Changing The Future

By SnowflakeTheTherian

17.7K 487 74

Tsuki Okami was a normal girl. If by normal you mean obsessed with Doctor Who and Death Note. When she dies e... More

Ch 1 Building A Reputation
Ch 2. Planning and Messaging
Ch 3. L vs. Kira
Ch 4. Heart Attack
Ch 5. Recovery And Suspicion
Ch 6. Naomi And Phone Calls
Ch 7. Revelations And Killers
Ch 8. Meeting Watari
Ch 10. I'm The Main Suspect
Ch 11. Uncertainties And Coma's
Ch 12. Doctors And Tears
Ch 13. Restarting The Investigation
Ch 15. Hearing Voices
Ch 16. Physical Changes And Soulmates
Ch 17. Getting Advice From Watari
Ch 18. Telling L And Apologizes
Ch 19. Anger
Ch 20. Planning
Ch 21. Internet And Fob Watches
Ch 22. Human Again.....Sorta
Ch 23. Daleks And Memories
Ch 24. It All Comes Back...And A Prophecy
Ch 25. Decoding The Prophecy
Author Note

Ch 9. Flirting And Pranks

854 31 0
By SnowflakeTheTherian

Interlude chapter

Also, I forgot this on al the other chapters but: I DON'T OWN ANYTHING BUT TSUKI.


The next week I woke up feeling mischievous and I smirked thinking of all the ways I could mess with L. I decided to start with a simple prank. It would be funny but would most likely raise my Kira percentage. I cringed slightly knowing that me being in the Yagami house made me an immediate suspect. I brushed off the worry easily as this prank would be more than worth it.

I quickly got ready and ran down the stairs. As I made my way into the kitchen I realized no one was home. I grinned as I grabbed some breakfast before taking off down the street to BB's new house. As I came up to the front door I noticed a cat door. I smiled realizing that BB must like cats if he spent money on a cat door. I raised my hand and knocked carefully on the door nearly jumping at the few bangs and yelps coming from in the house.

I raised an eyebrow as the door swung open revealing a drastically different looking Beyond. My jaw dropped as I looked BB over. His previously black spiky hair was now dyed a reddish color with brown mixed in. His skin hadn't changed much though there were a couple of fake freckles now. Looking at his eyes I noticed instead of black with a red tint his eyes were now greenish-blue.

"Wow. You don't look half bad Beyond." I remarked smirking. BB rolled his eyes before gesturing inside. I winked at him as I walked into his house. I was honestly impressed, it was cleaner then I thought it would be. Though that could be only for appearances.

"So, you checking up on me?" Beyond asked warily. I glanced over toward him smiling reassuringly.

"Yeah. Though I do need your help with two things." I said a devilish smirk growing on my face. BB shuddered slightly at the look.

"Ok? What do you need?" Beyond asked looking scared. I thought about it for a second before responding.

"I need you to pick up someone by the name of Jack Harkness." I said smiling. BB blinked clearly confused.

"Ok?" Beyond said slowly as he tried to decipher my motive and plan.

"After you fetch him we will talk about the second thing." I stated with a manic grin. BB facepalmed before nodding as he went to head out. He stopped for a moment and hesitated.

"Don't touch my jam or I will kill you." Beyond threatened over his shoulder before continuing on. I smirked before plopping on the sofa to relax.


Jack was confused. He had arrived at the meeting place and was greeted by some weird guy who was obsessed with jam. Then taken by said weird guy to a random house where he meets an even weirder girl. Jack could swear that the girl was mentally evaluating him. He was currently sitting on a chair in front of the odd pair.

"So....does anyone want to explain somethings to me?" Jack started slowly unsure of how to take a couple of strange people staring at him.

"Well, Jack we need to test your skills. So we were thinking you and Beyond could help me prank L." I stated calmly with a completely serious expression on my face. Both Jack and BB's jaws dropped. I looked between them in confusion.

"What?" I asked innocently as I gave a cute smile. Jack recovered first.

"You want to test my abilities on L. The greatest detective L?" Jack said slowly trying to confirm what he just heard. I nodded slightly and smiled.

"Ok." Jack said shrugging. I internally squealed as imagined the pranks I could do with someone who couldn't die. Jack glanced worriedly at BB who looked like he was trying not to laugh at Jack's misfortune.

"What are we going to do for a prank?" Beyond asked curiously after pulling himself together. I smirked before handing a small folder to each of my minions. As Jack and BB scanned the contents of the folder their eyes widened. The glanced at each other before staring at me like I had grown a second head.

"You want to invite me to your house. The same house that is currently under watch by L. Then have Beyond pretend to break in and kill me while you pretend to hide, then I wake up from being dead and we all become friends and confuse L." Jack asked slowly. BB was trying not to look confused.

"Jack's immortal." I said to BB causing his eyes to widen. Jack winced when I said that. I looked at Jack sympathetically.

"It's alright Jack. I'm a Time-Lady or technically a Time-Tot, so we can be friends for a while." I said cheerfully before my eyes widened in realization.' Crap I wasn't supposed to say that.' I thought cringing. Jacks eyes widened as he stared at me with an unreadable expression.

"You are what?" Jack asked his voice barely above a whisper. My hearts nearly broke at the hopeful and pained slowly making it's way across Jacks face. Before I could control myself I leaned forward and hugged Jack. BB glanced at each of us before shrugging and pulling out a jar of jam.

I felt Jack stiffen before relaxing into the hug. After a moment I slowly pulled away blushing crazily. Jack was smirking like the ladies man he was. I rolled my eyes at Jack.

"Yeah don't think about pretty boy. In Time-Lord terms, I am quite a bit underage." I scolded Jack slightly. Jack rolled his eyes before glancing at BB. BB raised an eyebrow as he looked up from his jam.

"Can we get this started now?" Beyond asked in amusement. I blushed again and Jack chuckled.

"Yeah, ok. So everyone knows what their jobs are?" I asked looking at jack then BB. They both nodded.


Tsuki's Home

I sat on my bed reading as I waited patiently for the prank to begin. Jack was due to arrive any minute. thankfully dad, mom, Sayu, and Light were not home tonight. I grinned as I heard a knock on the door. I got up and ran downstairs to the front door and preceded to throw the door open. Jack was standing there in a pair of black jeans and a white tee-shirt.

"Jack!! Are you ready for the movie marathon?" I asked grinning. Jack winked and smiled.

"That I am Tsuki." Jack responded. I narrowed my eyes slightly at the flirty way he said my name.

"Stop flirting Jack. I told you your not my type." I complained loudly as we entered my bedroom. Jack laughed as he sat on my bed.

"Oh, I know. I just like messing with you." Jack responded cheerfully. I rolled my eyes at Jack behaver.

After half an hour there was a crash outside the window followed by a string of curses. Jack and I glance at each other trying to act scared. Jack moved to the window as I backed toward the door. Jack opened the window before giving a questionably girly scream as Beyond dragged himself into the bedroom threw the window panting as he lunged for Jack and proceeded to stab him three times in the chest. I started frowning. I glanced at beyond who was still panting after climbing the side of the house.

"Beyond, you know you aren't supposed to kill Jack right. I mean I know he stole your jam and all but, he already said sorry." I pretended to scold BB. BB then preceded to roll his eyes and apologize.

"Sorry, Tsuki." Beyond muttered faking a sheepish look. After a few moments, Jack gasped for air before turning to glare at me and BB. I grinned innocently before helping Jack back onto his feet. BB just patted him on the back.

"Sorry, Jack. I had to avenge my jam though. You understand right?" Beyond said with a grin. Jack scowled slightly as he chacked his chest.

"You are so lucky I hated this shirt Beyond. I mean I know I can't die but really!!" Jack complained as he pulled at his shirt. I watched the two men start arguing with each other. I sighed before walking over to the TV and shutting it off.

"Ok children. Time to go back home you gave me enough to clean up as it is." I ordered with a grin. Jack and BB turned toward me both with one eyebrow raised.

"We are children. I'm pretty sure that honor goes to you." Beyond sassed. Jack smirked at the annoyed look on my face.

"Yeah, yeah." I muttered before pointing toward the door." Out"

The two men rolled their eyes before heading out. At the front door, Jack stopped for a second.

"Bye Doll!" Jack said before running as I preceded to chase him down the driveway.

"Don't flirt Jack!!" I called after the laughing immortal. I shook my head before facing an amused BB.

"Bye, Beyond." I said before heading back inside. I watched as Beyond walked down the street in the opposite direction from his house as to shake any police L sends. I smile as I think about my new friends. I climb the stairs and before sighing at the sight of a pool of blood.' Great I forgot about that.' I thought annoyed. I walked over to the cleaning cupboard at grabbed a mop. I glanced at the mess again before moaning as I started cleaning.' At least it was worth it.' I smirked as I imagined L's face when he saw BB.

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