "Where are you from?" A boy asked. "Upstate New York, I've been living in New Hampshire for 12 years before moving here though." "How old are you?" Was a follow up question. "17." The male answered and then the teacher smiled at him. "Thank you Xavier." She clapped and so did the rest of the class.

"Why don't you go sit beside jimin? Jimin please raise your hand!" The teacher yelled and since jimin was in a slight daze it took him a moment to response. "What? Oh uhm-" he quickly raised his hand and held his head down slightly.

Jimin swooned to himself and bit the inside of his cheek. Even the way Xavier walked was cool. Jimin noticed something though. He noticed how a few of the students around him were whispering to each other and giving Xavier dirty looks but the tall male didn't seem bothered at all.

Xavier then looked at jimin and smiled gently. "Hi." He spoke directly to him and jimin swore he felt his heart explode. This beautiful chocolate prince of a person was talking to him so nicely and looking at him so sweetly jimin could tell that his face was blushed up and he waved slowly to Xavier. "H-hi." He quietly responded back.

Jimin now knew he would have a hard time focusing in class now that  Xavier was going to be sitting beside him everyday. Jimin had to admit he didn't believe in love at first sight because it would mean he would be judging someone by their looks, which he disliked.

"I-I'm jimin! Park Jimin!" The smaller male said quickly and it caused Xavier to laugh quietly. "Nice to meet you." Jimin couldn't exactly get past the amount of bass in Xavier's voice, he had to admit that it was very nice too. The lesson from their teacher soon began though and the two no longer spoke in the duration of the class period, just glances and tiny looks that jimin gave to him. He made a small part in one of his note books and made a small note. Note: Xavier looks like how he smells.

Sweet chocolate.

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