Chapter 3

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"Happiness and satisfaction were the biggest part of her life. So when the tornado hits, she will be left with nothing but what's opposite."

I stood in the middle of the playground with Sana and Mariyam as they introduced me to all the others. There were four more kids, two girls and two boys, in their early teens. The last time I came here, they were in their schools. But today I got to meet them and know that they are great fans of music.

I asked all the kids about the concert and gained a positive reply from most of them. All the children above the age of nine years were ready to come with me, along with Maxi.

On the mention of the concert and the artist, Maxi got super excited and quickly joined me. She is a lovely and amazing girl as I got to know till now. She also has a craze for Harry Styles which made us even great.
We exchanged phone numbers and I assured her that once I get the approval from Smith about the concert, I will let her know first.
Till now I got everyone's approval for taking everyone to see Harry but I am a little nervous about asking for the tickets from Smith. I know he encourages some entertainment but I am not at all sure whether he will agree or not.

I completed my tour of the place and went to the desk of the orphanage. Sejal was sitting on the chair with some paperwork and files.

"Excuse me Sejal; I have got some plans for the kids next month. Can we talk?" I politely ask. She gave a wide smile before saying, "Sure. Please have a seat."

I sit on the chair opposite to her and start explaining about the plan. "I would really love to take them along with me." I said.

"That is wonderful. Our children will be so happy and this will turn out to be an amazing opportunity for them to explore."

She seems to like it.

"I will just talk to Mr. Smith about the tickets and the transportation and I will arrange the things." I told her.
"Thank you so much my dear. It is such a sweet gesture of you for our children." Her eyes show the happiness behind her words. They were sparkling.

I begin to think that this idea is really going to be something wonderful and amazing for all of us. I ask a few more questions about the education and facilities given here from Sejal and grab my bag.

"Thank you Sejal. I guess I got all the necessary details I need to fill. I should get going. I will inform you when the tickets are confirmed."
"Okay, sure. I will be waiting be for that." She smiled.

I get out to the lawn and meet the kids and wave them goodbye for the hundredth time today.

I drive back to my office, rehearsing the dialogues I will say to Smith. I hope I choose the best lines to get him to book the tickets.

I pull in the driveway and walk towards the reception area. "Nandini Pandit. Here to meet Mr. Smith." I say before the receptionist could ask. "He's in his office." She replies without looking up from the computer.

I went up to the beautiful glass floor. I just love this floor! There is a light traffic on the highway as far as I can see from here. I went ahead and knock on the door. Knock knock!

"Welcome in." He said. I went in and take the seat in front of him.

"How is the experience till now, my child?" He asks with that warm smile.

"Wonderful. I have mentioned everything in the report. The children are amazing."

I say and hand him the reports. He eyes the files and put his signature at the end.

I hesitate before asking, "Sir, may I ask you for something?"
"Yes sure."

"Can we take those children for some entertainment?"

"What kind?" I bit my lip. I have no idea how will he react.

"There is a concert of this singer, Harry Styles, in a few months. I was thinking about taking the older kids there."
I said in one breath.

"How many kids exactly?" His tone is flat and I am getting nervous each second.

"Seven. All above the age of nine and interested in music. And after including their caretaker, eight." His face shows some serious expressions. "Wait." He says and started typing something in his computer.

I shift my gaze between him and my fingers when my phone buzzed. A message from Kabir. I ignored it but he decided against it. My phone buzzed twice. What does he wants now?

I gave a quick look at the message.

From: Junglie

Hii Nandi. If you reach home before me, have your dinner and sleep. I may be late;) Found some old pals.

He is going to party with them. Again, he will come home late and drunk. I sigh and look at the second message.

From: Junglie

Take care. Good night xoxo.

I smile at the fact that he never forgets to wish me good night with a 'love you' even though it is 4 in the evening.

"Seems like we have seats left. I will book the tickets for the nine of you and email it to you in a few hours. Have you informed the manager there?"

Smith suddenly asks. "Umm y-yeah. She knows."

"Done. Congratulations Nandini, I've got those tickets and sent you. Do inform the girl there. She must be really happy."

What! Right now no one is happier than me.

"Thank you so much sir! This is absolutely wonderful. You have no idea how happy they will be. Or even closer. How happy I am right now! This is amazing sir. Thank you so much!" I said it all in one breath, again.

He laughs a little showing off his Hollywood smile. "Oh my little girl. I know you like the singer. Sums up to why you are happier. Now go and take some rest. And remind yourself to check those tickets out. Take care."

"Always sir. Thank you so much, again." I run towards the exit and literally jump every step. I jumped in my car and turned the radio on full blast and drove across the city half dancing to the song BIBA.

'Rokenaruk diii.....Oh Bibanach Di'

This is the first time in ages that I drove so quick and reached home a bit too soon.

Leave the lift. I'm gonna sprint on the stairs and maybe break one of my nail or two, while stupidly dancing on them. I wish with all my heart that Kabir would've asked me out too so I could celebrate this with him. But never mind. I will celebrate myself.
I pushed open the door and threw my shoes around and myself on the sofa.

"Yesssss! I am going to see the one and only Harry Styles in real." I shout, raising my arms up.

I danced around the living room, jumped on the beds and drank all the coke we had in the fridge. My kind of party!

Few hours later, when I was dozing off on the sofa, tired of dancing too much, I heard the front door click open.

My head was spinning due to tiredness but somehow, I managed to get up and check outside.

It was dark in the living room as I had switched off all the lights. But I could see a dark figure stumbling on the doorway. It nearly stopped my heart and the functioning of my brain for a few seconds but my conscious mind gained the courage to ask, "W-who is t-there?"

The figure didn't say anything. Nor did I move a bit. I mentally cursed myself for not closing the door and switching off all the lights for no reason. "You have to tell me who are you before I take any action." I threatened. Not at all. I am so frozen that even of you kill me I won't move because I'm too scared. It came closer and soon it was almost hovering above me. My mind prepared itself for any kind of damage. Before I could beg it to spare my life, his voice filled the room with relief, "Boo Nandi! Did my little peanut got scared?"

"Shut up Kabir."

"Awww. Look at my poor piece of pie. So cute." He cooed and I could smell heavy alcohol in his breath. How does he manage to escape the police is still a mystery to me.

I locked the door first and came back to his falling self. "How drunk are you?"

"Not much. I just had a little....few....maybe twenty shots."

"Oh God. You're so drunk." I said while supporting his body and taking him to his room.

"You're so cute when you're angry on me." He said and poked my nose.
"I'm not angry. You're drunk."

"You're cute."

"You're drunk." I threw him on his bed.

"Cute." He pulled me by my arm so that I fall beside him.


"Aww Nandi. You know I like you so much, don't you?" He asked.

I know but if only he liked me the way I do. "Don't you?" He asked again, this time his voice more loud.
"Yes, I know."

"Good. Now let's sleep. I'm too tired to speak anymore."

His arm grabbed my waist and we slept, me like a teddy in the hands of a big little boy.


Boring part a.k.a Author's Note

I know I took ages to update. But I had reasons. Pardon me for that. And let me know if the last part is a bit cringey because I think it is. Anyways, have fun reading. And tell me what do you think.

All the love to my sunshies,

Manshi xx.

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