By gwritesss

20.4K 2K 174

"Destinied to be together" is the love story of two totally different people - Aditya Hooda and Zoya Siddiqui... More

β€’Characters introductionβ€’
"The unforgettable eyes"
"Their paths crossed again"
"A promise is a promise"
"The best gift"
"The journey begins"
"Being with you is my cure"
"The colours of life"
"The bitter past"
"You are the beautiful dream, which replaced the nightmare "
"Games of fate"
"The misunderstanding"
"One last dance"
"Be mine"
"Wedding rituals"
"Is this the end?"
"I'm always with you"
"New beginning"
"For eternity"
"Just wait, my beloved"
"How to stop loving you?"
"No matter what happens, I'll always be with you"
"Don't let the past change the beautiful future"
"Nothing can separate us"
"Fighting for life"
"Where are you?"
"Secrets from the past"
"On the way"
"We are better together"
"As we are in Heaven"
"The game begins"
"Love is the biggest strength"
"Closer to the aim "
"It's now or never"
"The reunion"
"Wedding plans"
"I have loved you since forever"
"One different Mehendi"
"The bride has come"
"Finally yours"
"We finally found the happiness"
"Expect the unexpected "
"Happier than ever"
"The best thing in life"
"Creating new memories, but remembering the old ones"
"We are lost"
"Some things can not be forgotten"
"Here, yet so far"

"A year of happiness"

317 37 4
By gwritesss

   Zoya's mood was ruined during the whole day. The sun was shining so brightly and she was like a storm - gloomy and melancholic, she wasn't paying attention to anything or anyone around her. Rather than spending some time with her family, even though Aditya wasn't there, Zoya locked herself in her bedroom and stayed there just staring at one point or looking at the blue eternal sky, that was separating her and her beloved. She felt exactly the same way like an year ago. Back then, when she and Aditya started meeting each other and after he gifted her the beautiful crystal globe, whenever she was missing him, she was taking this globe and was moving her finger from Mussourie to Mumbai and was imagining Aditya and her in a parallel universe, where this distance could be overcome with the speed she was moving her finger on the globe...Now she wanted to be back in this universe just like the good old days. She was needing this. Zoya quickly got up from the chair she was sitting on and opened the big wooden cupboard near the bed. There at one inlaid box, she was keeping this precious globe far from the eyes of everyone. She eagerly opened the box, but for her surprise there was nothing there. How was this possible? No one was touching this box, except her. She fastly went and asked Anjana whether she knows something, but unfortunately she had no idea about the whereabouts of Aditya's first gift for Zoya. This day couldn't get worse - first Aditya was not here and then even his gift has mysteriously disappeared. She couldn't endure this and with tears rolling down her cheeks she went back to her room and closed the door loudly. How badly she was missing Aditya. His face. His eyes. His smile. Him. But she wasn't able to do anything. She just lied in her bed, imagining that Aditya is next to her and soon fell asleep. At least now she was calm, but was definetely not alone - he was in her dreams, too. Zoya slept for some hours, even she didn't know how many they were. Suddenly, she woke up from a knocking on the door. The first thought that came in her mind was "Aditya!". She decided that he is here now and quickly got up in order to open the door for him.
Zoya: Aditya, you...
The moment she opened the door, she immediately closed her mouth. It wasn't Aditya, rather than Anjana staying in front of her with a big paper bag in her hands. Zoya again got sad.
Anjana: Arey beta, it's not Adi. I'm sorry to disappoint you.
Zoya: No, mommy ji, you haven't disappointed me at all, I was just expecting that he will finally come home.
Anjana: Zoya, he'll come, don't worry. See, what I've got for you!
Zoya: What?
Anjana: I'm sure you'll like it very much.
Anjana gave the paper bag to Zoya and she opened it. There was a magnificent embroidered white saree there.
Zoya: Mommy ji, why is this now? I have a lot of sarees.
Anjana: I know, dear, but today I went shopping and when I saw this one I decided that it will suit you a lot and bought it for you. Tell me, do you like it?
Zoya: What kind of question is this? It's amazing, thank you so much, mommy ji, but it was really not needed.
Anjana: Zoya will you please wear it this evening? I want to see you in it.
Zoya: I'm not really in the mood now, maybe some other day.
Anjana: Please beta, I bought it with so much love for you! Don't you want to make a surprise for Aditya? When he comes back, he'll see how pretty his wife is.
Zoya: Okay, mommy ji, I'll do it.
Zoya closed her door again, while Anjana went somewhere with a big smile on her face.
It was time for dinner in Hooda house. Harsh, Anjana and Arjun have gathered around the table and have started their meal. Soon, they saw Zoya going downstairs looking like a beautiful fairy. As if this saree was made for her.
Anjana: Zoya, you look amazing! I'm glad that you've worn the saree.
Zoya: Shukriya, mommy ji.
Harsh: Beta come here to dine with us.
Zoya: Nahi, papa I'll only come and sit, but I won't eat. I just don't feel hungry.
Zoya sat with them and she didn't realize when an hour passed. They were talking loudly, enjoying the good food and their family time together, but she was lost. After their meal, Harsh, Anjana and Arjun decided to go to their rooms and Zoya was now alone in the big dining room. Anjana wasn't right. "He'll come back", she said - yes, he'll come, but not for their special anniversary. That too, he has forgotten, he could at least congratulate her through the phone. But he hasn't done it. What was the point of wearing such beautiful clothes and shining jewelleries, when your beloved won't even see them. Zoya's thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. It was Anjana calling.
Zoya: Ji, mommy ji?
Anjana: Zoya come immediately in the backyard.
Zoya: Why?
Anjana: Don't ask questions, just come. It's urgent.
Anjana cut the line, leaving Zoya more than confused.
She stood up and with a fast walk stepped out the house and went in the backyard. It was extremely dark there. Usually there were some lights that were enlightening the place during the night, but now only the moon and the stars were playing such role. However, it was not enough light if a person wanted to see properly.
Zoya: Mommy ji?
No one answered. The atmosphere was ominous as Zoya was surrounded by darkness.
Zoya: Mommy ji? Papa ji? Arjun? Where are you all?
Again no one answered.
Zoya made one or two steps further when suddenly she felt that something started falling on her. Rose petals. She could feel the aromatic rose petals touching her soft skin. At the very next moment hundreds of lights enlightened the backyard, making it as bright as a day. And then she saw him. Aditya was walking towards her with a big bouquet in his hands. She couldn't believe her eyes. He, too. When he saw her, he immediately remembered the Mussourian girl that took his heart exactly an year ago and never returned it to him. Today, the same girl, now his wife, was wearing clothes in the same colour as in that fateful night. The kurta, the salwar and the dupatta were now changed with an enchanting white saree and satin golden blouse. There were also some golden details and little shiny pearls embroidered in her saree, which was actually bought by him, not by Anjana. As usual her hair, as soft as silk, was falling freely on her shoulders and her diamond earrings were glowing just like those bright stars, which have witnessed every glimpse of their story. White bracelets and the diamond engagement ring were decorating her gentle hands and on her neck the tiny mangalsutra was taking its honour place. Aditya could exult only for a few seconds, because when she saw him, Zoya started running towards him as if they were separated for a lifetime. Her foot bracelets were jingling. It was the melody of love. After some seconds Zoya was already staying in front of Aditya and without saying anything she first cupped his face as she wanted to be sure that she isn't dreaming and when she did it, she hugged him tightly. Tears were coming out her eyes. He was finally here. Aditya hugged her back. They stayed like this for some time, but they could spend their whole lives like this.
Aditya: Happy 1st meeting anniversary, my love!
Zoya: Happy 1st year anniversary, Aditya!
Aditya: Arey, Zoya why are you crying? Don't you liked the surprise?
Zoya: Pagal ho tum? This is the best surprise ever! But do you know how much I missed you? I thought that you will not come back for our anniversary and also that you have forgotten it. I was crying a whole day and couldn't stop thinking about you.
Aditya was looking at her with a cute smile.
Zoya: Even mommy ji bought this saree for me to make me feel better, but...wait a moment! Why are you smiling like this?
Aditya: Because you are so cute! There was no such thing like damaged plane in Thailand, I even didn't have a flight today. I was here in Mumbai and in fact I spent so many hours to find you the prefect saree, so don't praise someone else. Ma, Pa and Arjun were just a small part of the plan.
Zoya: Aditya, how could you do this to me? Do you know how bad I was feeling, I thought that you...
He put his finger on her lips.
Aditya: Don't you ever think that I can forget this day. Zoya, the day I met you, on this same day the new Aditya Hooda was born. I was a dead man, Zoya, but you gave me my life by just entering it, you showed me how beautiful the world is, by simply becoming my world. The man, who has forgotten how to smile, found reason to smile every single second and that reason are your eyes, your laugh. The reason is hidden in you. Thank you so much for gifting me the most wonderfil year of my life, thank you for becoming my love, thank you for giving me the privilege to change you from Zoya Siddiqui to Zoya Hooda. I love you, meri jaan.
Aditya held her cheeks and kissed her passionately on the lips. He then looked directly at her eyes. There was so much love gathered in those big brown eyes. The eyes, with which he fell in love, the eyes that made him forget where he was, were now sparkling even more than an year ago.
Zoya: Aditya, I don't know what to say and how to say it. In this one year you gave me so much love that I can't think of it. Even during our hard times, you were there with me, staying behind my back. You were my shadow whenever I wanted to hide myself somewhere and my fire when I wanted to feel warm and receive love. You changed not only my name, but also my whole life, Aditya. From fragile girl, I became a brave woman, from having fear of every uncertain situation, I opened my own company, from life deprived from love, you came into it and gave me infinite love, which will keep me alive even when I'll think that everything is over. I love you, Aditya! Thank you for making my life meaningful, thank you for making me a better person, thank you for making me your Zoya!
Aditya: Zoya, now you'll make me cry with your words.
Zoya: Always for you, Mr. Hooda!
Aditya: Zoya.
Zoya: Yes?
Aditya: The biggest surprise is yet to come. Will you follow me?
He extended his hands towards her.
Zoya: Aditya, there was no need of so many preparations. You are my biggest present and I'm more than thankful that I have you.
Aditya: This one is very special, you can't deny it.
Zoya placed her hand in his. They both walked on a red carpet, covered with red rose petals and arrived in front of a beautifully decorated table with two chairs. There were candles, champagne, two glasses, chocolate cake and one box, but it was not visible what is there.
Aditya: Zoya, please open the box in front of you.
Zoya: Okay.
Zoya did as Aditya said and for her surprise, she found there the crystal globe she was looking for whole day.
Zoya: But how and when and...
Aditya: You were searching this, right? Actually, I'm happy that you like my first gift for you this much. Zoya, while we are talking you said only good things for me - that I have changed you in a positive way, that I have given everything to you, but you're not completely right. And you know why?
Zoya: Why?
Aditya: Because I'm a liar, Zoya.
Zoya: Liar?
Aditya: Yes. Do you remember that I've promised you that you'll see the world? You remember. Have I fulfilled this promise? No. So, I'm a liar. But I won't lie anymore.
Aditya took out some papers, which were under the box and put them in Zoya's hands.
Zoya: What's this?
Aditya: Read it.
Zoya: "World tour tickets for Mrs. Zoya and Mr. Aditya Hooda."
Zoya couldn't believe what she just saw. Her biggest dream to see the world and to travel was about to come true.
Zoya: Aditya, this, this, is this true?
Aditya kneeled down.
Aditya: Mrs. Zoya Aditya Hooda, do you want to spend your honeymoon with me in a little bit different way from the other couples? Do you want to explore the world with your husband in 1 year period of time?
Zoya: Yes, of course I want, Aditya.
He stood up and lifted her in the air. Zoya was still not able to believe what was going to happen in the next 1 year and how immense Aditya's love for her was. They spent the whole evening watching the stars, just like an year ago, but this time they were together and were discussing their exciting future trip.

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