A tale of fated love- BOTW

By GroovyS

106K 2.8K 674

-SECOND BOOK OUT!- Frozen for 100 years, Crown Princess ___ of Hyrule was expected to have perished along wit... More

Chapter one: 100 years ago
Chapter two:Present day
Chapter 3: a new found friendship.
Chapter 4: A long day for both of us
Chapter 5: Links unwanted return
Chapter 6: jealousy
Chapter 7: Winning you over.
Chapter 8: preperation
Chapter 9: preperation
Chapter 10: Valentines Fare (part one)
Chapter 10: Valentines fare part 2
Chapter 11: wedding day surprises
Chapter 12:Pregnancy cravings
Chapter 13: Announcing the pregnancy.
Chapter 14: truma and healing
Truma and healing pt2
Chapter 15: the due date
Chapter 16: The Baby's home!
Chapter 17: Wedding planner
Chapter 18: The wedding.
Chapter 18: The wedding pt2
Chapter 19: Remember when...?
Remember when pt2!
Chapter 20: Mum...Dad...how did you meet?
Chapter 21:That special day
Chapter 22: Birthday wishes
Chapter 23:Giving birth
Chapter 24: The news
Chapter 25: The jump in years.
Chapter 26: snooping
Chapter 27: Familiar faces.
Chapter 28: The Swimming prep.
Chapter 29: The Swimming Competition.
Chapter 30: A familiar face
Chapter 31: Home
Chapter 32: Mother
Chapter 33: the start of a new bond
Chapter 35: Feud's
Chapter 36: Explaining Child Ganon
Chapter 37: Feelings
Chapter 38: Embarrassment
Chapter 39: A mothers excitment
Chapter 40
Please read! ❤️

Chapter 34: Cousin Link

627 18 4
By GroovyS

Ages of characters:

You- 30 something
Sidon- probably like 5000000 years old at this point
Keiran- 17 years old
Ralis- 15 years old
Ruto- 15 years old
Zelda (reincarnation) - 15 years old
Link (reincarnation) - 14 years old
Zelda (your sister) - 30 something
Link (old) - 30 something

Just a reminder!^^

Ruto's POV

I can't keep my eyes off her, we have been running for a while now and are on our way back to get breakfast but she just does everything with grace and beauty.

Meanwhile I'm panting and looking like a slob.

"Do you want to walk the rest?" My head rose from looking at the stone path to see my mother, fit as a fiddle, smiling at me. She had her hands on her hips and the ponytail that was once perfect had strings of messy hair falling out. It only made her look more beautiful though.

"I'm okay! You go on ahead I'll meet you in the dining hall!" I waved my small , clawed hand at her as if I was shooing her away.

"Okay, only if you're sure!" She gave me a tight squeeze and began to run up the hill towards the castle's main entrance.

As I caught some breath back I realised that I actually had no idea how to get back to the dining hall or even my room.

"Ohh no." I groaned as I walked through the huge oak doors, my feet made a small sound on the plush carpet that covered the cold black and white tiles underneath. As the main corridor ended I was stood in the busy area of Hyrule Castle's grand staircase.

People in armour were situated at the top and bottom of the staircases and even at every door/entrance. Some people were cleaning, some were carrying books, others were just talking to their colleagues.

"Lost already are we?" A low voice came from my right and there was Prince Link walking down the rest of the steps.

"I-I'm sorry, yes I am lost." He looked more strong in person, sure he was quite small for a 14 year old but he still had plenty time to grow. The knights uniform he was dressed in suited him well and his light blonde shaggy hair was covered with a beret sort of hat.

"Don't be sorry, it's hard to get around, I know. I'm link, your cousin!" He took my hand without question and shook it lightly.

"Yes, I've heard of you." I wasn't going to say that I was obsessed with the Hylian Royal family was I?
Looking at him closely like this made me realise the resemblance between him and his sister Zelda. They were so alike, they had light blonde hair and big blue eyes that felt like they were searching your soul.

"You did your research! Come on where do you need to go? I'll show you!" He's loud and chirpy, nothing like his father. He talks, smiles and jokes around, as if there is no tomorrow.

"The dining hall. Please."
His fringe swayed as he nodded his head.
"Alrighty, this way madam!" He held out an arm in the direction we had to walk in and so I headed for the stairs.

He was very nice, Link taught me secret passageways that no servant or guard knew about and even told me little facts about the people here. Apparently Zelda has an obsession with history too like me.

"Here we are!" My feet ached after that long staircase we just walked up, it was probably the 5th one we had to walk up but now there was a long corridor that held two large brown doors. Talking could be heard from inside. Walking ahead of me Link pushed open the nearest door to us and let me walk in before him.

As the door was opened I was hit with a warm golden light from the chandeliers hung on either side of the room. There was some sort of other door that must lead outside too by the looks of the amazing views that could be seen out of the large windows.

The talking fell silent as we both entered until Zelda saw me and smiled with glee. Her smile could always make me feel at ease here.

"There you two are!" Keiran and Ralis gave us amused looks as they complained on our late timing.

Link put an arm around my shoulder before speaking up,
"Sorry to be late men!" He gave Zelda a wink before continuing,
"I was showing our new member where the dining hall was! Now I know she's the first female of the group, but we should treat her the same!"
Link banged his fist on the table as him, Keiran and Ralis cheered with laughter.
Zelda let out a loud groan which got Link to smirk even more.

"Ahh I'm only kidding Zeldsss, you're still my main man." His other arm left my shoulder so he could reach over the table to rub her hair.

Zelda just rolled her eyes at Links joke on her being a 'man' and pushed his arm away . I had to bite my lip from stifling a laugh. Was Link always like this?


This was a short chapter but I had to include Link and Ruto's meeting at some point!
I'll continue the rest of the breakfast soon in the next chapter!

My holiday is still going strong and I'm really trying to get chapters out! I go home soon in two days so I'll have decent Wifi!


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