Someday it will happen ~| Com...

By suearmaniac

9.8K 803 2.2K

Naina Shroff, blind by birth is given a gift of sight. Unknown to the fact that Dhruv's girlfriend's eyes we... More

❤Broken but Beautiful❤
❤If Only❤
❤July Rain❤
❤The Challenge❤
❤The Test❤
❤ A pregnant cute❤
❤Be serious❤
❤Something called love❤
❤Epilogue- It's happened❤
❤ Surprise! Spin off! ❤

❤The Rock❤

265 33 80
By suearmaniac

Chapter - 12

The Rock

You can meet somebody tomorrow who has better intentions for you than someone you’ve known forever. Time means nothing, character does.

“Hey Naina! Won't you invite me in?” Sameer asked a shocked Naina in front of him. Naina was so out of her zone because seeing Sameer on her doorstep after a long time played all that betrayal and hurt she felt like a movie in her head.

Naina felt a gentle touch on her shoulders and Dhruv’s concerned voice brought her back to the present. She blinked at the person who was standing before her, smiling politely. The same smile she had trusted the most so much that it hurt to just think about the degree of faith she had rooted in Sameer.

“Sameer?” The name itself sounded alien from her mouth now as she whispered.

“You do remember me bravo! Who’s he?” Sameer eyed Dhruv curiously who was frowning trying to comprehend the situation.

Naina was furious now. Why did sameer had to come now? Where was he when she was shifting to places and struggling all alone to make a living? How dare he come here and ask her questions when there was nothing that could be said between them anymore.

“How did you know where to come and find me?”  Naina tried to show some strength as she asked him. But her insides were hurting and yet again she was giving herself the pep talk that she could get through this, her only fault was trusting Sameer so much. Other than that it was Sameer who was disloyal and a cheater prick.

“I need to give you something. May I?” Sameer asked with the same sweetness that he had mastered over time to cover his cruelties, his eyes playing see saw between Naina and Dhruv. Naina stepped back and turned around to Dhruv, who was clearly confused. Their eyes met and then the vision was blocked by Sameer who had just stepped into the house.

Dhruv had no idea who was this person but he was sure if Naina wasn’t warm and welcoming to him then she certainly didn't like his presence.

“You?” Sameer scrunched his eyebrows at Dhruv and Dhruv met his gaze. There was something off with this guy, he felt but since he didn't judge people that quickly he gave a nod to him. “I’m Dhruv, Naina’s….neighbor.”

Dhruv and Sameer  both turned to Naina but  Naina was gazing at Dhruv with a foreign emotion that Dhruv couldn't recognize.

“Um..I’ll see you later?” Dhruv pursed his lips and his eyed flitted from Naina to Sameer and back to Naina as she stepped out of the door. Naina hadn't cared to close the door as she turned back to Sameer. Something in her eyes before she broke their eye contact told Dhruv that she didn't like this person’s company whom she called Sameer earlier.

“I saw your picture on my colleague's Instagram and got to know you lived here.” Dhruv heard Sameer speak to Naina and then both of them had walked far into the hall and he could hear no more. Dhruv, instead of going back to his flat, decided to stay. He walked to the stairs and sat on them, running his hands from his hair.

‘Who was Sameer?’ he wondered, Why did Naina never mention him to Dhruv? Maybe he was just a normal acquaintance but what Dhruv didn't understand was why did Naina get so tensed and stiff ever since she opened the door. A few moments ago she was alright, warm and comforting towards him. Her changed demeanour surely  had something to do with this Sameer, hence Dhruv decided to stay and wait for sometime, acting up on his instincts.

Inside the flat, Naina stood with her hands folded, trying to control her anger and deal with the situation maturely like adults. Sameer was looking around the flat, checking up on Naina how was she living.

“What colleague?  What Instagram photos?” Naina frowned at his back.

“Mr. Sinha! He live in your society do you know him?” Sameer asked turning around to face Naina.

“Those were your dance photos, good to see you dancing again. After bobby uncle’s death I didn't think you would…”

“Shut it Sameer!” Naina stopped Sameer from speaking, letting his half complete sentence hang in air as the tension around them overtook Naina’s emotions. Sameer raised his both  palms at her warning tone, his eyebrows raised and neck tilted to a side.

Naina couldn't take it how casually he spoke to her as if everything was alright between them, as if he never cheated on her and as if they never broke up.

“Why are you here?” In a bolder tone she asked him eye to eye and he gave her his fake smile, only now could she tell it was fake.

“I see you are doing good, I won't take your much time.” Sameer glanced around at the flat and then looked at Naina with an appreciative gaze. That made her feel uncomfortable yet she was confident of herself to have come this far, more confident than she once was when she came to Mumbai with Sameer, because now she was self made and happy. She met his gaze with a challenging one of her own hoping that he was regretting what he did to her.

Sameer’s mouth twitched and he looked into his pants pocket.

“You forgot to take this with you.” He forwarded his hand towards Naina.

Naina’s breath hitched at the sight of the item in Sameer’s palm and she instantly reached towards it. It was a small piece of Rock that her naanu had brought for her from his garden. She always treated it as her magic rock which brought good fortune in her life.

Touching it after a long time and enclosing in her fist, she felt her eyes water with emotions. Some things in life hold so much value that it's hard to live without them, but reconciling with them gives you immense amount of contentment deep through your soul. Naina felt connected to her naanu now that she held the rock in her hand, she felt loved again. Her breathing was heavy and she shed a few tears as her fist rested on her chest.

She had been searching for this rock for the longest time now. Why did it not occur to her that she must have left it at Sameer’s place? How could she have forgot to take it with her?

“Where did you find it?”

“The last time we met on that dinner date you left it in my car, remember?”

Naina’s eyes widened in the realization as she remembered that long night of her life. Sameer had drove them to the restaurant for a dinner date. Before stepping out of the car when Naina was fondling the rock, Sameer had gotten close to her unbuckling her seatbelt and taken the rock from her hand, pushing it into the cabinet. Naina had already declined to have him any more closer to her with a promise of a kiss after the dinner. But that night she had big plans for Sameer to humiliate him in public and confront him about his affair. That night all her doubts had turned into a reality and Sameer had done nothing to come clean, he had just left her alone. That was the saddest night of her life and that night coincidentally she had met Dhruv again and not only that, she had sat with him in the silence of his shitty flat until early hours of the morning.

She had taken everything with her from Sameer’s house except that she never saw him again up until now, so searching his car was out of question.

“I remember” Naina muttered and then wiped her tears gazing at the rock in her hand.

“Okay then! I have a lot of work so will you be quick in saying thank you and I’ll leave?” Sameer spoke playfully and anger flashed in Naina’s eyes.

“Thank you?” She scoffed unbelievably, “unless you want a slap on your face, you must leave. If it weren't for you, I would have never parted with my precious rock!” She fired back and this time it wiped off the smile from Sameer’s face.

“Ungrateful” he muttered clearly offended. “And if it weren't for you I would have never have lost a friend like your sister. You took away Simran from me. You took away the love aunty gave me.”

His words pierced her tender heart like bullets. What the hell was he speaking! “How dare you blame me for it all huh? Speak for your own actions Sameer!  You never valued our love, would you have, you wouldn't cheat!”

“I valued Simran and Aunty! It was your lack of ability to satisfy…”

“Not a word!” Naina seethed with anger stepping close to him as she directed her finger to him in warning. “You know what, we’ve had this conversation. This is why you came right? This rock was just an excuse to indulge with me.”

“Naina you..”

“Don't take my name with your filthy mouth! You never deserved any of our love. Never!” Naina’s voice was breaking and she could feel the line throbbing between her tolerance level and breakdown point.

“Get out!” She said, her eyes shut for a moment.

“You’ll never understand what is it like to lose a friend.” Sameer glared and walked to the door.

“Don't ever come here!” Naina shouted, her breathing heavy and her eyes red with resisting emotions. She perfectly knew how was it like to lose a friend. She had lost that Sameer who was once her good friend. It hurt to think that the person who helped her the most when she needed him was also the one who broke her and shattered all her dreams she had ever imagined for them.

She raised her eyes to the open door where Sameer was walking out. Not once did he stopped to look back at her. He didn't care at all and she was relieved that he was gone for good.

She kissed the rock in her hand, tightly holding onto it and seeking comfort. Atleast her naanu found his way to her in some ways.

Dhruv saw Sameer walk out of Naina’s door sooner than expected. His expressions definitely looked hard and he seemed to be shaking in rage. As the lift doors closed on his unpleasant face, Dhruv knew something was wrong and in a flash he was inside Naina’s flat through the open door. He saw her sitting on the floor, her both hands joined close to her heart and her head resting on the couch seat. She was whimpering and the sight was tastefully pitiful to him.

“Naina?” He reached her in two wide steps and touched her shoulders. She raised her head slowly, her cheeks wet with tears. “Hey, what's wrong?” He bent down to her and sat on the floor. His eyes met with hers which were red and he saw anger and hurt floating in them. He had not seen those eyes cry much because when they belonged to Jessica, there were not many moments when she cried. But Naina was a different person and those eyes held tears today. However one emotion was same inside Dhruv.

He didn't like to see those beautiful orbs he loved shed tears then at the time of Jess and he didn't like those orbs shedding tears now at Naina’s feebleness. It hurt him the most to think that she was hurting inside too. He breathed deep, trying to control the rage rising in his own body.

“Who was Sameer? Did he do something he shouldn't have? You okay?” He asked Naina, both his hand resting on her either shoulders as he looked closely at her seeking anything physical which might be hurting her.

Naina just nodded to him letting him know she was okay. The man walking out of her door showed no care for her, the man whom she had known from as long as she could remember. But the man walking in through her door, whom she had known for only a month or two, was concerned about her. Looking into the care that Dhruv’s eyes held for her overwhelmed her all the more and she couldn't stop the tears from flowing finally.

“Dhruv” she whispered and before she could know what was happening she was already hugging him, seeking comfort between his arms which were hesitant at first but soothed her back eventually.

“He’s gone Naina! I’m here!” Dhruv hugged her back, his eyebrows knotted in tension as he tried to make her feel better. He didn't know what was up with her but he knew whatever caused her to feel miserable, he wanted to erase that reason, he wanted to ease her pain because he didn't know why but it felt like his own.

“I’ Naina.” Dhruv mumbled slowly as she came out of the hug and he pushed her hair back, cupping her face softly in his hand like it was a newborn leaf. Their eyes met and spoke so much to each other what they had never been in the entire time they have known each other.

“Why are you here Dhruv?” She asked in a hoarse voice and then cleared her throat. He was still staring at her with worry in his eyes.

“I don't know I was waiting outside, didn't felt like leaving you.” Dhruv accessed her face once more and then helped her on her feet as they stood together. “Are you sure you're okay?”

“Yeah, I ..uhm, I just got emotional that's all.” Naina blinked several times, trying to get her vision clear. She couldn't finger her eyes lest she could irritate them which would cause her the trouble of visiting her doctor.

Reassured, Dhruv walked into the Kitchen and she followed him straightening her top.He poured a glass of water for her and she took it from his hand gladly. His hand touched hers and their eyes met for a second or two before she diverted her attention into the rim of the glass as she drank thirstily. Dhruv just stared at her wondering what was it that made her sad.  Would she share with him. He eyed the rock in her palms that she held so tightly that her veins were visible in her wrists.

Dhruv was curious about that but decided to ask her later. As they walked back into the hall Naina said to him, “I’m really fine now Dhruv, you can stop looking at me like that.”

Dhruv was distracted with the way Naina watched him from under her lashes. She seemed shy all of a sudden and he liked it. In fact he loved this side of her.

“Do you know why I’m looking at you like that?” He asked innocently but Naina could see the wheels turning in his head as she asked suspectedly, “why?”

“Wait!” Dhruv searched his pocket and took out his phone.

“What… Dhruv!” Naina widened her eyes as she realized he was clicking her photo. As the capture sound came out, so did the boyishly loud laughter of Dhruv. “Beautiful!”

Naina scowled at him as he kept laughing and showed her the picture. Naina couldn't recognize her own self in the shock of looking at her ugliest picture ever. Her Kajal was ruined from all the tears that she shed minutes earlier. Her hair was a mess and to top it all off dhruv had pressed capture at the exact moment when she had widened her eyes like big bowls and her mouth shaped in an open pout. She totally looked wacky and it was embarrassing!

“Dhruv delete it!” She tried to take hold of his phone but Dhruv was quick enough to slip it out of her hold. “Not so fast Naina!” He chuckled and the raised his both hands up while Naina tried to jump and get hold of the phone. Dhruv’s height was an advantage and he raised on his toes trying to keep his phone out of her reach having fun in the process. It was amusing to see Naina cling to him like that and getting irritated. It was usually her job to trouble him like that.

“Dhruv that's not fair!” Naina pouted and took the final jump to catch the phone when Dhruv was on his toes. Unable to handle Naina get this close to him he lost his balance and fell backwards on the couch with Naina on top of him. Her soft hair lightly slapped his cheeks as they fell and they both were laughing at the same time. When Naina raised her head from his chest, his free hand curled her hair behind her ear, while the other hand held her waist in place over his torso. They were still chuckling which soon broke and turned into their heavy breaths which mingled with each other counting on their closeness. Naina’s scent was all that surrounded Dhruv's senses and all Naina could feel was Dhruv's heart beating against his chest in sync with her own heartbeats. Dark brown orbs clashing against darkened black eyes of Dhruv, they entered their own galaxy of connections together. The happiness and playfulness in them spiraled deep into the dark rainy night when they were lost in each other's eyes for the first time.

For her those eyes were strangely familiar and always gave her comfort. For him those eyes belonged to someone he loved. Did those eyes take his feelings to the new owner even?

Maybe. Or maybe he just liked seeing those eyes happy.

“You should smile more Naina. I can't see you crying.” He murmured to her staring deep into her eyes, searching for her moments of joy that she deserved to feel.

‘I can't see you crying’

‘You're the only one in my life Naina’

What was happening to her? Why was he saying things like these to her? Second time in a day, Dhruv had managed to lead Naina into a new territory of dreams where she felt loved, where she could trust and live life with the best and the happiest version of herself. With Dhruv. For them. Her heart started beating faster if that was possible and a slow shy smile spread on her lips which soon turned into a grin.

She couldn't help but smile at him brightly, it was beyond her control how happy he made her feel.


“Yes...Dhruv!” Naina was again lost into Dhruv and his incredible features. His underlined eyes, his sharp jawlines, his perfect nose, his peachy lips….lips which were saying something to her. She tried to concentrate and listen, dragging herself out of that dangerous zone of daydreaming.

“What?” She whispered incoherently.

“I said enough with that smile, now you're scaring me!” Dhruv repeated, trying to stifle his laughter.


Naina’s mouth hung open as she pushed her palms against his well built chest and got up and away from him, fixing her hair and wiping the black kohl stains from her cheeks hastily.

Dhruv was having a hard time controlling not to laugh out loud but a few chuckles escaped his mouth  and he got up too earning a glare from Naina.

“Shut up Dhurv!” She threw a cushion at him, feeling very embarrassed. If she thought Dhruv was considerate then she had totally gotten it all wrong.

“Ooh...that was even more scarier you know” he chuckled and then cleared his throat, trying to cover up but Naina had had enough. She took the opportunity to grab his phone from the couch. Thankfully it was already unlocked. She quickly deleted her photo and pushed the phone hard into his palms, turning him towards the door.

“Bye Dhruv, get out!”

“Seriously Naina I was joking” Dhruv chuckled and gave her a sweet smile turning back at her but she pushed him with both her hands until he was out of her door.

“Naina!” He turned around to say something more but she had already shut the door in his face.

“Great! This is how you treat your friends?” He purposely spoke loudly to fuel her irritated self, earning him one more amusing look of hers as she opened the door once again and peeked outside.

“Oh really? Friends? First learn to introduce yourself as my friend. What did you say to Sameer? Oh yes you're my neighbor right, Bye bye Neighbor!” Throwing him a fake smile Naina shut her door again but this time Dhruv was no more laughing. The mention of Sameer’s name brought back her teary eyed crying face into his memory.

Who was this Sameer really? Why did Naina have to cry so much because of him? Dhruv was still looking for such answers from her.

Glancing at her closed door last time, Dhruv climbed up to the stairs, resolving to free Naina from whatever pain this Sameer caused her.

❤to be continued❤


Hey guys!
How did you like the update? I really had a great time writing this update and  I can't wait to read all the reviews! Reading your comments make my day always!

Shower some love again and don't forget to vote❤

Love always,

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