Between the Storms

By 2many2count

55.5K 2K 43

Magdelena is back and this time things are just not going for her. With Morgause still trying to get her to j... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight

Chapter Sixteen

1.1K 42 0
By 2many2count

16. The Start of Evil

Magdelena was outside in the forest picking some herbs Gaius had asked Merlin to get but he was busy with the Prince's chores and Uther had been doing his own thing the past few days. There was a caw and she looked up at the sky to see a crow flying down to her, she watched as he landed on a low hanging branch, she saw a small paper wrapped around one of his legs, clasped in a small metal ring. 

Waving her hand over it the ring came off and attached its self to her middle finger, the paper fell into her hand and the crow took off in the direction it had come from. She unrolled the paper to see rather familiar handwriting written in black ink, 'Castle of Fryien tonight.' She didn't need a name on the paper to know it was from Morgause. The paper turned to a small pile of ash in her hands, Magdelena dreaded what this favor was going to be. 

She collected the rest of the herbs before going to the chambers of Gaius, she never told him about her deal with Morgause nor had she told Merlin or Uther meaning she was going to have to come up with a lie that each would believe and if asked it had to line up so they didn't discover it was a lie. 

She gave Gaius the herbs and went to her bed-sitting their hiding behind a book to try and think of a lie to tell the three people. She could tell them it was death business but then Uther would demand to know what about since he was bonded to her, Merlin would want to help and Gaius would be fine with it unless Merlin brought it up and then Gaius would ask questions. 

She could just disappear but when she got back she would have the three lectures, Uther about leaving him without a servant or notice to get a temporary one, Gaius about worrying him like that, and Merlin about leaving him here alone with no note on where she was or what she was doing. 

"Maggie?" Gaius asks she looks to see him standing there with a worried expression, "I have been trying to talk to you for some time now. Are you alright?"

"Gaius I know you would have great words but I fear you will be angry at me if I tell you the truth," she says putting the book down and staring at him. 

"Maggie just tell me," Gaius says and she looks at him for a moment but shakes her head, "Maggie please nothing you do will make me hate you. You're like a daughter to me."

"I won't give you any specifics but I made a deal with a sorcerer and now they are calling on their part of the deal," she says shaking her head as she realizes just how stupid she had been.

"What is their part of their deal?" Gaius asks confused as to where advice would come with it.

"A favor," she says, "I am almost certain it will take me some time to get whatever it is they want. Which is where you come in, I need a story to tell Merlin and Uther, since you already know I won't need one from you." 

"If you don't know for sure what the favor is, why not find out," Gaius says, "Then figure out a cover story. You may have a better idea of how long it will take once you know what you have to do."

She pulls the man into a large hug, "I am glad I told you, Gaius," she says before looking outside to see it was becoming dark, "I best get going. Tell Merlin I should be back by morning."

Magdelena makes her way to the stables where Gilthunder was eating some hay, 'What do I owe the pleasure?' he asks staring at her, 'Are we going on a quest?'

"Not yet," she says leading him out of the stall and to the moonlit courtyard, "Do you know where the Castle of Fyrien is?"

'Yes, it is an abandoned castle by the sea. Why do you ask?' he asks curiously as she jumps on his back, 'Is that our destination?'

"Yes," she says before kicking him a bit and he takes off running through the gates and lower town, some knights were slightly shocked to see her out at night again since it had been some time since she has left at night last. Once they were in the forest away from the eyes of the knights his glamour left and Gilthunder took to the sky, "Gilthunder I must tell you something."

'What is it?' he says his voice taking a slight hint off worry to it as her tone was rather serious and worried.

"I owe Morgause a favor and we head tonight to find what she wants for her favor," she says Gilthunder stops moving forward flapping his large wings as they stay in place.

'That is dangerous. I am glad you told me though,' he says slowly moving forward once more, 'I will keep my eye out for trouble.'

"You are a friend I would be lost without," she says rubbing his neck a bit as the sea slowly comes to view. The waves crashing can be heard the closer they got, Magdelena had never seen a more beautiful view, the stars and the full moon were shining brightly reflected in the black ink colored water. Gilthunder flew over it getting low enough that her feet could feel the wet splashes of the waves as they crashed against each other, "I never knew the ocean could be this beautiful!" 

'Shall we get this over with?' he asks she looks out at the ocean once more before she nods her head and he flies to a castle which was near where they had been flying over. Landing on top of it Magdelena jumps from her horse, 'I will be back just call me when you're done.' Gilthunder takes off flying as she makes her way through the castle trying to find Morgause. She was in the throne room looking around when the doors opened and in walked Cenred and Morgause - who smiled at the sight of the girl.

"How did you get inside the castle!? My guards didn't see you enter!" Cenred asks making her raise her eyebrow at him.

"Good to see you again Magdelena," Morgause says walking forward hugging the younger girl who doesn't do anything, "Come we can speak on the way to the entrance."

"Allow me to accompany you, two ladies," Cenred says wanting to be included in the conversation.

"We will be fine without you," Morgause says leading the girl with a hand on her lower back as they exit the throne room leaving Cenred alone in there slightly angered by the witches actions.

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