Chapter 33

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Nandini's POV:

Harry was about to release his new album and was the centre of spotlight all over the media. A month had passed since his departure and I was busy with my work again. Something did feel empty all this time and even though I had it all, I felt like something was missing from me. A part of me was missing.

Kabir was settling in Buckingham and the last I heard from him, he told me he was seeing a girl who shifted from North India to the same place. It was good to hear that and I really wanted that to work out.

The interview and test for my promotion went better than I thought although I was nervous for the most part of it. My request place was accepted and I informed my parents about the decision of moving out.

Mother wasn't sure about it and a little argument made it's way in but at the end, it was concluded that I am mature and adult enough to start a life of my own, also including that I should marry soon because nobody likes aged women. Thought I couldn't argue more on this topic, I simply agreed on and postponed the topic for later. I wanted to surprise Harry with the news but he had been busy with the promotions ever since.

I was back to my house after a field trip and landed heavily on the couch. I had no appetite nor the strength to get up and make something so I decided to directly go to bed when a notification lit up my phone. 'Billboard Live with Harry Styles'. A live interview for the promotions. He had already told me about this and also wanted me watch it very eagerly.

I clicked on it without second thought and began watching him, looking angelic as always, his hair falling on his face and his bright smile greeting the audience. A tear drop fell from my eyes upon hearing his laugh. I missed him.

The interviewer asked a set of questions about his new album and the concepts to which he answered confidently, Keeping his smile on.

I was slowly getting lost in the interview when a text from Gemma made my heart pound out.


Really hoping and expecting a lot from you right now. And and, congratulations! I am so happy:)

I realized I slid to the edge of the couch with the chills rushing down my spine. Why was she saying that.

Harry's POV:

I adjusted myself on the seat as nervousness grew visible on my skin. We were moving close towards the end of the interview.

"We now have the questions a lot of people from our audience voted for. Let's start with it. You said about the concepts of your song being young love and it's hardships, is there any chance it was dedicated to someone?"

The man sitting opposite to me asked in a teasing manner.

"Umm yes, it is for sure." I tried to stay calm but my brain was jumping out. "Can we know a little about them?" He asked again.

"Umm, let me start with a little introduction. When I first met her, I couldn't believe my fate. My eyes were glued to her and her graceful moves, soft yet professional. She had the charm one dreams about. But as we got closer, talking, getting to know more about each other, I realized she was a lot more than a dream.

She was my beautiful reality, often stained by merciless fate, yet remaining as pure and blossoming as ever. I felt blessed around her. A person so loving, hardworking, dedicated, she became the inspiration for a lot of songs on this album." I paused, watching everyone become so quiet that I could listen to my heart pounding out.

"Wow, seems like she completely stole your heart. May we know the name of that star singer?"

I looked at my feet, trying to suppress the giggles escaping my mouth, before pulling out the rose from behind me, "For a fact that I know, she can't sing. Nandini, will you honour me by accepting to be the inspiration for all of my albums throughout my life?"

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