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By Nightskullfire

59.8K 944 1.3K

ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ, ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀsᴛ ɢᴇᴛs ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍɪʟʟɪᴏɴ ᴅᴏʟʟᴀʀs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴs ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴅᴜɴᴄᴀɴ... More

Chapter 1: Egypt pt.1
Chapter 2: Egypt pt. 2
Chapter 3: Making our Japanese Ads
Chapter 4: Freezing in the Yuknons
Chapter 5: What's not to love about New York?
Chapter 6: A traditional German dance
Chapter 7: The Amazons Kidnapped in the Amazons.
Chapter 8: The Louvre
Chapter 9: Losing a challenge over a boy
Chapter 10: All out of fuel
Chapter 11: Gwuncan begins
Chapter 12: Duncney Ends
Chapter 13: Broken hearted[Extra chapter]
Chapter 15: We are shearing sheep
Chapter 16: We built Gwen's face
Chapter 17: Arranged marriages
Chapter 18: I didn't think it would end like this
Chapter 19: Be on the look out for a missing Cody
Chapter 20: The Aftermath show
Chapter 21: Broken friendship
Chapter 22: After the end of World Tour
Chapter 23: Mending Formerly Broken Bonds
Chapter 24: The Statue of Liberty in the making
Chapter 25: Leach Wars!
Chapter 26: A special breakfast
Chapter 27: The blue harvest moon
Chapter 28: Egg hunting
Chapter 29: Into the ring
Chapter 30: A fancy boat race
Chapter 31: A Search for a missing host
Chapter 32: A Obsta-kill course.
Chapter 33: Making our Sundaes
Chapter 34: The semi-finals
Chapter 35: Sundae Mundae alternate version #1
Chapter 36: Sundae Mundae alternate version #2
Chapter 37: The finale
Chapters 38: Valentine's Day!
Chapter 39: Our next start
Chapter 40: Courtney Appreciation Chapter

Chapter 14: Boyfriend kisser

1.8K 31 93
By Nightskullfire

Aaron's POV

Sometime later at night, me and the girls were in first class. Now that the whole, Gwen and Duncan kissing situation is going on, everyone is plotting on voting Gwen off.

Well. Everyone one of us but Cody. Don't know why. About 80 percent of this is Duncan's fault. I'll put at least 20 percent of the blame on Gwen. And you know what else that sucks?

We were a perfect, strong elite team. Now that Duncan returned, he ruined all of that. Now the tension is so tense you can practically cut it with a knife.

Gwen sat alone in first class. Me, Sierra, and Courtney sat together. Courtney was writing a list.

"Pummel Duncan. Pummel Gwen. Wash socks." Courtney wrote but burst out in tears.

I softly patted her on the back. I'm the only support she has. Well, Heather and Sierra will comfort her from time to time. But I'm the only real friend she has.

But like I said before. The tension is really there. Sierra even made a tiny song about Gwen and bit off the head of a paper cut out.


Later on in the day, we were in the area where Chris would serve us meals. Courtney was on the floor crying and everyone was just watching.

"You stupid jerk face!" Courtney cried kicking the ground.

"Look. I'm sorry." Duncan carelessly apologized.

Duncan was then kicked(you've guessed it) right where it hurts.

I sighed and picked Courtney up off the ground and gave Duncan a sharp glare. I put my arm around her shoulder and ushered her out of there and back to first class.

/Aaron:"It hurts a lot to see Courtney like this. She's such an amazing person."\

We got the tissue box from yesterday and cleaned off her face.

"You Okay Courtney?" I asked her.

"I'm fine. At least I still have my pride." Courtney said hopefully but immediately after broke down crying.

I embraced her in a hug.

"There there. Let it out my friend. It's completely fine. The relationship was toxic." I told her, patting her head.

We released from out hug. I helped her with her tears. Chris started speaking on the loud speaker.

"Attention potential crash victims. Please remain calm. The auto pilot is testing some equipment. Snacks in the common area if you don't believe me and want a last meal."


Me and Courtney got to the common area and stood next to Alejandro.

"You call these snacks? We're all gonna die!" Owen cried, tossing the whole banana into his mouth.

Duncan came strolling in with a black eye. He approached Gwen.

"Looking especially pasty this morning." Duncan grinned.

"That means so much coming from a cyclops." Gwen stated.

"Ugh!" Courtney glared.

"Unbelievable. Forgive me I'm simply offended on your behalf." Alejandro told her.

/Aaron:"Okay. This Alejandro guy isn't that bad."\

"Perhaps a little payback is in order. How would Duncan like it if you flirted with someone?" Alejandro suggested.

/Aaron:"I take that back."\

Courtney has more class than that. Surely she isn't gonna listen. She gave Alejandro a nod.

"Aaron is super cute." Courtney stated to Alejandro.

"I. I am?" I blushed.

Tyler's shoe then came flying in our direction. I quickly caught it before it could hit one of us.

"That was close." I sighed, still holding the shoe.

Suddenly I felt arms hugging me from behind.

"Wow. So protective and strong Aaron." Courtney hugged me, leaning her head on my shoulder.

Okay... this is awkward...

The lights suddenly went off. Then someone 'anonymously' farted.

"The dark is my witness that was not me." Owen stated.

The fact that you have to state that is wasn't you before anyone says anything just says it all. Suddenly the plane went falling down. It did all sorts of flips and stuff.


We all got out of the plane and met up with Chris for our next challenge.

"Everyone. Welcome to the coolest extraterrestrial place in the world. Area 52." Chris annouced.

"52? Area 51 is where all the cool alien stuff is." Gwem stated.

"The show so broke we have to fake an area now?" Duncan smirked.

"Nope. This really is area 52. And that's area 51 right there. We're just inside the border. All of us expect Duncan." Chris stated.

Duncan was then zapped by a laser. He then landed on the ground. Courtney then burst out laughing behind me.

"Listen up space cases. Area 51 is one of the most tightly protected military bases in the world. Which is why tonight's challenge is going to be so much fun!" Chris said, laughing.

"Part 1, break into area 51 without getting shot, gassed, plasma, rayed, or otherwise killed. The place is guarded by elite black op soldiers. So if anyone does get exploded their untimely but hilarious demise will be blamed on a freak weather balloon accident. Part 2, each team must find a genuine working alien artefact inside area 51's infamous black box warehouse, the place is full of broken alien junk. You need to find something alien that still works. But be careful, the warehouse is loaded with booby traps. Part 3, teams must bring their working artifact back to area 52 intact. Last team back faces elimination. And do not get caught over there. Rumor has it that trespassers get their memories wiped and are transferred to an alien colony where they either become slaves or food. You have 'till dawn. Go!" Chris yelled.

Me and the Amazons took off running. We stopped at one point and examined the area.

"Ooo. Some kind of security vegetable patch." Heather said sarcastically." Cody, get your clammy hands off of my leg"

"I'm not touching your leg." Cody stated

Heather looked down and saw some werid thing hugging her leg. We all screamed and took off running. It was then blasted in the air behind us.

"Since when do lizards fly?" Heather asked.

"Everyone. Freeze. We are on a minefield." Gwen told us.

"Way to lead new Heather."

"Ugh! What are we gonna do?" Gwen asked.

"Why don't you make out with the minefields boyfriend?" Courtney suggested.

"We're wasting time. Someone do something." Heather stated.

The song bell then went off.

"Ugh! Anything but that." Gwen complained.

"Ok. I'll give you a choice. Would you rather sing a song, or tap dance on a mine field." Chris asked, flying on his jetpack.

Suddenly some lasers were fired.

"Woah! Okay! I'm out!" Chris flew off.

Courtney and Aaron: Boyfriend kisser! We thought she was our friend! But now It's time to diss her.

Sure we had some fun times but we're not gonna miss her now!

Heather: Boyfriend kisser!

Courtney: You're gonna get what's coming to you! If It's the last thing I ever do-oo-oo!

Heather: That's right!

Aaron and Heather: That's right!

Courtney, Aaron, and Heather: That's right! That's right!

Courtney: Let's go a little back we captured Duncan in a sack!

Heather: And had a laugh attack when you stretched me on the rack!

Aaron: All those times you made her smile.

Couetney: You wanted my man.

Courtney and Aaron: All the while!

Sierra: Duh! It was so obvious!

Aaron, Courtney, and Heather: Boyfriend kisser!

Aaron: You're not her new sister!

Courtney: You're a pus-y gothy, nasty blister!

Heather and Aaron: Boyfriend kisser!

Courtney, Heather, and Aaron: You're gonna get what's coming to you!

Courtney: If it's that thing I ever do-oo-oo!

Cody then used his candy to navigate us through the minefield.

"You found the way out! And you sacrificed your candy to do it!" Gwen exclaimed.

"Thanks the dork while you run." Heather stated.

/Aaron:" I watched all of season one and you know what bugs me? That Gwen has the nerve to kiss Duncan even though Heather did the same thing to her and Trent's relationship in season 1. Gwen understands the pain Courtney is going through so why would she set her up like that?!"\

Me and the girls got pass the minefield. Now, we just needed a way in. We saw black op soldiers running out of a door. That door was about to shut until Heather kept it opened.

We all ran in.

"Wicked! We beat Chris is really really really really hot here!" Gwen cheered.

"Think again patsy." Duncan grinned at Gwen.

"Welcome to the black box warehouse. Finding a functioning alien artifact in here is gonna be a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. A haystack with a black op security system I set off when I hacked into this PA. My bad." Chris said over the loud speaker.

Suddenly an alarm noise went off. We all dashed off in different directions.


Me and Courtney saw black op soldiers running, luckily we stayed hidden. Suddenly something hit Courtney's head. We saw Heather digging in a box.

Me and Courtney found a giant robot. Courtney kicked the robot and it turned on.

"Intruder alert. Initalizing elimination procedure." It said.

It then point a giant gun at her. I quickly pulled her away from the thing, but it fell through the floor.

We then saw Heather being sucked into a blue portal looking thing. Courtney was debating wheather she should help her or not. I started pulling Heather's leg out of the portal. Courtney stepped in and helped and we got her out.

"Ugh! What were you waiting for! I am covered in space snot! At least the stupid things intact."

Right as she said that, Courtney kicked it over and it fell over.

"Oh no. Eh, better keep looking." Courtney shrugged.

"Are you trying to lose?" Heather asked Courtney.

"What! As if!" Courtney turned around with a hot smirk and walked off.

Okay. Probably shouldn't let my mind get use to the idea of calling my best friend hot. Though there wasn't much of a word that fitted in that sentence... sneaky. Yeah. Sneaky. I guess that works.


We saw an artifact fly right over Gwen and Duncan's head. Duncan was about to go after Gwen tripped him and ran after the artifact.

"Try not to get eliminated." She told him.

"Same to you." Duncan smirked.

Courtney gasped.

"Aaron! This is our chance!"

"Our chance? For wh-" I started.

"To make Duncan jealous. Quick, kiss me!"

"Wait! What! We should think this-" I started but Courtney forcefully kissed me.

I was kind of surprised. These seem to just come out of nowhere. It felt good. I shut my eyes and passionately kissed back.

But I realized it was out of revenge and not love.

I pulled away and we saw Duncan roll his eyes and walk away.

"Yes!" Courtney cheered.

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at her.


"You just kissed me out of nowhere." I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't see the problem here. Besides, we kiss to usually get what we want."

"Well, yeah. But that was different."

"It was? You didn't complain when I kissed you last season." She crossed her arms.

"Well, yeah. But that was for immunity."

"Yep. Which was what we wanted. Just like now. Just like at the carnival. Besides, you were kissing back." She crossed her arms.

"Ugh. Nevermind. Let's just keep looking for an artifact."


Me, and the Amazons met back up with Heather. Well, all of us but Gwen.

"Tell me you two found something." Heather said to Cody and Sierra.

"I found a penny." Cody stated.

"Ugh! So we have nothing?!" Heather asked.

"That's great-ly bad for us!" Courtney lied.

"Guys! One working alien artifact! Totally intact! Ta da!" Gwen told us.

Sierra and Courtney scoffed.

"Save it for first class." Heather stated.

"I agreed with Heather. Let's get moving!" I stated.

/Aaron:"I don't like Gwen. At all. But I want Criminal idiot to go before Goth ball over here. I mean, sure there's a chance they won't vote Duncan off. But it'll give us a numbers advantage, increasing our chance of winning and increasing their chance of losing and sending Duncan home. Me and Courtney came here to win. So that's what I intend on doing."\


We were running as fast as we could.

"Ugh! The guys beat us?" Gwen asked.

Courtney then tripped Gwen and Gwen dropped the artifact in the process.

"No!" Gwen reached for it flying out of her hands.

"Oops." Courtney smiled.

The artifact landed right in Chris's hands.

"And the Amazons win again!" Chris annouced.

Everyone but Courtney cheered.


We went back in first class. I had my lemonade, and me Courtney and Heather were talking strategy.

"I want Gwen gone too. But strategy is key. Right now we've gotta focus on picking off the guys. Hello. Are you even listening to me?" Heather asked.

"Gothys going down. Gothy is going down. Gothy is going down." Courtney stated over and over as she wrote it down.

I took the pencil and book from her.

"That's enough revenge for one day. How about we get some sleep?" I suggested.

An: Well. A fair amount happened in that chapter. I decided to make Courtney flirt with Aaron instead of Tyler.

I mean, he does have a closer connection with her. Like, way closer. Plus, it added more drama. And we got another Courtney and Aaron kiss out of it.

Well, thanks for reading this chapter and dont forget to vote(I-if  you want to)

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