By miichinkim

4.4K 372 117

"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds."... More

~ Prologue ~
Run for your life !
Red rose
You don't know me?
Cold and wet
Detective Kim
I'm still hurting

Answers (Last Chapter)

171 8 0
By miichinkim

"You hurt me Jungkook-ah. Four years ago but I know you had amnesia. You didn't remember what's going on between us. It's unfair for me, you know? The way your family treated me." Y/N said to him. She grabbed Jimin hand.

"Let's go Jimin." she said.


Get away from my memory
Take your memories too
Please erase even your longing
I miss you even if I miss you
I'll forget every moment, I'll forget everything
Even your little trace.

- Done For Me, Punch. Hotel Del Luna OST Pt 12


Y/N was crying. Jimin looked worriedly at her. He sighed. "I told you not to do this and let him be." Jimin said slowly. He pats Y/N's hair and wraps her in a blanket that he brought in his car.

"We go home, okay? I'll send you home." Jimin said, comforting her. Y/N keeps silent. She looked at the street while Jimin was driving. She sighed.

"I don't want to go home, yet." Y/N said slowly. Her eyes were still watery. I can't approach you anymore Jungkook because I'm so afraid of my own feelings.

Jimin looked at Y/N worriedly. "Where you want to go, then?" Jimin asked her. His eyes were still focused on the road, driving safely.

"Anywhere but not home." Y/N said.

"Your parents will be worried, Y/N. Don't do this, okay?" Jimin pats her head lovingly. He smiled. She sighed. Yes, her parents will get worried if something like four years ago happens again. She doesn't want to make them worried. She nodded.

"Let's grab something to cool down and I'll send you home." Jimin smiled.


"So you're telling me she rejected you?" Namjoon asked weirdly. He was confused looking at Jungkook who came home not in a good condition. Namjoon was worried if something bad happened but seeing Jungkook crying, he sighed. He knew Y/N played with Jungkook's feeling but he was confused because of the way he looked at Y/N, it looks like she like Jungkook too. Why she did that to him.

"She told me that I'd hurt her in the past. She can't accept me." Jungkook said slowly.

"Hyung, is there something that I don't know?" Jungkook asked. He looked at Namjoon desperately. Namjoon sighed and nodded.

"There is." Namjoon said slowly. He turned off the tv leaving the silent between him and Jungkook. Namjoon looked at Jungkook, pity. "Something really bad." he said.

Jungkook looked at Namjoon confusedly.

"Four years ago, you kidnapped Y/N." Namjoon said.

"I do what? Am I crazy?!" Jungkook surprised. How can he kidnap a girl? Was he crazy at that time?

"You're not crazy but you obsessed with her. She doesn't even know you and we studied in a different faculty but our building is next to each other so there is a possibility you would meet her by chance. You like her. I noticed it for a very long time but you were so disappointed that she has a guy friend which she is too close to him. His name is Park Jimin." Namjoon told Jungkook. He looked at Jungkook who put on a shocked expression.

Jimin. He heard that name before.

'Let's go Jimin.' she said.

He remembered. So, that guy he meets was Jimin. Jimin was still with her after all these years. Jungkook sighed.

"Then one day, you text Y/N using Jimin's number to meet you at the park. Apparently, you hack Jimin's phone. I didn't notice there's something wrong with you at that time. I guess that you're just in love like other normal people do. Y/N came to the park and waiting for Jimin but he didn't come because he didn't know about it. She called Jimin and asked him but Jimin said that he never sent any text to her to meet him. Jimin noticed there's something wrong with it as Y/N always told him that there's a person who followed her everywhere she goes and that person is you but she didn't know it was you. Jimin told her to run away because he senses something wrong but it was too late. You hit her head and she blackout. You kidnapped her, Jungkook-ah." Namjoon told his dongsaeng.

Jungkook cried. He didn't know what to do. Why he do that to her? Why he was such a dumb. He started to feel disgusted with himself. He deserved this. He deserved what Y/N did to him. He had to apologize.

"Y/N's parents and Jimin had made a police report. Jimin paid a professional private investigator to find Y/N. We found her after a week she had been missing. We found her laying on the bathroom floor, unconscious. You ran away by jumping out from your window." Namjoon sighed.

"...and your head hit something hard. You had amnesia while Y/N was traumatized about things that had happened. Her parents want to do something but your parents paid them to keep quiet as your mom is a lawyer. They knew they wouldn't win the cases even if they fight for it. Y/N was treated unfairly by your parents." Namjood continued. He looked at Jungkook's eyes, smiling weakly.

"She recovered and continued her studies while Jimin always stays by her side, helping her with this and that but the only thing she didn't recover is, she still afraid of the dark. I don't know what you had did to her. She didn't tell the police either." Namjoon explained.

"I was wrong. I deserved it, right?" Jungkook cries.

"I don't know what to say as I already promised your parents not to tell you but I don't want to see you like this. I have to tell you." Namjoon said.

"I understand, hyung. It's not your fault. It's me. I'm the one who should be punished." Jungkook sighed.

"What will you do?" Namjoon asked.

"Apologize." Jungkook said.

Namjoon nodded. "I hope everything will be well for both of you." he said.


Y/N sighed. She can't stop thinking about him. Yes, him. Jeon Jungkook. The guy who messed up with her past.

"Erghh! Why I can't stop thinking about you Jeon Jungkook!!" Y/N frustrated. She regrets not listening to Jimin's bits of advice that day. She questioned herself, did she fall in love with him? Hell to the NO! She can't betray herself. No.

Y/N walked to the parking lot. The sky had already turned brownish. She takes a deep breath, her eyes wandering around the buildings that she'd passed.

'I better walk fast. It's getting dark.'

"Y/N!" someone grabbed her hand.

She was surprised by that person's action but she kept her eyes close. "Who are you?!" Y/N said with her eyes still closed.

The person who grabbed her hand chuckled a bit at her cuteness. "It's me."

Y/N opened her eyes slowly. Her eyes meet with that person's eyes. They stare at each other for a moment.

"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked coldly. She pulled her hand back from that person.

"I can be here whenever I want Y/N." he smiled.

"Stop it, Jungkook." Y/N walked away but Jungkook blocked her.

"I miss you." Jungkook said, sincerely. He looked at Y/N who didn't want to look at him.

"I'm sorry for what I did back then." Jungkook said slowly.

Y/N's tears flow down. She walked away leaving Jungkook behind.

'I'm sorry too, Jungkook.'

Jungkook sighed. Did Y/N really don't want to meet him anymore?


"Do you meet him again?" Jimin asked his best friend, Y/N. She nodded slowly, looking at him cluelessly.

"I don't know, Jimin. I don't ask him to meet me or search for me or whatever but why? I-..." She sighed.

"I just don't know. Okay?" She said slowly.

"I think I know." Jimin said.

"What?" Y/N asked him.

"Do you keep thinking about him?" Jimin asked. She nodded.

"I knew it! Told ya, Y/N." Jimin chuckled.

"What??" She asked frustratedly. Jimin was smirking at her and it was really annoying sight to see. She felt defeated for some reason and she didn't like that feeling.

"It's love." Jimin smiled.

"What the actual f*ck is this? Can't you be more relevant?" Y/N mad. What if it was real? No, it can't be.

Jimin smirked looking at her. He took a sip of his drink. She glares at him.

"Stop doing that face." Y/N pouts.


A few weeks had over. Jungkook didn't disturb her at all and she should be happy about it but somehow she feels empty without him. Y/N knew, she already falls in love with him but she didn't want to admit it. Ego dominates her feelings towards Jungkook.

Y/N sighed. "I should drive instead of walking here." She walked across the streets to the tailor's shop.

Honk! Honk!

Y/N looked at the noises. A car driving dangerously towards her. She stood there frozen. Panic hits her yet she can't move. She closes her eyes but she felt something pushed her aside. Y/N opened her eyes slowly as she felt something heavy hugged her.

"Jungkook?!" She looked at him.

"Can't you please not to do something that worried me Y/N?! You scared the shit out of me!" Jungkook scolded her.

Tears coming down from her eyes. She was sobbing. Jungkook panicked. Oh no! What did he do again? Pabo Kook-ah!

"Don't cry, Y/N." Jungkook wipes her tears and hugged her.

"Pabo!" Y/N hit him. She was struggling in his arms.

"I know. I'm sorry." Jungkook said slowly.

"Where did you go? I wait for you..." Y/N was sobbing. "I hate you!" she said, looking at him with her wet eyes.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said, hugging her tightly. "I love you." he said slowly. "I still love you."

Y/N looked at him. She knew he was sincere. "I can't stop thinking about you." she said slowly.

"Do you love me?" Jungkook asked. They both finally get up and facing each other. Thankfully there were not many people passing there.

Y/N nodded slowly. Jungkook smiled. "You gonna break my heart Y/N?"

She shooked her head. She smiled. "You really a quiet person Y/N-ah." he chuckled.

"Be my girlfriend?"

"I do."

"I'm sorry for everything, Y/N-ah." Jungkook said.

"It's all in the past. Forgive me too." she said slowly, enough for him to listen. He kissed her.

"It's all in the past Y/N. Let's start a new one. Just you and me. Future us." Jungkook said.

"I like that. Us." She giggled.

"Thank you." They smiled.

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