By gojocallsmedaddy

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' Love is war and war is love. ' There is none who didn't fight for love. But the history remembers those who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 15

87 7 11
By gojocallsmedaddy

Harry's POV:

She rested her head at the back of the bench as I looked at her. So peaceful and calm.

It has been so long since I met someone who didn't freak out on seeing me except for some celebrity.
It was amazing to be with her right now, making the best use of my day.
It was so different with her.

Everything was different. She didn't make me feel left out or like a celebrity. She actually listened to me and talked with me. She didn't scream in my ears like the other fans. She was just so different from a fan. She was different.

She opened her eyes and stared at something at a far. “Harry!" She said in a low yet terrified tone. "What's wrong?" I asked, confused from her sudden gesture.

"I think it is time to run." She pointed at something and I looked at it- three or four men with big cameras in their hands were approaching us very soon. Paparazzis!

I took her small palm in mine and stood up. "Run!" I shouted and we both started running towards the exit of the park. The paps were behind us as we gained more speed.

She was laughing and giving her best smile as I took in one of the best moments of my life. After a long time I had so much fun running from the paps, last time it being me with the boys on our Up All Night Tour.
"Are they following?" She shouted, running out of breath.

I turned around and saw them behind us. "Yes!" We laughed harder and kept running until I found some dark space in the middle of two blue houses.
"Here!" I pulled her between the space and adjusted myself too.

I was about to laugh hard when she pressed her palm to my lips, closing my mouth as she kept her other hand on her mouth preventing both of us from bursting out. Her touch made me tingle and overwhelmed my mind for some reasons unknown.

I looked at her eyes which were shining from the only light coming from behind me. She was gorgeous. She was bold. She was just herself when every other girl tries to show her best around me. She avoided my gaze and I could sense her growing uncomfortable, so I looked away.
We stayed for quite a few seconds when everything went silent. I peep my head out from the space and looked around. The paps didn't find us here maybe. Anyways, they were gone.

"Clear. Follow me." I said like a troop leader trying to make an impression and headed to my right. She nudged my elbow softly and said, "Anyone would get lost if they had a leader like you. We came from this way Harry." She turned left and walked, leaving me amazed with her confidence behind.

She was different for sure.

Nandini's POV:

I started walking to where we came from as Harry came running from behind me. "Wait for me." He quickly matched his long steps with me and soon overtook me.

The scene of us standing together flashed my mind. He stood almost hovering above me, his crystal clear eyes looking directly inside me.
I guess he didn't catch me blushing but I was drooling with an unknown feeling. My mind was going crazier with every second, the tickling grew and I could no longer lock eyes with him and looked at my feet or the way behind him.

"Come on Nandini, now you are lagging behind." I snapped out of my little flashback and saw him too ahead of me. "I don't have giant steps like you." I pressed my palm and tried to bring back the feeling of his soft lips on them and paced forward.
There was a grocery store beside us and my throat was drying. "A drink?" I asked him. He shook his head so I just brought a milkshake for myself.

I took a sip as she watched me eagerly. "Is that cookies?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yup. You want one? Should I bring another?" I offered.
He came closer.

"No, I am fine with this." He snatched the pack from my hand and started running.

"Hey Harry! Come back here!" I ran behind him until I realised he was heading towards his car.
Being so huge and a lot faster than me, he reached his car soon and leaned against it, taking a long sip of the milkshake.

I jogged to him and tried to snatch the pack from him but he was way bigger. He held his hand high in the air and I jumped in order to reach it but failed miserably.

"Harry this is not fair!" I gave up and crossed my arms on my chest.
He slowly brought his hand back and brought it closer to me. Finally!
I raised my hand to take it but as soon as I was about to take away my property, he again held his hand high.

"Harry! I'm not taking it." I turned around and raged furiously and heard him chuckle.

He turned me around, still laughing, and handed me the drink. "Sorry, but you should look at yourself. You are damn cute." He grinned.

I took a sip only to find it was nearly empty. I shot him an angry look only to increase his laughs. "Alright. I was thirsty too." He defended himself and raised him palms up.
This time I laughed with him.

I lost the track of time and realised it was already past 4. "Oops! I missed half of the time after the break." I said, glancing at my phone.
We sat in the car but instead of driving, he kept it still.

"I still don't know where you live." He pouted making an adorably cute face, if that makes sense.
I guided him the way to our apartment as I had already lost some time and it would be a waste if I go back to the office.

He turned the engine off and we stepped outside. I led the way to my floor and opened the door.

"This is beautiful," he bumped on the couch "and cozy." I smiled and entered the kitchen to get some water.

He followed seconds later and leaned on the counter.
I glared him and said, "I will still miss my milkshake." He grinned widely, showing off his dimples as I mirrored.

I showed him my room and rest of the house. We stayed lying on my bed and talking about random stuff like our school days. Time flew.

He said after a brief moment of silence. "It is getting late." It was six already and it would take him a long time to reach his hotel. I just hummed. "You should go, I guess." He didn't say anything.

I got up. "Harry you will get late and I don't want you to drive late at night." He got up and just hummed. "Yeah, right." He headed to the door.

"Harry wait, could you please drop me at the office? I have my car and stuff there." Realisation hit him and he made and 'o' face.

He drove in silence and there was no sound other than that of engine.
We reached quickly as he killed the engine. I didn't get out.

"I will miss you." He finally said in a low tone. I nodded "me too." We sat there for what felt like hours.

"I Umm... Should get going." I said.


As I was about to grab the handle and open the door, he called my name. "Nandini?" I turned around to find him staring at me.

"Yes?" He didn't say anything. I waited for him to proceed as he scooted closer and put his hand on my cheeks. I locked eyes with his as he put his other hand around my neck, filled the gap between us and soon, rested his lips on mine.

He kissed me.

“May I go further?” He asked pulling away for a while. All the cells in my body were screaming to tell him not to stop. “Yes.” I whispered.

It took me a second to realise but his soft lips melted on mine and the world stopped around us, making me forget everything. I warped my hands around his broad shoulders and closed my eyes, taking in every detail of that brief yet unforgettable moment.

It was a soft kiss and we pulled up as he rested his forehead on mine. I wanted everything to stop. Right here. Right now. But it couldn't. I wanted to keep my head on his forever, but I couldn't.

"You should probably go." He said, emotions flicking in his eyes.

I looked at him one last time and got out of the car, heard the engine turn on and went in the building.
My heart felt heavy, my eyes were filling with unwanted tears as I headed to cabin. What happened just now?

I tried to pack my things and took my purse and the rest of the files and headed to my car. I will complete these at home.

As soon as I entered the car and locked myself in, my tears busted out. I was with Harry. I spent my best moments with him. Now, he kissed me. And he is leaving tomorrow.

I might never be able to meet him. Maybe he will forget me. Maybe he never had anything for me as I have for him. I was getting overwhelmed with this unusual feeling I couldn't explain but I managed to drive home.

With heavy sigh, I pressed the button to my floor on the lift, keeping my head down. As the door opened, I was greeted by a basket filled with milkshakes kept outside my door.
I picked it up and found a note with running handwriting.

"Take care of yourself:)
Harry x."

Was everything over?

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