By miichinkim

4.4K 372 117

"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds."... More

~ Prologue ~
Run for your life !
Red rose
You don't know me?
Cold and wet
Detective Kim
I'm still hurting
Answers (Last Chapter)


100 5 0
By miichinkim

A decent man with all black fashion walking to me. He lowered his black glasses.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Jimin was dumbfounded. Taehyung's fashion...can someone tell Jimin does Taehyung works as a Detective? because Taehyung looks like an idol to him. Jimin sighed.

"It's okay, Detective Kim." Jimin said.

Detective Kim grinned. "I brought my friend here. I introduce you, this is Inspector Min Yoongi. He used to be my supervisor when I'm working with the police. He is the one who investigates Y/N cases." Taehyung explained.

Jimin bowed to Yoongi. "Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Park Jimin." he said.

"Min Yoongi." he replied.

"So, let's focus on our business here." Detective Kim said seriously. He fixed his sunglasses.

"I think you're the one who isn't serious right now." Yoongi said provokely. He then turns his focus on Jimin. His expression turned into more serious.

"I already checked the CCTV around the park. There's a few CCTV placed there but it was at night so we suspected that it will be blurry." Yoongi said to Jimin.

"...but what makes it very interesting was the CCTV didn't work at 9.00 p.m till 10 p.m." Taehyung said.

"the exact time the incident happened." Yoongi continued.

Jimin dumbfounded. The kidnapper must be really brainy. He thought. He was amazed by a second as he imagines how skillful the kidnapper was. The kidnapper must have planned everything perfectly. The problem was now, how they can find the culprit and the victim?

"Interesting, isn't?" Detective Kim grinned.

Yoongi facepalm. He doesn't know what to say. To him, Taehyung was a really unique human being.

"Anyway, Park Jimin-sshi. We found another way to find your friend. Don't worry and let's hope for the best. We actually didn't share our discovery to our client but I did this because Detective Kim is my old friend." Yoongi said monotonously.

Taehyung grinned. "I know hyung will help."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "So, I came here to ask a few questions for you. Hope you can cooperate with us." Yoongi said.

Jimin nodded. "Yes, sure." He takes a sip of plain water.

Yoongi and Taehyung smiled. "Let's start the first question."


"Thank you for your cooperation, Park Jimin-sshi." Yoongi said while finishing writing his note in his small book.

"Our team will do our best to solve this case and find the victim as soon as we can." Yoongi said.

"Thank you." Jimin said.

Yoongi and Detective Kim walked out from the shop.


Yoongi was resting on his chair in his room. He just got back from the meeting with his team about the case they were investigating. They gathered all the clues they'd found from their investigation.

"Whoever he is. He's so genius." Yoongi sighed. He pulled out his drawer and took out Y/N's bracelet. The only evidence they'd found so far. He analyzed the bracelet carefully.

He pulled out his magnifying glasses to look at the bracelet properly. "There must be something we can found here." He said. Yoongi looked at the bracelet properly for a few minutes. He smirked.

It looks like he'd found something. He then called his detective.

"You called me?" the detective said.

"Yeah. Send this to the lab." He handed the bracelet to the detective. The detective took the bracelet who was already put into a transparent plastic with a zipper. He analyzed it carefully.

"It is the victim's bracelet. Her friend found it at the scene." Yoongi said.

"I found something suspicious there. Send it to the lab." he continued.

"Yes, sir." the detective said and walked out of the room.


"You found something?" Detective Kim asked his old friend through the phone. He nodded.

"Yes. The lab said that they found a small bloodstain and a fingerprint there. It wasn't from Y/N. I think it is the culprit's." Yoongi said.

"The victim must be fighting back when the culprit tried to kidnap her." Detective Kim said.

"Yeah, but what can she do. The culprit is a man, who is much stronger than a woman's power." Yoongi said.

They both sighed.

"I'll try to detect the victim's location through her phone. Park Jimin said that her phone is active but when he tried to call her, no one answered him." Detective Kim said.

"Fine. I do what I can and you do what you can do. I will inform you what I found and don't forget to report to me what you found too." Yoongi said.

"Alright." Detective Kim said and he ended the call. He put on his glasses and walked to his fridge to get his instant coffee. He opened the can and take a sip of his coffee.

"Let's get back to work Taehyung-ah." he said and walked to his room. 

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