A Twist of Fate [SnK Fanfic]

By mediozei

16.3K 632 40

Titans roamed around their restricted world for over a century with three walls surrounding their only homela... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 14.5
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34.5
Chapter 35

Chapter 22

360 16 2
By mediozei

Plue's POV

Several months had passed after the choas that occured at District Shiganshina. Many lives were lost and the survivors emerged with the other people at Wall Maria. Titans are now surrounding Shiganshina and there's no way we could take it back. 

After the day I was in court, many had asked what had happened to me when I was on Shiganshina. Questions about Ed and Wenrie were the ones I tried to ignore while the ones about my scream was what I don't know how to answer to. 

Hanji, Marsel, Levi, Farlan, the ones who saw my incident told me that I was screaming when the titans invaded sometime later.  

"I don't exactly remember but, I did that after Ed and Wenrie..." I stopped, not wanting to say the word. "I started to feel a different kind of pain. Different than the ones I used to feel. I also took out my necklace before that. Then, I just did it. It was like someone was controlling me, maybe even something." 

That was what I told them and they hadn't asked for more. 

Today was our break and many had stayed this time than our previous one. After I told Erwin that I'd be going to the graves of Ed and Wenrie that I 'made' for them long ago, news spreaded fast and about 20 of them had asked to join with me. 

"Ready?" I asked to the soldiers who are following me to the graves. After I got their approval, I lead them towards the forest, galloping through the trees. Birds flew by as the sound of hooves echoed throughout to where they were. 

10 minutes passed by and we've finally reached our destination. It was near a stream and there it was, across it was two rock tombstones. I was the first to cross the stream after I tied my horse onto a branch. Using the path of flat rocks that leads across it, I gathered some flowers nearby and placed it on each side of the graves. 

Soon, each of the soldiers did the same thing I did. They plucked a flower, placed it neatly near the tombstones and prayed. They left the place after that and headed back to the HQ. Only us, superiors, are left. 

"Big Sis," Isabel kneeled beside me, "can I talk to them?" 

I nodded at her and she smiled. Facing Ed and Wenrie's tombstones, she spoke. "Commander Ed, Dr. Wenrie, I know I haven't got to talk to you much but I hope both of you can hear me right now. I really want to say thank you for all the things you've done to all of us even though it wasn't much.  

"Me, Big Bro and Farlan might've caused both of you trouble, including Commander Erwin, for the past few months. We're truly sorry for that. Now, regarding about Corporal Plue, your daughter, adopted or not, she has been a great leader to all of us. 

"She had saved my life, including Farlan and Big Bro, during last year's expidition. If it wasn't for her, both me and Farlan could've died that day." Tears were starting to form on her eyes but she tried to blink them through. "I hope both of you have a happy life where you are right now. Maybe up in the heavens, watching us here from down below. Don't worry about us." Isabel couldn't hold it in after she had finished her sentence.

She turned around and flung her arms on me, crying on my shoulder. I petted her back, rubbing circles on her back. Marsel went in place of Isabel and continued for her. 

"Corporal Cherry, or Plue, is much like the both of you. Even though she's emotionless, she isn't ruthless and she cares for all of us. A skilled fighter and a caring medic. Those are the types of persons we need more in the Scouting Legion. But Cherry, she's like two persons combined.

"And as Isabel had said, adopted or not, we'll take care of your daughter, Cherry. We'll carry on your legacy, including the people who had died, and free the people who doesn't deserve to be locked up in these walls. The Scouting Legion will surely succeed." Marsel stood up and did the military salute.

The other superiors did the same. Both me and Isabel did to even though it wasn't proper. Hanji and Marsel helped both of us stand after that and we started heading back to the HQ.

"Hey Plue, do you have anywhere to go afterwards?" Hanji asked me as we placed our horses back to their stables.

"No." I said.

"Would you like to come with me and the other girls to Wall Sina?"

"What are you gonna do there?"

"Tour, I guess." She shrugged.

"No thanks. I'll stay here."

"Okay." She smiled a little and headed off towards where Marsel and Petra were, Isabel joined them too.  I waved at them once they were taken in by a carriage. When I turned around to get inside the HQ, Levi was standing behind me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Where are they going?" He ignored my question.

"Wall Sina," I saw him flinch a little, "Tour." I finished.

"Tsk." He averted his eyes at me and headed in the HQ. "Why didn't you join them?"

"What's with the questions?" He turned his head towards me.

"I only asked two."

"Who cares." He sighed and looked forward. 

We were silent for a while, just walking around the halls and dormitories when Levi asked another question. "I never once saw you laugh or cry, except when you were being hysterical at Shiganshina. Are you really that emotionless or you're just that plain?"

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You know what I mean." 

"No seriously, I laughed while being hysterical?"

"You didn't know?" I shook my head. "Well, now you do."

I frowned. "I didn't cry.."

"Will you just-"

"Answer your question?" I cut him off. "Honestly, I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" He stopped walking and I realized we headed towards his office. He continued once we headed in. And as usual, it was so damn spotless.

"What's with you and you're clean freakiness." I mumbled when I sat on a chair.

"Stop changing the subject." He growled. "You're really emotionless, aren't you?"


"Yes you are. I never once saw you smile or cry when you're sad or something." 

"Why do you keep on watching me?" He was taken aback by the question. I guess that kind of shut him up because he never spoke after that when I heard him mumble something.

"Maybe you're ruthless too."

"Excuse me?" I crossed my arms and he gave a low chuckle.

"I'm kidding."

For the next four hours, we kept on nagging about stupid things. Who was more emotionless, ruthless and the strongest. We didn't even hear Hanji came in when we were arguing about who can kill more titans out there. Poor Hanji was trying to defend herself when we started throwing things at each other. I don't even know how we came up with this conclusion in the middle of the fight.

"Why don't we have a hand-to-hand combat?"

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