Elves III: Real Magic | Vmin...

By kookiesandjiminsjams

15.7K 1.6K 335

The red witch achieved her goals and twisted Taehyung's wish for Jimin back. He was nowhere to be seen and e... More

Final Chapter.
The end. Thank You.
Potential continuation?


397 43 3
By kookiesandjiminsjams

Warning! Some themes in this chapter may be uncomfortable for some readers, please read with caution.

Taehyung had not slept a wink of sleep that night before he was led into a meeting room with the lead doctors and sat in a chair behind a desk.
He was very fidgety and nervous, wondering what on Earth was going on and why he was here.

He felt way more relaxed when Doctor Lee walked in, but even he had a very worried face that Taehyung couldn't trust.
Not long after Doctor Lee took a seat next to him, three more doctors walked in, sitting on the other side of the desk, all with very serious faces.

"Now then, it seems Taehyung's treatment hasn't been as efficient as we once hoped" the doctor who sat in the middle of the desk spoke, opening up Taehyung's file to skim through the details.

Taehyung could feel his heart beating incredibly fast, his body suddenly very hot and nervous as he got more fidgety, his hands twitching and his fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt anxiously.

"It seems it has worked for a while and Taehyung relapsed last night" The doctor looked to Doctor Lee who nodded
"Unfortunately, however I would like to say-"
"I think we should take control of the situation now" The male doctor in the middle spoke as he then looked to Taehyung, smiling nicely, but Taehyung didn't trust it as he looked away.

"Now Taehyung, the new treatment we're going to try on you isn't exactly nice, but we believe it will work for you and we believe it will cure the bad dreams crazy thoughts you have" He spoke
"But they're not crazy thoughts! They're true!" Taehyung protested and the doctor nodded, standing from his seat.

"I'll go prepare the room for him" he spoke as he went to leave.
"Sir I don't think this treatment will work, he needs to be handled with care not-"
"Then you can do all the caring work after he goes through the treatment we've arranged" The doctor spoke sharply before he left the room, gesturing for Doctor Lee to follow.

"I'm sorry Tae, I tried to put this off as long as I could" He told him before he left and now Taehyung was very worried, jumping nearly out of his seat when the two female doctors helped him stand from where he was sat, both taking an arm as they gently led him out of the room.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked in a shaking voice.
"Don't you worry about that" one spoke gently but as they rounded the corner out of the office, alarm bells went off in his brain as the siren rang, seeing one of the hospital beds waiting for him.

"No!" He cried out as he began to run away, but two keepers grabbed a hold of him, pulling him towards the bed with a lot of struggle.
"No not again! Let me go!" Taehyung cried out.

The cries out caught Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi's attention who were in the feeding room with some of the other wolves for their breakfast. As soon as they heard the cries for help they knew exactly who it was, running to the window and peering in.

Before them they saw Taehyung thrashing about, trying to break free of the two keepers and two nurses who had a hold of him, pulling him towards one of the hospital beds.

"Let me go! Please I don't wanna be tied down!" He cried out but he was already being forced onto the hospital bed, his cries echoing around the halls and it was haunting to hear let alone watch.

As soon as he was lay down, the three watched as he was strapped to the bed once again, but this time a leather strap was tied over his chest and his knees too, preventing any movement from any area of his body.
"Just let me go please!" He cried out as they began to wheel him away, a room not too far down the corridor.

"What do you think will happen to him?" Yoongi asked with sudden worry as even he was horrified by what was happening to Taehyung.
"I don't know" Namjoon spoke, but suddenly another doctor came walking down the corridor, wheeling a table with some equipment on it, but also a big machine.

They tried to peer at what it was, seeing a small bowl of liquid with a set of what looked like headphones dipped in them, a wire running into the machine that looked like it measured something.

"I-is that.." Hoseok trailed off as the machine was wheeled into the room after Taehyung and the door shuts behind them, blocking out most of the sound as Taehyung's cries that still rung were muffled by the thick door.
"What do you think it is?" Yoongi asked, turning to Hoseok who wore a face that was extremely scared.
"I've seen that machine before in old movies and I-I think-" he stopped, gulping down the lump in his throat.
"What?" Namjoon pushes for the answer as Hoseok faced then both.
"I think they're gonna use shock therapy on him"

Taehyung was trying with all his might to get free, screaming and crying so much that he made his head hurt. His whole body couldn't move no matter how much he thrashed about.
He watched as whatever machine that was wheeled in was and the door shut behind it, only making him more anxious.

"What's going on? W-what are you doing?" He asked, staring at the machine in fear as he was still fighting the restraints.
"No need to worry, this is going to make all those bad thoughts disappear" the doctor in charge spoke as they took what looked like headphones in their hands, wet with liquid as they began to turn the handle on the machine.

His breath quickened and it felt like everything around him was moving very quickly all at once as a female doctor came over.
"Just open your mouth dear" she spoke as Taehyung very cautiously widened the gap between his lips, only to have it stretched by a something that between his teeth, gagging him.

Suddenly he began to realise what this was and his body went into panic, trying to spit out the gag but it was quickly tied around the back of his head, like the tube that day. Although he was quickly realising this was way worse than that.

"Now, you may feel some pain, but it won't last long" The doctor told him as they came and stood over him, the female doctor walking to the machine.

Taehyung tried to protest, crying out against the gag, but it came out as muffled and just a bunch of noises that were not understandable.
"Now stay still and I promise it will be over soon" The doctor spoke as they nodded at the female before placing the headphone like items on his head.

The female began the countdown and Taehyung tried to beg and plead for this to stop, not wanting this at all, but it was too late and he knew what was going to happen. He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for the pain he was about to be in.

Like the doctor said it didn't last long, but it was enough. After he calmed down, they pulled the headphones off and began to wheel the machine away.
"I think we'll just have the one for today" The doctor spoke.

Taehyung was relieved it was over, his breaths heavy as he cried against the gag, tears falling from his eyes as it was removed from his mouth, allowing his cries to be heard from right down the corridor.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi were stood in horror at what they witnessed. They didn't see it actually happen, but they saw the flashing lights from inside the cell and they heard his cries that got louder when whatever they placed in his mouth was removed.

Instantly they broke away as they all fell against the wall, sliding down it so they were sat against it, neither of them saying a word as they tried to comprehend what just happened to their friend.

"Now do you believe me when I say he's suffering way more?" Hoseok suddenly snapped at Yoongi, angry at him for only now deciding to care.
"Fighting is not going to help right now" Namjoon told them both before Yoongi could answer back.

There was another silence as they heard Taehyung being wheeled back to his room, his small whimpers echoing around and it began to tug on their heart strings.

Suddenly they heard two doctors speaking, one they recognised as Doctor Lee, and the other as a new doctor.

"That was unnecessary, Taehyung does not need this kind of treatment" Doctor Lee was heard
"He's not improving therefore we are trying this on him once a day for a week" The doctor announced and the other three looked at one another in shock.

Taehyung was supposed to go through that everyday for a week?

"I know you tried, but this is all we can think of for Taehyung at this point" The doctor spoke before footsteps were heard.
Suddenly Doctor Lee appeared as he came to check up on the wolves.

"Excuse me! Can we visit Taehyung?" Hoseok jumped up, but he could tell from the look on his face that the answer was no.
"I'm sorry, but Taehyung is to not see anyone for a while"
That was an answer no one was expecting.
"So he's supposed to go through that everyday and not be able to see his friends? You're gonna drive him insane!" Namjoon protested
"I'm not happy with it either but I have lost control of the situation" Doctor Lee spoke sadly before he sighed.
"I'm sorry" and with that he walked away.

The three of them were left there in utter silence as they stared down the corridor to the room Taehyung was being kept in.
If they listened closely enough, they could hear his small whimpers from inside the room.

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