♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Ka...

By Puripuriko

25.9K 1.1K 187

Japan is sealed within a glass dome in order to prevent an apocalypse from breaking out. An organization know... More

♥00♥ The chosen one
♥02♥ She's my antidote
♥03♥ Flow like water
♥04♥ The strong are the shield for the weak
♥05♥ Phantom
♥06♥ I entrust my soul to you
♥6.5♥ The ones who wants to break the glass, Kiseki no Sedai
♥07♥ One week later...
♥08♥ WINGS vs Kiseki no Sedai
♥09♥ The truth hurts
♥10♥ Romeo and Juliet part 1
♥11♥ Romeo and Juliet part 2
♥12♥ Romeo and Juliet part ways...
♥13♥ Until we die!
♥13.5♥ New comrades
♥14♥ What is this world turning us into?
Day 1 Akashi Seijuurou
Day 2 -Midorima Shintarou-
Day 3 -Murasakibara Atsushi-
Day 4 -Aomine Daiki and Kuroko Tetsuya-
Final day -Kise Ryouta-
♥15♥ There is no going back
♥16♥ Release
♥17♥ We have to survive!
♥18♥ Stay with me
♥19♥ Reincarnation
♥19.5♥ Fall of the Rainbow
♥20♥ Despair
♥21♥ You have to come back!
♥22♥ We'll bring forth the miracle!
♥23♥ The me who called your name ♥Ending♥
♥Ending Note♥
♥Soul Key List♥

♥01♥ Blonde Terrorist

1.3K 47 6
By Puripuriko

Mitsuru looked up at Kise with confusion in her eyes. Kise just smiled at her and he brought her right hand up to kiss it. The moment his lips touched the back of her hand, a mark appeared appeared. The mark have a small circle in the middle and diamond-like patterns surrounded it. The mark looked like a sun shining out its rays. 

"This..." Mitsuru was even more confused by what's happening in front of her.

"With this, you can pull out Soul Keys..."

"Soul Keys?" 

"With your new power, you can pull out a weapon from anyone who puts their everything onto you... That weapon is a Soul Key." Kise was confident that the smaller girl in front of him can be trusted. He was not afraid because he knows she can do anything as long as she put her mind into it. 

"Why do you trust me so much?" 

"Why, you say... Because you are the chosen Queen!" He moved her right hand to the front of his chest. The glow on his body increased in brightness. Kise shut his eyes, "My Queen, I am one of your King... I offer you my everything." Kise then opened his eyes, "Now, use me!"

The light that surrounded Mitsuru and Kise dispersed. The dispersion caused everything that uses electricity nearby to cease working. From the safe rooms, all security cameras were rendered useless and all of the projections have disappeared. No one from the safe room can see what's going on outside. 

The Angel was stopped its movements and looked at Kise and Mitsuru. 

"Mitsuru!" Kasamatsu doesn't know what was going on but he was glad to see Mitsuru was alive. He can see that the bullet wound she had was completely gone, it was as if the reality that she was shot was rewritten. 

Mitsuru forced her right hand into the light on Kise's chest. 

"Ahh!" Kise felt pain when she forced her hand to grab what he claimed to be a Soul Key. 

Mitsuru took her hand back out. A yellow light came out and it surrounded Mitsuru, circling her, until it went into her eyes, forming a white circle on her iris. 

"Hehe... That is my Soul Key, Perfect Copy. Use it."

Frothing from the mouth in a rabid manner, the being that looked less and less angelic as time passed, stretched tentacle-like arms at Kise. Before it can reach Kise, Mitsuru quickly took out her military knife on her left thigh's holster where her other gun was too, and used the knife to cut off all of the arms with one swipe. 

"That was-!" Kobori recognized the way Mitsuru used the knife; it was literally a perfect copy of his own move earlier before. 

The Angel roared and its many arms suddenly shaped itself really sharply, so sharp that it can impale the ground. 

Mitsuru watched the many arms come at her from above and she avoided them one by one as it came down on her. 

"Mitsuru, you..." When it comes to utilizing the S.G's speed at will, Kasamatsu was superior compare to Mitsuru. Sometimes Mitsuru would hesitate to go too fast because when her mind was ready for the speed, her body wasn't. Seeing her right now, Kasamatsu felt like he was seeing himself riding the wind instead; she was making the exact same footwork as himself. 

"You've finally noticed." Kise walked over to Kasamatsu and the other two students, "Mitsucchi is only able to use your moves because she's seen them before. With my Soul Key, she can replicate the exact moves she's seen and use it for herself.

"Anyone's move?" Moriyama asked. 

Mitsuru pulled a trigger and a bullet was shot out. To her, it felt like slow motion as she watched the bullet ricochet from the hard surfaces. Just as many tentacle-like arms can impale her, she shot again to deflect the first shot towards the Angel's weak spot. 

"...!" The Angel felt the bullet go through from the stomach. The black heart inside the stomach started to cease to beat. 

"Anyone's move. Including your unorthodox shot." Kise looked at Mitsuru with great pride; she's worthy of becoming the chosen Queen. "She now has the ability to pull out Soul Keys. As a candidate for King, my Soul Key is a lot advanced than an average person."

The Angel turned to sand in an instant. Without the beating of the black heart, it will immediately cease to exist. 

Mitsuru was very tired. The white circles in her irisis began to fade away. Yellow light began to leave Mitsuru's body and it returned to Kise, the rightful owner of the Soul Key. 

"Mitsuru!" She was about to fall forward. Kasamatsu was ran over to her but Kise was a step faster and he stopped her from falling. 

"Mitsucchi, let's leave..." 

"Hey!" Kasamatsu ran over and grabbed Mitsuru's arm, "Where are you planning on taking her?!" 

"Mitsucchi is the chosen Queen." 

"That wasn't what I asked!" He pushed at Kise's face, trying to get Mitsuru from him. 

"Ahh! You're hurting me!" 

"Good! Let go of Mitsuru!" 

"No way! She is the Queen! The Queen!" 

"Let go!" 

"Should we help Kasamatsu?" Moriyama asked Kobori, witnessing the comical scene happening in front of them. 

"Kasamatsu, let's stop arguing for the moment and take Mitsuru to a safe place." Kobori reminded Kasamatsu. 

"Huh?! But this guy-" 

"You should come with us too." Kobori said to Kise. 


"She is not looking well, she needs to rest!" 

"Fine..." Kise reluctantly agreed. 


Kobori had a feeling that they shouldn't remain at Kaijou. WINGS arrived shortly after they had left and they were surprised that the Angel was already dead. The only job they have was to dispose of the bodies that the Angel killed. If they were left alone for too long, the virus will reanimate the dead body and return as an Angel. 

At Kobori's home, Mitsuru was safely tucked in bed. She was exhausted from using a Soul Key to fight. 

"Who are you?" Kasamatsu was still on Kise's case. Kise was not just a simple blonde boy and he will get to the bottom of things. 

Kise, however, was being un-cooperative. 


"I can hear you just fine." Kise groaned, "I have to take Mitsucchi back." 

"Why? How do you even know her anyway?" 

"She is the Queen! Of course I'd know her!" 

"That's not why I asked!" Kasamatsu hit Kise with the bottom of his gun. He's frustrated by this guy. 


"Answer what you have been asked, you little twit!" 

"What's with you?! I am a King! You can't hit me like that!" 

"Oh yeah?!" Kasamatsu hit him again, making it clear that he was the boss around here, not some guy who proclaimed he's the King. 

"Yukio-senpai..." Kasamatsu snapped out of hitting Kise and he went over to Mitsuru. 

"Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine..." 

"Good... You were amazing, Mitsuru." 

"Huh..." Memories from the earlier events caught up with her and she looked at Kise, pointing a finger at him. "You! What the hell was that all about?!" 

"Hehe, you pulled out my Soul Key to fight." Kise winked in a playful way. 

"You are pissing me off!" 

"Wah! Don't hit me!" Kise struggled against Kasamatsu, trying to defend himself from getting hit. 

"Look, I don't know what this whole Queen thing is about but..." Mitsuru sat up from the bed, "I have no interest in being your Queen, or anyone else's Queen. You have to look for somebody else." 

"That is impossible." 


"You are the only one compatible with the Queen's Heart. We have to have you with us..." Kise got up from the chair he was sitting on and held his hand out for Mitsuru, 

"Come to Kiseki no Sedai.

The three words at the end made Kobori, Moriyama, and Kasamatsu take out their guns and point them at Kise. Kise pulled out his guns too. Though Kise's clearly outnumbered, he still have the confidence to take them all on at once. 

'So this guy is a member of the terrorist group... Him? A guy who is the same age as Mitsuru?' Kobori thought in his head, still shocked of the fact that he had brought a terrorist to his own home!

"You three are making a mistake here..." 

"It's three against one, kid." Moriyama reminded. 

"It's true... But do you really think you can defeat a King?" Kise shut his eyes and re-opened them again. He's got white circles in his irises. 

"Yukio-senpai, don't shoot him! He's using his Soul Key!" Mitsuru tried to stand but she was too weak to do so. Kasamatsu noticed the change in Kise's eyes but he was still willing to fight if he needed to. 

"You can't defeat a King." Kise said again, "Let's try and talk this out, Senpai." Kise smiled, making his Soul Key disappear again. 

Kasamatsu put his gun down. Seeing Kasamatsu do that made Moriyama and Kobori do the same too; Kasamatsu realized that they might not be able to take Kise on, considering they have seen the way Mitsuru used his Soul Key before.

"You're from the terrorist group that's trying to break the glass dome... Why do you guys want to do that?" Mitsuru asked, after seeing the tension between both sides fading on the spot.

"Because if we don't break the glass, everyone will die." Kise said to her, "You have to believe me, Mitsucchi!"


Mitsuru doesn't know why but she had a feeling Kise might be telling the truth. Was humanity on its way to destruction? They weren't being protected all this time?

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