Flawed | William Nylander (co...

By cursedbylove

76.2K 1K 66

In which she gets bullied out of her hockey team and journeys with the gang. Sage McKenna (hockey star) is fl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Thank You!

Chapter 30

862 12 0
By cursedbylove

When we get home, Steph talks on the phone forever to...I'm pretty sure Ashley. Mitch, Will, and I just lounge around. Stephanie finally gets off the phone and squeals to me. I smile, "What!" "Ash is gonna through you a party for getting accepted on the team!" She screams. "I love Ash's parties!" Mitch says. "Umm..it's ladies only..." Steph says, "Sorry...but Sage you know how awesome it's gonna be!" I giggle, "Yeah! When?" "Tonight!" Steph practically shouts. "Tonight? That's so soon..." I say, sounding worried. Stephs excited expression fades and is replaced with a concerned one. "Why? It'll be so much fun!" I nod, "I know but...what am I gonna wear?" She giggles, "You can wear one of my outfits if you want." I smile, "Thank you." She giggles, "Of course! I'll run to my place right now and grab all my top outfits and you can try them on here!" She runs to the door and puts her jacket and shoes on, "I'll be right back!" "Ok...don't rush to much!" I say. She smiles and closes the door behind her.

"I'm back!" Steph practically screams, as she rushes in with a huge bag full of stuff. "Whoa! Did you bring your whole closet here?" Mitch laughs. "Not even half!" Steph says, "I wanted to bring more but it wouldn't all fit in this stupid bag!" "I think this is great Steph..thank you!" I smile. "Anytime hun, let's get you glamed up!" I turn to Will and he gives me a thumbs up. Steph grabs her bag and shoves me into my room. "Ok, what shall we try first?" I ask. "I thought this dress would be cute...it goes with your eyes." She holds it up...

"I like it." I say. "Try it on!" Steph says and I change into the dress. "Damn girl!" She says and whistles. "It is a little small at the top though..." I say. Steph shrugs, "It makes your boobs look good." I giggle. "Wanna show the guys?" "Why not." I smile. We Steph out of my room. "How does she look?" Steph says. Mitch shrugs, "It looks small." "Right?" I say. "I think you look amazing." Willy says coming up to me. He runs this hands over the tie and straps. "Babe..there are more..." I sigh from his touch. He shrugs, "I'm good with this one." And latches his lips onto mine. We kiss and Steph eagerly breaks us up to go try on more outfits. I take off the dress while she picks another one.

I shrug at this one, "it's very um...interesting." She nods, "I love the sleeves though and the cross tie." I shrug again but put it on. "Let's show em." Steph says and we walk out. "Next." Mitch says. "What why?!" Steph says, "I wore this to one of your minor league parties." He shrugs, "that's why." She huffs, "Will what do you think?" "Amazing." "Your just gonna day that to everything...aren't you." I says pressing my nose against his, teasing him. "Maybe..." he says and steals a kiss before Steph drags me back to my room.

She shows me a few more that are way to out of my comfort zone so I don't bother showing the guys. "I think you'll like this one a lot Sage..." Steph says and holds up this beauty...

My eyes widen, "it's stunning!" She smiles, "You can keep it then...I've never worn it." "What? Really?" She nods, "It was a gift and I'm not a huge fan of it...but I though you would be for sure." "Thank you so much hun!" I say, almost in tears and give her a huge hug. She giggles and hugs back. "I definitely wanna show Will this one." "Let's go then!" Steph says and we walk out my room. Will whistles and wiggles his brows, "damn. That ones my favourite." I smile, "Mine to." Mitch also smiles, "It's not to sexy so I like it." I roll my eyes. He's to protective sometimes but I guess he's just looking out for me. "I'm glad you guys like it cause I'm wearing it tonight." Will pouts, "Now I really wish I can come tonight." I giggle, "we can have some fun when I get back." He smirks and grabs my butt. I laugh and wrap my arms around him. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you to baby." I say and he kisses me. "Thanks guys for helping me pick something to wear." I say. "Anytime." They say and I go and change out of the dress. We talk and chill till me and Steph have to leave and Mitch and Will getting started on their long night of fornite.

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