Both Of Our Hearts Beli...

By orchideebianche

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Beca Mitchell, the rebellious girl who joins and all girls ACapella singing group. Jesse Swanson, a movie ne... More

Chapter 1: Can't Forget About Him
Chapter 3: Saw Her Again
Chapter 4: A Midnight To Remember
Chapter 5: Asking and Stubborness
Chapter 6: What plan?
Chapter 7: Failed
Chapter 8: An Amazing Afternoon at the Radio Station
Chapter 9: Stressful Night
Chapter 10: The Agreement
Chapter 11: A Crazy Car Ride with a Weirdo
Chapter 12: Bump and Screwed
Chapter 13: The Annoying Father and Tacos
Chapter 14: Ice Creams and Lies
Chapter 15: A Nightmare?
Chapter 16: Hiding

Chapter 2: Forcing To Go

1K 26 1
By orchideebianche

*Ring! Ring!*


*Ring! Ring!*

Shut up.

*Ring! Ring!*

Oh please..

*Ring! Ring!*

Damn it!

I sat up and took my phone from my nightstand. "Hello?" My horse voice said.

Seriously, who the heck would call me at this kind of hour!?

"Hey, wanna go to the mall today?" The voice from the other line said. And from the sound of it, it sounds like.. Chloe.

"Not up for it." I said.

"Why!!" She wailed.

"Headache. Why don't you just ask Aubrey to go with you?" I said, scratching my head.

"She doesn't want to." Her voice sounded disappointed.


"Same reason why you don't wanna go shop with me." She said.

I groaned and check the time from my wall clock.

"Dude, it's 3:00 am! Why the hell do you want to shop at this hour!?" I yelled.

She giggled and said, "I don't know. I just woke up and couldn't sleep again."

"I would love to but go find a mall that is opened on this kind of hour." I said, my voice full of sarcasm.

"Okay. No mall is opened but let's just go to the grocery." She said.

"Now what? You're hungry?" I asked, yawning.

"Kind of." She giggled.

I think for a moment and decide to trick her. "No grocery is opened on this kind of hour too." I snapped her

"Have you ever heard of a 24 hour grocery store?" She snapped back. Ugh. She's just too smart.

"Chlo, I'm tired. I wanna go to sleep. Maybe later after lunch. Okay? Bye." I said and was about to hang the phone but she began to yell.

"Beca!! Please!! I just can't go to sleep and I'm starving!! I promise it's just for now and you don't have to do it again! Please Beca? We're best friends, right??" She said and I could tell that she's been pouting and making that ridiculous puppy eyes on the other side of the line, trying to convince me to go with her sorry ass.

"But Chloe-"

"No buts. Now can you please go with me??" She asked.

I think for a moment. She's my best friend and she knows I couldn't resist her. I bit the inside of my cheek and said, "Meet me outside campus."

"Yay! Thanks Becs!" She screamed.

"Yeah, whatever." I said and hang the phone up.

I groaned and rub my eyes to get a better look around me. It's dark, of course. You couldn't see anything but darkness.

I stand up and went my way to the bathroom, tip toeing because of the fact that Kimmy Jin would wake up if I'm too loud and she'll get mad at me.

After I finish doing my business, I tip toe to get out of the bathroom and to my closet. I opened my closet and grabbed a grey oversized sweater and put on some jeans and slowly walked out of my dorm.

I finally went out and slowly closed the door from my dorm and sighed in relief, knowing that I survived from not waking Kimmy Jin up.

I walked straight outside campus and saw a red head leaning against the campus gate, grinning at me as I make my way to her. I grinned back.

"Wow. You actually came." She said, linking her arm around my arm, like best friends do.

"Of course I came. What do you think I am?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just thought you won't came.." She continued but I cut her off. "Huh?"

"You know, after what happened last night.. We were wasted drunk and I know your head hurts like hell and.. I know you're not that kind of person who'll go with me and-" she said, muttering but I cut her off. Again.

"It's fine. Don't make a big deal about it." I smiled.

"Okay.. we're taking my car." She said.

"Let's go." I said and we laughed and ran in her car at the parking lot. We get in and I sat on the passenger seat and Chloe started the car. She was driving and it was really silent. Neither of us doesn't want to say anything, enjoying each other's company without saying a word.

I looked out the window and get lost on my thoughts about him. Jesse.

The way I serenaded him during the ICCA's and the way he shook his fist up as I sing, pretending to be Judd Nelson on Breakfast Club.

His eyes shine like diamonds as I sing his favorite song. Me and Jesse, both smiling at each other and staring deep into each other's souls. His warm smile always made me to bite my lip and just wanted to just kiss him and ignore the world and let my heart do whatever my heart wanted me to do. And just after I sang, I am the one who pulled his head towards mine as we kissed. I am the one who wanted to kiss him. I am the one who sang to him during our final performance. I am the one who fell inlove with him. And I am the one who pulled away from the kiss and told him that I doubted kissing him.

And just by doing that, I already know I lost him.

"Beca!" A girl's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What did you say?" I said, snapping my head on her direction.

"I said we're here. I've been talking to you for about fifteen minutes now. Are you okay?" She said, staring at me, her eyes full of concern.

Am I okay? Of course I'm not.

"Uh, yeah. I-I'm fine." I said, unbuckling my seatbelt and avoiding Chloe's eyes from staring at me. She definitely knows something's wrong.

"Are you sure?" Her voice was full of doubt.

Am I sure? No I'm not.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Let's go inside the store now." I said, sending her a fake smile and walking out of the car and closing the door.

We were walking at the large parking lot because.. It's really big and the grocery store is too far away from the parking lot.

It was silence again as we walk then Chloe creates a conversation.

"Did you have fun last night?"
"Sort of." I can't lie.

"You didn't forget about him, didn't you?" She asked.

"I can't forget him that easy. And I don't want to." I said as I looked at her face, shocked as hell.

"What!?" She nearly yelled.

Then I suddenly feel snot on my nose because it's really cold here today. And I'm surprised that it didn't even snow.
"Yes, I doubted that I kissed him but I think we could work out as friends." I said, sniffing and blowing some warm air on my freezing hands.

"Stupid! That'll break his heart!" She screamed, causing me to jump.

"Break his heart? He doesn't feel anything about me." I said, folding my arms because of the coldness welling up on my whole body.

"What was his reaction after you kissed him?" She become curious.
"You mean, after I told him that I-" I started but she cut me off.

"No, before you told him that." Chloe said, warming her hands.

His reaction? His eyes are shining brighter than the stars. His handsome smile makes me want to kiss him again. His face lighten up more than the sun and I never seen his face like that before. And that reaction will never leave my mind.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

"Beca. Please tell me." She begged.

"I said I don't know." I said, avoiding her eyes.

"Beca, you can tell me anything, right?" She said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Then answer my question."

"I-I don't remember." I started to stutter. My voice getting louder and annoyed because I don't want to think of him right now.

"Beca, I know that you and Jesse aren't-"

"Chloe, please. I don't want to talk about it." I almost yelled, getting full of the anger welling up inside my body.

She looked at me with sorry eyes and sigh before saying, "I'm sorry, Becs." She said, linking her arm on my arm while we walk. She knows I could get pissed at any minute when something like this happened to me.

"It's fine." I smiled at her.

"Beca, I'm really sorry." She said.

"I told you, it's alright. And let's just change the subject because I really don't want to talk about him."

She smiled and said, "okay.. What're you doing this summer?" She asked.

"I don't know.. Maybe work on my mixes and-" I started but she cut me off.

"You're going to LA, are you!?" She yelled.

I didn't answer. I don't know what reaction this girl is gonna get.

"Beca!" She screamed.

Still no answer.

"What the fuck!? Beca you promised you won't leave us!" She's completely yelling now.

"I don't know, okay!? I-I don't know what to do anymore." I said, as a tear slipped from my face.

She sigh and said, "please don't leave. The Bella's need you.... Including me."
She said as she put her arm on my shoulder while she bury her face on my neck.

"I know." I forced a smile on my face.
She smiled back as we continue to walk.

"Are you still hungry?" I suddenly asked her.

"Very." She paused. "Why?"

"N-nothing.." I said as a chuckle escaped my mouth.

"What's so funny? Is something on my face?" She said, as she began to touch around her face.

"No, silly." I smirked at her.

"Then what?!" She's starting to get annoyed. I laugh even more.

"Beca." She groaned and began to tickle me.

"HAHAHHAA! Stop! Chloe oh my- HAHAHHA" I laugh even harder.
"Then what is it?" She smirks and stopped me from tickling.

"I won't tell you." I smirked back.

"Try me." She said as she's about to tickle me but I ran away from her, laughing my ass off.


"So, what are you gonna buy?" She asked, as we enter the entrance.

"I don't know. Drinks and stuff." I said.

"Okay, let's go get some snacks!" Chloe pulled my arm to go to wherever she's taking me.

"C'mon! Hurry up!" She laughed.

"Ugh." I groaned.

This is gonna be a long midnight..

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