By gwritesss

20.4K 2K 174

"Destinied to be together" is the love story of two totally different people - Aditya Hooda and Zoya Siddiqui... More

•Characters introduction•
"The unforgettable eyes"
"Their paths crossed again"
"A promise is a promise"
"The best gift"
"The journey begins"
"Being with you is my cure"
"The colours of life"
"The bitter past"
"You are the beautiful dream, which replaced the nightmare "
"Games of fate"
"The misunderstanding"
"One last dance"
"Be mine"
"Wedding rituals"
"Is this the end?"
"I'm always with you"
"New beginning"
"For eternity"
"Just wait, my beloved"
"How to stop loving you?"
"No matter what happens, I'll always be with you"
"Don't let the past change the beautiful future"
"Nothing can separate us"
"Fighting for life"
"Where are you?"
"Secrets from the past"
"On the way"
"We are better together"
"As we are in Heaven"
"The game begins"
"Love is the biggest strength"
"Closer to the aim "
"It's now or never"
"The reunion"
"Wedding plans"
"I have loved you since forever"
"One different Mehendi"
"The bride has come"
"Finally yours"
"We finally found the happiness"
"A year of happiness"
"Expect the unexpected "
"Happier than ever"
"The best thing in life"
"Creating new memories, but remembering the old ones"
"Some things can not be forgotten"
"Here, yet so far"

"We are lost"

323 32 2
By gwritesss

   Aditya and Zoya have been traveling since some hours and in every hour Zoya was calling Anjana to check how Vikram is. Each time Anjana was assuring her that he is fine and has  no more temperature. This has calmed Zoya and Aditya a little and they started enjoying their traveling together, because they knew that Anjana will care for him in the best way.
Aditya: Are you calm now?
Zoya: Aditya I know that mommy ji will make everything best for our Vikram.
Aditya: Then why do you look so upset?
Zoya: I don't know...I just have some bad premonition.
Aditya: Bad premonition?
Zoya: Yeah, as if something bad will happen and I'll lose everything.
Aditya: Pagal ho tum? Nothing like that will happen! Zoya, relax and stop with these dark thoughts! We are going to attend the birthday party of your father and you behave like a fortune teller - nothing bad will happen, you can't foresee what the future holds for us, but for one thing I'm sure - we can never separate our ways, Zoya...the destiny won't allow it. You know that we have tried it many times in the past, but the destiny kept bringing us together back and back and has only tightened our bond.
Zoya: Maybe you're right. Forget what I've said, maybe it was because I was nervous about Vikram.
Aditya: Arey, it's not a problem meri jaan. Everything will be all right.
Zoya: Aditya, promise me that you will never leave me alone. Never.
Aditya looked for a moment at Zoya. Although, she claimed that what she's said before was stupid and not important, her eyes were saying something else. He could notice that there was insecurity and anxiety in them.
Aditya: If I wasn't driving the car I would punch you! How can you think of something like that? Zoya I love you bepannaah and believe me nothing can happen to us, we are meant to be together and it will be like that. Stop it now.
Zoya: Okay, Aditya, I'm fine, I'm fine. I don't know what happened to me, let's change the topic.
After Zoya said this, Aditya laughed slightly.
Zoya: Why are you laughing?
He continued doing it.
Zoya: Aditya, why are you laughing?
Aditya: I just remembered when you first left Mussourie to go to Mumbai. At the plane, when there was a turbulence you were as upset as now and clinched me so hard that I could barely navigate the plane. Now you are looking in almost the same way, but the difference is that there is no turbulence and we are not in a plane.
Zoya: Ha-ha, how funny! Aditya, don't taunt me! I was just worried. You know that inner feeling in yourself that appears sometimes and doesn't give you rest.
Aditya: I know it meri jaan, but now I want you to relax and be like in the past - carefree and always with a smile on the face.
Zoya: I'm still like that!
Aditya: Prove it!
Zoya: How to prove it?
Aditya: Smile!
Zoya did as Aditya said and her beautiful smile brightened up her face.
Aditya: That's what I wanted to see. You have to smile always, Zoya! Always!
Zoya: Till you are with me, I promise this smile will never let go off my face.
Aditya: I love you, Zoya!
Zoya: I love you...Aditya! Move the car!
Zoya said it, but it was too late. Aditya saw it, but it was too late. A truck that was coming from the opposite direction was moving too fast, the driver could not see the car, maybe because he was drunk or maybe because he was unexperienced, but on his mistake led to an accident, which later destructed so many lives...On this day, on the narrow road, which was leading to the picturesque Mussourie, which was hidden in the majestic mountains, one car didn't reach its destination. The car of Aditya and Zoya. When the truck hit it, it just flew away from the road and fell in the impetuous deep river, which was furiously sparkling. When ther driver of the truck saw what happened, he didn't even stop, but continued his way with full speed. Meanwhile, the car has fallen and it was looking like a sheet of paper, which was soon going to sink and be forgotten from the whole world. When the car fell in the water Zoya hit her head and lost consciousness for less than a minute, but Aditya started hitting her cheeks lightly, so that she woke up. The car was sinking and no one was nearby to help the ill-fated couple.
Zoya: Aditya, Aditya! We will die, we will die. Aditya, I'm scared!
Zoya was screaming and crying. She was terrified. Aditya unlocked their seatbelts while Zoya was busy with panicking.
Zoya: Aditya, we will die, Aditya, I don't want to die, I don't...
Aditya: Zoya, listen to me! Zoya!
She was continuing with her uncontrollable lamentation, so Aditya held her hand strongly and made her look at him. He caressed her cheek.
Aditya: Zoya, stop crying, Zoya do you hear me?
Zoya(crying): Yes..
Aditya: Now listen to me.
Zoya: I told you that something bad will happen, I told you.
Aditya: We don't have time for this now. Listen to me.
Zoya: But Aditya...
Aditya: Zoya do you trust me?
Zoya: More than myself.
Aditya: Great! So, the car is going to sink in a minute or a little bit more. I want you to open your door and start swimming, I'll do it, too. The current is fast, but we can do it, right? Now, when I give you a signal, open your door and start swimming without looking back. I'll also swim and we'll go out of the river together.
Zoya: Aditya, I'm scared!
Aditya: Don't be scared, you can do it! You're my Zoya! My strong Zoya, who is capable of anything! I love you immensely!
He kissed her forehead as if he had a feeling that he'll do it for one last time. His eyes were also filled with tears, but he didn't want to show fear to Zoya.
Aditya: Are you ready?
Zoya: No, Aditya...
Aditya: Open the door!
Zoya: I love you!
Aditya(shouting): Open it! Open it and swim without looking back! Go! I'm with you!
Zoya did what her husband told her. As she said -  she trusted him more than herself and knew that Aditya can not be wrong. When she was opening the door, the already entered in the car water dragged her dupatta off her shoulders and sent it directly to Aditya's face. She didn't pay attention to this as Aditya told her to concentrate and don't look back. She started swimming and fortunately she was a good swimmer, because during her childhood her favourite summer activity was swimming in this same river. Little, did this innocent child know that after many years the river, she loved so much, will crash her life just like the strong and merciless current crashes the small river stones. Zoya was swimming as fast as she could. The water was really cold, she was feeling as if thousand of miniature needles were piercing her skin, but she didn't gave up, because one hope was giving her immense strength - Aditya was behind her, swimming and soon she would see him and would hold his hand. He had to be there, she even thought that she was hearing the sound of swimming behind her. She wanted so badly to look back and assure herself, but she didn't do it until she reached one big stump, which had also fallen in the water. She held it and could stop for a while to rest and see where Aditya was. When she turned at the direction of the car her heart almost stop beating. She saw that the car was not on the water, but Aditya wasn't there, too. This terrified Zoya almost to death. She has decided to return to that place and see what was happening. "It can not be true. Aditya can not die. He just can't cause this to her." Such thoughts were chasing in her mind. Zoya was about to start swimming back. She was going to risk her life for Aditya. If she could find and save him - perfect and if he had already drowned in the cruel river, she was going to drown to, be it because of the current or initially. She let the stump and began sloshing in the water again. Zoya has ridden of some metres from the stump and saw that something was moving in the water near the place where the car was. She first saw a hand, then another hand and then head. This was Aditya. Zoya has never felt so relieved. She has thought that her biggest nightmare of losing Aditya has turned to be a truth, but now when she saw Aditya, she really felt much better. But this happiness of her lasted too shortly as at the very next moment she saw how a puddle of blood started forming in the water surface.
Zoya(shouting): Aditya!
Aditya: Zoya swim! Swim! I'm fine, my leg was stuck in the car and I hurt it a little, but I'm fine! Swim! Safe yourself! I'll come to you! Zo...
Aditya couldn't even finish his sentence when the cruel river carried him away
Zoya's heart again has almost stopped.
Zoya: Adityaaa! Adityaaa!
She could only see how helplessly he was moving his hands in the water. Actually, Aditya was a very good swimmer, but he wasn't able to swim against the fast current and also his leg was terribly hurt, but he told Zoya that it wasn't serious, because he didn't want to tense her in this awful moment. Zoya was determined to safe him. She swam in that direction, but soon her strengths started leaving her and the river took her in the direction opposite of that of Aditya. This was the last time they saw each other. This was the last time they heard each other's voices and saw each other's eyes. It looked like one fairy tale has ended, but was it really so? It wasn't the end of the story, it was just the end of one chapter...
The same evening. Dehradun hospital
Nurse: Doctor Singh, the patient has woken up!
Dr Singh: I'm coming!
One man around 50s entered a hospital room. This was doctor Balvinder Singh and his patient was none other than Aditya. The doctor started examining him by asking questions.
Dr Singh: Hi, I'm doctor Balvinder Singh, your doctor. How do you feel?
Aditya: I'm-I'm fi...fine.
Dr Singh: Okay, could you please tell me your name?
Aditya: Yes, my name name is...
Dr Singh: What happened?
Aditya: I don't remember it.
Dr Singh: Okay, can you remember your age, your hometown or someone from your family?
Aditya: I-I-I don't remember anything. Anything...
Aditya started nervously moving in the bed, shouting that he doesn't remember anyone and anything.
Dr Singh: Hey, hey, please calm down. Nurse, write on the medical report of the patient that he suffers from amnesia.
Aditya: Amnesia?
Dr Singh: Yes. We found you near the river bank lying unconscious with a big wound on the head and the leg. We don't know what happened, but probably you were about to drown. You are lucky that you are alive. Someone's prayers were with you.
Aditya: Doctor will I get my memories back?
Dr Singh: I can't claim anything, but in most cases patients get their memories back be it after a day, a month or an year. However, there are cases, where patients never remember who they are. You don't worry. I'll come to see you later.
The doctor and the nurse left the room and Aditya was now alone and confused. In fact, this on the bed wasn't Aditya or someone else. It was a person without memories, without identity. It was no one. With no past and no future. The present, the bitter present has catched him strongly and wasn't ready to introduce his past to him so soon.
Some hours later. New Delhi.
A man and woman between 55 and 60 were entering their home with a girl who had bandage around her head and was covered with a tight scarf, because she was shivering so badly. The woman has hugged her and was trying to comfort her. This was Mrs. Sia Shekhar and the man was her husband Anand Shekhar. The girl walking with them was Zoya. How she fell to them? Mr. And Mrs. Shekhar were travelling back to Delhi when they saw Zoya laying near the river bank. (unfortunately, this was the north bank of the river and Aditya was at the south). They immediately stopped their car and took the poor unknown girl inside. She was so pale and in unconscious state that they thought she was dead but from time to time she was opening her eyes and was barely whispering "don't leave me", so they realized she was alive. When they came in Delhi, they took her to the hospital. She had water in her lungs, her head was hurt, so it was a wonder for the doctors that she has survived, but for sure Mr. and Mrs. Shekhar have made one huge mistake - if they had taken her to a nearest hospital her condition would be better, but now she also had amnesia.

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