Black Cat's Diaries Series: 1...

By Kuroenekoeve

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"Revenge is the act that keeps me Alive and Lies are reason why I still have my Sanity" A girl who sacrificed... More

I: Black Cat: Headquarters
II: Yellow Mouse: Massacre
III: Yellow Mouse: Massacre (II)
IV: Black Cat: Main Estate
V: Golden Queen: Drina
VI: White Robin: Season
VII: White Robin: Season (II)
VIII: Black Cat: Kyrie Alice SchΓ€fer
IX: Black Cat: All Hallows' Eve
X: Red Spider Lily: Man of the Night
XI: Black Cat: In Hell
XII: Red Spider Lily: Man of the Night (II)
XIII: Blue Dog: Earl of Phantomhive
XIV: Blue Dog: His Thirteenth Birthday
XV: Blue Dog: His Thirteenth Birthday (II)
XVI: Black Demon Hound: Land of Bad Dogs
XVII: Black Demon Hound: Land of Bad Dogs (II)
XVIII: White Demon Hound: The Good Dog (III)
XIX: Black & White Kittens: Winter Solstice's Children
XX: Black Cat: Her Fourteenth Birthday
XXI: Blue Diamond: Cursed Hope Stone (I)
XXII: Orange Puppet: Hope Ring's Fair Lady (II)
XXIII: Orange Puppet: Hope Ring's Fair Lady (III)
XXIV: White Christmas: Her Family

XXV: Golden Ghosts: Respect Your Elders

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By Kuroenekoeve

"What sort of philosophers are we, who know nothing of the origin and destiny of cats?"

-Henry David Thoreau


December 28, 1888

London, England


Dear: Diary,

Yesterday my grandparents decided to stay in Great Britain until Spring. Oma will settle at the Main Estate up north to finish her future novel, while Grand-pere and Baba will nestle at the countryhouse in Wales, to finish some of businesses and venture out the country while leaving Sasuke under my care.

Last night, I had the same dream again. The same boy somewhat about my age who kept mentioning that if I want the real answers I should go to the Tower of London, before I will regret everything later on. For certain, I don't even know if he had the same age as I am, and I don't even remember how he even looks like.

I know I must do this, there is only three days left until this year and two days, until I will confront Her.


[Tower of London]

It was afternoon. The snow ceased to fall, but the sky still remain gloomy, like this White Tower that stood in front of me. I placed myself on the castle's innermost ward's, snow-covered, yard and glance around. I saw other towers, residential houses, and other architectures surrounding the White Tower, which is the King's residential home.

"Artemis, are you sure you are going inside this castle?" Adrian asked as he looked down at me. I heard as he rustled his gloved hands inside the pockets of his coat as if searching for something, and continued, "This is an infamous place for ghost"

"I already knew that. I just want to clarify something," I said as I fixed my coat and I entered the entrance of the haunted White Tower.

Ariel stayed in the mansion to remove all the Christmas decorations and plans to redecorate the mansion for next year, while Sasuke will substitute Mr. Bisset as the shopkeeper in Papillon Noire, until he gets back from France after winter break. A rumour had been spreading and I heard that the shop is always filled with young women who want Sasuke's attention. Although, Sasuke is not the type of person who flirts freely, he is a very reserved person, or rather mysterious.

As I entered the tower, I saw that the first floor was a chapel that is covered with Byzantine paintings of the Madonna and Child and angels and saints surrounds them like heavenly guardians. Then, I saw chandeliers of unlit candles filled the area, and on each corners of the room are occupied with marble stairs that leads up to the upper floors and down the basement.

Suddenly, I realized that we are not alone. Is it the ghosts? I heard footsteps coming down from the stairs of the upper story and before I knew it, I was surprised to see a familiar face. Thump! A thump from my heart?

"What are you doing here?" I demanded as I crossed my arms over my chest. I thought the guards said that this place is closed for renovation.

"I would like to ask you the same question," Ciel said as he took a glance at me before he peered back at the papers in his hand, and added, "Aren't you tresspassing?"

"How about you, you're the one to talk," I replied and took a seat at one of the chairs of the silent chapel. Suddenly, I heard as the doors of the tower creaked open and I looked at the door. Adrian. As he saw Ciel he took a bow in respect, even though he heartedly disliked Sebastian.

"It's an order from the queen. She wants me to investigate about the ghosts that's been scaring the workers, which is slowing down the progress of the tower's restorations," Ciel said as Sebastian emerged from the stairs, wearing his usual black trechcoat over his tailcoats.

When Ardian and Sebastian locked their eyes together, we heard as the doors' metal bolts moved and locked us all inside the White Tower. At the same time, I listened as I heard voices and shoesteps echoed inside the tower. Also, I felt that the temperature is getting colder and a wisps of air starts to light the candles inside the chapel.

"What's happening?" I asked Adrian and anyone who is listening, but then I realized something and muttered, "Is that you?"

After I said that, everyone looked me as if I was mental. In an instant, a silhouette walk down from the stairs towards us.

A boy, somewhat my age, with gold, shoulder length hair, appeared in front of us, who wore a dark green doublet with black jerkin over it. He also wore a matching skirt with a black hose under it and black shoes, with a gold necklace around his neck. It's him!

"Welcome to my home. How may I help you today," he said as he saw the four of us. Did he forgot that he was the one who instruct me to come here?

"May I please know the Master of this residence's name," I said as I walked toward him. He is a ghost, could it be the missing King?

"I am Edward the fifth, King of England" he declared and expected us to bow at him. Sorry, but that was long time ago, this is the nineteenth century.

"Excuse me Your Highness, but it seem that you have forgotten something," Ciel began as he appeared calm and looked at the papers for confirmation before he added, "You are not the ruler of this land...anymore"

"Couldn't you have spilt that later," I spoke to Ciel and whispered as I got closer to him, "He doesn't know that he is already dead"

"Silence!" Edward commanded and added as he looked at me, "You both shall be punished"

"Please, Your Highness forgive His Grace, this time," Adrian said as he tried to act nice in front of Edward, who still stood on the stairs to show his superiority.

"Also, I humbly apologize in My Lord's stead," Sebastian added as he bowed with Adrian. I can't stand this charade anymore.

"You listen here Edward, I have no time for dilly-dally. You disturbed my dreams and called me for two nights straight. Now I'm here," I yelled and continued, "Let's get this over with before dinnertime, shall we?"

"What are you saying?" Ciel asked me and I know that the other two also want to know what's my real intention for coming here.

"It looks like you inherited my sister Elizabeth's impatientness," he said as he walked toward me and untied my hair as they fall softly on my shoulders, "Artemis from the House of Blackrose or should I say from someone else's"

"What are you saying..." I mumbled as I looked at him in disbelief. He might have mistaken me for someone else.

"Aren't you even curious about that birthmark of yours," Edward continued as he looked at me with his colorless eyes, and added, "Why don't asked that beloved guardian of yours, surely he must told you about his past"

"Adrian, what is he talking about?" I asked Adrian as I continued to glance at Edward.

"Don't tell me, she doesn't know about her lineage?" Sebastian interrupted as he asked Adrian. I saw as Sebastian smirk over Adrian's reaction.

"Stay out of this Crow-demon," Adrian shouted and continued, "I'm sorry Artemis but it's better if you know nothing about your history and my past"

"You can never trust anyone.They will betray you sooner or later," Edward said and added, "Just like what happened to me and Richard"

The chandeliers began swing back and forth, while the objects inside the room began to shake, it feels like an ominous aura had swallowed us, that it's suffocating me to death.

"Stop with this nonsense," Ciel shouted as he glared at Edward and tried to calm me down.

"My dear boy, hadn't you experience a recent betrayal too, from your Aunt" Edwards taunted as he smiled and I knew Ciel is getting mad.

"Brother, stop it!" a voice interrupted, belonging to a little boy who run to us from the basement's entrance.

"Richard, what are you doing here? I thought you were playing with Anne and Jane" Edward said as he returned to his relax appearance and I saw a color of his eyes which are gold that is similar with his hair.

The boy is somewhat younger than Edward, and he wore the same outfit but in all black while a berret sat on his head. Also, he has the same hair and eye color as his older brother. Richard.

"They told me that they are going somewhere and will be back later on," Richard said and glanced up at me and added, "Isn't she pretty Edward?"

"Of course, she is big sister's descendant after all," Edward said as he walked away as if nothing happened. As Richard saw my expression, he pulled my hand and I felt that it was cold, like holding a block of ice.


We found ourselves occupy the east side of the upper story of the tower, which is the chamber area. I looked at my pocketwatch from my vest pocket and it is almost dinnertime. Sasuke should be home by now and they will be alone together until Edward let's us out of this prison.

Edward forced us to attend dinner and Sebastian insisted on making the meals for us. I glanced at all the audience around the table and tried to avoid Adrian's gaze as I sat across Ciel and next to Richard, who never dared leave my side after he held my hand.

"Richard, can you give her a little space to breath," Edward insisted after he chewed his food. How can he eat and where does it go? As if he can read my mind, he looked at me and I instantly avoid it by looking at Ciel.

"But she is just so cute, she reminded me of sister," Richard said as he playfully touched a few strands of my hair.

"Do whatever that suits you," Richard said as he focused his attention on his meal. Is he jealous that I have his little brother's full attention?

"As I was saying hours ago, can you abandon this area and move on," Ciel began after he finished his meal, and I saw as Sebastian took the plate from him. Then he added, "It's an order from current ruler, Queen Victoria"

"I can't do that. I still have few things to finish," As Edward said that he glanced at me. Is he referring to that dream?

"If you are done with your business, can you immediately go to the afterlife,"Ciel continued and I knew that he is trying to be nice as possible. Sooner or later, he might left with no choice and order Sebastian to do something forceful.

"What if I wouldn't, what will you do," Edward said as he glared at Ciel.

"I will use force and by then, I wouldn't be as nice as I am at this hour," Ciel said and I noticed that Sebastian smirked at Ciel's reply.


Before I knew it, it was bedtime and I was forced by Richard to occupy in his chamber, eventhough Edward, Adrian and Ciel protested against it.

It was almost midnight and I lay myself on the bed while Richard sat next to me as he continue combed my hair with his hands.

"I'm sorry about what brother did to you today," He said as he looked down at me.

"It's okay" I lied. Everytime my head replay what Edward said, it made me question my existence, my family and my missions.

"I'm really sorry," he continued and I heard as the door opened. I got up to see the visitor and it was Edward.

"Richard could give us a minute," Edward began as Richard never let go of my hand. Suddendly, I heard women's voices from the outside calling for Richard.

"I guess that Anne and Jane are back," Richard said as he glanced at the window and looked behind me before he left, "I will be back soon, Artemis. Brother, don't hurt her again"

"As you wish" Edward sighed as Richard left the room and float through the closed windows.

Minutes passed by and silence axphyxiate the room. I took a glanced or two at Edward who sat on the couch across the bed.

"Can you tell me the reason you summoned me here," I said as I fixed the blanket on myself. It's so cold.

"Since you are very persistent, I might as well tell you. Although, I can't intervene much but I will give you a hint," Edward began as he focused his attention to me and continued, "I know that you are going to do something bloody, but I must tell you that you are blaming the wrong person"

"What do you mean?" I asked as I put my hand on my aching skull, "It's her, is't not?"

"It's not the one you called the Golden Queen, it's the White Queen" Edward said and continued as he appeared next to me, "My sister's granddaughter, that Queen"


The next morning, Edward opened the doors of the tower and recommends that I should leave instantly before Richard finds out and forced me to stay permanently in the White Tower or worse, stay in my mansion.

Edward and I stood outside and saw as some of the snow piled up on the corner while others melted creating almost a small pond in the far distance. I glance and watched as Ciel and Sebastian roamed the area and note the labourers' progress, while Adrian stood six feet behind me.

"Your Highness. Are your tasks still unfinished?" I asked and continued, "If it's done, can you furfill the wishes of Lord Phantomhive and leave this place now"

"My child you are too young to instruct me what to do" Edward said and continued as he smiled mischieviously, "Why do you refer to him so fomally if you are so close as to be called as lovers"

"W-What are you talking about? Are you spying on me" I stuttered and covered my face with my gloved hands. As I calmed my beating heart, I face him again and added, "You're not spying by going in my dreams, right?"

"Of course not. It's written in both of your faces, especially yours" he uttered as he smiled and I heared Ciel sneezed in the corner. Then Edward began as he glanced at Adrian, "I think you should forgive that servant of yours too. His reasons are very understandable"

"But you said, he knows everything and maybe he knows where Apollo is" I said as I looked at the sky and looked at the gloomy sky that resembles Apollo's sickly eyes.

"I know I said too much but if I was in his shoes I would do the same," Edward said as he approached me and patted my head. Why do I feel like I know him. A nostalgia towards him and Richard like that ring.

"I have to know. Everything" I muttered as I meet his almost transparent eyes, "I need to know that everything I did was right"

"I know you want to know but I recommend that you ask him at the right time and today, even tomorrows, are not one of them" Edward said and continued, "I will released you from your greatest lie and truthfully tell you this"

The sun's light passed through his crystal-clear body and begin warm me up. I could barely see his form, but I knew that he is still there and will stay at this tower forever.

"What is that lie, tell me," I persisted as I really want to know. What is that lie that fuels all the things that I do? That keeps me from ending my life everyday.

"You can't lie anymore because you can tell this to your mind. He is alive," he said and continued with a grim looked on his face, "but is wandering"

"Wandering? Because he is alive and well, right?" I asked happily and I knew that all of the Adrian and even Sebastian and Ciel at the far corner heard it.

"No, I mean he is lost and bodiless. He thinks that he is a ghost and worse of all, he doesn't have his memory. If this goes on, he will walk on the Earth forever."


As I arrived home, I excused myself and buried myself in my room. I tried to looked for books about this cases from religious texts, cults and philosophies; and most of them doesn't have answers. Although I did asked if Ariel and Adrian if they could detect his presence and they both said no.

They mentioned that they couldn't even detect it after we made our covenant, as If I was born an only child. Also, they suggested that maybe they couldn't detect him because he is out of his body and they warned me that if he leaves his body for a longer period of time he will lost his memory forever.

Our memories with Mama and Papa, will only be mine alone if this continues. It would feel like they never existed as if it was just a creation of my mind, just like Alice's Wonderland.

Apollo is the other witness of their existence, and the witness of that murder. That event that ruined my wonderland and the root of everything.

Please don't wander too far. Where are you now Fairy Prince?

-Black Cat


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