Chapter 16

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I took the last sip of the coffee and continued with my scribblings on the paper. It was a normal December day and my boss had decided to gift some clothes, books and toys to all the homeless and the people in village and orphanage around our zone.

Harry's concert ended a few days ago. We were still in contact. We texted a lot and he called a couple of times. It's been three months since he left and I miss him a lot. I wanted to see him and go out with him again and to my surprise, he felt the same.

I tried to complete the list of gifts I was making while listening to some old songs.

I had got several calls from Maxi and a few old college friends about Harry. They were all shocked to see pictures of me and Harry on my Instagram. I am glad that I have a private account or I would have been spammed by hundreds of fan girls asking me thousands of questions. I didn't tell them everything, just about him being my sponsor.

But Maxi knew everything that happened except our kiss in the car. I couldn't gather the courage to tell her, my cheeks kept flushing and ears turning red.

After a few minutes of writing absolutely nothing, I logged into my Instagram. I liked several posts of my friends but stopped at the post of one update account of One Direction.
It said "Harry Styles to go on a long vacation with his family after completing his world tour for his debut album."

I was a bit happy for him that he finally got time to spend with his family. He told me how he missed them.
But a part of me also wanted him to come here again.

I went through our pictures and texts over again for at least five times a day. I wanted to be with him again. Would I call him my friend but we got along really well. He shared everything with me, from his childhood to school and singing career. I had truly found an amazing friend in him.

And he did care for me too.
I still have kept the basket and the little note he left for me. They remind me of the fine time I had.

Everything is blurred in my memory after Harry left. I felt a heavy weight on my chest since and nothing could take my mind off it. I miss everything I did with him.

I missed him.

A text from one of Kabir's friend distracted me. It said "I have ordered the cake. A huge football field was a tough job."

I took a deep breath in relief. His friends and I had decided to celebrate his birthday which is a week later, as a grand party.

I had made all the arrangements and fixed every necessary thing. All I was left with was to think of a gift for him.
I headed to the kitchen to get more coffee and continue with my work.

Harry's POV:

I arrived at the London airport and headed out.
The crisp winter wind passed me making me regretting my decision of not taking my jacket with me. I held my side bag tightly and put my shades on to prevent the flash of the cameras from blinding me.

The drive back to my apartment was not long and I was mostly excited to meet mum and Gemma. They were here to welcome me back.

I wanted to see them from so long but a part of me also wanted to fly back to India to where I left my breath and interest.
Nandini. I should give her some present for Christmas.

My thoughts were not over when the car pulled in the driveway of my apartment. My heart bounced on seeing mum standing near the window. I ran to the door and slammed it open.

"Harry!" Gemma yelled at my sight. Can't really say whether it was because she missed me or because I startled her and her coffee mug.

"My boy," I hugged mum as she spoke on my shoulder, "it is so good to see you again." "You too mum." I squeezed her tight to make up for the months I didn't see her.

"Oh buddy your hair looks great."
Gemma said, keeping her coffee mug aside and pulling me for a hug.

"Great way to say you missed me."
I bumped myself on the couch as they both did the same.

"Mumma, you were telling about Christmas." Gemma looked at mum.

"Aah yes. I was saying that I don't want to celebrate Christmas in Cheshire this time." Me too mum.

"So have you planned of another place or something?" Gemma asked.
"No, not yet." Let's go to India. It is a beautiful place.

"I also have to buy gifts for everyone."  I also have to buy one for Nandini.
"We must make the list of the things and since Harry is here too-" she looked at me as I forgot what I was thinking.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Christmas." Mum said.

I got up and moved towards the kitchen. "No. I don't have any plans."
"Oh Harry, don't act heartless." Mum scolded.

Gemma gave me a look and said, "Mum, he doesn't have his heart. He left it in India."

I ran back to the living room and shouted, "GEMMA!" She laughed loud as mum looked at me suspiciously.
"Gemma, what was that?" She looked at me laughing again.

"It was a mistake to tell you." I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Aww I love you too. Mum, Harry likes a girl. She lives in India and she came to his concert. They both travelled together. He has her pictures too." She told in one breath.

Mum had her mouth wide open and a questioning look. "Yes. It is." I confirmed. I could feel some tingles in my toes and stomach.

"That is so amazing my boy." Mum gave me the biggest and most encouraging smile. "We should invite her for Christmas too."

"Why don't we all go to India this time?" Gemma suggested and waited for my reaction.

"Yes mom Gems is right! It is a great place and you would love it there. Can we please spend the holidays there?" I begged.

"Of course my loves. And we will meet the special girl too." Mum grinned.
"YESS!" I jumped on my place as they both laughed even harder.

This is going to be amazing holiday season and a big surprise for Nandini.


A/N :

Heyyo so I'm really busy with school and my exams are in season. The winter break is on so I'll try everything to update and finish the story before my board exams.

Hope you enjoyed. Love you all. Thanks for waiting and reading.

All the loveee, Manshi.

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